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The Energy To Thrive
The Energy To Thrive
The Energy To Thrive
Ebook276 pages2 hours

The Energy To Thrive

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#1 Best Selling Author in 12 Amazon Categories

The Energy To Thrive offers you, the reader, new perspectives on using the vital electrical energy flowing through your body. A person's health is the result of an unimpeded flow of this electrical energy through the body.

The more you discover and use the fact that you are primarily electrical fields of energy the more you are able to take control of your health and well- being. This is true because you begin to realize the extent to which your thoughts, diet, exercise, and relationships create electrical signals that are either increasing or decreasing the flow of your energy. You have an innate power to control your health and well-being which is optimized by an unimpeded flow of your electrical energy.

No special skills are required to use the ideas, tools, and strategies in this book It is all about re-thinking what is possible and shifting the perspectives on your health because, your body is not a problem to fix, it is a miracle to discover.


Release dateOct 11, 2022
The Energy To Thrive

Grieg de la Houssaye

Grieg de la Houssaye is an experienced meditator and Energy Medicine Practitioner who has taught Hands-On Energy Medicine classes for the OLLI Institute at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. With a Masters Degree in Philosophy from George Washington University, de la Houssaye has released a pre-book called, Turn On Your Energy and a main book called, The Energy to Thrive. As an energy medicine practitioner he works with client’s electrical signals and impulses through the use of light or not-touch therapies which open up blocked energy patterns, thereby igniting the body’s self-repair mechanisms. de la Houssaye stresses to clients and readers that they too have the capacity to unblock their energies to improve their health and well-being. de la Houssaye dedicates himself to making sense of new scientific discoveries - proving everything is energy - and he freely shares this knowledge whenever he can.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I learned a lot from this book about energy and notice I become more aware of my body and how it interacts with my surroundings. The author includes a lot of references and this really lends to the credibility of the topic. I highly recommend this book if you want to learn about your body's potential as an energy being.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great book! Worth reading if you are into manipulating energy to attract what you want. There are tools here for a life time and after! Love, Larissa O.

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The Energy To Thrive - Grieg de la Houssaye


You have an innate power to control your health and well-being which is optimized by an unimpeded flow of your electrical energy.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., stem cell biologist, and author of several bestselling books, and Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine. had this to say about The Energy to Thrive.

Lipton said, "To understand how your body’s electrical fields directly impact the quality of your life, I highly recommend The Energy To Thrive. Grieg emphasizes how this information can be used to transform, which translates as self-empowerment, so needed in today’s chaotic world.  And, Eden said, I think your book, The Energy To Thrive, is a wonderful contribution to the field. I love your ideas and like how you honor other pioneers in the field. The world needs it; you have a way of explaining energy that is so available to the normal human who hasn’t been taught about it."

No special skills are required to use the ideas, tools, and strategies in this book It is all about re-thinking what is possible and shifting the perspectives on your health because, your body is not a problem to fix, it is a miracle to discover.


The Energy To Thrive offers you, the reader, new perspectives on using the vital electrical energy flowing through your body. These perspectives are grounded on the idea that health is the result of an unimpeded flow of this electrical energy through your body.

My first introduction to the idea that I was made up of electrical fields of energy came through Transcendental Meditation. With practice, I developed the ability to visualize my electrical fields of energy as a matrix or grid upon which stress nodules formed. Through the relaxing effects of meditating, my body was able to dissolve those stress nodules. My curiosity to further use my body!s electrical energy to live a life without stress was born.

You, too, have an innate ability to create ease. Regularly disconnecting or transcending your three-dimensional reality (objects, places, and people) enables you to connect with invisible energies that are filled with information and intelligence all around you. It is beyond anything you experience with your five major senses. The tools you will learn in this book will enable you to increase this flow of electrical energy and connect to what I am calling the Electrically Interactive and Super Conductive World (EISCW).

I once had digestive problem that had severely interrupted my sleep for more than fifteen years. One day while watching an energy practitioner work on my dad, I asked her if she had any ideas for my digestive problem. Without hesitation, the she suggested I simply hold my thumb. After two days of holding my thumb as often as I could, my digestive distress decreased dramatically and I felt like a new person. The realization that the energy in my thumb could affect my digestion led me to study everything I could about the flow of electrical energy in the body. I took classes throughout the United States, read books, and attended seminars.

As a therapist, I have been studying light and no-touch therapies for more than 25 years. With these skills and techniques I am able to feel and release disrupted patterns or distorted rhythms of electrical energy in and around a person’s body, through my hands. Feeling the incredible shifts in clients’ energies, has proven to me the amazing capability of the body to heal itself. These interactions with the body!s electrical energy have made me passionate about explaining the genius capabilities of the body. I want to help you realize that your body is not a problem to fix, but a miracle to discover.

My background as a therapist combined with scientific studies and research has enabled me to create this book, so you too can discover and use your electrical energy in you daily life and work to not only live but thrive. Your body is made up of electrical fields of energy. Every day you are impacted by, and interact with, this energy. The Energy To Thrive offers you practical strategies to discover and use this massive flow of electrical energy

Part One - Understanding You are Primarily Electrical Fields of Energy is the First Step

Introduction to Part One

Though you may perceive the world and everything within it to be physical or material, quantum physics states everything existing in the universe is made up of energy. It constantly pulses, flows, changes, and contains information. Because you may have become used to thinking about yourself and everything in the universe as primarily chemical and mechanical, cause and effect, and fixed and solid, it could be difficult accepting everything is energy. Learning to understand the world of energy is as important as understanding the world of matter, as is, finding balance between the world of matter and the world of energy.

Understanding you are primarily electrical fields of energy is the first step in taking control of your well-being and expanding the flow of your energy. By showing you the extent to which your daily life is impacted by what you cannot see will enable you to see that the quality of your life is determined by the ease of flow of this electrical energy in and through you.

The idea of human beings having electrical currents running through their bodies most likely is not something you think about often... . Perception of pain, muscle contraction and movement, nerve function, glandular secretions, healing and regeneration, and brain activity are all electrically driven functions of the body. [1]

Living in a World of Energy

Energy has no size, shape, or weight and is therefore difficult to define. Energy, in physics, is the capacity for doing work. It may exist in kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms. I am using the term energy as an alternative to any of the terms in this chart:

Alternative Terms to Energy

Acquiring The Energy To Thrive requires that you discover and use the following types of invisible energies that flow through the Electrically Interactive and Superconductive World (EISCW) you live in.

Types of Energies Flowing Through the EISCW

By using these types of energies you will be able to take more ‘ownership’ of everything happening in your life versus feeling and acting like a ‘victim.’ This book will provide tools and strategies for accessing and using the flow of energy from the Electrically Interactive and Superconductive World (EISCW). For instance, the electrical energies created by your emotions, feelings, and thoughts (vibrations) will be shown to have direct and immediate connections with the EISCW.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD., a developmental biologist, said,

Everything in the universe is now understood to be made out of energy; to our perception it appears physical and solid, in reality it is all energy and energies interact. When you interact in your environment you are both absorbing and sending energy. The energy in your body is reflecting the energy around you because the atoms in your body are not only giving off energy, they are absorbing energy. Every living organism communicates with these vibrations... If you are sensitive to the difference between good and bad vibrations, you would be leading yourself to places encouraging your survival, your growth, your love, et cetera. And, staying away from situations and places that would take advantage of you or cancel who you are.

When we are not paying attention to our vibrational energies, we are missing the most important readouts from our environment. The new physics helps us understand,  all energies are entangled and interact with each other. Therefore, you must pay attention to these invisible forces that are involved with what’s going on in your life.[2]

There is a vast amount of electrical energy constantly communicating vast amounts of information throughout your body. When your thoughts, diet, exercise, and relationships are open, positive, and without resistance with your world, the invisible energies flowing in and through your electrical fields are optimized.

Your Body is an Electrical Field of Energy

When you are in a relaxed state without fear, your electrical fields of energy have access to a field of infinite organizing power that connects you with so much more than you realize. Everything you see, feel, hear, eat, and touch is quickly translated into electrical signals or impulses allowing you to effectively think, move, and use your senses. The next time you feel the shock of static electricity, or use a touch-sensitive screen, you've experienced that you have electric fields.

The more you understand you are electrically translating with your senses, you will also understand your emotions are the best indicators of whether you are acting as a conductor or resistor of energy. Science found these electrical impulses are not only capable of triggering the body’s incredible self-repair processes (e.g., holding my thumb), they are also interconnected with everyone and everything around you. As you read this book, know that the thoughts you are thinking, and the words you are processing, are creating strong electrical impulses or signals that can be measured.

For instance, stimulated by a thought of love or fear, an increased surge of electrical activity is sparked in your body, and your body’s cells change. For instance,

Triggered by your most recent thought, your pancreas and your adrenal glands are already busy secreting new hormones. Like a sudden lightning storm, different areas of your brain just surged with increased electrical current, releasing a mob of neurochemicals, too numerous to name. Your spleen and your thymus gland sent out a mass e-mail to your immune system to make a few modifications. Several different gastric juices started flowing. Your liver began processing enzymes not present moments before. Your heart rate fluctuated and your lungs altered their stroke volume. All from thinking one thought. You are powerful! [3]

Dr. Joe Dispenza, an international author, and educator, adds another perspective to the power of your thoughts. He says, The beauty of being human is the ability to make thoughts more real than anything else.[4]

You are a field of infinite organizing power connecting with so much more than you ever considered. Deepak Chopra explains, 

There are six trillion reactions occurring in the human body every second, and every one of them is correlated with every single other reaction; every single other biochemical event knows what other biochemical event is occurring in the body.  A human body can think thoughts, play a piano, sing a song, digest food, eliminate toxins, kill germs, develop a fetus, hypothesize a new philosophy, while at the same time accommodating seasonal changes, moon/tidal rhythms, time zone changes, cloudy days, and bright sunny days. You are a library of information extending the whole evolutionary history of mankind: When you come in contact with a bacterium, though you have never come in contact with that bacterium before, your DNA remembers the first time a member of the human species contacted that bacterium. You have a pharmacy inside of you. It makes everything: tranquilizers, antibiotics, sleeping pills, anti-cancer pills. You name it, you can make it at the right time, for the right target organ, at the right dose with no side effects. [5]

What is your body made of?  Nine systems comprise the human body: circulatory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary. What are those systems made of? They are made of tissues and organs. What are tissues and organs made of?  They are made of cells. What are cells made of? They are made of molecules. And what are molecules made of? They are made of atoms. What are atoms made of?

Parts of an Atom

Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons which have electrical charges. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have a neutral charge, and electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are out of balance, an atom becomes either positively or negatively charged. The switch between one type of charge and the other allows electrons to flow from one atom to another.

Electrons Being Transferred

This flow and transfer of electrons creates the electricity which enables your electrical signals to perform nearly instantaneous responses that chemical messages cannot accomplish.

To further understand you are primarily made of electrical fields of energy, again consider the simple atom made up of electrically charged — electrons, protons, and neutrons. You have approximately 7 octillion atoms in your body.[6]

Cambridge University Courtyard

To put this in perspective, imagine a single atom the size of the Cambridge University courtyard. If the courtyard is the size of an atom, then the size of its nucleus will be one millimeter in diameter, which is smaller than a grain of sand. What this means is that atoms are essentially empty space, said Malcolm Longair of Cambridge University.[7]  Michio Kaku, physicist, City College of New York explains: 

If you are mostly empty space, how do you reconcile with the fact your hands do not go through one another?  The reason, while the space is empty, it is filled with electric fields. When the electrons come within a small distance of each other, they begin to repel each other, and that’s why things appear to be solid when they are not. You may think you sit on a chair, but you actually hover over the chair because the electrons of your body are repelling the electrons of the chair. [8]

The following statements by Rollin McCraty Ph.D and Abdullah Al Abdulgader, MD broadens our view of what interconnectedness means and the EISCW we live in:

Classical physics has conceived of reality as elementary building blocks made up of solid objects, separated by empty space. This view continues to be most people’s perception of reality, including many scientists. With the discovery of radioactivity and electromagnetic fields and the development of modern quantum physics a new view of reality has emerged over the last century. In this new view, physical objects cannot be understood, or observed in isolation, but rather must be viewed as part of a holistic web of interconnectedness in which fields and relationships are pivotal and there are no clear boundaries between nonmaterial fields and the physical world. [9]

My passion for explaining the magical world of electrical fields you live in is based on my twenty-plus years of providing therapy treatments to clients and myself. Through the use of my

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