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Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel
Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel
Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel
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Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel

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Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel

by Alfred Bekker


The size of this book is equivalent to 217 paperback pages.


Thagon, the mage of Aruba, summons the shadow creatures of hell. Horrific, orc-like shadow creatures and wolf warriors are in his service. He relentlessly grabs power in the realms of men, trying to replace their rulers with compliant doppelgangers. The barbarian Whuon and his companions confront him - and soon become hunted themselves...

PublisherAlfred Bekker
Release dateJan 28, 2023
Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel

Alfred Bekker

Alfred Bekker wurde am 27.9.1964 in Borghorst (heute Steinfurt) geboren und wuchs in den münsterländischen Gemeinden Ladbergen und Lengerich auf. 1984 machte er Abitur, leistete danach Zivildienst auf der Pflegestation eines Altenheims und studierte an der Universität Osnabrück für das Lehramt an Grund- und Hauptschulen. Insgesamt 13 Jahre war er danach im Schuldienst tätig, bevor er sich ausschließlich der Schriftstellerei widmete. Schon als Student veröffentlichte Bekker zahlreiche Romane und Kurzgeschichten. Er war Mitautor zugkräftiger Romanserien wie Kommissar X, Jerry Cotton, Rhen Dhark, Bad Earth und Sternenfaust und schrieb eine Reihe von Kriminalromanen. Angeregt durch seine Tätigkeit als Lehrer wandte er sich schließlich auch dem Kinder- und Jugendbuch zu, wo er Buchserien wie 'Tatort Mittelalter', 'Da Vincis Fälle', 'Elbenkinder' und 'Die wilden Orks' entwickelte. Seine Fantasy-Romane um 'Das Reich der Elben', die 'DrachenErde-Saga' und die 'Gorian'-Trilogie machten ihn einem großen Publikum bekannt. Darüber hinaus schreibt er weiterhin Krimis und gemeinsam mit seiner Frau unter dem Pseudonym Conny Walden historische Romane. Einige Gruselromane für Teenager verfasste er unter dem Namen John Devlin. Für Krimis verwendete er auch das Pseudonym Neal Chadwick. Seine Romane erschienen u.a. bei Blanvalet, BVK, Goldmann, Lyx, Schneiderbuch, Arena, dtv, Ueberreuter und Bastei Lübbe und wurden in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt.

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    Book preview

    Misty World - The Book Of Whuon - Alfred Bekker

    Misty World - The Book Of Whuon: Fantasy Novel

    by Alfred Bekker

    The size of this book is equivalent to 217 paperback pages.

    Thagon, the mage of Aruba, summons the shadow creatures of hell. Horrific, orc-like shadow creatures and wolf warriors are in his service. He relentlessly grabs power in the realms of men, trying to replace their rulers with compliant doppelgangers. The barbarian Whuon and his companions confront him - and soon become hunted themselves...


    A CassiopeiaPress Book: CASSIOPEIAPRESS, UKSAK E-Books, ALFREDBOOKS and BEKKERpublishing are imprints of Alfred Bekker

    © by Author ,

    Cover: A.PANADERO

    © of this issue 2023 by AlfredBekker/CassiopeiaPress, Lengerich/Westphalia

    The city of magicians

    The caravan was endless.

    Slowly they dragged themselves through the great desert of Tycia. Gorich sat wearily on his horse and let himself be rocked along. The sun burned down mercilessly on the earth. The desert sand was stirred up by the hoofbeats of the horses.

    Next to Gorich rode Whuon, who, like Gorich, was not from Tycia, but from Thyria. Together they had left their homeland to get to know distant lands.

    The caravan had set out from Himora, the city on the edge of the desert, and their destination was Sorgarth, on the hilly coast of Tycia.

    Have you heard of the wolf people, Whuon? wanted Gorich to know. The other nodded.

    Yes! They are said to live in the great desert. But no one has seen them yet!

    The story of the Wolfmen will probably be pure fiction, Whuon.

    Whuon nodded again.

    There are so many myths and legends about this land. For example, one legend says that the whole continent on which the known world lies was once an ice desert thousands of years ago.

    Gorich squinted into the sun.

    An ice desert, you say?

    Yes. It's another fairy tale that has been told in the Himora area for centuries.

    But most legends contain a kernel of truth!

    It's hardly likely with this one, Gorich.

    Man tends to reject the fantastic and the unfamiliar to him.

    Slowly, a fierce wind began to rise, kicking the sand up high.

    Hopefully there won't be a storm, one of the other men commented. Gorich shrugged his shoulders. He had never experienced a sandstorm in the Tykian desert, but from reports of locals he knew how wild and destructive they could be.

    We must not lose ourselves under any circumstances! shouted Yarum, the leader of the caravan. The wind was rapidly getting stronger. Already, one could hardly make out anything. Like a dense fog, the swirling sand enveloped Gorich's surroundings. His horse galloped, the wind tugged wildly at his clothes. In front of him, he could just make out Whuon. Under no circumstances could Gorich lose contact with the others. Who lost the contact, there was no survival for him. Gorich's eyes desperately tried to penetrate the swirling sand.

    And then he was alone.

    He could no longer see anyone.

    Whuon! he cried in despair.

    Whuon! Where are you?

    But his cries were swallowed by the wind.

    Relentlessly, he put spurs to his steed, hoping to meet the others after all.

    Gorich held his arm in front of his face to protect himself from the sand that was raining down on him.

    His horse was still galloping forward.

    If he did not find the others again, then it was over with him!

    Whuon! he cried out in utter despair.

    Brutally he drove his black horse on.

    With all his strength he clawed at his mount, for the wind had become so fierce that it almost tore him out of the saddle. He saw and heard nothing more. He felt only the sweat of his steed, to which he clung with his last strength.

    Gorich did not know where he was riding. When the storm was over, he would find himself somewhere in the desert.

    He didn't know if maybe he had been riding in circles the whole time. The thought made him shiver. He tried to think of something else.

    Then he recognized the back of a horse in front of him and a little later the whole rider. It was Yarum, the caravan leader.

    Yarum! shouted Gorich. The caravan leader turned to face the Thyrian. Gorich spurred his steed to even greater haste and soon had caught up with Yarum. There he also saw Whuon's gaunt figure. But he saw no one else.

    Where are the others? he called over to Yarum.

    I don't know! We lost them!

    Where are we going?

    I don't know! Maybe back to Himora, maybe towards Sorgarth, or straight into the desert. Or maybe in a circle!

    Fear gripped Gorich. Should their situation really be so hopeless?

    Isn't there anything we can do? he cried.

    We can only hope, Whuon said laconically.

    Hoping, what was that. What good could hoping do?

    A scream rang out. You could hardly hear it, because the wind swallowed it. It was a death cry! Someone must have been thrown from his mount - there would be no rescue for him.

    But the cry strangely calmed Gorich as well. So he knew at least that the others were still near. They all rode along - without sense and without goal.

    Gorich hoped only one thing: that this haunting would end soon.

    We need to slow down! shouted Whuon.

    Why? wanted Gorich to know.

    Because we don't know where we're going after all!

    Yarum nodded and reined in his horse. The others followed his example. But the horses could not really be calmed down.

    They were a little slower now, but still fast enough. With flying coats they rushed through the endless desert. From the others they heard no more sign of life.

    And then - it was like a miracle - the wind suddenly died down. Only a few minutes passed, and the haunting was gone as quickly as it had come. The desert was smooth again. The sun shone blood-red on the horizon.

    The storms of Tycia are short in duration - but all the more violent in effect, Yarum said. Gorich nodded wanly.

    That's what I've come to feel. Do you know where we are?

    I think we rode right into the desert.

    The caravan leader's assumption did not seem encouraging to Gorich.

    Look! Back there! Whuon pointed to the horizon. There, the weathered ruins of a city could be seen.

    I wonder if this place is still inhabited? asked Gorich.

    Yarum shrugged his shoulders.

    I've never been here before, he confessed.

    Gorich looked at the sun, which stood blood-red on the horizon.

    Soon it will be night! We could spend the night in the ruins, said the Thyrian.

    Yarum made a worried face. His brow furrowed.

    They tell all kinds of things about the ruins in the desert, Yarum finally brought out.

    Like what? asked Whuon with a mocking undertone that Yarum didn't notice.

    They say there are wizards and monsters there!

    And you believe it, don't you? laughed Whuon.

    Never mind! We'll spend the night in the ruins. We'll be safe from wild animals there, Gorich said now.

    A little later they had reached the city. It was completely dilapidated and it didn't look like anyone was still living here. Nevertheless, Yarum made an increasingly restless impression.

    He seemed to really take seriously the legends that were told around Himora.

    They set up camp in a half-ruined building. In front of the door they lit a fire.

    Silently, they ate the supplies they had brought with them.

    Slowly the sun sank on the horizon and it became dark. Only the moon shone brightly and unnaturally.

    We should lie down now. Tomorrow we have a strenuous ride ahead of us, Whuon admonished. But Yarum shook his head.

    I am in favor of assigning a guard, said the caravan leader.

    Totally unnecessary! escaped Whuon and Gorich nodded. Yarum shrugged his shoulders.

    As you say ...

    He wrapped himself in his blanket. The others also settled down and fell asleep.

    Something had awakened Whuon!

    He looked out from under his blanket: there was nothing to see, but something to hear. He heard a sound like human footsteps.

    Whuon threw the blanket aside and reached for his sword. Silently, he looked down at his companions - they lay asleep at his feet.

    Who could have caused the noise besides them? Was there, after all, someone else besides them here in this dilapidated desert town?

    There! There it was again!

    Yes, they were definitely footsteps. But they were faster. And what was that? Wasn't there a black figure scurrying around among the ruins?

    Whuon woke the others.

    What is it, Whuon? scolded Gorich indignantly.

    We are not alone in the ruins, Whuon replied.

    So the old legends are true after all! Yarum snapped.

    What nonsense! exclaimed Gorich.

    I heard them - and saw one of them!

    You were dreaming, that will be all!

    Hush, Gorich!

    The three were silent. Soft footsteps could be heard in the background.

    Truly! it escaped Gorich. He jumped up and reached for his sword. He nodded to Whuon, who noted with satisfaction.

    You were right after all, Whuon. What do we do now?

    We'll saddle our horses. In case of emergency, we need to be able to get out of here as quickly as possible.

    Yarum nodded vigorously and packed up his things. The others followed his example.

    Whuon then swung himself onto his horse.

    We will now ride through the city looking for these creatures or the creature.

    Slowly they rode through dilapidated streets, which in themselves provided a ghostly image.

    Finally, on a sand dune on the outskirts of the city, they saw a group of horsemen. They were wrapped in heavy cloaks and in their hands they held dangerous swords and lances. Slowly they moved towards the city.

    Their heads! Whuon was frightened! They possessed heads like they possessed wolves!

    The wolf people!

    What do we do now?, Gorich wanted to know from Whuon, but he didn't know either.

    From their gestures, they do not come with peaceful intentions, Whuon finally opined.

    Let's get out of here! shouted Yarum in panic. Whuon nodded. So the three of them blasted back in the opposite direction. But from that side, too, a troop of wolf-men came slowly toward them. There was no escape anymore.

    We will fight back! shouted Yarum angrily.

    No, Whuon replied. It would be useless!

    What shall we do then? Surrender, perhaps? exclaimed Yarum mockingly. Whuon shrugged his shoulders.

    Fighting is futile in any case, Yarum!

    The creepy wolf people were getting closer and closer.

    I just want to know what they want from us? opined Gorich.

    Whuon looked silently at the eerie figures.

    Surrender! a mighty voice echoed through the ruins.

    It's the only way, Gorich agreed, and Whuon nodded in agreement.

    We surrender! shouted Whuon to the monster.

    Some of the monsters got down from their horses and disarmed the three. Then the wolf-headed ones took them in the middle and led them into the desert. It was amazing how well they found their way despite the darkness. They seemed to know the way exactly. Whuon noticed that none of the wolves spoke. They all staggered silently on their mounts and made no sound. The horses made no sound either. They did not neigh, they did not snort. They just stubbornly put one leg in front of the other - they moved like machines, not like living beings. Silently this caravan of horror moved along. Hours passed. The sun slowly rose on the horizon - in a few moments it would be oppressively hot again.

    But something else was also appearing on the horizon!

    It was a huge dome. It might have been as big as a whole city.

    That's Aruba! exclaimed Yarum.

    What is it? wanted Whuon to know.

    The city of the magician. It plays a great role in the Tycian sagas.

    Are you sure?

    Yes, Whuon! In the saga, it is always described as a large domed structure. I hardly thought it possible that it actually existed!

    In the dome, a large gate opened when the troop of wolf-men reached it.

    Whuon and his friends were led inside. The gate closed in a flash. The room in which they now found themselves was kept in a semi-darkness. Bright torches blazed on the walls. Whuon and the others were ordered to dismount from their horses. Ghostly-looking wolf men led them up a narrow staircase.

    A door was pushed open, revealing a dark dungeon. The door was closed and locked - the three were now alone in their prison.

    This room was gloomy - only some torches gave some light.

    That's what we get for surrendering now! scolded Yarum.

    If we had resisted them, they would have killed us while we were still in the city, Whuon indicated.

    Gorich walked back and forth, perplexed.

    The question arises, what do we do now? he commented to Whuon.

    I would say wait and see before we do anything!

    Wait and see! Wait and see! We have to do something! shouted Yarum.

    And what do you think should be done, Yarum? inquired Whuon calmly. But the caravan leader shrugged his shoulders.

    Gorich clapped his hands together angrily.

    There's really nothing we can do, he said quietly, biting his lip.

    Since we don't have anything to do now, we can take a look around our prison. Who knows if finding our way around here might come in handy later, Whuon said. Gorich and Yarum nodded slowly.

    Whuon took a torch from the wall and walked away in front - the others followed.

    From a distance, the three heard music. It was only very soft, but still clearly audible.

    Whuon shone his light on a pile of human bones.

    We were obviously not the first to be brought here and murdered, he said, barely audible.

    What might they have died of? inquired Gorich.

    Whuon shrugged his shoulders.

    I guess we'll find out soon, he predicted.

    They went on. And again there was this music - it was a mysterious, mystical melody that could be heard from far away. The melody always seemed to be the same distance away.

    This music - where does it come from? asked Gorich.

    It is the song of the Gorgosh, Yarum said absently.

    Whuon looked at the caravan leader in amazement.

    Who are the Gorgosh? he asked.

    In the sagas, the Gorgosh are a race of monsters and monstrosities bred by the wizards of Aruba - just like the Wolfmen. They produce this chant.

    Let's hope that the old Tycian tales are untrue this time, Gorich said.

    Then suddenly a roar sounded!

    Out of the darkness stepped a gigantic monster!

    It had six huge arms and two sturdy legs.

    The head was very large in relation to the body.

    Huge yellow teeth peeked out of the mouth.

    Whuon felt as if the music had become louder and more violent. But that could be imagination, of course.

    Silently, the three backed away from the gruesome monster as it approached step by step. It was unmistakable that this creature did not come with peaceful intentions.

    That's when Whuon stopped.

    Courageously, he held the torch out to the beast and touched it with it. Filled with pain, the monster jerked back and let out a bloodcurdling roar.

    Whuon took a step forward and touched the beast again with the burning torch.

    At first it was very frightened, but then it lashed out wildly. Whuon had to make an effort to avoid the dangerous paw of the monster.

    Gorich and Yarum watched spellbound as Whuon began to play cat and mouse with the beast.

    The Thyrian became more and more foolhardy and ventured closer and closer to his opponent.

    Then the arm of the beast caught fire.

    Angry and roaring and writhing in despair, the Gorgosh ran into the darkness.

    After him! shouted Whuon.

    The three ran after the Gorgosh into the darkness.

    They followed the roar and the music that always seemed to come from the same distance.

    The burning arm was seen twitching as a torch in

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