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The Arbitrator
The Arbitrator
The Arbitrator
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The Arbitrator

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The Arbitrator is the story of a man's search for truth, and he finds it in a world beyond imagination.

Release dateNov 11, 2022
The Arbitrator

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    The Arbitrator - Robert Bach


    The Arbitrator

    Robert Bach

    Copyright © 2022 Robert Bach

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-8530-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-8531-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14


    When you consider man and all his history, the one thing that becomes apparent is that man is a religious creature by nature. Huge libraries have been written on the subject, and great wars have been fought over it. It would seem few things motivate people more than their personal believes and all that over the God concept. What is it? Where did it come from? The one thing in existence that cannot be defined or proven to even exist, yet it influences so many aspects of our lives, it's mind-boggling. It's best to leave all this to the experts for what it's worth. What is interesting to note is there is very little known or written about the spirit world, not in the sense of mediums, psychics, and all those who practice the occult by whatever their means. But in the sense of a virtual world complete of itself and separate from our own. A sub world parallel to ours, affecting this world in ways so profound it is beyond our comprehension or imagination. Look at it like this. Have you ever heard the phase The same yet different? Now imagine dimension upon dimension superimposed upon each other, all using the same material foundation of the planet. In each world, all the buildings, trees, roads, rivers, mountains, oceans, and so on are the same. But what is different is the beings that live in each dimension. Some exist in dream worlds, others in spirit worlds, while others are beings of light and so forth. To understand this is to know the true wisdom of Gaia.

    While there is only one material plane, one must understand that the whole planet is a conscious living entity all to itself. In time, this became known as the Infinite Expansion. God, in all his wisdom, appointed a council of spiritually evolved beings to serve, maintain, guide, and protect his great creation. There is one chosen to arbitrate over the council. The council is there to give its knowledge, wisdom, and advice to the arbitrator. It is the arbitrator's job to decide what is to be done and make sure it is done. The arbitrator alone has the authority and power to do whatever is needed to be done. This is done by the archangels who serve the arbitrator. They are his tools to maintaining the fabric of the Infinite Expansion. There are only three laws that govern the High Council. But they are absolute in their application. 1.) Only the Lord God Most High chooses who serves the High Council and to what capacity they serve; 2.) The High Council is there to serve only the Lord God Most High and his creation. No selfish thought, word, or deed can be allowed to influence the High Council for any reason whatsoever; 3.) The existence of the High Council is a closely guarded secret that must be maintained at all cost. Now we come to the reason why this was written. The reader will soon find that most of this work is about these worlds and the beings that dwell within them. A foundation had to be established so an understanding could be derived of the basic concepts that govern the majority of this work. This is the chronicles of the first flesh and blood man appointed to arbitrate over the High Council; henceforth, the title, The Arbitrator. Also, let it be known this is a work of fiction. The author makes no claims to the authenticity of the characters or concepts within this book. Enjoy!

    Chapter 1

    Bob Mountain

    The search for truth is ambiguous at best due to the actuality that most people equate faith with truth. When in reality, they are completely different entities within themselves. One can have faith in truth, but one does not always have truth in faith. What is unfortunate about this phenomenon is people dogmatically hold to their faith, whether based in truth or not. This dogma has been the cause of holy wars, inquisitions, and the guiltless murder and torture of countless innocent men, women, and children throughout the ages. It is sad to see how so many dreams and ambitions held by countless innocent hearts are broken and unfulfilled by the realities of life's unpredictable changes and uncontrollable fates. Bob Mountain was one of these broken souls having lost his wife and family to another's man's money and lies. He had not been able to secure a job and able to support his family, having been born of Indian descent and forced to summit to the yoke of racial prejudices that came with his social status. With his heartbreak complete, he had left the small town where he was raised and joined the military. This had been the culmination of his hope to an honorable death wish. Why not? He had lost everything; there was nothing left to live for. No one at home to write letters to or call. Bob was all alone in the world. He made no friends or trusted anybody, for it was a dear friend who had betrayed him. He always volunteered for the most dangerous missions. This earned him the nickname death seeker by his colleagues. Everyone who knew him thought he was crazy. But as the missions came and went, he was never granted his wish for an unnatural, untimely demise. Soon, he was emerged in uncontrollable, compulsive, and habitual abuse of drugs and alcohol. Everyone around him knew but didn't care enough to even try to help. Just as long as he kept doing his job, it wasn't a problem. Many that he served with were the same. Of those including, Bob thought it was a good way of dealing with a job that could take your life at any moment.

    Then one bright, clear uneventful morning, Bob's mind snapped. He didn't know what was going on. Bob just walked out into the wilderness for two weeks. This was a time that would change Bob's life forever. All he knew was that for those two extraordinary weeks, he walked in paradise with God. He could actually see the almighty by his side and spoke to him directly. Bob got all the answers to the questions that have burned in men hearts since his ancestors looked up to the stars in wonder. The almighty had the face of everyone that had been born or ever would be. God did not speak. Bob got all his answers from looking into the Lord's eternal loving eyes. Bob did not want to leave the Lord's side. He could have stayed and marveled at the unspeakable wonders for all eternity. Then came a voice from deep inside Bob's mind. It was soft yet heart shaking. My son, you can stay here with me. But I created you for a purpose. Do this for me, and I will fulfill your life. Trust in me, and you will see and do things beyond all imagination. They will praise you in heaven itself. Then the Lord left without any further explanations or details about his plans. Bob returned to everyday life with a fulfilled faith and purpose. But for what? He wondered. He became obsessed with anthropology, which is the study of people and believes. In particular, the mysteries of the ancient world. How did the great prophets have the powers and visions to do the things they did? Through his studies, Bob became convinced those secrets did not exist in today's modern churches, beliefs, and socials unities. As a matter of fact, Bob was sure they have all forgotten the great legacies left by the ones who lived directly with their creator. Not in the sense of belief and faith, but in the sense of truly being one with God on earth. A complete all-encompassing understanding and knowledge of God and his mysteries—those blessed holy few who could move mountains with a thought. Bob became convinced within his heart of hearts they had found the way to return to the garden of Eden, and he would find it. He would know what they knew. With his missions taking him all over the world, he was in the perfect position to study the past. Leaving all ideas of conventional doctrines aside, his mind was free to learn what he felt was pure unadulterated truth. He would get a scroll here, a book there. It wasn't long before he had amassed a huge library of the writings of ancient world. With work, he learned how to decipher their meanings. Bob dedicated every minute of his free time to them, always looking for the answers to the elusive mysteries that he knew laid within their pages. After some time, he began to notice how the alchemists of the ancient world produced a substance that seem to give all those whose knew its secrets—the wisdom and abilities to accomplish things beyond reason or belief. This had to be the link Bob had been looking for. He had read how, after the fall of man, the formula to this substance was given directly by God to the angel Rafael, who was ordered to teach it to Adam so Adam could use it to return to the garden one day. The secret formula to this substance was then handed down from father to son through the generations to come. But what was this substance? What were the secrets to its modus operandi? Its constitution? Its applications? Did it exist today, hidden from the world by some esoteric brotherhood sworn to keep its secrets from the world till mankind was ready to receive its wonders, or was it lost during the passage of the ages? It was known by many names: the Philosopher's Stone, Magnum opus, and Water of Life—just to name a few. Bob found there were many versions of the formula that still existed. But it was also written that everyone was incomplete. How were they incomplete? Was a vital secret ingredient missing from the recipe? A certain time of execution not mentioned? Were the formulas themselves purposely flawed to discourage the malevolent and foolhardy from possessing its mysteries?

    One thing Bob learned from his studies was that people in the ancient world thought differently than people do now. They thought in terms of pictures representing ideas and information rather than in words, which the way modern man does now. The hieroglyphs and symbolic-based letters in their writings clearly attest to that actuality. The full magnitude of this insight can be best understood by knowing pictures and symbols carry lots of different meanings, ergo resulting in whole civilizations speaking in languages founded on metaphors and similes. Bob knew this was the key to breaking the mysteries of the Philosopher's Stone. It was the primmer that was hidden from the whole world in plain sight. With this enlightenment, Bob realized that all the formulas were complete. It was time to start. He was beginning a work that had not been seen or done within this world for thousands of years. Collect water from a thunderstorm at the time of the lion. Leo, the summer—an innocent new born baby, pure and white—gives what has been changed. Collect snow from the first snowfall of the year. Take water that was made from the moon and stars in the time of birth and dying. Early morning due, from the spring and fall. Place each of the waters that you have accumulated in separate bottles, making sure that they are well sealed so as not to evaporate. Do not unite them until the time that death has arisen, Easter. Multiply its source with the powers of the sun, moon, planets, stars, and the earth. Two circles, one within the other, having the symbols and signs of the stars and planets within them. On the outside of the circles, at four points, place the symbols of fire, water, earth, and air. At a center line on each side of the circles, place the symbols of the moon and sun. Finely unite all your water in one bottle; place it in the center and seal it. Place the single fire of god's purity under the bottle and let it burn for forty days and forty nights. A candle that has been blessed. The slow heat is the master's work. Don't place the candle directly under the bottle. Let the candle give just enough heat to circulate the water in the bottle. As time passes, the restless spirit within demands its bride from the sea with a heart so pure and white. Sea salt. Add the salt, filter the water, and distill it.

    Bob was scared like he had never been in his whole life. He had three weeks to go before he could add the salt. The spirit inside the bottle was indeed restless. All around Bob's apartment was a poltergeist activity. Books flying off shelves; tables and chairs moving; doors, cabinets, and drawers opening and slamming shut. It was relentless all day and night without stopping. The spirit would enter his dreams when he was asleep and create hideous nightmares. Bob could feel the spirit trying to steal his soul. Bob's dream world and reality were starting to fuse together as one. Bob could no longer differentiate between the two. What had he done, he pondered. Had he found the secret of the ages or inadvertently opened the doors to hell itself? Still, he could not bring himself to stop. Something deep inside him told him he had to finish; there was no other choice. The anticipated time finally came. Bob added the salt to the mixture, and all was at peace. Bob felt drained to the core of his soul. But he had made it with his sanity intact. All he had to do now was filter, distill, and drink it. After it was all said and done, he held the bottle within his hand. It seemed to glow with a golden light from the middle of the bottle. Then he drank from the purified mixture. Nothing happened. What is going on? Bob thought. All that for nothing? Bob felt betrayed by his own illusions. The very next day, Bob was walking by a river not far from his apartment to clear his head. He soon noticed an old man and woman dressed in pure white were following about half a mile behind him. Bob wondered who they were. After a while, he grew tired of walking and sat down on a fallen tree to rest his legs. The area was full of trees and foliage that lead to the banks of the river. As Bob rested, he noticed something strange moving in one of the trees directly in front of him. He saw that it wasn't a bird or an animal. It was the size of a small cat, only it had the color and texture of the tree. Bob ran up to the tree and grabbed it. What Bob had in his hand made no sense. It was a piece of tree bark, but it had a face and was moving like a scared animal that had been caged.

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