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Intimate Waxing Course
Intimate Waxing Course
Intimate Waxing Course
Ebook106 pages38 minutes

Intimate Waxing Course

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

During this course students will be learning the art of Intimate waxing. No student will be qualified until they have satisfied the lecturer/assessor of their practical and theoretical standards.

On completion of this course you will be able to:

1) Prepare for an intimate waxing treatment

2) Provide an intimate waxing treatment


Lesson Objectives

1) To understand the procedure of an application of intimate waxing.

2) To discuss the aspects of anatomy and physiology of the hair growth.

3) To relay the importance of sanitation, disinfection and the proper set up.

4) To review the step-by-step the intimate waxing procedure.

5) To highlight the post service, clean up, and sanitation procedures after the treatment.

6) To provide a live classroom demonstration that will give course (students) a "face-to-face perspective" of how to conduct an intimate waxing treatment.

PublisherTina Conway
Release dateJul 2, 2022
Intimate Waxing Course

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    Book preview

    Intimate Waxing Course - Tina Conway


    During this course students will be learning the art of Intimate waxing. No student will be qualified until they have satisfied the lecturer/assessor of their practical and theoretical standards.

    On completion of this course you will be able to:

    Prepare for an intimate waxing treatment

    Provide an intimate waxing treatment

    Lesson Objectives

    To understand the procedure of an application of intimate waxing.

    To discuss the aspects of anatomy and physiology of the hair growth.

    To relay the importance of sanitation, disinfection and the proper set up.

    To review the step-by-step the intimate waxing procedure.

    To highlight the post service, clean up, and sanitation procedures after the treatment.

    To provide a live classroom demonstration that will give course (students) a face-to-face perspective of how to conduct an intimate waxing treatment.



    Hands should be washed before & after each client

    Long hair tied back Jewellery removed

    Short, clean nails

    Open cuts/abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing

    Check client for contra-indications

    Tools and implements cleaned and sterilised*

    Clean towels for client to rest hands on

    Waste disposed of in covered container

    Sanitisation is the destruction of some, but not all, micro-organisms.

    Methods – UV Cabinet, surgical spirits, barbicide, disinfectants, antiseptics

    *Sterilisation is the destruction of all living organisms.

    Methods – glass bead steriliser, hot air oven, autoclave (Always wash tools in warm soapy water before sterilising, to remove grease, as the sterilisation will not be effective).


    Always work within the Health & Safety Policy

    Always work within COSHH guidelines (control of substances hazardous to health)

    Ensure adequate ventilation when working with chemicals

    Protective equipment such as gloves and aprons should be worn when appropriate

    Report faulty equipment and remove from use

    Ensure no trailing wires etc. which could cause a fall

    Spillages should be notified and cleaned up immediately

    Be aware of posture when working or lifting

    Ensure clients are aware of fire evacuation procedures

    Helpful website:

    A full hygiene and safety guide can be found in the Guild of Beauty Therapists core manual.

    Professional Code of Ethics:

    Whilst carrying out any treatment it is important that you follow a code of professional ethics to ensure that you provide a professional treatment and do not cause offence. Clients will wish to receive their treatment in a relaxed and professional environment, some examples of professional ethics are:

    Do not talk about sex, religion or politics

    Do not speak badly of another colleague or salon

    Do not discriminate

    Only use appropriate language

    Do not entice clients away from another therapist or salon

    Do not keep clients waiting for a treatment. If this is unavoidable, then apologise to the client and keep them informed

    Client’s details are confidential and should not be discussed with other clients etc.

    Always give an honest opinion to the client when advising on treatments and products. • Give the client the opportunity to decide whether to talk through the treatment. Some clients like to have a chat, others don’t.

    Safe working practices and legislations:

    Manual handling, Personal Protective Equipment, management of health and safety at work regulations, provision and use of work equipment regulations, public liability insurance, professional indemnity, COSHH / MSDS - handling, storage, disposal, cautions of products; HABIA – code of practice for nail services; local government legislation, Fire Precaution Act, Electricity at Work Act – Portable Appliance Testing – UV lamp, desk lamp, desk filters, first aid / reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations.

    Work area: Height adjustable chair, correct desk height and

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