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Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant
Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant
Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant
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Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant

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Savant is the first installment of the Spiritual Fiction novel series, Child With A Dragon's Heart and it was created by an author under the pen name Dōshanko.

"A chosen child who possesses a dragon's heart must fulfill an ancient prophecy to gather important celestial beings who will help fight against the evil that t

Release dateJan 31, 2021
Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant

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    Child With A Dragon's Heart Savant - Juan Eric Stafford


















    I’m sorry, my son … you need to hear the story again …

    But … Ibu, why can’t I go to sleep? It’s just a story and … late, it is.

    Because, my son, you have trouble with remembering.  But one thing you mustn’t forget even if you forget me, is this story … now let me begin again. It’s a little long so use your Aura to guide you through this time.

    Alright … fine.

    "EONS BEFORE TIME’S CREATION AND LIFE’S PERMEATION, there existed the first being with great power and wisdom; a shapeless entity that emanated a legendary presence; an entity that exists in every era. Unfathomable in every attribute, this being understood all aspects of nature through the universal knowledge. Known as The, it served as the fulcrum for ultimate mastery over reality, creating life, death, and void. Discord from these contrary forces caused The to splinter its energies to create three divine avatars of dragon’s blood, each with light and shadow. These three were physical manifestations of Darkness, Light, and The Mediator; each with their own name and sense of identity. Their power had different quantities, but they had learned to balance their abilities so that order could be maintained.

    Thereafter, a cycle change marked by Darkness's consumption of negativity, enabled its own separate will. Seeking to no longer intertwine his collective duties for balance, the shadow began to wage war on The Mediator and Light beings.

    In this instance, The Mediator was forced to merge with the consciousness of light to match the dark entity’s power. A war raged in the timeless void until the Light and the Mediator managed to defeat and cast away the Darkness into the far reaches of the unknown.

    Not fully accepting defeat, the dark entity dispatched malcontents who would intentionally cause death and havoc throughout any dimension that proved to possess life. As he hibernated, the shadows of angst grew, awaiting his inevitable return. Weary from the intense battle, the fusion of the Light and Mediator decided to splinter their combined energies further. In a supernova of colossal magnitude, splinters of their essences raced across the vast emptiness. Consequently, the original physical form of the fused entities was brought to a much weaker state as cosmic energies continuously left it.

    Thus, arose a prophecy of a human who would wield the heart of a dragon, destined to find The’s celestial fractions, and merge the guardians’ energies. Slumbering in the void of mystery, The must wait for its champion to complete such a quest through the power that unites all things in reality: AURA."

    Okay. Heard the story, I have. Can I sleep now?

    I told you multiple times not to talk like that. The world has changed drastically since our time and we can’t afford to be discovered. We’re all that’s left of the Old World. If you can’t stop talking like that, don’t talk to anyone. Do you understand?

    I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was. Yes, I understand. Goodnight, Ibu … *Zzzz*

    Goodnight, my son. I’m sorry for everything that shall happen from this moment going forward. But just know that I did all I could to raise you. When you awake, your eyes will not see me, but the world that I came from. May the Spirits guide you into the savant you were destined to be. Even now, no mortal knows of this prophecy but you and I. But there are those who live beyond our reach and understanding. They know this primordial tale better than I. Be wary of their intentions and believe in yourself every step of the way. You’ll find people who will care for you, better than I ever could. There’s more… so much more I want to bequeath to you. I’m so sorry. I love you so much. Thank you, for being my child. Until we meet again, my dear—




    Where one sees tragedy, another finds purpose.


    Within a forest of grey oak and ash trees, illuminated under a daunting crimson sky of a blood moon, stood a boy with almond clad in wolverine fur pants. His height was considerably tall, his arms thin as a whip, and abdominal muscles seemed as they were chiseled by a sculptor. His face possessed a cleft chin and had coarse hair that formed a majestic mane. The blood in his veins hailed from the tribe of Deva Suns, along the northeast coast of the supercontinent; renowned throughout the world as echoes of savagery; a clan so supernaturally gifted that the smell of one’s blood could reveal the fears and weaknesses of their adversaries. As a pacifist, he was raised to be distant from such violence. The boy decided to venture in to attain food for the last of his family, his father. This was Sorreno Tonbo. 

    Sorreno heard rumbling in the bushes behind him as the subtle breezes that passed him grew stronger. Is someone there? Reveal yourself now! I don’t wish to fight, but I will, if necessary! He pulled out his silver bow with a wolf's head carved in the grip's center.   

    Sorreno found a red squirrel storing a hazelnut underground before it scurried off into a nearby set of azalea shrubs. After Sorreno followed the squirrel, an eerie white mist engulfed the entire area. The once strong breeze altered into a dry and wintery chill. Sorreno, afraid, called out to his father. As he did, the mist began to condense, molding into a cloud in the shape of a wolf’s face with glowing blue eyes. It observed and stared at the boy from behind for a brief period of time. Sorreno shortly saw its face before it vanished. Wha-What was that?! I haven’t eaten much at all. My senses must be playing tricks on me. Even so, it was a strange sensation. Sorreno fell to the ground on a compost of befallen leaves, mesmerized and curious. Zalai eventually pinpointed his son on the ground, Son, there you are. I’m glad you weren’t eaten. Let’s  go home.

    Zalai was a short chestnut skin man with an athletic build, a bearskin vest, and batik loincloth. His hair was stylized in dreadlocks and his irises were turquoise. For his weapon, he carried a wooden spear with a fossilized shark tooth as its blade and he possessed a flat stomach below his large arms. On his face, he had tribal paint in two vertical white strokes; one running down his forehead to the bridge of his nose and the other that leads from the chin up to his lips. 

    As the duo walked in the direction of their home, Sorreno glanced back at the trees. He noticed a ghastly and enormous white wolf with blue eyes staring at him. The boy wiped his eyes with the back of his hands to test if this sight was authentic. As he opened his eyes, the wolf remained. Sorreno attempted to point out this ominous presence to Zalai, but his father noticed something more urgent before the wolf disappeared. As they neared the village, they saw smoke fill the air and ran as fast as they could through the trees towards the direction of where the smoke was most prevalent. Sorreno inquired what was happening, and his father sternly responded, Invasion. Stay out of sight until I return.

     But Ayah, why go into the fighting when you could go around?

     This is more than just checking our tent; I want to know why this is happening. It’s unusual for our village to be attacked first. Stay here.

     It’s just like Ayah to barge in head-on. But he's a strong warrior; I just have to believe he will hold his own. Sorreno thought. The village was open, flatland with many wigwams filling the area. Its perimeters were fenced with large spears of oak wood. Zalai and Sorreno had lived in the wigwam towards the village’s rearmost margin.

     Zalai ran into the village alone to find out what was behind the attack. After fifteen minutes passed, Sorreno succumbed to his childish curiosity and wandered into the village to find it devastated in flames with the bones of his kin littering the earth. Shrieks of agony filled the air. Stealthily searching for his father, Sorreno investigated all wigwams that were still intact. He found that his home was ablaze, but still standing. From the outside, he witnessed a quick glimmer of crimson illuminated from within the structure. What was that light? He saw not his father, but a young sleeping boy in the corner of the flaming tent; coiled in the fetal position with tears strolling down his face.

     He was thin, his skin was burnt umber, and his palms were slathered in blood.  The boy had a grey and stone tablet beside him. It had a circular void in the center while the outer edges resembled humps along with blue inscriptions of an ancient yet unknown language. When Sorreno inched towards the boy, the object had disappeared, First the wolf, now a vanishing rock and a sleeping child in the middle of my burning home? Am I losing it?

    Before Sorreno’s thoughts could even settle, the wigwam swiftly began to collapse. Sorreno instinctively carried the younger child away. Avoiding the violence, Sorreno took the boy into the woods. After a brief moment, the child awakened.

     Uh …greetings, do you speak? The child only looked back at Sorreno with a glazed stare. Sorreno could tell that there was something amiss. I don’t recognize you as a member of our own. What clan do you hail from?

     Please… leave me be.

     I know I am not to help strangers, but I just couldn’t follow through with that.

     "I... thought I told you to leave me! I’m not allowed to speak to strangers. What am I doing?! I guess it’s too late, this one saved me. And Ibu is nowhere to be found. Maybe he has seen her. But since you so desperately want to speak, I’ll ask you this: Where am I, and did you see a woman?"

    A woman? No, I haven’t. Why were you inside one of our wigwams if you had no idea where you were?! It doesn’t make sense. Did you lose your parents too?

     I do not remember what happened prior … please, where am I?

    Please don’t tell me the Spirits sent me a jester. If so, bless his soul. You’re in the encampment of the Deva Suns. Why would any outsider, especially a foreign female, leave her child unattended in a clan full of savages? That is just bad parenting. 

    The child froze with fear, his eyes refusing to blink, Did you say Deva Suns?

    Sorreno confirmed and asked for the child's name. My name should be left a mystery. Saved me, you have … tell me yours first. Attack and defend myself, I will. Warned me of these people, Ibu did. No! Ibu told me not to talk like this, but she’s not here to correct me! My cover’s blown!

    What’s with this sudden change in dialect? You need not worry about me! Where did you come from? Because if your mother warned you about us then why are you in the heart of our village?

     I told you— I have not the knowledge you seek.

    By the Spirits. This village is not a temple. No one should be left here, not even the dead. I’m sacrificing Ayah’s trust just listening to this one. He is not going to like this. I am Sorreno. To see someone as young as you, abandoned at so chaotic a time is quite concerning. I am of this clan but I’m not your enemy. I promise that you are safe.

    Before the boy could enunciate, Zalai appeared before both youths, injured with a gaping laceration above his kidney. Zalai spoke while catching his breath.

    Sorreno, who is he?! Sorreno informed his father that he had found the boy in a burning wigwam without his parents. Have you forgotten my rules?! You don’t know the dangers of associating with a stranger. We live in the Deva Suns’ village! No one is to be trusted here! No one! I trusted that you’d hide but I was wrong. Step away from the boy! Zalai tried to lunge at the child but his severe pain stifled his movement. You’re injured, stop! And I went in looking for you. If I was the stranger, would you have rescued me?

     That’s not the point!  You are so much like your mother; too trusting in others! Argh… this pain!

    I’m sorry, okay? But please tell me. What happened, Ayah?

    "Don’t think an apology will help!  As for what happened… I didn’t want it to be true but it seemed like a civil war … and Chief Tokahe… that cowardly bastard; he’s nowhere to be found! He would be gone when the village has burnt down! No other clan is strong enough to lead an attack on this land. Everybody I fought was of this village." 

     Oi… A civil war… I can’t believe it. I know you warned me of the clan’s nature, but I never thought it would be taken this far… You need to heal. If you try to find Chief Tokahe, you’ll die.

    It’s nothing I can’t handle! Argh, this burning! He's probably right.

    My name… Asura, my name is. The child quietly uttered.

    You talk awfully weird for a child. Well then ‘Asura’, leave us at once! I won’t let you bring harm to this family!

    Told your son to leave me, I did. I didn’t want this. But if I am such a burden to you, then I’ll make sure you won’t carry it. Do it myself, I will. Asura started to walk away but Sorreno stopped him. What’s the big idea? Your father doesn’t want me around. A danger to you, aren’t I?

    Asura, I know Ayah is too prideful to admit it, but he needs help. His wound is too deep for surface-level treatment. Please, if you can, help us.

    Asura’s eyes glowed bright golden as he witnessed what appeared to be a trail of yellow energy leading westwards, further into the forest. This may seem crazy … but even though I remember not how I got here, I … I think I know where my ibu may be. A healer, she is. We stayed in a shrine not too far west of here.

    Asura … could you take us there, to the shrine? Sorreno asked.

    Wait, Sorreno! How can you prove he is actually going to help us?

    Ayah, stop wasting time. We cannot stay here or you’ll die. Besides, I feel like destiny brought him to us for a purpose. What am I doing? I have a track record of not having much proof that my methods work. That’s why Ayah always makes the decisions. But this curiosity is gnawing at me; I must see it through.

     "… I don’t like this at all. But for now, I have little energy to argue. Don’t make me regret this, Sorreno. Very well … Asura, we will accompany you so long as I can be healed. If you cross us, you will be left behind. We cannot afford to take unnecessary risks. Understood?"

    But after I fulfill my end of the bargain, I cannot keep those two around. It’s clear they don’t trust me, nor I, them. The sooner I help them, the better off we all will be. Never bring anyone to the cave, Ibu told me. As you wish. Follow me. Zalai made sure to keep his eyes on Asura and a special watch of the terrain to be prepared to defend himself and Sorreno.


    The destiny that one is told is the destiny they follow.

    The three had traveled for several hours the next day. Each couple of hours, they stopped to avoid any voracious predators they encountered; that being sabretooths and Komodo dragons. During their breaks, Asura made sure Sorreno and Zalai feasted off of the cherries, blueberries, and strawberries the wilderness had to offer. 

    I’m sick of fruits! Asura, don’t you hunt? Zalai asked.

    Requires division, hunting does. Vulnerable, you are. Even more vulnerable, if left alone, you would be. Also, eat the flesh of animals, I do not.

    I… may not like eating this much fruit but you seem more aware than I expected. Your mother must have taught you well, Asura.

    Asura, are we close to the shrine? You said that it was not too far from our village.

    Yes, we are nearly there. Remember, we have a wounded man, and very sluggish, he is. Not to mention the delays caused by our precautions of eluding our natural predators. 

    He is very intelligent for his age, more so than I thought… Wait a minute… Asura, are you my spirit guide?

    What kind of nonsense, Sorreno?! Of all the things you’ve said in your fifteen years, my son, this is the most foolish! You’ve never encountered a spirit! I never have either. Asura is just a boy with an unusual sense of awareness. Nothing more, nothing less. Then, Sorreno explained that Asura went into the village undetected and Sorreno could just sense an enormous feeling of importance in Asura’s presence.

    "You are definitely your mother’s son… Asura is not a spirit… Argh, how much further, this wound is killing me… literally."

    This Sorreno… thinks that I am a spirit…  See I do, why his father does not trust his mental acuity… After the Sun’s luster descended past the margins of the earth, the skies went from lavender to starless. At that point, Asura led both Sorreno and Zalai past the woods and into a mountain range.  The golden trail Asura perceived led to a hidden cavern, far west of the Deva Suns village within a small mountain. Its entrance was a narrow and sharp crevice, located along the bottom of the mountain’s slope. Inside was a pool of water with a dazzling gleam in the moonlight and a wall tattooed with murals which were mainly blue-glowing characters of an esoteric language. 

    The three managed to enter the small space. The two youths faced less trouble entering ahead of Zalai who gradually wedged through the tight space, obtaining minor lacerations before he fell into the shallow pool. The water’s density just barely decelerated their descent.

    Asura called out to his mother but to no avail, the boy’s voice only echoed back to him. He began to drop to his knees. His eyes went agape and began hyperventilating, She’s—not here. Understand this, I don’t! Where is she?! What have you done, Ibu?! Are you looking for me? Are you lost? Dead? What do I do now?! This man is dying and I can’t heal to save my life! What can we do? Get it together, Asura! Even if she’s not here … another way, there must be! Go back on my word, I refuse! The sands of the proverbial hourglass’s top half were reaching their final grains. Sorreno, horrified by Asura’s drastic change in behavior, splashed the water onto the child's face. Asura’s stress began to rinse away as the water droplets fell back into their origin. Moments later, he looked into the pool, witnessing a golden glow emanating from its bottom. Zalai began to cough up a copious amount of blood and the strength in his body was further diminished. He stumbled onto his knees. Ayah!

    "Don’t worry about me, son. [Coughs] I refuse to die here!"

    Ayah looks terrible! Asura how much longer?? Asura? Asura, are you alright?! Where is your mother?

    This is a gamble. Hope it works, I do. I can’t afford to think about Ibu right now, or distracted, I will be. Let’s just focus on healing Sorreno’s father. The water… I remember now! Never mind that, I gave my word that I’d help heal him. Sorreno ... try laying your father in the pool with his face above the surface. I remember that my ibu used to bless these waters every time we were to consume. Its properties should energize him and cauterize his wound, but hurry, you must!

    You realize that this is just water, right? Regardless if this was blessed or not, Ayah has a giant wound. I heard of no such water that does as you described.

    Just do it. Your father doesn’t have much time. Doubtful, are you going to be? Or use this chance to save him, you will?

    With hesitation and his sweaty hands, Sorreno placed his father above the surface of the water. Zalai’s body glowed golden yellow, his lacerations sealed, and gradually rose back to his feet as if he was never wounded. What … what happened to me?

    I can’t believe it. It actually worked on him!  Thank you so much, Asura.

    Healed, he is. My debt is paid.

     Sorreno asked Asura about his knowledge of the cave and his strange existence with his mother. Born here, I was. My birth was something my ibu considered sacred. She lectured to me on and on about the Spirits, like she was shamanic.

    Asura, who is your mother? 

    Asura said that he was forbidden to reveal her identity and even if he was allowed, he couldn’t remember, much to Sorreno and Zalai's increased curiosity. What lectures did your mother tell you, Asura?

    I don’t remember much about her … I was born with memory problems. Know her name, I do not. I do remember that she said that she heard voices telling her to… do certain things… but what, I do not know. 

    Sorreno palmed his head as he whispered to Zalai, How does a child fall oblivious to his mother’s name? For all we know, he could have been kidnapped!

    Let’s not jump to conclusions, Sorreno.

    You should talk, Ayah. You always jump to conclusions!

    "Watch your tone, boy. I may not trust Asura but he did shelter us and save my life. I will be a little more welcoming. [To Asura] So, are you telling us you know nothing about your mother other than the fact that she was a shaman and that she had voices in her head? You sure she’s shamanic and not a maniac?"


    Was it something I said?

    ... All of it. Just because you’re less hostile of him does not mean you insult his heritage.

    "It’s okay, Sorreno. Unfortunately, I do not know much else... and a maniac, she is not! The wisest person I know, she is. She’s the only person I ever knew, but that’s beside the point. You’re welcome by the way… forgot your name, I did." Asura said.

    Zalai told Asura that it was because he didn’t disclose his name, to begin with.

    Oh … pardon me. Sorreno, I remember something now. Ibu said she was pursued a decade ago for hiding cryptic information and was left near death in the woods before I was born… by a means she didn’t say. Told me, she did, that when she closed her eyes, in this very cave, she was.

    Zalai took Sorreno’s hand and walked with him into a nearby corner. Son, your mother ... you know too well that she has disappeared for the same amount of time. Asura’s description of his mother bears an uncanny resemblance to yours. If this is true then he must be—

    Be what?

    Never mind...For all we know, my wife might have passed away… Saying that she could have ran away and mothered someone without thinking of returning is an insult to her character. This child… this mysterious child… his earthed history worries me... 

    What are you guys talking about? Asura spontaneously appeared behind the two. Zalai asked, So, what are these drawings on the wall? The blue characters on the wall surrounded what appeared to be the illustration of a newborn with a golden light shining over him by the grace of a golden draconian entity. Off to the side was another illustration of the infant portrayed with his mother hoisting him in the direction of the heavens. 

    Ibu once told me that the boy in the murals was believed to have been conceived through Aura, and with an absence of a father as the wall depicted, but he failed to remember its significance. He said that his mother used to tell him nighttime allegories of an ancient legend but he was too forgetful. Speaking of which, do you two know about Aura?

    Not really, no.

    Aura is the manifestation of energy that reflects thoughts, emotions, and even Nature itself. A gift from the Divine and knowledge shared among the Spirits, it is.

    This is starting to scare me. What is he? He’s so young, speaks using a distinct dialect, and yet he knows much about the Spirits. Mother always wanted us to learn but Ayah was too busy being angry. How do you know about Aura?

    I remember not, know it somehow, I do.

    That’s nice… that’s interesting! Zalai sarcastically said as he tried to sneak out. It’s pointless … know the only way out, I do. I also sense that with my knowledge… you’re scared of me. Isn’t that right, Sorreno?

    By the Spirits... how did you know?

    Asura told him that Aura can allow him to read emotions without exchanging a single word. It was also through Aura that allowed Asura to find his way back to the cave. Sorreno then asked if he could be trained in the ways of Aura, Only then will I trust you, Asura. Still, Zalai warned Sorreno not to trust Asura so readily and advised that they return to the village to find Chief Tokahe. Despite Zalai’s urging, his son refused to leave the cave so soon. 

    With all due respect, sir; your wound may be sealed but your body needs time to rest. If you head out now, you’ll be in danger. Since Ibu has disappeared, her rules no longer bind me as they used to. As for Aura, I only know its basic principles. Fit to be a teacher, I am not.

    Boy, I don’t wish to linger here!

    "Ayah, show Asura some gratitude. He didn’t have to save your life. Remember what phrase you taught me? Dishonor is the mark of a weak soul."

    Turning my own words against me? I hate it when you do that! But alright. Asura, I want to check on the village after I rest up. You may join our search, since your mother is not here to watch over you. 

    An impasse was forged where all three settled to investigate the remains of the village. A lingering feeling remained in Zalai’s mind about the identity of Asura’s mother. Before Asura could read him, Zalai informed the youth that he wanted Asura to do one more thing.

    What are your intentions?

    Hopefully, he does not suspect this is made up... He probably may forget it anyways. For saving my life, I will thank you by imparting some worthwhile knowledge. I will show you to dance.

    A dance? You don’t seem like the dancing type. What is this dance called?

    It is uh .... the Dance of the Screaming Pride. It is said to cleanse the body of impurities.

    Really? Because I don’t remember— Sorreno added before Zalai placed a palm on his son’s mouth.

    Cooperate with my alibi, son. I don’t want him to read me. Zalai whispered.  He found a nearby stack of wooden logs and created a fire that was caused by the spark of friction between two small flintstones. The three warriors gathered around the living heat. Zalai instructed the youths to take deep breaths, lay their hands across their shoulders, stomp on the ground side to side, and let out a warrior’s roar.

    This dance is a means to connect to the souls of the deceased. The louder you howl, the more passion you build. However, we always need practice, for I have yet to hear the voices of my ancestors. 

    "Why perform the dance if you can’t speak with your ancestors?


    Excuse me?


    "No, what does Samahani mean?"

    Your question was your answer. Moving on from that, allow me to spin a yarn. Since my wife was a spiritualist, she always wanted my son and I to refrain from being violent. My son opposes fighting while I have fought countless battles to stay alive. Sorreno is still young and I am not the most spiritual person, but my wife showed me this dance a while ago. It’s all we had before she disappeared.

    Quite elaborate for a lie, and even more elaborate for Ayah. I’ve never seen him be so calculated. He really is that afraid of having Asura read him that he makes himself look like a complete idiot. But I wonder if this convoluted dance actually helps connect to the Spirits, despite Ayah’s intentions. Hours later, Zalai and Sorreno rested on the cold earth beside the murals while Asura slowly walked into the waters and gazed at the crescent moon through the narrow entrance of the cavern. Hearing the rippling noise of Asura’s movement, Sorreno opened his eyes to watch, but did not move or speak. 

    While under the glistening crescent moon, tears rolled down Asura’s face as they fell into the shallows, "Ibu, I failed you. Burdened you, I know I did. You hid me here my entire life. Afraid, were you? If I was different, more functional, and independent, would this ever have happened? These folks may be here now, but once they achieve their purpose, they will just leave me behind ... just like you did. I ask you, Great Spirits, is this my destiny?! If so, why do I even exist? Why must I hide from the eyes of the world? Want to belong, I do; I want comradery, I want friendship, but afraid to step beyond the boundaries of my own shadow, I am. Please guide me. Terima kasih untuk mendengarkan. (Thank you for listening.)" As Asura laid above the water to sleep, Sorreno felt Asura’s despair and even shed a tear before going back to sleep.


    Conflict feeds off the wounds of the soul.

    When the Sun’s face arose, the skies of dawn became rose; Sorreno and Zalai were puzzled about locating an exit as there was no possible way to leave the way they came. Wait, Asura. I overheard you last night. I don’t know what you went through but I'm sorry.

    Who are you and why are you here?

    Did he just forget the entire ordeal yesterday? Uhh, I am Sorreno.

    Oh yeah, remember you now, I do. Sorry, sometimes, I forget things easily but some memory comes back. That’s right, depressed yesterday, I was. You invited me to come with you and your father?

    Yes, actually, Ayah invited you. I hope you recover. You were crying.

    Does Sorreno actually care about me? No, no bonds. Curses, connections are. The more attached I am, the worse I’ll be in the long run when people disappear. It is not your concern and it is unlike a warrior to apologize in another’s discomfort. Go with you, I will. Follow me from directly behind.

    He led the two to the right, following a wide road of eroded sandstone into a massive and dark corridor. The further they went, the less visible the terrain. Zalai stepped in front of Sorreno, Son, place your hand on me. Sorreno followed his father’s instruction as the trio pushed onward. The only distinguishable sounds were their footsteps; their inhales and exhales; and the droplets of cool water that fell to the ground from the stalactites above them.

    You two... stay close to me; the only way out is through Aura. If you hear the sound of rustling leaves, then we are close.

    Leaves? Why leaves? 

    To... ensure that no one finds this place, Ibu covered the other entrance with foliage, blocking most of the sunlight from the outside. Always knew the way out, I did, but she always forbade me to leave.

    I see.

    The three warriors made their way in the cavern to the nearby sound of rustling leaves. Asura's eyes glowed golden, shedding a tiny burst of light onto the body of leaves in front of him. He grabbed at it, and peeked through to see if there was anyone nearby. 

    Their perimeter was clear. Asura, Sorreno, and Zalai then emerged from the stack of foliage. Asura placed the leaves back to cover the exit and the three warriors headed east in a bamboo forest; towards the Deva Suns village. 

    When I was in a forest yesterday, I felt like I was hallucinating. There was fog; it was cold… I heard breathing and a wolf howl. I thought maybe this was due to my body's absence of food, but this never happened to me before. Something was watching me. I could feel it.

    When one finds themselves in the company of the Spirits, it is normal to deem it as an illusion. That’s what my Ibu taught me. Trying to tell you something, the Spirits may be.

    Really, you think so, Asura?

    It is possible. My ibu always said that Light is the compass to the Spirits. Try to shed light on that which you fear, you should. 

    And what is that?

    Your instinct.

    Sorreno stood still, baffled, but he began to perceive the same chill as he did the day before.

    This feeling… Ayah, can you make a fire for me? I’m... cold…

    But it’s warm out.

    This has nothing to do with the weather. Please, can you make a fire?

    Zalai broke off a small piece of bamboo from a nearby bamboo plant and gathered pieces of dried wheat that blew towards him from a strong breeze. He then half-turned the bamboo vertically and repeatedly onto the wheat until the process forged a miniature ember. Asura stepped forward with a mysterious small pouch in his hands. Asura, what’s inside of that thing?

    The ashes of the once animate can breathe life into the living heat. Give me some space, please. Zalai and Sorreno watched on speechless as Asura poured a tiny amount of the ashes onto the fire. The blaze’s magnitude expanded and Asura told the two to close their eyes. What is this, boy? This had better not be a hex!

    Told you if it was, I would have. Now please, close your eyes, then bring all of your focus to the living heat. Everyone sat beside the fire and when Asura told them to open their eyes, there were different effects. Asura witnessed no visible change but heard the screams of people as if they were being slaughtered. What is this? Why am I hearing such voices? No! Make it stop! I didn’t... Must forget! Must... awaken! The young boy opened his eyes, took some deep breaths, and managed to temporarily conceal his outward expressions from the sensation. Sorreno gazed and saw a vision of the fire coalesce into the face of a wolf with blue glowing eyes. You... what is it that you want from me? It looked right back at him and howled; ending the vision. Why do I keep seeing wolves? Zalai looked as hard as he could into the blaze but saw and heard nothing. Ugh, this was just a waste of time! Let’s go, son!

    Before Zalai could tread away, he overheard Asura as he informed Sorreno that he sometimes visited a secret waterfall in his dreams. ... I felt calm whenever I went to that waterfall. And greeted by a gorgeous golden dragonfly, I was. Though physically, my body always remained in the cave. I could tell that it was a spiritual vision.

    Asura, why were you really in that cave?

    I really don’t know. Protecting me from something, Ibu may have been. But what danger is so great that I had to spend ten years isolated from everyone?

    Sorreno paused as he heard Asura’s words, Ten whole years inside that cave? How could he have survived for so long without outside exposure? And he bears the same question as I do, it’s uncanny. What happened to you, Asura? Zalai was too busy searching for the village to fully listen to their talk.

    Before the conversation could continue, Zalai announced that they had arrived near the village. Zalai and Sorreno hid in some berry bushes to view the remains of the encampment from afar. Asura stood beneath a willow tree and noticed a yellow glowing Adinkra symbol, the Nyansapo (The Wisdom Knot) in the center of the trunk. The boy touched it, causing his palms to sear and his eyes glowed again. He heard his mother’s voice whisper, Inner-Knowing. He called out to his mother quietly but heard no response. What’s Inner-Knowing? And why did Ibu’s voice speak to me just now? Plan this, did she? Ugh... my memory is so foggy! Asura wanted to tell the other warriors about it but decided he wanted his findings to remain arcane.

    As Sorreno watched his front, his eyes began to irradiate blue and his hearing could detect faint movements; everyone including Sorreno was perplexed on how he was able to do so. Ayah, I hear something nearby. It sounds like people. Zalai went a bit closer to get a better view and saw the Deva Suns’ chief, Tokahe, alive, much to his chagrin. 

    He had a lean build, desert sand skin, and a red circular clay imprint that covered his forehead and nose. For clothing, he sported a red loincloth as well a war bonnet covered in condor feathers. And his most distinguishable trademark: an everlasting smile. Tokahe spoke to rival village leaders of the Peregrine tribe outside of the wigwams’ ashes. They were Yata and Yanpa, two burly twins with beige skin; both of them possessed matching vests composed of black eagle feathers. Their faces had black face paint in a diamond shape, covering from the nose up to the eyebrows with a vertical white stripe undulation. For centuries prior, their clan fought against the Deva Suns.

    Tokahe is a devious man and if he’s alive, he most likely has something to do with this catastrophe. I don’t care who it is, kill anyone who approaches you. Stay hidden and I will return with any information I uncover. Zalai said.

    Be careful, Ayah.

    Asura only glanced at Sorreno, as he felt an unknown void stirring within himself. Zalai accosted into the village and to his surprise, was greeted amicably by Tokahe, Yata, and Yanpa; but Zalai did not lower his guard for even a second. Just outside the area, the village was in sight. Its earth was blackened and countless bodies were sprawled out across the dirt. The ashes of the wigwams, stuck to the corpses like a shroud.

    "Ahh my dear Zalai, the sole claw of the cave graces us with his presence! I had a hunch that you survived. I’m grateful to the Spirits that you’re well. Welcome! [Stares at the ruins] A pitiful sight, isn’t it?"

    A pitiful sight indeed, but these tainted grounds are your home, not mine, Tokahe.

    Your wife would disagree. Speaking of which, did you ever find her from that long search you conducted?

    Don’t you speak of my wife… ever! You probably predicted your people were tearing each other apart and fled to avoid the battle entirely; it’s who you are after all!

    Now is not the time to dwell on our past, my dear Zalai. Last night, there was a child who murdered his parents and it caused the rest of the clan to battle amongst themselves in the process. You know our way. If I am the manipulator that you say I am, why would I want lesser people to rule over?

    "I thought I told you years ago that I'm not ‘your dear Zalai’! And a child, you say?! You expect me to believe the village with warriors of the highest known caliber in the land, were killed because of a child?! How delusional! Not to mention, you despise fighting because you’re a coward who craves power. Without your people to stand in your

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