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Crash Course: Crash Course 2, #1
Crash Course: Crash Course 2, #1
Crash Course: Crash Course 2, #1
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Crash Course: Crash Course 2, #1

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About this ebook

This funny and adventurous tale revolves around a young man named Jaleel Hernandez. Jaleel is a handsome and charming young guy who has it all. A college star kid looking to go pro, he has a beautiful best friend named Takira and a very wealthy mother. Jaleel has a 3.7 GPA and also a backup scholarship to be an accountant. He is also bilingual and stand at 6'-5"ft tall. But things will get real interesting and tricky for Jaleel when college comes to an end. Now facing different circumstances, a lot of beautiful different women. Love will somehow find itself into Jaleel's busy lifestyle. With a circus of events going on, Jaleel will have to face reality. And the reality was that he couldn't have all of the flavors in the fruit basket. With no father figure around to give him advice. Jaleel will either crash or stay on course alone.


Release dateApr 7, 2022
Crash Course: Crash Course 2, #1

Cornelius Mann

Name: Cornelius Mann AKA: Adrian Hernandez by Birthed: May 6, 1981 Brooklyn, New York/ Jacksonville, Florida

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    Book preview

    Crash Course - Cornelius Mann

    Crash Course

    Crash Course 2, Volume 1

    Cornelius Mann

    Published by Inlikeness, 2022.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. April 7, 2022.

    Copyright © 2022 Cornelius Mann.

    ISBN: 979-8201039820

    Written by Cornelius Mann.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Crash Course (Crash Course 2, #1)

    Sign up for Cornelius Mann's Mailing List

    Also By Cornelius Mann

    About the Author

    About the Publisher

    I would like to dedicate this book to the youth that has opened doors and windows that was once closed. I would also like to dedicate this novel to those incarcerated. And last but not least my family. Daddy loves you all!


    Walking past the long line of party goers. Jaleel was pissed as he made his way to the front of the line with Takira right on his heel.

    Jaleel had a very valid reason for his anger at Takira. He had rushed to get dressed in order to reach Takira’s place on time. Well, he’d done his part only to learn when he arrived that Takira wasn’t ready.

    It wasn’t unusual for Takira to not be ready when the we’re going out together. Only this time Jaleel had stressed to Takira how important it was for them to be on time.

    This is what led to the current situation where they now had to wait in a very long line to get inside the club.

    Now unbeknownst to Takira. Jaleel was debating with himself about his current budget, when suddenly he was bumped from behind by two drunk women laughing unapologetically!

    This seemed to help him with a quick decision, and besides tonight wasn’t about him. It was Takira’s night out and he had planned it perfectly up until this point.

    Well, he would just have to do what he normally would in this situation and that was simply ‘wing it’!

    Jaleel also had to admit that although he had started out mad with Takira. She was so radiant tonight he had totally forgot to be mad. Where did that word come from Jaleel thought to himself? He had no recollection of using it before now.

    The thought made him chuckle, because with a quick glance of himself next to Takira. Jaleel realized that he looked like the sucker boyfriend who spent all his money on his girl! 

    While Jaleel wore some navy-blue Sean John jeans with a clean cream button up and tan Air Force 1’ s.

    However, Takira was getting all the attention with her leather Gucci skirt, leather Gucci vest and some spaghetti strap heels Jaleel couldn’t even pronounce.

    They had finally reached the velvet rope where a big black bouncer occupied the other side to the entrance with his equally large supervisor holding the clip-board next to him.

    Jaleel ignored the disapproving crowd lined up behind them as he leaned over the rope to whisper something to the first bouncer that would allow them a quick entry.

    The entry bouncer cracked a smile and leaned back to relay the message to his supervisor who nodded his approval with a smile also. Therefore, the entry bouncer inconspicuously shook Jaleel’s hand as he un-hooked the rope.  There was a lot of envious protest of Who are they? and, They’re not celebrities! coming from the people behind in the line!

    Now as Jaleel and Takira entered the double doors to the exotic nightlife, the first thing that grabbed Jaleel’s attention was the hip hop music mixed with techno blaring horrifically loud through the speakers. But the thing that really gave the mood an adrenaline rush was the black and neon lights dancing all over the club.

    It took a minute for Jaleel’s eyes to adjust to the environmental change. Takira must have been experiencing the same sensations, because she held onto Jaleel’s hand for dear life as he quickly navigated them through the thick crowd.

    The people they bumped into along the way were of every ethnic group possible.

    Then there were so many different aromas circulating through the atmosphere that it was hard to distinguish one from the other.

    Jaleel spotted a staircase on the other side of the club and made a beeline for it with Takira in step behind him.

    Now as they ascended the winding staircase, it announced their presence by lighting up with every step they took.

    Once they reached the top level of the staircase, Jaleel was immediately mesmerized by the sight of women dirty dancing all over one another. But Takira busted his bubble by pulling him along to an empty table over-looking the rail to the bottom floor of the club.

    Now as they both sat down across from each other, Jaleel tried to act as if he still had an attitude with Takira for making them late. However, Takira made it impossible by cocking one of her eyes and sticking out her tongue at him. They both started laughing releasing the built-up tension from their lives.

    Once they were settled down Jaleel caught the attention of the waitress or could it have been the other way around, he thought to himself lustfully.

    The waitress made her way over walking seductively in her black mini skirt with tray in hand. Jaleel gave her a complete once-over with the same lust from his thoughts flowing through his eyes. Takira on the other hand gave the waitress a snarl.

    May I take your orders? The waitress asked with her eyes locked upon Jaleel.

    Jaleel leaned towards the waitress in order to be heard over the music, while also getting a full eye of her rack, which she offered freely.

    Yes, could you bring us a bottle of Remy with a bucket of ice, and two glasses? Jaleel ordered.

    Coming right up! The waitress said turning just in front Jaleel’s face making sure that he also got an eyeful of her bouncy backside.

    Takira rolled her eyes skyward at the display before settling them on Jaleel. Jaleel’s attention however, was still on the waitress as she descended the stairs. That was until Takira kicked his shin under the table.

    Ouch! What was that for? Jaleel asked as if he didn’t already know.

    This is my night, right? Takira asked instead of answering.

    Yes, indeed it is baby girl. Jaleel spoke wincing.

    Then act like it by entertaining me instead of chicken heads! Takira said disgusted.

    Jaleel had to chuckle at that.

    You wrong for that. I think that’s her real hair. Jaleel spoke in the waitress’s defense.

    Pu-lease, and so are the green eyes and press on nails too, huh? You men are so easy. Takira scolded.

    I resent that! I make my women sweat a little bit. Besides, chic’s that have to dress up to look like you need love too. Jaleel pointed out.

    That comment made Takira involuntarily blush heavily.

    Are you blushing over there? Jaleel asked fully aware of his intentions.

    You make me sick! Takira said hating herself for not being able to stop blushing.

    Two minutes later the waitress returned with their bottle of Remy, ice bucket and two glasses.

    Here you guys go, and if you need anything else just give me a holla! The waitress emphasized by leaning in front of Jaleel with her breast in his face.

    That’ll be all! Takira cut in not hiding her distaste for the waitress.

    When the waitress sauntered off, she looked back as if she knew that she had Jaleel’s attention and gave him a wink. But another kick under the table brought his attention back to Takira.

    Damn woman! I’m not going to be able to walk, let alone dance if keep kicking me.  Jaleel complained rubbing his shin.

    Good! Now where did you get money for a bottle of Remy, because Czar’s is not paying that great? Takira grilled.

    I’m glad that you acknowledge the fact that you got me a low budget paying job! Jaleel threw back.

    You’re an ingrate Jaleel! And don’t try to flip the subject, because I also want to know what you said to that bouncer outside?  Takira continued to pry.

    Jaleel hesitated caught off guard by the question.

    What did you say Jaleel? Takira persisted.

    I told him he could either take cash or a flash from my beautiful friend. Jaleel admitted.

    Cash or who? Hold up! You offered to show them my breast! Takira spoke exasperated!

    Instead of answering Jaleel poured two glasses of liquor and slid one in front of Takira. Then he leaned back and took a sip himself.

    No offense baby girl, but although you do have a nice rack. Those two bulls at the door struck me as double ‘D’ types. So, let’s just say I figured they’d take the money. Jaleel spoke casually taking another sip.

    Yeah sure, I could see that with the way they were smiling at me with those hungry eyes. And what if they would’ve taken the latter Mr. Cleo? Takira asked staring at him intently.

    Pick up your glass, relax, shut up and enjoy the music. Jaleel said clearly becoming agitated.

    Realizing that Jaleel was annoyed, Takira quickly swallowed down her own liquid.

    You don’t have to be so mean. I was just curious. Takira still mumbled.

    Now they were both drinking and vibing to the music. Jaleel was watching the crowd downstairs, until Takira got his attention again. And to his surprise there were now three women feeling each other up only two feet away from their table.

    For the first time Jaleel looked at the other surrounding tables and realized there seemed to be a lot of girl-on-girl action. But as he turned back around to inform Takira of this. Jaleel quickly realized she was caught up watching the women in shock or it could’ve been

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