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Tineshia continues to try and figure out all the forces stacked against her. Steve digs deeper to exact his revenge. Will's fight with his father guides him to a final decision on his love life.

Release dateNov 30, 2022

Christopher W Lee

Lee has experienced many things and heard many stories through traveling the world. Being open to varying points of view, leads to understanding and self reflection on one's own bias

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    THE FAMILY - Christopher W Lee


    Tineshia wakes and checks her phone. There is a missed text message from William.

    I haven’t heard from you since the other day in my office. Hope everything is ok, please let me know if you are available for brunch.

    Tineshia puts the phone down and stares up at the ceiling contemplating for a few minutes.

    What does this boy want from me? What am I caught up in? Damn White people shit. After 10 minutes had passed. Fuck it, I’m in it now.

    I guess I can be? Tineshia replies.

    Awesome, I will send Chad about 11:45 A.M? William texts back.

     If you want me to come, I’m going to need you to come not just send Chad. Tineshia responds.

    She looks at the bubbles on her phone awaiting the response.

    Finally, William responds. Understood, we will be there."

    Tineshia smiles and hopes out the bed. She plays some music and gets in the shower and starts singing. Tineshia continues singing as she gets out the shower and starts getting dressed. After getting dressed, she leaves her room and heads to the front door. As she heads past the living room, Betty, John, Ty, and Tye are in the dining room eating brunch themselves.

    Hey baby girl, you joining us? Asks John. Tye just heard back, she got in her first choice on a full scholarship."

    Tineshia comes in the room, hugs and kisses Tye. "Not today daddy, I’m actually getting ready to go to brunch myself. I’m so happy for you Tye.

    Hmm, you don’t see how she dressed Uncle? Tye says with a smirk on her face. I see you cuz.

    Tineshia blushes and winks at Tye.

    Give me some money and a driver I’d have all the women too. Ty says with his down as he puts syrup on his French toast and moves around the eggs on his plate.

     Tineshia lightly smacks Ty in the head.

    John rolls his eyes, If his driver, Chad, going to be the one to come and get you all the time maybe he should be the one you dating.

    Tineshia walks back over to her dad and kisses him on the forehead, I hear you daddy, and William is coming this time not just Chad.

    O really. John puts down his fork.

    Got him coming out his comfort zone. That’s my daughter. Betty says boastfully.

     Tineshia feels her phone vibrate in her purse and reaches in to get it. He’s here. Tineshia goes and hugs her mother. See you later family.

    As Tineshia walks away, Johns stands up from the table.

    John what you doing? Betty asks curiously.

     The man is finally coming out this way; I think it’s only right I meet this young man.

    Daddy! Tineshia says sternly.

    John raises his hands, What? I will be on my best behavior.

    John starts walking towards the door. Tineshia hurries from around the table and catches up with him just as he is getting to the door.

    Ty and Tye look at each other and run to the window to be nosey.

    Betty walks over to the window. Let me in there, I want to see too.

    John opens the door, Tineshia walks out first. Chad gets out the car and walks towards the rear passenger door.

    Good morning, Ms. Wite.

    Chad again. John mumbles."

     Dad please. Tineshia says under her breath. Good morning, Chad how are you?

    I’m well, thank you Ms. Wite. Chad opens the rear passenger door. William steps out the car with a smile on her face.

    Mmm, that is one fine White boy, exclaims Betty.

     Tye laughs.

    William walks towards John and Tineshia.

    Hi sir, I’m William Johnson II. William reaches his hand out.

    John shakes his hand. Good morning, nice to finally meet you.

    Yes sir, nice to meet you as well. Hopefully, we will be seeing much more of each other. Tineshia has spoken very highly of you. William turns towards Tineshia.

    You look great as usual. William reaches for Tineshia hand. I hope you’re as hungry as I am?

    Tineshia gives William her hand. Yes, I am starving. Bye daddy, I will see you later. Give mom and the twins my love.

    John looks back and sees the faces crammed in the window. Oh, I have a feeling they know. Tineshia and William walk towards the car. You all have fun and be safe.

    Tineshia looks back and waves. Chad opens the door for William and Tineshia. They get in and Chad closes the door and walks around to the driver side door. Chad gets in the car and pulls away.

    So, where we going for brunch? Tineshia asks. Tineshia starts naming different local popular clubs that also serve brunch.

    I’ve never heard of any of these places before? Are they new?

    Tineshia smiles and shakes her head, It’s ok I already got you out of your comfort zone out here. Where do you want to go?

    I’ve been a member of this golf club forever. They have an excellent brunch, Belgian waffles, quinoa, salad, mahi. Mmmm, my mouth waters just thinking about it.

    Tineshia looks at William with concern. Quinoa? Mahi? I guess.

    William laughs. Don’t be like that trust me you going to like it. You need to get out your own comfort zone too.

    "Mmm, I’ll give it a shot. I started keeping hot sauce in my bag once we started going out anyway, so I’m ready for whatever. William and Tineshia both laugh.

    The car pulls up to the country club. The valet, a 17-year-old White boy, opens the door to let Tineshia and William out the car.

     The valet sticks out his hand to help William out the car, Welcome back Mr. Johnson, it has been too long sir.

    William fixes his blazer, Thank you, it has been a minute.

    The valet looks inside the car and notices Tineshia. Tineshia smiles at the valet and leans forward, to get out the car. As she scoots towards the door, the valet starts to close the door on Tineshia.

    Hey!!! Tineshia screams.

     Chad quickly opens his door and gets out the car.

    William looks back. Hey, just what the hell are you doing kid?

    The valet fully opens the car door. My apologies Mr. Johnson, I thought she was staying with the car like your driver.

    William walks back to the car door and sticks out his hand to help Tineshia out of the car.

    What’s your name kid? asks William.

     Jimmy sir.

    Chad gets back in the car, closes the door. William puts his arm out. Tineshia grabs his arm. Jimmy looks shocked. Jimmy huh? William starts to walk inside. Tineshia meanly stares at Jimmy as she walks with William.

    As they enter the dining hall. They are greeted and immediately seated.

    I don’t see… I mean…Where is the buffet? Tineshia asks.

    Buffet? says William.

    I mean you said they have Belgian waffles, right? Where is the waffle station at?

    William slides Tineshia a laminated card with the menu on it.

    O, ok. I was thinking this was an all you can eat buffet style brunch.

    Well it’s not a buffet, but it is all you can eat and drink. All you do is place your order, and you see those guys over there? William gestures towards the back of the room. There are 6 young men and women, young teens, in all white. You raise your hand, and they will come when you need a refill or want to try something else."

    Tineshia slightly raises her hand. A young man quickly walks over.

    Yes ma’am, how can I be of assistance? asks the waiter.

    Tineshia looks at William in shock. William lightly chuckles. Tineshia yes, can I get a mimosa please.

    Yes ma’am, would you like the white or red?

    Red? Tineshia asks confused.

    Yes ma’am, we have a nice red and we add the orange juice to it.


    We also have a mango, blueberry, and grapefruit sangria.

    Tineshia looks at William. William gestures to Tineshia to go on. I’ll just have the white wine mimosa.

    Very well ma’am and for you sir?

    I’ll have the Macallan neat. Tell Carl it’s for Mr. Johnson, he knows which one.

    Very good sir.

    The waiter walks off quickly. Tineshia stares intensely at the menu.

    You see something you want to try?

    Yes, a few things actually. But I don’t see any prices on anything?

    That’s because here the price is included in your membership.

    Tineshia puts down the menu. So, you telling me you don’t pay for anything?"

    Oh no, you definitely pay. The membership here is not cheap, not to mention the maintenance fee.

    But after that you can order anything at any time and as much as you want?

    It’s just like a cruise or trip to the Caribbean, you know? Something like an all-inclusive.

    I wouldn’t know. I haven’t been to either.

    The waiter comes with their drinks. Places them down and walks away.

    Well, we going to have to rectify that. Aren’t we?

    Listen Will, I appreciate the offer and all. Tineshia takes a sip of her drink. Oh my GOD! That’s really good. William takes his glass taps it on Tineshia’s and takes a sip. Anyway. Tineshia takes a bigger sip. Damn, that’s good. Anyway, we can’t be up here talking about trips and all like everything is hunky dory. Like the invisible hand not out here researching my whole family and telling you to stay away from me.

     William laughs, the invisible hand. I like that. Hold up I’m starving. I’d hope we would be closer to dessert before we got into all this. Can we at least order first?

    Tineshia takes another sip of her mimosa, Sure.

     William raises his hand. Quickly a different person comes over. Yes sir, how can I assist you? asks the waitress. William orders first then Tineshia.

    I will put this in immediately. The waitress starts to walk off. Tineshia gestures to get her attention. Excuse me.

    The waitress comes back, yes ma’am?

    Another one of these mimosa’s please?

    Yes, ma’am absolutely. Anything more for you sir?

    I’m good for now, thank you.

    Very well. She walks off quickly.

    Tineshia takes another sip while looking intensely at William."

    Ok, ok. Listen I’m not at all trying to downplay things ok. This is even deeper than I thought. These people are anywhere and everywhere.

    Oh, now they got you scared. This is getting better and better. Tineshia finishes her drink.

    Listen fuck them. This is about us. Do you like me Tineshia? I mean do you really like me?

    Tineshia raises her cup to take a sip. William laughs. It’s empty.

    It is, isn’t it? Where is that girl at with my refill? I swear the boy was faster.

    William raises his glass. I asked you a question Tineshia. William sips his drink.

    Tineshia puts the glass down, Yes William, I really like you. I feel like we have a connection and a lot in common, but what we are talking about is a lot bigger than a mad ex or something. I mean we have your parents and some secret society trying to end this before it can ever get started.

    The waitress comes back with Tineshia’s drink.

     Tineshia whispers, now you come.

    The waitress overhears, I’m sorry ma’am for the delay, my apologies.

    Oh, no, no your fine love. More than fine, really.

    She is just really a fan of the mimosa but thank you hun you’re doing an excellent job. Will interjects.

    Ok sir, was just making sure. I will make sure I keep an eye out for your food. It should be out soon.

    Thank you very much. Tineshia says as the waitress walks off. Great I’m now taking things out on kids.

    So, what are your concerns? William asks.

    MY CONCERNS! Tineshia takes a sip. "How can I answer that. I don’t even know all the things I should be concerned of. Shit, we got your father telling me to stay in my place. The super-secret shadow hand group that is following me and my family. Not to mention you are my boss. I don’t even know how your friends and the rest of your family feel about me. Not

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