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I Am
I Am
I Am
Ebook219 pages2 hours

I Am

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About this ebook

This book is written for two groups of people. The first group is for those ordinary Christians who decide to have an extraordinary life, which is the very life that God promises, wants, and desires for everyone to live.

The second group is for those who are struggling, have given up hope, or are in desperate need. They realize the folly and hopelessness in the idea that man can only rely on another man to help him. They have seen the limits of politics, education, science, technology, and medicine. They want and need a savior. They need Jesus.

Every aspect of life needs Jesus-personally, socially, religiously, financially, politically, and globally.

Jesus is the one true, reliable source, and he is the answer in every situation and for every need.

Release dateJul 30, 2021
I Am

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    I Am - Vincent Anderson

    The Good News of the Gospel

    In the beginning, the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed at the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone… So the Word became human and made his home among us.

    —John 1:1–4, 14 (NLT)

    Jesus is the Word. Jesus is the Gospel. Jesus, the Word, is the Good News of the Gospel!

    The Gospel is the Good News: It’s the best news you’ve ever heard.

    The Good News to the poor, destitute, and needy: You don’t have to be poor or destitute.

    The Good News to the sick: You don’t have to be sick.

    The Good News to those in sin, bondage, drugs, or alcohol: You can have deliverance.

    The Good News to those blind and broken in body, soul, and spirit: You can be healed.

    The Good News to those crushed, shattered, and oppressed: You can be made whole.

    The Good News is the I am God. Whatever you need, he says, I am that to you.

    The Good News is that it is not about us, but only about him.

    The Good News is ultimately nothing more than the expression of God’s infinite love for us.

    The Good News is that all my sins—past, present, and future—are washed away by the blood of Jesus.

    The Good News is that we are under no condemnation, guilt, or fear—because of Jesus, we are free.

    The Good News is that we are children of God, made in his image and likeness to spend eternity with him.

    The Good News is that nothing is impossible for him who believes (Mark 9:23).

    The Good News is that Jesus lives in us. We are one with Father God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is in us and will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

    The Good News is that everything Father God gave Jesus—including his name, power, authority, and glory—Jesus has given to us.

    The Good News is that everything I could ever need, I already have in Christ!

    The Gospel (the written Word and the living Word) is so powerful, so overwhelming, and so loving that nothing can stand against it. It creates, it transforms, it conquers, it is love itself, it is more than enough, and for those who believe, nothing is impossible!

    The true focus of the Gospel is never about us, what we have done, what we can do, what we need to do, or what we think or feel. It is all about God and what Jesus has already done and what he has purchased for us with his shed blood. Man getting in the way of God hinders the free flow of God’s grace and blessings. There is no power in the church today when the emphasis is on what we need to do rather than what Jesus did.

    It is all about Jesus in us—not about us, or Jesus and us.

    In summary, all of Kingdom Building Church International’s ministries are all about the good news of the Gospel—which is all about God’s love conquering and triumphing over everything. His Word is the source of everything good and noble, including life itself. It is, by far, the most powerful force in existence. (Nothing else is even worthy of comparison.)

    The good news is the only answer for everything—every thought, every situation, everything in existence. What is so remarkable is that this Gospel, with all its love and power, is free; it doesn’t cost anything, and it’s available for everyone who wants it!

    Jesus Makes It Simple

    Jesus knows everything that we go through in a given day or week, and so I love it when Jesus makes things so simple for us. He wants us just to focus on him and become like little children without getting all stressed out and bottled up in fear and worry. He wants us to use our faith to believe that we are righteous before him.

    As we use our faith to believe that we are righteous in Christ, we will experience all the blessings and good things that he has for us. When we focus on Jesus, we will have an increase, and we will begin to experience and receive good things simply because he loves us. Good things just happen to us when we are using our faith to believe that we are righteous.

    Think about David—as he believed, God made things very simple and easy for him. He didn’t have to learn to fight, use a sword, or wear heavy armor. God had him pick out a few nice stones and use his slingshot to defeat Goliath. As David focused on God, God made sure that the stone hit Goliath exactly where it needed to… And very quickly, very simply, the battle was over before it really began. I love it when Jesus makes things so simple for us.

    The leper was tired of being sick and being an outcast. He focused on Jesus and walked up to Jesus and simply asked for healing. He said, If you are willing… Jesus answered, I am willing, and the leper was healed. The leper believed; the leper simply used his faith to ask Jesus, and he received.

    The thief on the cross next to Jesus knew he was a sinner and that Jesus was not. As he simply spoke to Jesus and asked for his help, Jesus replied, This day you will be with me in heaven.

    The storm was tossing the boat around at three in the morning, and the disciples looked up and saw a man coming toward them, walking on the water. When Jesus identified himself and told them not to be afraid, Peter asked if he could come to Jesus and walk on the water too. Jesus very simply said, Come. Peter very simply got out of the boat and began to walk toward Jesus. Peter only began to sink when he took his eyes and focus off of Jesus.

    I love it when Jesus makes things so simple and easy for us. We need to know and believe that we are righteous in Christ and simply stay focused on him, and then we can kill the giants in our life, receive our healing, and do those things that the world says are impossible. What are the desires of your heart? What has God deposited inside of you? Jesus has made it simple for you. Believe, know that you are righteous, stay focused on Jesus, get out of the boat, and you can and will do the impossible just as Peter did.

    There Is One Answer

    There is only one answer; there is only one true source. There is only one true way. The source of all truth, knowledge, power, wisdom, and understanding is God. Why do we wander around and ignore Jesus? When we believe in Jesus, focus on Jesus, and make him the center of our lives, we reign in victory.

    When the children of Israel were in the desert, their source for everything they needed was God. God was the source for everything—food, water, and even shade. There were no stores, farms, factories, or jobs. The people had nothing, yet they had everything because they had God. Every need was taken care of, even when they complained and did not appreciate all that God was doing for them. Moses asked God, Who should I say you are? And God said, I am. I am—whatever you need, that is what I am.

    In the Bible, we see the results; we see the victories that occurred when people focused on Jesus, cried out to Jesus, and believed in Jesus. At the wedding feast, Mary instructed the waiters to focus on Jesus, and as they did, six large vats of water were turned into wine. Blind Bartimaeus shouted out to Jesus; he refused to be quiet, and he was healed. The thief on the cross turned to Jesus, focused on Jesus, began to believe in Jesus… And that day, he had a new home in heaven.

    Jairus’s daughter was dying, and he came to Jesus and asked for help. Jesus went with him to his house. Along the way, the woman with the issue of blood finally, after twelve long years, turned to Jesus and received her healing. When Jesus got to Jairus’ house, everyone said that there was nothing that could be done because his daughter was dead. Jesus said she was just sleeping and commanded her spirit to return, and he restored her to life.

    The Bible tells us that Jesus traveled to Jairus’s house in the midst of a large crowd. In that crowd, there must have been many people with problems and needs, yet only two people received their miracle. Only two people focused on Jesus. Only two people made Jesus the center of their lives. Only two people totally believed in Jesus, and as a result, only two people had their victory.

    Look at our families, our workplaces, and our churches. Why are people suffering, sick, and depressed? Romans 5:17 tells us that we reign victorious over everything through Jesus Christ. Unless Jesus is at the center of everything—every thought, every word, and every deed—there is no victory.

    Do you want to reign victorious? There is only one way, and that way is Jesus. There is only one source, one answer, one way—and that is Jesus! Jesus is all you need!

    Our Servant

    Imagine sending your son or daughter out into the world with the realization that in a short time, you would no longer be able to guide them and help them. You only have time to give them one last bit of advice. What would you tell them? What is perhaps the most important thing that you want them to know, understand, and carry with them forever?

    Jesus found himself in a similar situation. He was with his disciples finishing the Last Supper, and in a short time, he would be going to the Garden of Olives where he would be arrested. What was his last teaching? What was perhaps the most important point that Jesus wanted his disciples to know and understand before he was put to death?

    So Jesus got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him (John 13:3–5 NLT).

    After washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, Do you understand what I was doing? You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord’ and you are right because that is what I am. And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you (John 13:12–15 NLT).

    What Jesus is telling us is a game changer. This turns everything that the world says upside down. This is so important that this teaching is contained in all four Gospels. "Jesus told them, In this world, the kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are called ‘friends of the people.’ But among you, it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant. Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves" (Luke 22:25–30 NLT).

    Jesus came as one who serves. He did not come to be served but to serve. Jesus didn’t come to lecture, condemn, or give us a whole new set of rules, regulations, or things we must do. He came to serve us by taking away our sin problem, by telling us to cast all our cares on him, by setting us free (he who the son sets free is free indeed) from bondage, depression, lack, sickness, and disease.

    The world tells us that the most important person is the one on top, the one with the most authority, the best position, the most money, the one with the most possessions. Jesus says, But not here.

    If we examine what Jesus did when he walked on this earth, it is clear that he came as one who serves, even to the point of giving his life and every drop of blood for us. My brothers and sisters in Christ, this is something that we each need to meditate on, think about, and truly understand. Once one understands this message, it changes everything that the world teaches.

    A slave is at the bottom of the social ladder, as a slave is owned by someone, and has basically no rights. It is interesting that in both Mark 10:41–45 and Matthew 20:24–29, the word slave is used in relating this message. And whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:44–45 and Matthew 20:27–28 NLT).

    Wow, Jesus came to serve you, me, and everyone else! He took the lowest position so we could have the highest position!

    Believe and Receive with Boldness

    I once heard a preacher say that Jesus had a voice. When he spoke, things happened—the lame walked, the dead rose, and the storm ceased. Jesus spoke with knowledge, understanding, and authority. He knew who he was, and when he spoke, there was no doubt or confusion. He had a voice, and when he spoke, things happened exactly as he declared.

    Many Christians have an echo, not a voice. We speak because we want, desire, or hope for the desired result. We may confess scriptures and cry out to God, but we do it not knowing or not sure of the final result. Jesus knew who he was, and we must know who we are in Christ. We must have the mind of Christ, and we must believe and know the results before we speak. We must be a voice, not an echo.

    Jesus told a man with a withered hand, Stretch forth your hand. The man did so, and he was healed; a miracle occurred. When Jesus said, Stretch out your hand, the man stretched it out. He could not stretch a hand that doesn’t stretch, so the man would never have tried if he weren’t expecting results. This man did not question or doubt as he had real faith. Real faith does what it can and then attempts to do what it cannot do. This man heard Jesus teach, he believed, faith arose, he acted, and he was healed.

    Luke 6:6–10 (KJV)

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