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Colours of Life
Colours of Life
Colours of Life
Ebook59 pages35 minutes

Colours of Life

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Soar completes her poetical trilogy of love with a last chapter dedicated to the supreme attributes of care, passion and truth. From both an inner and an outer perspective, captured in a web of symbols upon antique or avant-gardist canvasses, the colours are the blending protagonists who shade and unveil emotions from reality to fairy tales, in down-to-earth depictions and magical atmospheres. Like a painter on the quest for truth beyond its setting, with the paintbrush of hopes and beliefs, the author faithfully pursues, throughout hazards of the universe and the constraints of the human mind, the rainbow's droplets of light to finally reach its outmost colourful manifestation on a midday sky, where sun and rain intertwine: the truth has been poetically shaped. Love wins.

Soar schließt ihre Trilogie der Liebe mit einem letzten Kapitel ab, das den hehren Attributen des Mitgefühls, der Leidenschaft und der Wahrheit gewidmet ist. Aus einer inneren und äußeren Perspektive, gefangen in einem Netz aus Symbolen auf antiken oder avantgardistischen Leinwänden, Farben als strahlende Hauptfiguren, die Emotionen verhüllen oder entblößen, realistisch und märchenhaft, in nüchternen Darstellungen und magischen Atmosphären. Wie ein Maler auf der Suche nach der verborgenen Wahrheit mit dem Pinsel der Hoffnung und Träume in der Hand, verfolgt die Autorin zuversichtlich die glitzernden Lichtfunken des Regenbogens durch die Gefahren des Universums und die Tücken des menschlichen Verstandes, um ihn schließlich in voller Pracht am hellen Mittagshimmel wiederzufinden, in dem sich Sonne und Regen zärtlich verflechten: die Wahrheit poetisch verpackt. Liebe siegt.
Release dateSep 14, 2016
Colours of Life

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    Colours of Life - Soar .



    Colours of Life, Soar

    © 2016 Soar,

    Image, sound and text protected by copyright.

    Cover credits: Giulia Marongiu, Klaus Faaber

    Contents and audio performance: Soar

    Recording, mixing and mastering: Surrealis Sounds, Germany

    Printed and published by: epubli GmbH, Germany

    CP: 1-933246591

    ISBN: 978-3-7375-6481-6


    To the one who taught me reality. And the one who nourished my dreams. To love, for always enriching me with rainbows beyond horizons.

    When the words have been said and the music has been played, feelings are the only form of art which will remain to reign.


    I. BLACK

    Black and one - page XIV

    Black and two - page XV

    Black and life - page XVI


    Violet and one - page XVIII

    Violet and two - page XIX

    Violet and life - page XX


    Indigo and one - page XXII

    Indigo and two - page XXIII

    Indigo and life - page XXIV

    IV. BLUE

    Blue and one - page XXVI

    Blue and two - page XXVII

    Blue and life - page XXVIII

    V. GREEN

    Green and one - page XXX

    Green and two - page XXXI

    Green and life - page XXXII


    Yellow and one - page XXXIV

    Yellow and two - page XXXV

    Yellow and life - page XXXVI


    Orange and one - page XXXVIII

    Orange and two - page XXXIX

    Orange and life - page XL


    Red and one - page XLII

    Red and two - page XLIII

    Red and life - page XLIV


    White and one - page XLVI

    White and two - page XLVII

    White and life - page XLVIII

    X. AUDIO LINKS (mp3 formats) - page L



    This is the write moment and place for my poetry in motion to encompass what has been more than four years of search, research, deterrence, awe and an unremitting pursuit of a one-of-a-kind value beyond its lettering, from the universal elements of earth, wind, water, fire, through the seeping palms of space and time, to the unique colours shaped by the individual photoreceptors of our eyes: the rainbow of what is precious to us.

    It hasn’t been easy to choose a universal yet such a personal subject to render through the artistic spectrums of text, image, sound and motion, with a magic realism, without implying the death of the author, neither in between, nor at the end of its manifestation. Allegories, universal elements, truth, syllogisms, virtues, space-time continuum, senses, impersonations, hues, parallelism and other elements were summoned to recreate, hope by hope, the details of this inexhaustible feeling, unifying mind, heart and conscience into one.

    I was stopped many times by love itself, flooded by its waves, or driven by the opposing currents of its whims. I was dazzled by the outer shine of publishers and audiences (ready for spoon-fed

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