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Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation: Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath
Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation: Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath
Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation: Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath
Ebook480 pages3 hours

Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation: Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath

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About this ebook

Written with the purpose to inform, empower and inspire positive change… Dylan and the Wolf – Saving Our Children from the World’s Biggest Psychopath is a story of a real boy, Dylan and a portion of his real life, where medical conscription controlled every pathway of choice, where parents were denied the civil right to choose evidence based alternatives to chemotherapy protocols. Where medical entrapment was very real, and real constitutional health and civil rights had already been removed by stealth, to continue a toxic but profitable status quo. Such a hoax on civil health and constitutional rights is something every family should know. The Author links pathways of ‘civil management’ and industry to bioaccumulation in agriculture, food, medicine and water management that has bioaccumulation effects and is surely; A Toxic Harvest for future generations fall.

Awareness of such, it is hoped, will inspire thought, words and actions that decontaminate and support healthy genetics for all of Life.
Release dateSep 7, 2022
Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation: Saving Our Children from The World’s Biggest Psychopath

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    Dylan and the Wolf – A true story of a boy, The World and bioaccumulation - Kalubriah Sage

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    Dylan and the Wolf

    Karma of Life


    FWD by David Suzuki


    Chapter 1     For Life

    Chapter 2     Why Not?

    Chapter 3     Behind The Veil

    Chapter 4     Bio-Accumulation; Our toxic Harvest

    Chapter 5     Social License and Suppression Propaganda

    Chapter 6     Be Well- Insights and recipes for wellness

    Chapter 7     What If?

    Chapter 8     Ancient Wisdom, could it be useful?

    Chapter 9     Bleed through time…looking through a different lens

    Chapter 10   Diversional therapy Daffodils and Nixon’s Folly

    Chapter 11   To Act or Not to Act

    Chapter 12   Saving Our Children From The World’s Biggest Psychopath

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2.0

    Dylan and the Wolf

    A story of a real boy and today’s world.

    Six degrees of separation,

    Fractal Geometry…

    Bio-Accumulation observably true,

    Conscripted Medicine in full view.


    Karma of Life

    If souls were racehorses,

    Those with good records are weighted accordingly.

    It helps alleviate backload, to carry a little extra.

    Just as a strong Sherpa does. All karma is combined.

    When you carry more, the load is lightened for others,

    And everyone reaches the destination.


    As above so below.


    Thanks to my family and friends for their patience and understanding.

    Thanks to my collator for his patience and dedication in collating this material into book form, and to the publishing team that so beautifully present, this ugly duckling of experience, into a beautiful swan of dignified helpfulness.

    Thanks to the Heart of Humanity and the dignity of free-will and choice in personal health and living we wish for all our children’s children.

    What I have written is inspired by a real life experience and conclusions are not intended as exhaustive but a perspective for consideration.

    Kalubriah S

    FWD by David Suzuki

    "The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it…

    That is the challenge, to look at the world from a different

    Perspective" – David Suzuki



    This work offers a different perspective on the shape of our biology and societal governance.

    A bio-accumulation story of chemical enslavement, of a boy and the world…

    For their own good?

    The words here are offered as a different lens through which to look and SEE potential solutions to the toxic bio-accumulation of ignorant modern living, medicine and agriculture. Far from an exhaustive exploration of a multitude of pertinent fields, this perspective aims to educate and promote lateral thinking outside the box we are told we must live within.

    Supporting Truth and Choice In Medicine.

    Having seen, behind the scenes, I have developed a dislike for most, so called helpful, foundations.

    Many have become powerful lobby groups that influence the health of nations.

    An old phrase came to mind, The road to Hell is paved with the best intentions.

    Another phrase came to combat, If you can’t beat them Join them

    So why not start a new foundation,

    For Choice in Medicine

    Use anything, ‘Just Beat It’, any way you can… Yes, I’m sure I could get permission to use the Jacksons’ song.

    To rally support to provide more choice to suffering children and others.

    My son died from chemotherapy induced Leukaemia.

    The result of an intensive and prolonged chemotherapy protocol ‘Routinely’

    Forced upon the child and family.

    Three years earlier, despite alternative treatments being used and seen to be effective,

    Health authorities threatened legal action to force a continuation of the then 36 year old trial,

    A cytotoxic protocol – The DNA damage and subsequent cancers admitted and outlined in the Pub Med fine print of each and every substance.

    Known to be the most inefficient and damaging methodology of treating the disease through poisoning the whole cell cycle. Only to create more damage than first they sought to fix.

    Verdict Guilty!

    My child died from the effects of Forced, No-Choice medicines.

    Help save our loved ones from this toxic chemical medicine monopoly on treatment options.

    Effective Harm-Free Alternatives EXIST and are routinely SUPRESSED.

    Enough is Enough, give The People the Choice in Medicine.

    Stop the routine poisoning ‘Monopoly’ from killing our Children.

    Chapter 1

    CHOICE IN MEDICINE – As published in 2015. An article about my story



    I am one of those people who has been forced to accept a treatment for my child that I knew was deadly harmful.


    Delivered by a Medical Priesthood that deliberately perpetuates harmful health modalities to fulfil multinational Trade Agreements and contracts.

    Just as the Church Priesthood is being brought to Justice for the Rape of Innocents, so too the Priesthood of Medicine should be brought to account and Forced into the new millennium.

    So Why hasn’t Australia Legalized Medicinal Cannabis, asked Lucy Haslam, headline in the Sydney Morning Herald read a few weeks ago.

    Europeans enjoy a wide variety of choices in the treatment of Cancer and other chronic or acute disorders.

    Australians are forced into modalities that defy good health, and sensibility.

    Who specifically objected to legalizing Medicinal Cannabis in Australia? The AMA, Oncologists Australia, and some church groups. Clearly, it is not that there is no evidence but that they want none of it.

    When I publish my book, I would like a percentage of sales to go to Research into HARM FREE ALTERNATIVES to Chemotherapy, this is the only area of Medicine currently getting NO FUNDING. United in Compassion would be my choice at this time, as it is doing something REAL. Working with Hippocrates oath genuinely.

    Many people like Lucy Haslam, lose their children to chemotherapy because of a HOAX, a deliberate ILLUSION of NO CHOICE. Those that question the system get lies and threats. I lost my son to chemotherapy due to a FORCED NO CHOICE!

    It is a fact that Big Pharma targets Doctors with Billions of Dollars of incentives to prescribe each year, and that this pathway is the AMA’s accepted educational pathway for all graduated Doctors in Australia. It can also be observed over time, that Doctors have been disempowered, the health system costs Australian’s more Millions each year, and we have a growing health deficits of managed disease that is ballooning out of control. The beneficiary is the Health Arm of our great economic vehicle, which is supporting huge profits overseas and huge health deficits in people here at home. Our current chemicalised medical system, manages disease by inundating people with products of dubious efficiency but denying choice outside the prescription zone. This represents a HOAX on wellness and our constitutional rights.

    Do people of Australia put their money into the Cancer Council, or the Leukaemia Foundation or Breast Cancer Research organisations to keep chemotherapy going as our only option? NO!

    If Australians knew that these organisations where ‘window dressing’ for industry, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, and that their money was only ever going to be used to prop up chemotherapy options, or fluff out care assistance while you suffer the protocol, do you think anyone would give their money to this kind of health hoax? NO!

    What if the people find out that these organisations advocate to stop, or stall, all alternative pathways other than the chemical trail their funding comes from? NO CURES EVER. If a cure for cancer was well known, how long would the CANCER COUNCIL be around? Hmm, and is the Cancer Council actively perpetuating its own existence by thwarting potential cures? Well, this did happen in America, and that is the model of our current path: the American Dream Health System. One that props up private health insurance companies and denigrates the concept of a universal health system.

    Australia would be better off having a National Office of Wellness to kill off all the cancer in our health system, naturally.

    It is a FACT that all Cytotoxins/Chemotherapy is harmful to all cells, even healthy tissue. This modality is inefficient by its nature as it is non-discriminatory, and it harms the DNA, which gives a cell the blueprint to replicate successfully. Damage the blueprint and mutations occur. These mutations are called CANCER. Many chemotherapy drugs attest in the fine print that they will give rise to further cancers, particularly relating to blood and bones. This is a poor health outcome for people, yes, but it creates a lot of profit from product use for multi-national pharmaceutical companies.

    The AMA in Australia, USA, and NZ lobby government in order to prevent new harm-free choices in cancer medicine, in favour of the WWII Chemotherapy and Radiation technology. The Oncology Australia and AMA submission to the NSW government, considering allowing medicinal cannabis to be publicly available, was objecting on the basis of not having sufficient evidence? These are the same people that ignored the 10-year study by Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner, proving that 5g of intravenous vitamin C per day can cure any disease, cancer, auto immune disorder. The Church groups’ submissions about Medical Cannabis appear to have forgone the Bible and are siding with the puppet-science of the AMA and Oncology Australia? What intelligent population are these doomsayers hoping to influence? Perhaps they are trusting that the unthinking livestock mentality will kick-in to Authority’s Rule without question? NO! Question, Question that is our only safety, our only path to discernment! People are not livestock nor should they be treated as such.

    Trade Agreements that our Governments have been making for agricultural progress and medicinal progress since the 1950’s and are now preventing progress, away from harmful modalities in both fields. American investment choices made in the 1950’s, are still destroying our soils, food, our children’s lives and immune systems. Not unlike religious controls, it is the unquestioning arrogance and a passive aggressive approach that has allowed this damaging progress to rule the masses falsely, using fear and guilt across the ages. Doctors also use a passive-aggressive technique to ensure you take their prescriptions and don’t ask too many questions. The approach described is used by people, governments and industry that are threatened by change.

    When faced with childhood cancer in my own family, I had already gained knowledge about chemotherapy from my mother’s experience with her own sister in the 1950’s, and in the 1980’s working with a Cancer support group that assisted with the Mind/Body connection. I was shocked to see that the same diabolical treatment had barely progressed since the 1950’s, and now cancer affected one of my children. I asked a lot of questions; I did a lot of research.

    I found a treatment that had been successful in the USA since the 1970’s, it even dissolved brain tumours, and was easy to deliver to a child, most importantly Protocel is HARM FREE, completely NON-TOXIC to healthy tissue. The Oncologists were not supportive of me using anything additional to the cyto-toxic protocol assist my child, even vitamin C. It is all about the ANZECC treaty with New Zealand, a (Hoax) trial, for more than 30 years, that states an 80% remission rate with chemo. Well, not actually true … for 5 years perhaps, then cancer is likely to reoccur. And these positive statistics that are pitched to all people for all cancers, only apply to Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) patients, a childhood cancer, specifically for the age group 2yrs – 3 yrs. Older children, Adults and other cancers have no great results, except early death. Breast cancer statistics show only 1 in 6 women surviving 5 years after aggressive treatment, and yet selenium introduced into the female diet has been researched and shown to have reduced instances of breast cancer by 90%. Organisations are not investing in Selenium in female diets to prevent cancer, they are researching cyto-toxic chemotherapies and other invasive/ aggressive methods of treatment for Breast cancer. One pathway ends profit and improves health and wellbeing, the other/current path increases profit and resource consumption, while decreasing health and wellbeing. This is a Health and Economics No Brainer!

    The Australian catch cry used to be ‘COOEE’. Did you know COOEE is a Peruvian word for Guinee pig? Have we become a COOEE Nation for chemical management of our population’s life cycle, birth to death?

    It became clear, the more questions I asked the more upset and conflicted the Oncologists became. I brought swathes of research to groups of oncologists for debate. What it came down to was that they all agreed that the current modality was inefficient and harmful, but they were by law, ‘not allowed’ to look at anything else until the AMA said they could. These Oncologists conditioned by the Medical Priesthood from university to graduation and beyond, are fearful of looking outside the Doctrine that has been handed down. Some thought they would lose their jobs even to question the status quo, which none of them did. Oncologists have such FINE profession to uphold and yet they are not permitted to think outside the square? Free thinkers may be more effective in treating disease but are a threat to the economic status quo of Pharmaceutical Profits.

    This surreptitious ‘control drama’ is affecting people’s health and rights. It brings blind respect for medicine into healthy question.

    When Medicine is about protecting product lines and protocols and not people’s health and choices, something is wrong! The Australian Doctor, Professor Barry Marshall, Nobel Prize Laureate, admits that it took many years to get the medical establishment to acknowledge his finding of the bacterial cause of ulcers. Why? Existing products and market protection.

    The same can be said for Vitamin C, another Australian, Professor Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize Winner, spent 10 years studying the effects of Vitamin C on disease, and concluded that doses of 5g intravenous vitamin C could cure any human cancer or auto-immune disease…Ignored by the Oncology profession and AMA.

    Therefore Supporting Medicinal Cannabis will ensure people of Australia have greater choice in their health care, because for the first time, a natural curative is getting huge public support and has broken through the barrier. Medical Overlords are unable to shut down our collective voices now.

    Australian people may not be aware, there exists a blacklist that is adhered to by most Public Media outlets. This Blacklist ensures that no damaging Stories/Articles about Cancer (or other control sensitive topics) ever get published or broadcast in Mainstream Media without a positive chemo /radiation angle attached. This is the reason no-one has heard of alternatives to treat cancer, or the health benefits of Raw Milk versus ‘bowel damaging’ Pasteurization, or the links with Wheat/Gluten Allergies and ‘routine’ spraying of systemic herbicides to get even crop harvest. etc. …until the internet, and/or international travel educates.

    In 2006 I communicated with a member of the 4Corners team at the height of my plight for ‘choice’ to save my son. One day I got a call from the Journalist, saying someone higher up had pulled the story, and the explanation was, the Blacklist. The gentleman apologised, said it was out of his hands; too hot to handle...

    Very frightening, I was faced with no choice, legal avenues are costly and no media opportunity to gain support. Alone in the crowd, I went underground, as any caring motivated parent would.

    I watched with interest as Ray Martin attempted to assist Australians with the Dr Hope Microwave treatment, which did not get TGA approval in Australia despite Ray Martins best efforts at bringing to light the thousands of patients that were made well by Dr Hope’s treatment. Having had personal contact with this good Doctor in the past, I wanted to know why Dr Hope’s treatment had not made it through the TGA approval process. I was informed; A Researcher puts in the application for approval, states what the treatment is, what the treatment works for and what the treatment does not work for. Apparently the TGA’s authorized testing body only tested Dr Hope’s treatment on the specific cancers that the researcher stated were not treatable, and none of the cancers that the microwave treatment was supposed to be effective for…Why is it so? More cigarette science? Multi-Nationals already run our health system. Their profits equal our health costs, which is an escalating percentage of the average income in Australia.

    The Following describes an accepted path of official suppression in America, channels of fake testing in the National Cancer Institute, and the refusal to approve by the FDA as a result of HOAX testing. All to thwart the acceptance of ‘Cancell ‘now ‘Protocel’, a cellular reduction therapy that is effective on auto-immune cells and cancer cells, is harm free and non-toxic.

    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) in America took the researchers recommendations and instead of trialling the treatment for a minimum of 21 days on cancers other than Leukaemia, they chose to test the treatment for 8 days on only leukemic mice. The researcher queried results when the testing was again thwarted/misrepresented from the NCI again two years later. The researcher found that the National Cancer Institute of America, had lied about testing to avoid further studies, and The FDA took out an injunction against the distribution of Cancell/Protocel/Entelev at request of the American Medical Association who uses the FDA as an enforcement arm. It was found that the National Cancer Institute had broken the law to prevent this treatment ever reaching the public domain. Tanya Harter Pierce, MA, and MFCC covers the topic of alternative cancer treatments and their suppression in her book ‘Outsmart your cancer’ Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work.

    Think about it… Where will the Cancer Council get money from, when Plants like Cannabis and others, are proven to rectify the condition of cancer with harm-free ease? Big Pharma cannot patent plants and understanding the Entourage effect, a natural synergy, makes void synthetic copies, and gives scientific understanding to synthetic ineffectiveness.

    No one chooses chemotherapy, or radiation, it is recommended by trusted health professionals that know no better. Doctors today are indoctrinated, not educated how to think, but what to think, both are required, but not in isolation. Unfortunately, it is the nature of our time that economic forces will manipulate and secure their markets in this ever-changing world. Some products have been made law, without anyone agreeing. A politician was paid $600,000 to get the bill

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