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Automatic Writing: Key to Letters of Question: Book One
Automatic Writing: Key to Letters of Question: Book One
Automatic Writing: Key to Letters of Question: Book One
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Automatic Writing: Key to Letters of Question: Book One

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As We walk these narrow roads, I AM With You. The gift is here for all to seek and find. Look well, to your GOD, and all shall come, for you to grow IN MY NAME. This gift is of great importance, and I shall Open The Way for others, to HEAR MY VOICE, and Write MY Words, for this is to be. In great speed We travel, but with only the Lords Guidance can We achieve the blessings in this life on Earth. Take heed and HEAR MY VOICE, for It shall be your Guide with Great Love, Father of your Life, AMEN.

Release dateSep 17, 2020
Automatic Writing: Key to Letters of Question: Book One

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    Automatic Writing - Ginger Holloway

    Found In Old Saint Paul’s Church



    AS FAR AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT Surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

    Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant, they too have a story.

    Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

    Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it is your possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.

    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is, many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.

    Neither be cynical about love, for in the fact of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you from sudden misfortune.

    But do not distress yourself with imaginings.

    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

    You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here.

    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusions of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its shame, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

    Be careful, Strive to be happy.

    Gift from GOD as Letters Received and Sent

    September 28, 2009

    Automatic Writing

    Key to Letters of Question

    Trust is a process, a journey of giving ourselves over to a greater plan than We can ever imagine, and believing that our every step is guided.

    Divine Mind is tapped through prayer and ideas come forth.

    All that matters is living each day to the fullest.

    Regret is living in the past.

    Fear is living in the future.

    Hope always resides in the present.

    I have wanted to be able to understand life and with the help of Spirit for a long time. I had thought, if only I could talk directly and hear words that would answer my questions.

    It seems as though the longing has come to pass for me within these writings and I am eternally grateful. Ginger.

    (GOD’S Words) As We write, We learn to understand life and its challenges. Time stands still for some, but others continue forward with Grace and understanding. Do MY Bidding and follow ME and We shall travel as We have never traveled before. Trust is so important, as you are learning. All lessons come in different packages and I AM Here to attest that you shall travel a line of Love and Harmony as is MY COMMAND. Relax and the negative will release, as it has nowhere to go. Trust, for I AM King and I Love You, in all ways. Some are broken, but who can fix the mold but ME? Now Trust and move forward with Love, Father.

    Automatic Writing (A Gift for Ginger)

    Automatic Writing: Technique to connect with your subconscious as your helpers (Angels, Spirit Guides, or Higher Self). I found that in the Automatic Writings, there are much directives, beautiful and supportive. I am thankful for the love and guidance so beautifully given and the knowledge that I can go forward with peace now and later and I am not alone, now or ever. There are no words to describe the assurance I feel. Knowing seems to have eased my whole countenance. Now I can move on with the beautiful directives in peace. I was elated from the writings in the beginning and then began to doubt my sanity. The doubt caused me to throw some of the earlier writings away, for which I regretted almost immediately. It was if I had thrown a piece of myself away and I wasn’t comfortable. The understanding that this is a gift and a way for GOD and I to connect brought me back to the writings.

    Dean was working with heavy blocks of cement using the backhoe. I walked up to the backhoe and asked him if he was trying to work himself to death. Immediately, I saw that his eyes were huge with fear. I had never seen that look on his face before. He replied, Is that a premonition? I calmly said, No, I was just checking, to which he broke into laughter and the moment was almost gone, almost. The look wouldn’t leave me and I couldn’t understand what it was about. This incident is what started this Automatic Writing and resulted in the first writings.

    The Letter of Question?

    Automatic Writing (Harmony and Love)

    Oct. 1, 2009

    Concern: My question was, where did the fear come from that I saw in his eyes? The answer came, "It’s a two-edged sword, afraid of dying and afraid of living. Life can be very challenging. His is a hard task, he loves you deeply more than you know. You must give your energy in a positive way to help him at this time. Yes, he will die soon, sooner than you think. He must move on because he is Mine, you are too and I brought you together, for MY Purposes. Now it will soon be you and ME. We will walk together in Harmony and Love for the whole. For now, give time and attention to him and I will Guide you. Your anger will only hamper. Yes you are right he is doing all the work for you, because he himself knows the end is near. Trust ME, I AM The Force. The Force for both of you, all will be well. I will not forsake you. I love both of you. It is true, soon you will be blue because of the loss, but I will protect and be with you. Do not be concerned, live each day in love and I will see you through for now and later and We will work together in Harmony and Love. Not understanding has caused a lot of the grief. Because I need him to come with ME for future evolution, you will travel alone for a time without a mate, but I AM Here and the concern is small. I have much work for you to complete before you can travel with ME, as he. But remember something changed? His needs have changed and he must do something else. This will happen as stated and the grounding is set for this task to be completed, there will be no changes to this scenario. This opened his eyes and he actually dreamed of the coming event. He knows and he is preparing to leave you in a good state, as is his way. He loves you and he is working for you.

    The time is at hand, LET ME take care of the issues. ALL IS WELL and will be taken care of, all is true, focus on ME. Give all, for all too soon this great love will be ended for this time. Always you will be together, for this is the plan. Sometimes you need to travel ahead, sometimes he. Remember that you are both working the same line but each have different work to do, but together always is the plan. As you are, you are fine continue as you have begun. Part of the pattern of evolution, would you stand in the way of this? We know the answer and I AM Here and will always be here. Do not despair, Trust ME, HEAR MY VOICE Ginger, I Love You, Trust, ALL IS WELL.

    This writing sent me into shock. I tried several little writings after, which were very uplifting and then I become afraid that this was not right, especially since it was all I could do to deal with the answer to the question. Then on November 20, 2009, after much inner conflict and remembrances of the uplifting writings which I had thrown away in anguish, I decided to try again and made these decisions: I have to Trust Him now. I must believe that whatever happens next is according to GOD’S Plan. I give the two-edged sword of fear of living and fear of dying, letting go of my fears to The One that can handle all things and now We are in the Lord’s hands. No good thing ends with GOD. He makes all Our Endings into new beginnings.

    Before me is set probably the hardest task I will ever have to do in this lifetime. However, with GOD, all will be accomplished much easier as knowledge of the coming event helps and knowing I am not alone but loved, is of great comfort and I can move forward with Faith, Hope, Trust and Love. I delayed a little over five months before I could actually address The Source again with the writings, with the above declarations in tow.


    Question and Answers


    Q: When the weather changes will it bring a change in our circumstances?

    Yes, crying will ensue as you are getting closer to the time.

    Q: I had thought the time could be twenty or thirty years, maybe? No. The time is unimportant, quality of time spent is what is important.

    Q: How can I continue with this hanging over my head? Listen to MY Plea, follow ME, give what gifts I have given you to all and rewards will be yours all the days of your life. Trust is the key as well as acceptance of the situation.

    A: Okay, You are right, only You know the big picture.

    I will follow You and Trust You with all my heart. Father, I Love You and Trust You and I will continue as You have stated. Trusting You to Guide and lead me through the Valley of The Shadow of Death. My strength is Your strength, walk on with hope in my heart and I will never walk alone. I feel lighter already and I know that tomorrow will come swiftly and with You, I will be ready to climb the mountain set before me. I know that ALL IS WELL because You are The One IN CONTROL. We will walk in Harmony and Love as Directed. I am letting go, thank you, Father, as it is You who is making it all possible.

    Q: What is all this physical malady?

    Part of the pattern needed for this evolution. I know you don’t understand, but I will care for you no matter what comes about. Keep Trusting and follow ME, for I AM With You. Be patient and your gifts will be of much benefit to others, Trust ME. Each day will be a different scenario, as is needed for the whole picture to come together. You must be patient and Trust ME.

    Q: Sometimes I think it’s me? A: I smile because I know you love him. Love him enough to be the one, but I AM IN CONTROL and the future is Mine to predict. Yes, I know it hurts, but I have let you know ahead because I need your strength to be strong to carry on MY Plan. Try to be patient Ginger and I will bless you with longevity and love and protect you all the days of your life. You are Mine and Mine alone and it shall be as I COMMAND.

    Q: Yes, it shall be Thy Will as You Command, and I will follow all the days of my life as You would have it and rely on Your strength.

    Can all of this be so or am I just using my tools wrongly and therefore hurting myself? A: No, you aren’t using your gifts in the wrong way. I can talk to you and teach you this way. How many do you know can do what We are doing now? None and that is because I want it to be natural and I want you to Trust ME and Follow ME. Do not despair, Trust and I will Guide. Keep doing what you are doing, DO NOT BE ANGRY. The time is at hand, but MY Hand is Guiding and ALL IS WELL.

    Q: Would You have me not to address this question again?

    A: Take MY Hand and Follow ME. This is a way We can talk, not a problem. I know you Love ME and if this is a way we can talk, then let it be!

    Q: Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if I am losing it? A: Trust ME, I AM KING. Whatever way works to help you at this time is right. Keep up the good work. You can use this with others, but do not expect the same results, as I AM KING and have made all differently, this is a special gift for you and ME at this time and you will keep this gift as a blessing from ME.

    Thank You Father, I Love You Father, I feel that ALL IS WELL, truly, and I Love and thank You for all information and gifts You have given me. Patience will take practice, but I love the Gift of Peace you have given me and I am thankful for the Guidance, Love, and Peace You have given me now and I know You will be with me always as You have promised. When I am blue and low, help me to remember the gifts You have given even as We speak. Thank You for the balance as I can see it even as I write. How Great Thou Art! Thank You, Father.

    Love, Ginger.

    Guidance for Health


    First I would like to apologize for not keeping Our Trust. Second I want to thank You for the release in proper form, for I know that Your Hand was a Guide. I know longer feel that I have to do this job, the release was perfect and better than I could have done. What is my task now?

    A: Continue as you have and Trust ME to be your Guide. Harmony and Love together, this is how it should be. Relax, enjoy your time and you shall never regret the time spent now, in this way. I will take care of this situation, remember the good feeling the next day? You did well and this soul shall be Mine. Thank You Father, I knew that I had witnessed to her.

    A: Time will tell the story and she shall praise you in that you may have actual customers, if you chose. I know you want to continue to study and this is good and wise. Trust ME and all will be well. Keep up the good work. Father, help me not to look back with this one, to just let it go and let You take care of the problems etc. A: It is as you wish, good and true and all will be well with you. Keep focus on what is important to you and this time will be well spent. Soon We will be very busy you and I, Trust ME.

    Q: Is the activity too much for me, I feel fine from it? A: The activity is okay but beware, the time is at hand and you shall need extra energy for the coming events. Don’t overexert.

    Q: What can I use as a guide not to extend? A: Stop when body says tired. Rest, take some deep breath, refresh. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you are not super woman. Thank You Father, How Great Thou Art.

    A: I Love You, Ginger. Take heed and pay attention.

    Thank you for guidance Father and forgiveness. Help me to be kind to others and help them as I can properly. I don’t want to be judgmental of anyone, live and let live.

    A: Take MY Hand and Walk With ME and I will give you command as needed. Thank You, Father.

    A: Trust ME and all will be well.

    Ginger, I have one other thing to say, listen well for tomorrow will come quickly. You must get plenty of rest. Work, but rest, for you are going to need the extra strength to do MY Will. Don’t hesitate to take a breather once in a while. Okay, I won’t forget, Father. Would You help me to know what to do to take care of myself.

    A: Trust ME to be your Guide and I will show you what is needed.

    Thank You, Father, for healing I have experienced and the well-being and the guidance about what is right for me health wise. Thank You, Father.

    Count Not the Seconds


    Count not the seconds, spend each second wisely in joy and patience.

    Q: We are so thin and I have this eye problem. Would you please help us to understand?

    A: In time your maladies will make sense. Now is the time to spend together, sharing and caring. The maladies will work themselves out as I have special reasons for it all. Trust Ginger and all will be well. Hold onto the Sword of Truth, as We have planned with Hope, Love, Trust, and Faith. Thank You, Father.

    A: Now I want you to listen to what I have to say. The time is near and I AM Here With You. You are not alone now or ever. The Rock is supporting you and your love. Patience is important and joy is key to time spent now. Time Ginger, is not important, only time spent wisely is important. Trust that I care for you no matter what befalls you and your love. I AM Here and together all will work well as planned. I will be with you through thick and thin. Time is of essence only in how to handle each and every situation, Trust that I AM your Guide. Each day brings a new challenge, each day new and different as I have told you, some small, some large but all important, each step bringing you to where I want you. Not easy for you but if you rely on ME, We will spin together in a soft dance of accomplishment. Each task completed as is right for all involved. Yesterday was different than today and so it will go and will look very much like a Grand Adventure at some point in the future, when all the while supporting and caring for you and your Love. Trust and Obey is the way. Forget these things that hold you back and reach out and Trust The Source. Thank You, Father.

    Face the future with Hope, Love, Trust, and Faith, Our Sword, and work for all concerned. A joy for all, would not this be your wish? Let go of ideas that hold you captive in fear. Remember We let go of The Sword of Fear. Thank You, Father.

    Rest now and renew for the work lay ahead and you will need all of the above to do your work. You are Mine, as is your Love and together We will sail across the seas of trouble without the slightest ripple. Thank You, Father. Give of your talents and I will help you further into everlasting time of renewal. I will show you your way to help others. Trust and all will be well. Remember to think before you speak and listen to the inner voice that will Guide, as this will help you. Each day is different, be prepared for this and remember The Key—Acceptance. You need this key to handle the changes. You can see the changes beginning, are not you satisfied? Yes.

    Good, Trust and move forward.

    Thank You for the reminder. Now with Love, Father. Thank You, Ginger.



    Q: Will I be blind the rest of my days?

    A: Some work will need to be done but you will be okay and will be able to see all the days of your life.

    Q: Thank You, Father. Have I been out of line these passed days?

    A: Ginger, surely you know how to deal with situations in a positive way. You have stepped a little to the negative and caused yourself and others grief. The work was to be done. So see what negative accomplished. We all come to this and soon you will be able to hold your positive line better. Ginger, I have a message for you. Trust in ME and I will serve you in all your endeavors. Each day will bring a new task. Do not shy away from the tasks, little or large, they are important growth factors. Excuse all bickering not needed and let all pass that doesn’t serve you. Just let go, it takes two to tango! Remember who you are serving and Trust with all your heart. I will Guide and protect you. In your heart, I have placed a special token. It is there for you to use as a Talisman (Higher Knowledge). You just hold your hand across your chest and I will Guide you in troubles. The Talisman is a beautiful blue. I know you know the color. It is shaped like a small egg and has gold spots, as a bird egg. Just place your hand across your chest and you will know it is there. You also will know that I AM Supporting and helping you.

    Now is the time for you to listen to ME. I have special instructions for you. When you go to bed I want you to do an exercise. I want you to sit straight and rotate your head and neck in a circle. Rotate both ways, right and left until you feel comfortable. Do this every night before bed. Do not question this procedure just follow through. You will know when you no longer need to do this, time to rest.

    Thank You, Father.

    Q: A question of privacy?

    A: Have not I told you that it’s not important? Relax, the body is okay and you also, this is no longer an issue of importance. Just quiet time, even though small is okay. Haven’t We addressed this before and haven’t I corrected this issue? Don’t cry or judge yourself, I AM With You. Perfect, judgment on this is not needed, LET GO AND LET ME. The weather is beginning to change and you are feeling it strongly. As you sway with the changes, hold on tight and We will sail along the breeze comfortably. Trust is The Key.

    Thank You, Father.

    Continued Trust


    Ginger, HEAR MY PLEA, Relax, ALL IS WELL. Tomorrow will be another day and I AM With You. Time is of essence and you need to Relax and Trust. Tomorrow will come swiftly, I have you in MY Plan. According to all that is written, you must listen and assimilate. Shore up with knowledge given. Listen to ME, not to others, just let it pass as does not serve you. Yes, you needed to be here to work this out. Remove anger, does not serve, as what others opinions are do not serve either. Let them go, they do not know and you were right in your thinking. Yes, this was a bit much as well as unfair, you are right so stop berating yourself for your feeling. However, this task is complete and time to stand up for what is right and it will be done. Remember I AM IN CHARGE and remember where your Peace came from? Okay, so now forward We will go with Trust, Hope, Love and Faith onward holding tight We sail this stormy sea easy as 1, 2, 3. I Love You Ging, hang in there as I AM Your Staff and We will traverse this storm and all others.

    The end will come, but as I have said, not as you imagine. Let that go is not an answer, but yet another trap of delay in which you can’t afford. Again Trust and don’t be afraid to lay your hand across your chest and visualize your Talisman, this will give you the proper time to think and I will help with this. Relax, I AM With You each and every moment, I AM With You. Let the anger go, know that whatever is said and done has a purpose. Do not try, do not do anything, just Trust and All WILL BE WELL. Here and now, each step in this place is the strongest, most important element in your life. I AM Promising more than the sky’s the limit. Trust is what is needed to get there. Have not I been there when you questioned? No one could find the answer, only you and I know. AM not I KING? Then Trust and move forward with ME as Guide. Together We will sail a smooth and beautiful and graceful dance to the finish, I as Leader, you as partner. Do your best and if your best isn’t good enough, remember you gave your all and therefore you have accomplished. Consider each task as done and move on with ME. You need rest now. Love Always, Father.

    Thank You. Ginger.

    Stay Positive


    I have for you a question that is important for now and later. You must stay positive as I relate to you. Each task is very important and must be addressed in a positive way, you must not sway or get discouraged in order to reach the goal. Remembering is part of the problem and you must use your Talisman.



    Your book is open for all to see. Some will interpret it wrongly and some will add their own knowledge and some will get it right. The important part is that, the book is open and that you continue to rely on The Source, knowing that this is the only Truth.

    You answered correctly. That it is I Who have the answer, and it is I Who will make the choices as to what the future will be as well as to what is being done now, you are Mine. Soon We will travel like the wind as time will give you more courage to follow ME and hear Direction. Others opinions will lose favor as you realize how narrow their perceptions are. Have not I told you that all is okay as We all have different travels and We are all doing the best that most can. Accept what is set before you and Trust. It is as it is, all are doing as needed to grow and you need to be concerned about your own endeavors and LET ME take care of details for yourself and others.

    We and others see only that which pertains to self and judge from there. Because of this We cannot see the big picture and cannot judge what is right for others or ourselves.

    We need Guidance from The Source of Light and Knowledge in order to discern. Take comfort that you are not alone and Trust The Source. Reach beyond self and see above difficulties with help from The Source.

    Stumbling Block


    HEAR MY PLEA Ginger, follow My Guide. Cleave to MY Side as We travel through time. Time eternal and all will be well and is well. Write as I Instruct: Today is the day for a new beginning. All avenues have been approached and addressed for an outcome. Take heed and listen well, as tomorrow is fast approaching and today must bring the results needed. Each step forward will be counted as progression continues. Read MY Words and listen and grow as you have never grown before. Today is the day the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it. Keep up the good work, you are doing fine.

    A little stumbling helps one to remember where you are, so it’s okay. Reach, Trust, have Faith and Accept Life as it comes without judgments. Judgment of others is only a trap to keep you distracted from your own life path. Now you see that this and other ideas that people impose on you are their making and acts as a stumbling block to you and others.

    Walk on with Hope and all will and is well. Allow your heart to leap with joy, it is yours to enjoy now and forever. Don’t let others take pleasure from you. They are fooling themselves as well as you, they are not in control.

    The Way


    Today has been a busy day. I AM Here, Trust and Obey and you will find the way. I Love You Ging, as well as the one We spoke of. We will cross that bridge later, is not important, at this time.

    Now for another matter, HEAR MY VOICE. Stay strong and positive, I will give Direction. Time is of an essence and I want you to just LET ME and you LET GO AND LET ME. I know what your needs are and others, complete Trust Ginger. Let’s give it a try. Complete, question nothing, Trust.

    Cherish This Time


    How to live, Yes is the way. Question nothing, accept. I feel your sadness and I know your pain even before you. Many lives have come and gone and you have had to be brave. Did not I hold you when the pain was too great? Hold on tight. ALL WILL BE WELL. Cherish this time, it is Our Time, it is special for Us. Life can be distracting and sometimes feel like too much, but I AM With You and nothing or no one will interfere with My Plan. Rest IN MY NAME.

    Remove from Negative Source


    Uplift, that’s the key to success. You must keep positive against all odds. Listen carefully to MY Words. Each and every day will bring a new challenge, you must keep uplifted in Spirit, Body, and Mind. I AM With You and will help to integrate what is needed as long as you are open and receptive.

    Negative values cuts ME off, so stay in the affirmative of plus value or positive in another word. I Love You Ging, hang in there. Each and every day new vibrations will come in to play with your psyche. It’s up to you what you do with them, this is why the knowledge, to help you to be able to control the outcomes. Time is at an essence and I AM Guiding even as We write. Take heed to unknown energies that you are not familiar with, just direct it to ME and I will take care of it. Settle for nothing that serves you in the wrong way, remove yourself immediately from any source that is not serving in a positive way. Thoughts, feelings, and negative attitudes that do not serve, remove immediately if not sooner and LET ME. I AM Your GOD and it’s ME that you serve. Respect that which serves you in a positive way. Extend time only when you need to, as rest is an important factor in your health. You are doing okay, keep up the good work, stay close. Each day is a serving day and each step is a serving step. Trust and don’t delay in reaching for The Source when uncertain. Time is not a factor, results are important in how you deal with situations. Use the Talisman and hang in there with ME. Together We will sail this tempest sea in Love and Harmony. Love, Father.

    Key to Happiness


    Jot down these words, in Harmony and Love from above We will sail together. Good job is right, as We choose together and ALL IS WELL. Troubles will abound but with ME at the helm, ALL IS WELL. Trust Ginger and I will be the Guide. Stick to where you are is not wrong. Trust is your key to happiness. I will Direct the test and keep you safe. All will be cared for in due time and you will be okay. It is right, if it wasn’t you would have made different choices. Hold your positive attitude and all will be well.

    Yes, You made the right choice there also, as was the thing to do at that time and remember thinking that you were glad for that choice at that time? Hold tight as We sail the tempest sea, I AM Here. 1, 2, 3, and you need not even look back, for time will erase any residue of discomfort, you will only hold memories of grandeur and love. Good memories to hold you for a lifetime. Stick with ME and adversity will pass as if it were never there. Only Love will remain.

    Now take time to rest, I know you see the blue sign of the Talisman and I want you to remember it as We travel together.

    Blessing to you now. Rest In My Name and Love.



    See what I have for you. Close your eyes and look intently within.

    A: I see a beautiful golden egg, it is like a crater piece as it has deep impressions, like a volcanic piece. I also saw others looking on at the egg. The others were young girls. The egg is now half and it has a vibrant blue edge, seemingly in motion with a surface of milk glass. The surface is slick and with a finger extended I can raise the sticky substance toward me. I now can see a figure skating on the surface of the milk glass pool. It is ice and now, Dean and I are skating together on the ice. Dean is in control and I trust his every move and I am confident he will not let me fall as he calculates each of our moves with great precision and I am assured an accident will not happen because of the trust.

    Faith is Trusting THE ONE whose voice Guides every step of the way.



    How? By your will, letting the energies flow as they need to help with the healing process. Gain is coming quickly, but staying power for you is tough. Rest is important Virginia. Exercise is important also. Listening to the body is good and too much activity is not good, as it needs energy to heal. I will Direct you if you are willing to listen and also healing will come in time as long as you stay positive. Now, pay attention to MY Directives.

    Tomorrow will come swiftly. Today is the time for preparation. Let not trivial things interfere in your now learning process. I will take care of matters that are causing little strifes. You are to remain positive and listen so that tomorrow will be as planned. Continue on as you have done well.

    You must remember to address ME as this is most important for evolution. Stay focused and listen. This is where you need to be at this point. Time for change. Remain focused on ME. Time Ginger, time well spent is your key. Rest is very important as well as humor, no one is perfect. Forgive and remain focused on ME in a positive manner. Express yourself as you have been with this writing and you will excel beyond your furthest dreams. This gift is your key to future growth, beyond what you can comprehend.

    REJOICE IN THIS DAY AND ALL DAYS FOR THEY ARE THE LORDS. These maladies are stepping stones for learning and will become knowledge to you in time as to why. Trust is very important now and always. Yours is longevity Ginger, so hold on tight. These maladies will clear and all will be well. Time is your gift if you choose correct ways of handling outer situations. The best way to make proper choices is by depending on The Source.

    Staying today is good, tomorrow may be different. Remember each day is a different scenario, each day holding its own agenda. You must take it a day at a time, focusing on ME as your Guide in order for success to abide.

    A matter that needs to be addressed: Take time for ME. You have a tendency to rely on self-knowledge this is good to some extent but it’s ME you need to totally rely on. Self-knowledge is good but can only go so far, I AM The One needed for complete help. Rest.

    The Path of Time


    MY Child, HEAR MY VOICE, as time is as it is and will continue to travel as it does. This is natural and the way things are supposed to be. Time will travel as is commanded by ME. Sometimes We get caught up in time too much. It’s now time to let time take care of itself and do its job. Just like everything else, time is set in order and We can do nothing to change its speed or its slowness. It is a Path that belongs to Time and if We focus on The Path of Time We become a spectator of it and it captivates Our Time. Again focus on what is important to you and again, LET GO AND LET ME take care of Time. Your Time needs to be spent in a growing mode. Forget the time and focus on your growth. Challenges are important factors at this time for your growth. Look at them in a positive way and embrace them so you can grow. Also help others for when you help others you help yourself. Do not get caught in their paths, continue on your own while helping others as they intersect your path and theirs. Time is not important, it’s what you accomplish in your growth that is important.

    Read on and listen for the time is at hand. You question what is right for the country and listen to those who know We are in trouble. It will take a strong group of leaders to open the way. This will happen and you and Dean will play a strong roll in change, even though you don’t see how at this point. You know the magic of words and you had a vision of change with words as the catalyst. This will happen as the words are deep within you and will come forth naturally and travel the winds to save a nation. This will happen so easily that no one will ever know where the Words of Change came from. They are a gift and will come forth at the right time to employ all those that will force change into happening. It will be like unto a great revolution and all will be awed and taken into the channel of correction with love and the force of will. Much change will occur and happen spontaneously. Expect to grow at this time as many will be different than before. ALL IS WELL as you can see MY Hand is in The Plan. I say that for this other matter, that the need is within you and if you can allow natural flow to take over and focus on ME, all will be well. Have not We bettered ourselves when We allow natural focus to come into play? Relax and allow what is GOD given to come into play. Love and rest.

    Our Dream Nature


    Be still and know that I AM GOD. All these concerns are Mine as I knew about them. Don’t despair, hear the voice that Directs. Sometimes inconveniences cause Us alarm. Do not you think that I knew you well before even you were born to earth? Trust is the key. Remember much will cross your path. But I AM Here and know what has come and what will come and why. Trust and enjoy the time now in peace and love. For now is the time for Rest IN MY NAME. Let not yourself be troubled or afraid, it’s now MY Call.

    As We rest and the time is short We are Guided into everlasting silence of a Dream Nature. Time can be fickle, but is of no interest to Us now. Our Nature is to scramble up mountains in a big hurry, only to find the top and to ascend further up and then the decline. Ever ready to cry at the first objection to Our Plan, yet ready and willing to comply to knowledge. Away We go on an never ending journey, learning and singing as We go. Up, up and away into the blue, reaching, Trusting and learning the way as We go. Step by step, yard by yard and so goes life as We know it in Our Reality.

    Energy Passes


    Try seeing whatever comes before you as you saw the Talisman. Look directly at whatever is before you so that you can feel the energy and know what is there for you, what it is all about. You saw the Talisman but did not look at it or linger. It is important that you feel and understand what is for you. Now is the time to gather energy and knowledge as tomorrow is coming swiftly. Excuse ME for not explaining this sooner. Your energy level will need to greatly increase to be able to surmount what is coming. Open up to energy coming in so that you may gather in what is needed. Expect to receive much energy passes in the near future. You will know when the energy is there and what to do to receive it. This is a gift and must be taken as such. Remember, to reach out and receive with Grace. Now Trust as you have never Trusted before and the Guidance will be there for you. I will Guide you and you will be okay.

    In another matter I wish to address the cars that seem to pass you by in life, the travel to other places is another way to put it. You do not need to travel to other places to receive what is needed. Travel is in your Path but is not necessary for your growth. Take all in stride and you will use good judgment as is needed, as long as you depend on ME for instruction.

    Q: This eye?

    A: Trust and all will be well. Grace will come as needed Trust, keep your chin up and receive what is before you. Trust and look to your own path.

    The past is passed and the future is as GOD would have it to be. Thank You, Father.

    (My Talisman: A beautiful blue energy of light.)

    Hold Tight to THE SOURCE


    Many times in life We cross the threshold of ideas that are not ours. We are here to be a sound barrier that collects but does not keep others opinions. Your opinion is for you to learn from, as is someone else’s not to hang onto theirs or yours either. They are just lessons for the bearer and not yours. Let it go, it’s not your problem, it’s his. Now for more important issues. Today has been a challenge, because of the interest in someone else’s problem. Learn to let these things go, let them work it out. You are too busy trying to do it all. Now listen to your own heart and move on. Let that go. Naturally is the key, naturally is the way to go. Continue listening and visualizing the Love Circle and Talisman. All will come together as needed, keep working as you have been. You can’t afford upset and be thankful for the fill-ins at this time. I AM Here and I love both of you. All will come together and all will be known in due time. Patience is the key to all. Thank You, Father. Ginger.

    Now is the time to be wholly in the presence of GOD. You need to immerse yourself within the energy. This will take practice, and now you can see how you can get distracted by petty things that others bring up. Totally useless to you. Keep up the good work and you shall come out ahead of the game. Now focus on that which is important to your growth and his. Time is short but do not focus on the time, focus on beginning the strength needed. Each day brings a new task, some distracting, some days very valuable to your growth at this time. When in doubt and even when you have knowledge that ALL IS WELL, hold tight to The Source. You need this time for preparation for the work ahead and blessings will come later when the tide has passed. So walk on with Hope and all will be will. Trust is very important and keep educating yourself for the challenges ahead.

    Circle of Love


    Time is the key to new beginnings, be patience with yourself. You will soon know the right direction to go in life’s work and play. Yes, a sense of humor is nice and needed in life. Trust and Obey, there is no other way. Time will take care of itself as you focus on ME and the problems will fade into the sunset. Your physical difficulties will not be a burden to you and you will be able to do what you want, within moderation. Trust and hold out your hands for the Circle of Love.

    Each day will bring a new task and all will be well. Trust the process and you will do well. Each day will bring a different story line and your interest will stay aligned with activities and you will grow well into your own. Now enough of what will be, let’s focus on now, for now is what is important, as now is what will bring tomorrow. Relax, you are too serious about it all, did you forget that it is I Who is in control? Even before you ask I know, and all will be taken care of as is best for all. DO HEAR MY VOICE. Rest.



    HEAR MY VOICE, as I AM With You. Time is as always unimportant and you are doing well. You are healing and listening and growing. Now a task will come before you. Relax, you can do the work as I AM With You. Start with the letter B for beginning, as this is an entirely new task. You will do well and enjoy the challenge as long as you focus on ME. Now is the time for something new in your life. Each extraordinary phase of life is a learning cycle and you will be blessed with many as time goes on. You are tired now, as too much work today. You must use some discretion. Nice job but glad you took time for ME. I wish to continue to emphasize the challenges that will come will be fine, as I AM With You. Now take MY Hand and work with ME. All will be well, the test will be okay and you and Dean both will do fine. Is time to know the truth of physical condition, as best as man can do with tests, but the real answer is with ME and all is fine. Patience with the eye difficulty and Trust. Remember attitude plays a big role in health, keep focused on ME and no matter what tests say, look to MY Voice for answers. I AM Here with you and your loved ones, Trust as I know the story. I will help you with the tests, they are important. This will come to light latter as needed. Try to stay open minded and focus on ME and I will be with you and Dean through it all. There is a little secret that I have to tell you. Listen carefully and relax, ALL IS WELL. Today is the day that the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it. Now HEAR MY VOICE as I give you information to ponder. Tomorrow is coming and I have work, much work for you to do. Starting tomorrow, I want you to remember ME as each thought comes. Looking to ME as each situation comes into your path. Keep focus on ME, working to remember that I AM With You always. This is but a small task and an exercise that will help you in days to come.

    The secret is: that soon you will be able to do anything that is important to you and others with great ability, because you are able to align your strength with ME. This will take practice but is well worth the effort. More must be said about the ability to focus, as this is your key to success. You will be able to discern what is needed in your art of focusing. Trust Ginger, is a big key to understanding all that is required to accomplish what is needed. Some narrowness may ensue, but I have MY Army of Angels who have been given the job to keep difficulties out of your path. Work with ME Ginger and all will be accomplished as needed for the best of all. While you are at this task, nothing will interfere as I AM HERE. Rest now. Love, Father.

    Nations Troubles


    And so the story goes on and on as We travel the road of life. Today I want you to HEAR MY SONG, MY Voice. Yesterday is dead and gone, today is a new day between you and ME. The story is beautiful, but only you must hear so that others may be saved. Now hear this, the time is nigh for you to help in the nations troubles. It will be done in a natural fashion. This is the plan, you are to take all sounds of voice literally to ME on this issue. Yes, bring it to ME immediately even as words are spoken, direct these issues to ME. Say nothing, just listen and direct to ME. I will give voice when the time comes and words will come beautifully and naturally to save a Nation. Rest is the key to help you keep focused. This is your work, focus with rest. Listen and direct and the right words will come. I will Direct all and all will be saved, a Nation if you will, that you love and I have given to you as a gift for this life time. I will take care of all other matters, now is the time to focus on ME for this important task.

    Experience Is the Best Teacher


    The question will be answered as you need to know. You are doing okay, it all takes time. Soon information will come forth an all will be well. As to sharing of information for mate, indeed yes. How can you work together otherwise? His name has been included in this task. Each day brings different challenges for growth, keep up the good work, ALL IS WELL. I know you struggle to stay focused. This is a world of many directions and can keep your attention, so considering all this, you do well. Now We have much work to do. Do not take anything for granted. The seemingly unimportant may very well be an important key to change. Experience is the best teacher and soon you will gather enough energy to do all that is needed. Do not be afraid, remembering We have exchanged The Sword of fear for The Sword of Hope, Faith, Love, and Trust.

    Little Lesson in Faith


    Softness Ginger, is sometimes very hard to come by, especially for oneself. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Tomorrow will be another day and all will be well. Your malady will be cared for in time and another phase will begin of health. Trust and all will be well and pay attention to foods that irritate. Be patient and all will work out well. Fair is not a good term as you have done your best. Excuse yourself from this dilemma as it is Mine and I will care for all concerned. Justice will be done in MY Way. Relax now and open your eyes to what is needed for you and Dean. Now is your time and the focus should be with your relationship and ME. Now Trust and move forward as ALL IS WELL. I will continue to Guide you and if you focus on ME, nothing is a problem. The tests went well as I said they would, did they not? A little lesson in Faith here. Continue to Trust and focus and the results will be well, as you have seen. Rest is the key, remember? Know when to rest and set the work down. Too much focus on work is not good, you need time to relax. His way is not your way, you need rest.

    Robin Sings


    Trust Ginger, it’s the only way. The Robin Sings a new song each year and it will come early this next year. A new beginning for you two and all will be well. Trust is the key to tomorrow. These new changes will be exciting and fun time for you and Dean and not so much work all the time. Exciting times are ahead, so hang in there. Time now is good to share together and all will be well. Each day brings a different task and together the work will be done with focus on ME. Rest is important for you, can you see how one day is so different from another? This is the plan to help you stay focused. See, the tie that binds sometimes gets tight, but with ME in charge, all will be and is well. LET ME Write The Novel Ging. You are frustrated, but I AM With You to Guide you. I Love You and I will always be with you. Today is different from any other day you have lived, is it not? Variety is good to help you focus. Focus is so important at this time. Keep your eye on ME and all will be well, let the frustration pass and focus on ME. Sometimes understanding is helpful and sometimes it’s better not to ask. In this case, I AM Asking You to drop the question as is not important at this time. Just let it go, a resolution is not even necessary as you think it might be. The Novel is Mine and the Children are Mine. LET GO AND LET GOD.

    Reach for Him


    It is time to hear the story of the times that are set for you. You must take care to laugh some, cry some, run some and above all, to reach for that which is yours to keep and behold for this life time. Time is at an essence and you are doing fine as long as you reach for ME all will be well. Now I have a task for you to complete. This will not be hard but time consuming. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is on the way. Reading is very good and this is a part of your task. I want you to read carefully material that will come to you. Pull it in slowly and think about what is written, then send it to ME. Each word must be carefully sent MY Way. Try to keep focus on the words and send them to ME as if they were a precious gift, because they are. Time will help you to understand all that I have instructed you to do. You will see and be grateful that you are a part of the change. A change for all mankind. Now take a deep breath and HEAR MY VOICE. Soon all will be apparent to you and time will be of no interest, only kindness and love will remain in the vessel and you will be open to what is expected of you and the earth will be a play place for you and the ones you love. Take a moment and breathe deeply, this is a task you need to repeat often now and in the future. Each and every day will be completed with instructions and you must listen to get the instructions and send all to ME. The words will come swiftly and smooth but, you will comprehend them and be able to send them forth. All is at hand and you will do well. Time is of essence but you will do well in the time that is given. If it were not so I would not have told you. Now rest and leave it to ME, I Love You Ginger. Father.

    Message to Father

    October 26, 2010


    Wise Seek Him


    Take MY Hand, ALL IS WELL. Today is a day of learning and growing IN MY NAME. Life is short and precious and ALL IS WELL. Now HEAR MY VOICE as We ponder the future and now. Each day as today has different trials. They pass as the wind and are but small lessons. Tomorrow is coming and you are learning. One step at a time, step by step, yard by yard, We move as you Trust ME to Guide. Today will pass and tomorrow will come and as long as you remember to look MY Way, Peace will be yours. Trust in all ways. All will be good here, you are right, things are not always what they seem.

    Emotions play a tough roll in difficulties. However, I have been in control all along and knew the outcome. Things are set in order for the good of all involved. Remember to LET GO AND LET GOD. No problem is beyond ME. Now let’s get to the business at hand. This all seems too much but remember I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL. Deep breaths and letting go, nothing is too great for ME Ginger. Tomorrow will begin a new day and a new way, have you not seen a change? Each day will bring you closer to the overall change. Rely on ME and relish in the changes that are all good, changes that bring Peace and comfort to your life and to others. I know about it all, I AM Writing The Novel. Hang in there with ME and together We will sail this tempestuous sea.

    The Wise Still Seek Him (Dean).

    GOD’S Business


    Every day in every way We struggle with life in some way. Each day is as a new beginning, each day carries new lessons. Now keep your focus on ME. Your eyes have a difficulty that will be remedied in the future. You are doing well as the time goes but patience will be needed on your part. Keep up your care for them as it will make a difference in the long run. Continue as you have been, the drops are good.

    Likewise, she has a problem with you. She knows you are not comfortable around her and she is not comfortable with herself. Soon she will ask you for help and you will do a fine job of helping her as I will be in charge. Now, let that go for now, as I AM IN CONTROL. You are chastising yourself

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