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God in Flesh and Bones
God in Flesh and Bones
God in Flesh and Bones
Ebook376 pages6 hours

God in Flesh and Bones

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2Many people today are mesmerized by the theological industry. The cost of their polished terms and invented craftiness is high, and the results are not the original conclusion the apostles had in mind. The apostles warned, "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but because they have itching ears, they will gather up for themselves teachers, turning their ears away from the truth, into fables." Salvation and the knowledge of God is free, as written: "Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; come buy wine and milk, without money and without cost." But free has become a portion (autopay) of your earnings once entrapped by their spell and craftiness. It is baffling to see how, from something meant to be free, they have amassed fortunes for themselves. No one can blame the Lord for these dishonest individual's astute heist. God Jesus told the religious men of His days, "You are in error because you do not know Scriptures or the power of God," and this is an issue in theology today. Being a believer does not make you a disciple. A disciple studies Scriptures after he/she is born again by the power of God, and all will know the Lord. A person not touched by His power can only see and hear God's invitation, the ABC of the gospel. Without the extreme touch of God (receiving the mind of Christ and/or Spirit baptism by the evidence He gives), reading Scripture is like watching a 3D movie without the 3D glasses. It will all be a blur. In fact, a disciple walks into the holy of holies and is transcended by the living touch of God, where the natural-minded believer prefer the fables to their itching ears. What sets this book apart is that it points to a path, not a conclusion. We believe it will prompt you to research scripture as the power of God gives you the insight and expand your spirit/soul by knowing and understanding the God of Scripture.

Release dateJun 10, 2022
God in Flesh and Bones

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