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Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two
Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two
Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two

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About this ebook

These are children's bedtime stories each story is unique and tailored to be read for a single night.

Each book represents a month's worth of bedtime stories and these stories can be read in a short amount of time alleviating the need to sit with one's child for too long while trying to get them in bed and on their way towards sleeping.

Release dateApr 15, 2022
Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two

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    Hatty and Barty Adventures Month Two - Grant Boyer



    It was a sunny spring day, so Hatty asked her mother if they could go to the park. Hatty’s mother said yes, prepared a picnic basket and walked with Hatty and Barty to the neighborhood park. Barty decided it would be fun to have Haw Hee, their burro, come along too.

    Barty didn’t need to take any reins. Haw Hee did everything backwards so all Barty had to do was lead the burro by his tail. Occasionally, Haw Hee would stumble on something. He couldn’t see very well because he had to crane his neck around to the left or right to see where he was going. Barty resolved to prepare a rearview mirror for Haw Hee that he could attach to the burro’s head so he could see.

    It had rained the night before, so even though it was nice and sunny, there were some mud puddles here and there. One of the puddles was going to be a problem, but Hatty and Barty didn’t know it yet.

    The park had a nice set of playground equipment, so Hatty and Barty played on the swings while their mom and Haw Hee set up the picnic. Barty liked to swing as high as he could and then jump off at the apex of his swing pattern. Hatty wasn’t thrilled about swinging that way but participated to avoid being outdone by Barty. Barty sometimes pretended he was an airplane gliding in for a landing or a helicopter landing on a helipad. He made the appropriate corresponding noises when he did this.

    Hatty preferred not to make unladylike sounds so she pretended she was a butterfly when she jumped off the swing or, alternatively, a fairy. Hatty and Barty kept up this game for a while and then moved to the larger play equipment: ladders, a mountain climb and even a zip-line, which was a lot of fun.

    In what seemed like only a brief moment later but was actually an hour or so, their mother called them for lunch. She had brought straw for Haw Hee to munch while Hatty and Barty had fried chicken, potato salad, carrots and water.

    When they had finished, they laid down on the grass and looked at the clouds floating overhead.

    That one looks like a ship, said Barty.

    Oh, I see an elephant over there! Hatty shouted.

    After a while, the warmth of the sun and their full stomachs did its collaborative work on their little bodies and they fell asleep.

    While Hatty and Barty slept, Haw Hee took a nap and their mother read a book. A couple hours later, Mrs. Rigglesnort woke Hatty and Barty so they could get home in time to prepare dinner. Barty woke Haw Hee and they all headed home.

    Halfway back home Barty sidestepped a large mud puddle, but Haw Hee plunged right into it, back hooves first. He slid deeper and deeper until his front hooves briefly came to rest on the top of the hole and then he plunged under the water completely!

    What will happen to Haw Hee? Will he survive his springtime mud plunge? We will find out when this story continues tomorrow night!

    To be continued…



    Last time, we learned of the shocking disappearance of Haw Hee, Hatty and Barty’s burro, into a surprisingly deep mud puddle.

    At that heart rending moment, Barty made a decision that would change the course of their future forever. Barty told Hatty to go home and get the longest rope that they had and then he jumped head first into the hole! Well, he tried to, anyway. With a ker-plunk, he hit the bottom of the mud puddle. Apparently, it wasn’t very deep. Fortunately for Barty, he didn’t break his neck in the process. Hatty didn’t see this; she was already running to the house to get the rope.

    Barty’s mother did and said, Something strange is going on here, but I need to make dinner for your father. When he gets home I will tell him what happened. With that statement, Barty’s mother left. Soon enough, Hatty arrived dragging a very long rope behind her.

    Barty told Hatty what happened when he tried diving into the hole. Though it seemed pointless, they attached a heavy rock to one end of the rope and slowly lowered it into the hole. For some inexplicable reason, nothing impeded the rope and rock’s progress like when Barty’s head attempted to enter. I have heard that sometimes people who are hard-headed are hard to move. Barty’s head must have been pretty hard since he survived his dive with no discernible exterior damage.

    The rope went lower and lower until finally they neared the end of the rope. Hatty found a fire hydrant nearby and tied their end of the rope to it after wrapping the rope around the hydrant several times first.

    Should I try climbing down the rope? Hatty asked.

    That sounds like a good idea, Barty replied. You can jerk on the rope three times if you find Haw Hee, two times if you don’t and one time if you want me to pull you up.

    So, Hatty climbed down the rope. First, her legs disappeared into the mud puddle, then her trunk and arms were below the surface of the mud puddle. Last, she took a large breath and her curly, golden locks disappeared into the mud puddle.

    Will we find out what happened to Hatty next time? What do you think? Would you prefer to find out right now?

    Well, after what seemed like a long time, Barty noticed that the rope hung listlessly instead of taut like it had been when there was weight on the rope. He wasn’t sure what to do, but since his mother had left to prepare dinner and there was no one to consult with, he decided to take matters into his own hands and make another attempt to enter the mud puddle. This time he used the rope and went feet first. Barty had greater success climbing down rather than diving and, like Hatty, he soon disappeared beneath the surface of the mysterious puddle.

    Barty descended down the rope and, initially, everything was dark and grey. The water was only near the surface of the puddle, so as soon as Barty brushed the dirty water out of his eyes he saw blurry

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