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Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions
Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions
Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions
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Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions

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About this ebook

We live in a new era, where every time we have to have life faster, a life in which everything is urgent, everything has to be done before the next day, and where having to work overtime without being paid on many occasions only served to keep our jobs.


On many occasions, we don't manage stress properly and end up being dynamite of emotions ready with a short wick to explode at any moment.


That is why I bring you this new book to be able to control certain emotions, especially those of anger since what we least want is to hurt our loved ones, and depending on the amount of emotion we overflow is the amount of damage we could do to our loved ones.


Controlling emotions is very important for every man in his daily life. The control of negative and positive emotions calms the mind. It allows us to face difficult decisions, unpleasant situations, and stages of change. It achieves that our concentration is greater. We think with much more clarity, leaving aside the feelings and exacerbated emotions.


Emotion is the alteration of the mood, whether intense or fleeting, pain or pleasure, accompanied by a certain somatic shock. Emotions are natural reactions on a person that alert the individual when situations appear that may pose a threat, danger, or frustration.


Emotions are mainly physiological reactions, such as muscle tension or increased heart rate or respiration.


This ebook contains:


  • What is anger
  • Main causes
  • Solutions
  • How to avoid anger
  • Coping with anger
  • Dealing with Post Anger
  • Other Ways to Calm Yourself
  • Relationships solutions
  • Benefits of managing anger
  • Call to action

In addition, it should be noted that learning to control our emotions will also provide us with social tools. When you understand where your emotions come from and how to handle them, you also develop a most interesting skill, empathy. Thus, in the future, when we identify a certain emotion in another person, we will know how to behave with it and how to advise or comfort it.


Therefore, we must understand that people who have a superior ability to control their emotions will be much happier because they will better satisfy their needs and master the mental habits that can lead to that state of positivity. However, those people who cannot control them will be immersed in an emotional spiral that will prevent them from concentrating and thinking clearly at each moment.


When you are done reading this book, you will have gained a lifetime of experience in just a few short hours. The stories are interesting to follow, and the challenging concepts have been made easy to understand. So get ready to broaden your horizons and adjust your expectations because you are in for one hell of a ride!


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Release dateOct 8, 2021
Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions

Lucian Simon Ionesco

I'm 51-year-old; I have a degree in psychology, specializing in motivation and mental disorders.I'm a Brazilian Christian, and I define myself as straight, and I'm a vegetarian. I grew up in an upper-class neighborhood. I was raised by my father and my mother, having left when I was young. I'm currently single. My most recent romance was with an artist called Ophelia Dana Phillips, who was 12 years older than me. We broke up because Ophelia felt Lucian was too busy for the relationship. My best friend is a chorus actor called Keira Morales. We get on well most of the time. I also hang around with Glenn Rees and Arran Davis. We enjoy worship together. I have decided to start my work writing since currently, due to the pandemic, I require an additional income. With the support of the Atelerix publishing house, I want to start giving my general knowledge about everything I have studied in my city to swim all this time. I hope that you fully recognize my writing and support me, especially if you have a loved one you can support with my knowledge; I will be more than happy to support me with a review of my book.

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    Book preview

    Anger Management The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by Controlling Your Emotions - Lucian Simon Ionesco


    The Complete Guide to Balancing Your Life by

    Controlling Your Emotions

    L E A R N T O   M A N A G E   S T R E S S ,

    R E L A T I O N S H I P S , A N D   A N X I E T Y

    Anger Management 1

    Introduction 5

    Chapter 1: What is anger 7

    Anger's Effects on Your Body and Relationships 9

    Anger as it affects you 10

    The Physical Effects of Anger 10

    Consequences of anger on your health 10

    Ways That Don't Help You Cope With Anger 11

    Expressing Anger in a Healthy Way 11

    The bodily response and its consequences 12

    The risk of suffering from diseases 13

    The effect on our body 15

    Main reasons why we get angry 16

    The first reason why we are upset and angry: 18

    Try to control things that we do not need to control. 19

    Chapter 2 - main causes 20

    Stress 20

    Anxiety 22

    What are the symptoms of anxiety? 22

    What are the most common symptoms? 23

    Anxiety and anger, those great unknown 24

    Relationships 25

    How anxiety symptoms can trigger anger 26

    Stress and anxiety are often used synonymously. 27

    Relationship between stress and anxiety 29

    Differences between stress and anxiety 30

    Headache due to anxiety and stress 30

    Chapter 3 -Solutions 31

    Stress Relief 31

    Quick Tips to Relieve Stress 32

    Meditation 32

    Exercise 32

    Guided Image 33

    Deep Breathing Exercises 34

    Muscle Relaxation 34

    Other Ways To Help You Relax 35

    Anxiety Relief 36

    Chapter 4 - Avoid Anger 44

    Find the Causes of Your Anger 44

    Your childhood and your upbringing 47

    Past experiences 47

    Current Circumstances 48

    How to control anger 49

    Problem Solving 52

    Better communication 52

    How to use humor 53

    How to change your environment 54

    When it is good to flee and when it is bad 55

    Chapter 5 - Coping with anger 58

    Methods to calm down 58

    Get help (friends) 60

    Analyzing when being angry is okay can be beneficial to you 61

    An evolutionary advantage 62

    Using anger to your advantage 63

    Chapter 6 - Dealing With Post Anger 64

    Apologizing 64

    What is an apology, and what can be achieved with it? 64

    List of personal and business situations that warrant an apology 65

    Work and business 65

    Family, friends, and personal relationships 65

    How to Apologize Step by Step 66

    Express remorse for your actions 66

    Empathize with the way the offended person felt 67

    Recognize that you are human, and sometimes it is okay not to be able to control your emotions  67

    Suppressor accepts your emotions? 68

    What are the consequences of accepting your emotions? 69

    Diagnose what happened (give a step-by-step guide) and figure out how to improve next time  69

    What if we deny our mistakes? 70

    People who do not admit their mistakes 70

    People who do not know how to recognize mistakes 71

    To run away from mistakes is to postpone problems 71

    Forgive (sometimes it is not your fault!) 72

    Learn to forgive and get rid of the trap of resentment 73

    Recognizing mistakes helps us to forgive others 74

    Chapter 7 - Other Ways to Calm Yourself 75

    Taking time 76

    Putting a little distance in between 76

    Expressing the reason for your anger clearly 77

    Think things through before saying anything 77

    Identify solutions to the situation 77

    Speaking in the first person when describing the problem 77

    Don't hold a grudge 78

    Using humor to release tension 78

    Practicing relaxation techniques 78

    Chapter 8 - Relationship solutions 79

    When you are single 80

    Learn to relax 80

    Time out 81

    Learn to express yourself 81

    Avoid situations or people that cause you anger 81

    Learn to relativize 81

    When you are committed (angry at your other half) 81

    Calming your temper during a fight 82

    Dealing With The Warning Signs Of Anger 83

    Avoid later conflicts 86

    With your family 88

    How to recognize a mental health problem 88

    At work 89

    Count to ten before answering. 91

    Do not repress what you feel 91

    Don't hide it 91

    Learn from past unfortunate situations. 92

    Play sports 92

    Chapter 9 - Benefits of managing anger 92

    Mood Benefits of Regular Exercise 93

    Avoiding your emotions leads to repression 96

    Understanding your emotions allows for personal evaluation. 96

    Chapter 10 - Call to action 98

    Conclusion 101


    Controlling emotions is very important for every man in his daily life. The control of negative and positive emotions calms the mind. It allows us to face difficult decisions, unpleasant situations, and stages of change. It achieves that our concentration is greater. We think with much more clarity, leaving aside the feelings and exacerbated emotions.

    Emotion is the alteration of the mood, whether intense or fleeting, pain or pleasure, accompanied by a certain somatic shock. Emotions are natural reactions on a person that alert the individual when situations appear that may pose a threat, danger, or frustration.

    Emotions are mainly physiological reactions, such as muscle tension or increased heart rate or respiration.

    To understand and control emotions, it is necessary to have acquired some skills to manage them. If this is not achieved, unpleasant states and/or undesirable behaviors can be experienced. Then, we speak of emotional intelligence, which is the ability to face and adapt to the different situations that the person faces in their daily life and solve them satisfactorily while generating beneficial motivations for themselves.

    And it is that, when a person is faced with this type of situation, a series of physiological reactions usually occur, which are accompanied by specific thoughts that expand the range of emotions.

    Man can experience endless emotions. Within this broad repertoire, we find positive emotions such as joy and excitement and negative emotions such as sadness or anger. Although we think that controlling emotions is more important to control negative ones, it must also be done in the case of positive ones, since it is not good to face life with excessive excitement and emotion. A person who is feeling excessive joy should also try to

    control himself when facing certain issues. Otherwise, he would let himself be carried away by this joy and exaltation, making decisions that could perhaps harm him in the future.

    It is interesting to know how to identify all of them to understand their nature and control them. This will be the only way to calm down on certain occasions, for example, when we are afraid of something irrational. If we understand where this fear comes from, we will be able to learn to control it. Thus, the control of emotions is essential to overcome, for example, certain phobias, such as fear of flying, small spaces, or even spiders.

    Suppose we let our emotions take over our being. In that case, our minds will stop working rationally. We will be at the mercy of what we feel at all times, making completely impetuous and unreflective decisions.

    In addition, it should be noted that learning to control our emotions will also provide us with social tools. When you understand where your emotions come from and how to handle them, you also develop a most interesting skill, empathy. Thus, in the future, when we identify a certain emotion in another person, we will know how to behave with it and how to advise or comfort it.

    Therefore, we must understand that people who have a superior ability to control their emotions will be much happier because they will better satisfy their needs and master the mental habits that can lead to that state of positivity. However, those people who cannot control them will be immersed in an emotional spiral that will prevent them from concentrating and thinking clearly at each moment.

    Chapter 1: What is anger

    Anger is an emotion that accompanies us throughout our lives. Not surprisingly, anger is always present in conflict situations, whether with others or with ourselves, and can range from mild irritation to the deepest of hatreds, when we perceive that we are treated deceitfully, when we feel hurt, or when we find it difficult to achieve some important goal, we feel anger. Feeling this emotion in these circumstances predisposes us to protect ourselves from what hurts us, which is the origin of this emotion.

    Like all other emotions, anger is a complex reaction in which three types of responses are activated. The first is a bodily response, in which our body is activated for defense or attack. Our heart rate increases as our breathing speed up, our muscles tense, and blood flow skyrockets, preparing us to act on a perceived threat.

    When this state of excitement remains, we are more predisposed to act impulsively, leading to aggressive behaviors.

    The second is a cognitive response. That is, it depends on our way of interpreting situations. When we are immersed in a situation, it alone has no emotional value. It is the personal appreciation that we make of it that gives it meaning. In this way, emotions function our thoughts, so when we interpret a situation as an abuse, injustice, lack of respect, or an obstacle to achieving a goal, we feel anger.

    Thoughts such as this are intolerable, how dare you to treat me like that, but who do you think you are, life is trying to hinder me, etc., are the perfect fuel to increase and prolong the feelings of anger increasing the possibility of being aggressive.

    The ultimate anger response has to do with behavioral management in these situations. The behavior in these circumstances is oriented to defend ourselves from what stands in our way. For this, internal energy has generated that moves to the destruction of the obstacle. Now, we should not confuse anger with aggressiveness since this is one of the


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