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A Marriage to An Asexual Bisexual: A Book Of Poems
A Marriage to An Asexual Bisexual: A Book Of Poems
A Marriage to An Asexual Bisexual: A Book Of Poems
Ebook81 pages33 minutes

A Marriage to An Asexual Bisexual: A Book Of Poems

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This book of poems takes you on a journey through Liam's mind as he processes the broken marriage from his wife who was the love of his life. Liam's wife came out as asexual and bisexual which confused Liam as to what his role was in the relationship. When Liam's wife came out, they were already separated for about nine months Liam's wife asked him to move back in and work on the marriage. There were some hurdles to overcome though.

When his wife came out as asexual and bisexual, his wife also told him that she was sexually roleplaying on Twitter using characters from Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway plays and movies. Liam told his wife that he was willing to work with her coming out as asexual and bisexual because he loved his wife very much but was not willing to accept her sexually roleplaying while being married. His wife agreed to stop the sexual roleplay, so Liam moved back in to work on the marriage. A few months later while cuddling in bed at night, Liam saw his wife sexually roleplaying on Twitter and told his wife the next morning that she was cheating on him. Things went south real fast.

After Liam confronted his wife about the cheating, his wife kicked him out of the house. Liam spent that weekend scared, confused, and confiding in the bottle. Liam relapsed after being sober for some time. Liam went into rehab where he met with his therapist on a weekly basis. His therapist challenged Liam to journal every day to get his thoughts and emotions out so that he could process them. The journaling led into writing poems.

This book, A Marriage to an Asexual Bisexual, is a journey of Liam's confusions, resentments, anger, and concerns over a period of about thirty days. These poems in the book are presented in chronological order as they were written over those thirty days. It's a journey that has allowed Liam to process everything that has happened and everything that was presently going on in his life.

Liam is now in the process of writing a second book of poems, A Marriage to Recovery. Liam supports the LGBTQIA community and feels that people should be allowed to be who they are and treated equally. This book is not meant to be used as propaganda against the community, but instead, it's a book about the confusion that the other half endures. Liam and his wife were married for fourteen years. Liam saw a big change in his wife about seven years into the marriage and was unhappy with the marriage for the last seven years. Liam often said to his wife, "You don't love me. You just love the idea of me." As it turns out, Liam was right seven years ago.

Release dateNov 3, 2022
A Marriage to An Asexual Bisexual: A Book Of Poems

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