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Run This Town
Run This Town
Run This Town
Ebook75 pages56 minutes

Run This Town

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He was the son of a U.S. Senator. He was also the most lethal drug lord of Atlanta. Everyone knew him as Cameron Page, but the streets knew him as Finesse.

PublisherVera Roberts
Release dateJan 5, 2022
Run This Town

Vera Roberts

Vera is the bestselling author of the number one D'amato Brothers series, the Scott & Mariana serial, and the Breakaway series. She loves chocolate, has a Netflix addiction, and seeing the Maury show in person is currently on her bucket list. She's also a member of both the BeyHive and RihNavy. Vera currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Maks, son Bear, and cat Sushi.

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    Run This Town - Vera Roberts


    BEING A SINGLE mother really sucks when you’re super horny.

    After I put my daughter to bed, I’m wide awake, and thinking about him. Of course, it’s always him. I wonder what he’s doing, who he’s with, and where he’s going. I always see why women go back to their exes or baby daddies.

    If it wasn’t for the familiarity, it’s definitely for the sex.

    I made the hard decision of finally breaking free from my baby daddy and live on my own with our daughter. We co-parent well, as any couple fresh off a separation would. There isn’t any hate between us; we’ve been through that when he decided the streets were more important than his family.

    I get a nice child support check to keep us comfortable and away from anything Cam does. I know why he had to go back to the streets and I also know he had no choice. I also know if he really wanted to leave that life alone, he would’ve done whatever it took.

    Our love wasn’t enough.

    I’m okay with everything, but that’s a clever lie I tell to everyone who asks. Only my girl, Hayley, and her fiancée, Que, know the real score. Que is Cameron’s best friend and runs everything in front.

    It made no sense to me because Cameron always did everything behind the scenes. He negotiated contracts; he met with affiliates and partners; he made sure the product was always top quality… and he carried out hits if need be.

    Cameron murdered several people in front of me, and I didn’t flinch at the violence. Maybe a part of me liked the fact he was dark and dangerous. He wasn’t a brooding type of gangster; he wore Oxfords, and he was Ivy League-educated.

    He loved 80s R&B, was well-traveled, wealthy as in I couldn’t fathom all those commas, and could fuck a girl into cleaning his mansion.

    But with how charming Cameron was, there was that dark side. If someone disrespected him, he plotted his revenge on them and acted on it when the time was right. Sometimes, it was a warning shot.

    And sometimes, it was a literal explosion.

    He was one of the most lethal drug lords in all of Atlanta, and I estimated the number of bodies under his watch in the triple digits. He never killed for sport, nor for territory. He only got rid of his adversaries because of disrespect.

    The final straw came when I helped him take down the woman who murdered my father. We were in more danger than both of us realized, and I didn’t think about how easily we could’ve been killed that night. I finally broke free from Cameron and told him I just couldn’t do the life anymore.

    He’s the proud son of a U.S. Senator, who was a conservative rockstar in his own right. The irony wasn’t lost on me. For everything his Republican daddy stood for, Cameron went directly against. His father couldn’t have been prouder.

    Now, I’m a part of the Page dynasty. I’m not married into the family – at least not yet – but I have a permanent connection to them – my daughter, Mia, with Cameron.

    Sometimes, I wonder if going through the pregnancy knowing what the outcome was going to be was smart on my end. I’m very-well taken care of and my monthly child support check is in the low six-figures. Everything I own is designer or high-end luxury and my ‘family’ car is BMW 7-series SUV.

    With all the glitz and glamour, I’m also connected to one of the most fakest, corrupted, public image above everything else families out there. I have no choice but to fall in line. Now, I see why all those housewives drink.

    Now we’re in the process of reconciliation but it’s been trying. We took a break from each other but we both knew we couldn’t stay away for too long.  For months, we had been playing a cat-and-mouse game with each other.

    Are we a couple? Not quite. Are we just friends? Definitely not. Are we friends with benefits? It was more than that.

    Cameron’s legitimate businesses began to take off again and I knew with his upcoming projects, he probably didn’t need to be tied down with anyone. I knew he saw other people and he knew I did as well.  Yet, we were pulled to each other like magnets.

    It took some creative planning to make sure we were never seen together. We rarely went out in public and if he went somewhere, I showed up later. I also left earlier than he did. His friends knew about me and likewise his. Family sworn

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