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Revenge Is Deadly: Menage Romantic Myystery
Revenge Is Deadly: Menage Romantic Myystery
Revenge Is Deadly: Menage Romantic Myystery
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Revenge Is Deadly: Menage Romantic Myystery

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Tiffany is ready to end the revenge crusade and feels close to the culprit. Felix is the prime suspect, but there is another factor. She plans to bring him out of the woods. The man comes to her instead of Tiffany going to him. The trap is in place, but there is one problem. Tiffany falls for the handsome man. He is intelligent, debonair, and looks like her deceased husband. The man is Launce's brother, seeking revenge. Will he get revenge, or does he fall in love with Tiffany?

Will Tiffany save her life, or will she give the man a second chance?

Release dateDec 28, 2022
Revenge Is Deadly: Menage Romantic Myystery

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    Revenge Is Deadly - Carolyn Kenney

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    Author Notes

    This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, incidents, settings, brands, and dialogue are from the author’s imagination. None of this book is from real life.

    THIS BOOK IS FOR SALE TO ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. There are scenes with explicit acts of sex and adult language; some people may find offensive.

    Although some locations may have names that resemble real places, they are purely coincidental. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and owner of various products referred to in this work of fiction, which have been used with and without permission.

    Copyright All Literary Rights: Carolyn M. Kenney 2022. Carolyn M. Kenney has asserted her right under the Copyrights, Designs, and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

    This book is not for resell or distribution rights without the publisher’s prior written permission and the book’s owners.


    Idedicate this book to my mother, Lillie, who introduced me to reading a variety of genres at a very young age. She did not censor my reading materials and encouraged me to become a writer until the day she died.

    I also dedicate my book to my friends, Irma and Peggy, my inspiration and encouraging fans. I also committed every book I wrote to my friends and family.

    Chapter One

    Knowing who helped my husband, Laurence, to his death didn’t ease my mind. Instead, after the fire that takes the life of another man I love, I am beside myself to locate the person behind the series of accidents and murders. Tiffany believed she was on the right track until the illustrious barrister’s attempted murder-suicide took his life and spared hers. Now, a new face surfaces, asking for an investigation service to locate a connection to the escort agency. A person who began with the agency is out of sight. Is the person missing or hiding?

    Does your agency locate valuable objects and missing people?

    We search for anything and anyone of importance. What can we do for you?

    My sister and older brother do not respond to my inquiries.

    How are you making these inquires?

    Here are the last addresses for my brother and sister, who used to live here.

    What type of work do your brother and sister do for a living?

    Did you come to my agency because of my association with the Privette escort agency?

    My brother did work as an escort. My sister worked for various agencies and was a private contractor. She might have a business that is working under the radar.

    You didn’t answer my question about your reason for coming to me. Why?

    Let’s say I prefer to deal with experienced people. Your agencies have remarkable reputations.

    How much do you know about my agencies?

    You own and operate a security agency and this private investigation agency. Launce Privette had an escort agency that you inherited after his death. You are juggling three agencies and can do the same in bed. The rumors say you gained Launce’s impression from a menage with him. Is the rumor true?

    I do not kiss and tell what happened between Launce Privette and me. I didn’t know rumors were floating around about Launce and me.

    A person who began with the agency is out of sight. Is the person missing or hiding?

    Does your agency locate valuable objects and missing people?

    We search for anything and anyone of importance. What can we do for you?

    My sister and older brother do not respond to my inquiries.

    How are you making these inquires?

    Here are the last addresses for my brother and sister, who used to live here.

    What type of work do your brother and sister do for a living?

    Did you come to my agency because of my association with the Privette escort agency?

    My brother did work as an escort. My sister worked for various agencies and was a private contractor. She might have a business that is working under the radar.

    You didn’t answer my question about your reason for coming to me. Why?

    Let’s say I prefer to deal with experienced people. Your agencies have remarkable reputations.

    How much do you know about my agencies?

    You own and operate a security agency and this private investigation agency. Launce Privette had an escort agency that you inherited after his death. You are juggling three agencies and can do the same in bed. The rumors say you gained Launce’s impression from a menage with him. Is the rumor true?

    I do not kiss and tell what happened between Launce Privette and me. I didn’t know rumors were floating around about Launce and me.

    The only male in this agency spoke to me about your fees and services. He has more photos and my signed agreement. What else do you need from me?

    Mr. Flanagan, we can talk about more information after I confer with my staff. Harry is the chief manager, but I have additional staff members. I talk with my group before accepting a case.

    Your Harry said he didn’t see any reason to reject the case. Do you have any reservations about the information provided?

    It is possible. Harry jumped the gun in, accepting the assignment. As far as I can see, we can accept the case with stipulations that we have top facts and truth. People withhold certain details that might be distasteful.

    The man sitting across from my desk is an older version of Axel and Launce. I feel I know the man, and then the moment of our first meeting strikes a chord in me. I didn’t have a facial recognition moment, but I saw his physical stature. The graying temples and the shoulders of a bodybuilder straining against the suit jacket and trousers.

    I will continue talking to him as if I don’t know him intimately. I don’t know why I see the same features in many men resembling Launce. Launce’s suit never appeared too tight and poorly fitting. I don’t know if the fabric would hold around his thighs during our talk because the muscular thighs leave creases on the chair’s fabric. I can’t take my eyes off the dents in the upholstered chair.

    Why would your brother and sister disappear?

    Are your brother and sister in a dangerous line of work?

    I don’t know. My sister lives on the risky side of life. My brother was a bodybuilder and trainer.

    When was the last time you saw your siblings?

    I saw them in person eighteen months ago. I received a text message from them six months ago. Why are you asking questions when you should search for them?

    I believe Harry is tracking the financial trail of your brother and sister. Since you think Harry says we will take the case. Let me check, please.

    My intuition is spot on. Harry is trying to locate credit cards and bank statements for the pair.

    The brother is off the bank card grid. The sister isn’t in America. She shows up at a café at the Orly airport.

    YOUR HARRY SAID HE didn’t see any reason to reject the case. Do you have any reservations about the information provided?

    It is possible. Harry jumped the gun in, accepting the assignment. As far as I can see, we can accept the case with stipulations. We have top facts and truth. People withhold certain details that might be distasteful.

    The man sitting across from my desk is an older version of Launce. But looks different with the prominently gray hair. The shoulders of a bodybuilder straining against the suit jacket and trousers. I don’t know why I see the same features in many men resembling Launce. Launce’s suit never appeared too tight and poorly fitting. I don’t know if the fabric would hold around his thighs during our talk because the muscular thighs leave creases on the chair’s fabric. I can’t take my eyes off the dents in the upholstered chair.

    Why would your brother and sister disappear?

    Did I say my brother and sister have disappeared? They are not communicating with me. I assume they are missing for a reason. I want to know they are well.

    Are your brother and sister in a dangerous line of work?

    I don’t know. My sister lives on the risky side of life. My brother was a bodybuilder and trainer.

    When was the last time you saw your siblings?

    I saw them in person eighteen months ago. I received a text message from them six months ago. Why are you asking questions when you should search for them?

    I believe Harry is tracking the financial trail of your brother and sister. Since you think Harry says we will take the case. Let me check, please.

    I leave my client for the outer offices. My intuition is spot on. Harry is trying to locate credit cards and bank statements for the pair.

    The brother is off the bank card grid. The sister isn’t in America. She shows up at the Paris airport. A credit card usage marker at a bookstore. Another receipt shows usage at an airport eatery.

    Our client resembles Axel Privette. Are you sure he is not a family member of the Privette family?

    All signs point to a doppelgänger or a man with similar facial features. I thought the same things, but his name is Randolph Flanagan.

    He could use an alias. We didn’t locate any missing relatives before the quick sale to the Stakeholders. We must get every background detail about Randolph Flanagan.

    Okay, Mr. Randolph Flanagan, we will search for your missing brother and sister. I have more business out of the country to take care of this week. Harry, Sophia, and Jennifer will call you.

    WHY DO YOU REPEAT YOURSELF? You asked me the same questions yesterday and last night.

    You didn’t give me an answer.

    I gave you an answer. However, the answer may not be the one you want.

    No. The answer was a question. All you need to say is yes or no.

    Love for me doesn’t come easy anymore. I loved my first husband, who wasn’t honest about our love life. I fell head over heels in love with Xavier from the day we met in college. Once again, Xavier lied about our friendship, past lives, and sex life.

    But didn’t you fall in love with Launce after eight months of fucking?

    I fell in love with Launce because our first months together were loving, yet a bastion of the lies surface after his death.

    Are the lies why you hesitate to declare how you feel about me?

    I can’t understand why you ask me about loving you. Aside from Xavier, my lovers die.

    Please give me a yes or no. Are the lies the reason for you not saying you love me? Your lovers die at the hands of others. You don’t kill your lovers.

    The lies are part of my hesitation while I wait for the next Privette shoe to drop from space.

    You and your team of detectives found me. You are too smart for everyone’s good. Launce was right to marry you before he died.

    My team is on the case of two more Privette relatives.

    Does the team have names, places, and faces to match the persona of the Privette family?

    You and Emilio’s birth certificates help identify the missing people. Our job is to locate missing artwork and people.

    Have you told Emilio that you love him?

    No. I don’t love every man I fuck.

    Are you planning to travel out of the state soon? What about out of the country?

    I sold enough of the agency for the shareholders and Stakeholders to maintain the agency. My meetings with Tristan, Felix, and others are video chats. I have two agencies in Atlanta to keep me busy.

    Can’t you go to Paris with me tonight?

    My purpose for a trip to Paris is to see Launce and James’ graves.

    Damn, why can’t you love me half as much as the way you loved James?

    I want to love the man calling himself Axel Pembroke, Alexander Privette. The father of Launce, James, Emilio, and Alexander didn’t mind spreading his seeds with the ladies of the night. There were no legal abortion and birth control pills. There are two additional Privette children in the pipeline. We check birth certificates from coast to coast and countries.

    I know there are lies about the agency, lies about parentage, and lies about employment. I can’t commit to another Privette man until there are no more heirs from your father’s loins.

    What about the child you promise to, Launce? What about the child extending the Privette family line?

    The shots Boden Chaffin put into my body need healing before I can go through childbirth. Besides, I promised Launce to have his child because we wanted a family. The agreement was about keeping everyone safe. I would not turn over the data to the authorities about the illegal sex for sale, and Launce wouldn’t talk about my involvement in the two deaths of his employees, Serge and Colby, during their employment with the escort agency. I swore to Launce that I would not talk about Quincy and the BDSM gateway restaurants.

    What about your participation in Victor’s death? Did Launce plan to hold you responsible for his death?

    Launce felt Victor deserved his fate after killing Sarah and Evan.

    Please give me a definite answer. Can you love me now that you know my identity?

    I realize I can love one man at a time. Right now, I continue to love your brother, Launce, and mourn his death.

    Are you saying you didn’t love James?

    Strange feelings surface when a person faces the possibility of death. James was the closest family member to Launce when I thought Michael would kill me. I was fond of James. I thought if Michael knew I was going to have James’ child, he would not kill us.

    Here are the legal documents you asked me to give you.

    Thank you. Are you staying at the hotel near the airport tonight?

    No. The pilot is fueling the plane for my trip to Paris. We are glad you didn’t close the Paris and London office and opened a new office in Australia. Did you open the office to keep Tristan occupied?

    The Australian territory adopted decriminalization. With regulated prostitution, there has been periodic review.

    I set up the office in a place with less than legal problems like Canada. The sex workers are less likely to get the agency in trouble.

    Did you see the place before putting Tristan in charge?

    Yes. I stipulated Tristan would report the financial arrangements to Felix. Tristan will send me a spreadsheet with the receivables and payables. I don’t want to know the details.

    Is the new location to keep to the codicil in Launce’s bequest?

    Yes. I have eighteen months remaining on the documents as Launce Privette’s wife.

    What about the pay scales?

    Tristan gets a salary to stay off the police blotter.

    Did you stay with Tristan?

    No. After I sold my interest in the agency, I bought a house. I have two places in Melbourne.

    I stayed at Tristan’s apartment until my house was ready and my furniture delivered to my place at home.

    My second visit to the area. The house I bought had a tub. Tristan and I have been bedmates from the beginning of my relationship with Launce after Michael’s introduction.

    When will we meet again?

    I am always around Atlanta. I will see you on your next visit.

    What about coming to Paris to see Launce’s grave?

    Okay. I will see you next month.

    Chapter Two

    DO YOU HAVE BACKGROUND data about Randy Flanagan?

    We located scattered data. Are you sure Randy Flanagan doesn’t have a stand-in or double?

    Okay, why are you asking me about the man you agreed to take as a client, Harry?

    You can rub my impulsive behavior in my face. He said there were missing persons in his family. I agreed to take the client when he agreed to pay our standard rate plus expenses. Now, I am not sure he is a good client.

    Well, Randy’s check didn’t bounce. He has a bank account in his name.

    The bank is the only source of financial information. We ran an employment check on the man, and there aren’t references.

    Could he be self-employed? We have escorts without references. Could Randy be an escort from his younger days?

    We can go with the self-employment and work from that angle. He spoke about Launce Privette. Maybe Randy worked for Launce or Launce’s father. Should I look into those files?

    Yes. There is a file on the server marked old members of the agency. Check the server for a man fitting Randy’s profile.

    Is there anything else you need?

    No. Have you talked to Roscoe about the complete sale of the agency?

    No. Roscoe left a message on the universal answering system. He is calling us after lunch. Do you want me to forward any information to him?

    If you dig up more information about Randy, give the data to Roscoe. I have the preliminary papers from the quick sale to the Stakeholders. Roscoe is searching for a permanent buyer.

    What will you do with the agency after the expiration days agrees?

    I will put the agency into an escrow account until I find another buyer. Felix, Axel, and the other Stakeholders are growing impatient with me. As long as I own the Privette agency, I am surrounded by sex traders with risky intentions. The Stakeholders want to sleep with me, and the clients want a piece of the action.

    The agency took in a million dollars last week. You made four million last month. You could take in twice as much this month. I know we don’t need the money, but no one is bugging us to pay for the pills.

    Harry, we have cash without the Privette agency sex money. I have the cash from the prescription sale and the security agency. We will not go bankrupt. I apologize for leaving you with the new client. The Paris office is having trouble with escorts.

    Do you know who started the trouble?

    A headhunter got a list of our best people. Felix, or a silent Stakeholder, passed the list to the recruiter. I found the escort and client files on the server’s open-and-closed dates. Felix has the login passwords.

    Will Felix tell you the truth without a bribe?

    I will give him a pay raise for the information.

    Does Felix want cash or a blow job?

    Okay, Harry, we will not discuss Felix’s taste in payment. I could say the blow and hand job if Bodin were alive.

    Did you discover Felix’s recruiter for the agency?

    Nope. Money and sex are Felix’s motivators. My hunch is Felix worked for Launce’s father as a young man. Felix is a year younger than Launce.

    There is another call on the line. Do you want to wait for me to answer it?

    Yes. Roscoe might be on the phone with the sales data.

    I hear Harry talking, but I can’t understand the conversation. My mind wanders to my night with Felix. The nerd-looking bi-sexual man is wild in bed with sex toys and his lips. The man can kiss, lick, and downright fuck. He doesn’t care how often I climax, and he continues moving until he comes with a flood of stuff.

    I left Launce’s hideout near Paris. I didn’t know Launce slept with a long-time lover a week before our wedding. Launce was out of sight before our wedding. After spending the night with the man, Launce called his bunny. I understood Launce’s time away from me. Stephen Godfrey Anderson knew a lot more about me than I did. I found the data in the extra space in the bottom drawer of Launce’s desk. I arranged for a transfer for Stephen to Melbourne for his catering work. Stephen knew Quincy from their kitchen work together.

    Roscoe will email you his data about selling the escort agency. He says you can sell the agency to a combination of Stakeholders and use the same name. Roscoe wants the balance sheets from the agency’s first six months. I told him the agency is making profits every month.

    Did Roscoe say he has buyers?

    Logan Moore and two more men want the business. Logan owns a fourth share of the agency. He is part of the Stakeholders org.

    I owe Roscoe for digging into the seedy side of Logan and the guys in Nashville.

    Roscoe believes Emilio and Axel will fight you on the agency sale. Roscoe says you might need to offer to split the profits with the men. They did not need the money, but the agency belonged to their brother.

    Okay, I will split the money I receive from the sale of Emilio and Axel. We must dig deeper into Randy Flanagan’s background. I get the creeps from him. He is like a ghost. He resembles a Launce physique with a little age.

    I was thinking the same thing. I suppose I took his case because he is too much like Launce. His voice is similar, but his facial features make him a twin to Axel. Do you see the same features?

    Yes. I thought my vision was getting worse and my imagination was running away. I asked myself if I had missed Launce too much. Harry, thank you for keeping me sane.

    I know the five-hour difference is catching us on the wrong end. Is there anything else, madam boss?

    No. I am glad I caught you in so early.

    Don’t hesitate to call me. When are you returning to Atlanta?

    I should be home in a few days. I must retrace my steps to confer with Felix. Take care of the new client, Randy.

    By the way, he is traveling for the week. He will call us next week or if he locates the missing brother and sister.

    WHY DO YOU REPEAT YOURSELF? You asked me the same questions yesterday and last night.

    You didn’t give me an answer.

    I gave you an answer. However, the answer may not be the one you want.

    No. The answer was a question. All you need to say is yes or no.

    Love for me doesn’t come easy anymore. I loved my first husband, who wasn’t honest about our love life. I fell head over heels in love with Xavier from the day we met in college. Once again, Xavier lied about our friendship, past lives, and sex life.


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