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Gardens of the Elder Gods: Journals of the Ancient Ones, #3
Gardens of the Elder Gods: Journals of the Ancient Ones, #3
Gardens of the Elder Gods: Journals of the Ancient Ones, #3
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Gardens of the Elder Gods: Journals of the Ancient Ones, #3

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"Gardens of the Elder Gods" is the third volume within the continuing Journals of the Ancient Ones series, with each text written as a stand-alone book, allowing this series to be read in any order.  It presents further documentation of extraterrestrial contact throughout Earth's ancient past, revealing puzzling archaeological sites that contained modern technology, which further supports the unique Elder gods theory.  Indications of otherworldly influences – which apparently established the legendary lost cities of antiquity and their advanced cultures – are substantiated from accounts in archaic texts and numerous anomalous artifacts retrieved from Earth's geological and fossil records.


Additionally, this volume retraces the migratory paths taken to repopulate Earth after the Great Flood, focusing on cryptic archaeological discoveries that reveal evidence of even earlier advanced cultures from which well-known historic civilizations later emerged.  The absence of any prior development period with many of those cultures suggests that Earth's earliest civilizations were spontaneously formed as a result of beneficial contact with otherworldly influences.

PublisherM. Don Schorn
Release dateSep 24, 2021
Gardens of the Elder Gods: Journals of the Ancient Ones, #3

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    Book preview

    Gardens of the Elder Gods - M. Don Schorn

    Part One

    Echoes from the Remote Past

    Chapter 1



    As a result of the Big Bang event some 13.7 billion years ago, the early universe had flourished and expanded for nine billion years prior to the much later formation of our solar system.  During that earlier period, it is a certainty that an untold number of suns were born, lived their allotted useful lifespans, and eventually died.¹  Their elemental remains were continuously recycled into subsequently formed 'new' star systems.  Any planetary companions and their satellites within the gravitational influences of those stars would have correspondingly also formed, flourished, and eventually endured a fate similar to their own sun.  Further, it is both a statistical probability as well as a reasonable supposition to believe that some type of life would have developed on at least a portion of those early, but now long-dead and vanished worlds.  Statistically, a percentage of those celestial bodies would have also provided sufficient environmental stability for more complex life to have eventually evolved, conceivably with a few lifeforms perhaps progressing further to ultimately become intelligent creatures.

    Even with the demise of a vast percentage of those worlds possessing higher lifeforms, a relatively few would seemingly have acquired higher technological levels that could have allowed their species to escape any impending doom that might threaten the ultimate existence of their homeworld.  Such enlightened beings would have likely been capable of colonizing other planets, even beyond their own solar system, in an effort to negate their potential extinction.  Such conceivable off-world migration could have provided precious additional time for those cultures to further evolve, allowing their scientific knowledge to advance to ever-higher levels of discovery and achievement.

    In fact, considering the infinite number of prior spent suns, plus the remaining current stars and the countless planetary systems they spawned, it would be a statistical oddity and incongruity if life had not formed on a crucial percentage of those earlier planets.  With their eventual demise, such lifeforms and their homeworlds, along with the remains of any neighboring planets, comets, satellites, asteroids, and suns, would have been converted and recycled into future new creations over and over.  Hence, cosmic life would have simply formed somewhere within that great early cosmos.  Certainly it would not have taken our Creator more than nine billion years to think of creating an organic sentient being, one that would eventually achieve sapient status and prosper on a relatively small planet within an average subsequent galaxy.

    Perhaps those earliest beings may have had little in common with future creatures such as our human species, not only in their appearance, but in multiple other aspects as well.  Certainly, the physical conditions that existed during that much earlier universe were drastically different than those encountered within our present cosmos.  Such extreme 'environmental' changes over the eons are accepted facts, as exemplified by the drastic climatic changes that have occurred over the short existence of our own planet.  Numerous different entities may have existed on the many vastly dispersed worlds that existed, as products of both their planetary environment, as well as their time period of occupation within the universe; all contributing to their ultimately diverse evolutionary development.

    Certain of those beings would have evolved, eventually achieving civilized behavior while gaining knowledge over the ensuing eons, and ultimately became extinct with the demise of their sun; without ever knowing of other worlds, or having contact with their inhabitants.  They were born, lived, died, and were simply forgotten; never knowing of the vastly larger universe that they shared with other sentient species on other distant worlds.  Even the knowledge of their existence, and perhaps their once great civilizations, would have evaporated with their world, never allowing their discovery by future generations of explorers from other planets.

    In the Second Journal of the Ancient Ones, Legacy of the Elder Gods, the likelihood of a universal spore or 'germ of life' was discussed.²  Such a spore would have likely existed shortly after the Big Bang birth of the universe, perhaps within the first several billion years of that early creative process.  As stars and planets coalesced, such a common spore might have been the source for all life throughout the cosmos.  Such a spore might even be 'generic,' in a manner similar to the elementary particles of quarks and leptons that underlie and form the basis of all material reality.  Such spores might drift throughout space on solar winds, or be transported on exploded debris of 'expired' celestial bodies, or conveyed through deliberate acts of seeding by individual surviving lifeforms.  By various means, such basic spores were dispersed throughout the known cosmos, eventually finding homes not only on existing worlds, but also on continually created new planets, which were constantly being formed within the countless number of gaseous nebula clusters scattered throughout our universe.

    Some spores were deposited within suitable environments, ones that were nurturing and conducive to life.  That allowed each spore to individually evolve, creating its own particular lifeform, based on its host world's unique conditions and environment.  Over time, such basic life would have mutated to accommodate the numerous changes its host world would undergo over the eons of time, thereby producing an abundance of different species indigenous to each planet, all from a single common spore.  Therefore, regardless of its physical appearance or form, all life everywhere within our universe could somehow be related to one another through their origin with, or perhaps from, a single common 'spore of life.'

    The earliest formation of bacterial life on our planet may well be the result of one or more of those spores finding their way to Earth some 3.7 billion years ago.  Humankind may even be the result of such continuing evolutionary progress, as well as the product of acute mutations that occurred from drastic climatic and environmental changes.  Or, perhaps yet another mechanism was involved in humankind's emergence on planet Earth.  Academia promotes its accepted theory of a linear progression of small mammals into monkeys, leading to apes, then to apemen and the transitional early cave man, with their eventual evolution into humankind.  But certain extant evidence contradicts that theory.  While a credible case can be made for early hominid ancestors evolving into apes, and those early apes later splitting into two lineages, one forming true apes and the second creating apemen; humans appear to have emerged as a unique product from some different process or set of circumstances.

    The progression of the manlike-apes known as the genus Australopithecus, through their numerous branches leading to Pithecanthropus apeman, is well documented and quite credible.  Such an excruciatingly slow evolutionary process occurred over a period of at least four million years.  In the First Journal of the Ancient Ones, Elder Gods of Antiquity, it was revealed that Modern man's lineage seemed to abruptly appear around 400,000 BC with the proto-Sapiens,³ an advanced species perhaps best known from the Swanscombe man specimens, only to die out around 150,000 BC.  The subsequent formation of Neanderthal man followed, a clearly less evolved species, having much more in common with Homo erectus (whose later versions were also known as Pithecanthropus) than with any later humans.

    Such an evolutionary 'twist' seems unusual, with a primitive branch following the more advanced proto-Sapiens subspecies.  Genetic tests performed on DNA taken from preserved Neanderthals lacked clear evidence of any ancestral lineage with Modern man.⁴  Neanderthals simply appear to be a normal evolutionary step from Pithecanthropus, one that became an essentially dead-end branch of hominids, tracing back to the earlier Australopithecus species.

    After an absence of more than 100,000 years, perhaps the proto-Sapiens' true successor then abruptly appeared with the emergence of the superior Cro-Magnon man sometime around 43,000 BC;⁵ only to be closely followed by the new, slightly improved version of Homo sapiens sapiens around 11,600 BC.  That latest and still-present version of our species was merely a slight 'refinement' of Cro-Magnon man.  Truly Modern man had a more efficient, slightly smaller size, reduced from an average 6' 4 down to just under 5' 10; along with a refinement in the mouth structure, which allowed more complex sounds to be produced.  Such minor changes make sense only if the later version was intended to rely more on their intellect and resulting technology, rather than on brawn and physical size.

    Yet the lineage of proto-Sapiens to Cro-Magnons, followed by fully Modern man, makes very little sense, based on the 'accepted' evolutionary theory.  Such species seemingly appeared from nowhere, with each branch progressing at an incredible rate.  Just as mysterious are the extant but rare fossil specimens of Modern man that date to vastly remote ages, long before our species is known to have existed.  Perhaps the best example is Skull 1470 found in Kenya, Africa, by Dr. Richard Leakey in 1972; a modern human skull dating to 2.8 million years ago.⁶

    It is now widely accepted by the scientific community that human evolutionary progress was quite uneven, with many contradictory developments.  Such a scenario suggests the possibility of outside intervention, perhaps even involving experimentation, as an equally credible explanation for at least a portion of humanity's development.  The oldest true ancestor of humankind's most distant antecedent is generally portrayed as the genus Australopithecus, with its first fossil relic having been discovered in South Africa in 1925.  Yet, the lineage of subsequent branches was based upon a mere handful of fossil fragments to determine the evolutionary history of early humans, a quantity much less than necessary to reconstruct humanity's true and full genealogy.

    Fossils of a suspected ancient ancestor older than Australopithecus were found during 2000 in the Tugen Hills of Kenya, Africa.  That hominid species was nicknamed Millennium man, but is officially classified as Orrorin tugensis, a creature about the size of a modern chimpanzee.  It has been relative-dated at about 5.9 million years old, making it the suspected and presently oldest known relative within our human lineage.  The very few remains that have been found so far have prohibited a more concise picture of this creature to be developed.

    Still other fragmentary remains of a slightly 'younger,' but nearly five million years old species, have been tentatively identified as a possible 'early Australopithecine,' although insufficient anatomical details exist to classify them as a specific subspecies.  Its species may be the lineage that eventually produced the Ardipithecus ramidus, a 4.4 million year old proto apeman that was more apelike than humanlike, or it may have been the direct ancestor of the true Australopithecines.  Yet Australopithecines are not considered to be as closely related to humans as were the older Orrorin tugensis species.

    Even older fossils, discovered in the Djurab Desert of northern Chad, Africa, are suspected to be a previously unknown genus of a species that might represent the oldest human ancestor.  According to a 2002 report in the journal Nature, a skull, two lower jaw fragments, and three teeth were found between July 2001 and February 2002.⁷  The remains were from at least five different individuals, all dating to between six and seven million years old.  The fossils displayed a mix of both primitive and evolved characteristics, producing a creature about the size of a chimpanzee.  But this genus possessed a nose, brow ridge, and facial profile unlike any chimp; one more resembling the appearance of the much later Homo erectus.  But the Australopithecines existed between those two species, separating them over a period of nearly four million years.  This new genus is classified as Sahelanthropus tchadensis, and is commonly known as Toumai man, meaning 'hope of life' in the local Chad language.⁸  It may have even been the older direct ancestor of the previously mentioned Orrorin tugensis, which was also a chimp-sized creature, whose traits were more humanlike than those of its ape contemporaries.

    Certain anthropological doctrines still depict the evolutionary progress of humans as an unbroken path.  However, Earth's hominid fossil record is a mosaic of inconsistent occurrences.  But, according to anthropologist Dan Lieberman at Harvard University, evolution simply does not exhibit U-turns or such back and forth directions.⁹  The earlier and more human Toumai man, as well as the similar discovery in Kenya of the six million year old Millennium man, evidently did not evolve into the later Australopithecine apeman.

    Such conclusions cause havoc with the current theory of humanity's origins.  It suggests that human lineage either evolved more than once, or some other explanation must exist with certain pieces apparently still missing, perhaps even efforts involving otherworldly intervention.  Such speculation does not imply total disagreement with academia's prevailing theories.  Man did not necessarily descend directly from apes, but merely shared a common ancestor within that hominid family pool, and its even larger hominoid superfamily.  Certain vestiges of apes can even be found in the oldest lineage of our ancient human ancestors, lending credibility to the theory of our evolution from primates.  Yet, something else was also involved, far beyond any elusive 'missing link.'

    Bone structures in the forearms and wrists of two hominid ancestors displayed the ability to restrict backward movement of the wrist beyond 30 degrees, a trait associated with 'knuckle-walking' apes.  Both a 4.1 and a three million year old early Australopithecine subspecies possessed such wrist characteristics,¹⁰ even after their supposed split from the apes around six million years ago.  Yet such apemen are believed to have been upright walkers, thus making such specialized bone structures unnecessary.  No trace of this knuckle-walking bone structure continued in the evolution of any later ancestral subspecies, although the tail bone, thought to be the evolutionary remnant of the monkey's tail, continues with Modern man.  Still other carry-over vestiges also seem to have endured, such as the human appendix, and hipbones in whales.

    Human ancestors are clearly defined by their trait of upright walking, first displayed by the genus Homo erectus, a species believed to have emerged in Africa.  However, fossils of Homo erectus have also been found along an ancient river bluff in the Republic of Georgia, representing the first such find outside of Africa.  Such remains dated to 1.7 million years ago,¹¹ the same determined starting date for its African counterpart, apparently disputing the belief that this species originated only in Africa.

    A study published in the journal Science, co-authored by anthropologists Milford H. Wolpoff of the University of Michigan and John Hawks of the University of Utah, concluded that modern humans did not arise from a single migration from Africa.¹²  Rather, they emerged from small groups that moved by journeying to every continent over thousands of years.  Those groups intermingled with archaic beings such as Neanderthals, interbreeding with them.  Those archaic branches eventually disappeared as a result of such interbreeding, due to the superior genes of modern humans dominating the descendants that were produced.  This was apparently not only true with Modern man, but also with our distant ancestors.

    In an attempt to solve the mystery of humanity's ultimate origins, new discoveries often seem to introduce additional questions, rather than provide answers to prior ones.  Theories generally fall into the two categories of 'lumpers' or 'splitters.'  The 'lumpers' try to fit all new primitive discoveries into one of three species, either as an Australopithecus, Homo habilis, or Homo erectus.  Orthodox beliefs, which profess that evolution followed essentially a 'straight' timeline, tend to support the notion that only one species existed during any single time period.  This portrays a neat succession, one of fundamental simplicity, but with many contradictions.

    The second group, the 'splitters,' recognize diversity as a profound part of evolution.  They are aware of the complexity within this process, one where our family tree had a profusion of branches, but with uncertain relationships, false starts, and dead ends; a fact supported by new discoveries and more refined fossil analysis.  Such new findings confirm that more than one species or hominid lineage simultaneously existed starting at least 3.5 million years ago, and could possibly even extend back more than six million years, to the time when the earliest distant lineage of humanity diverged from true apes.

    The disclosure of concurrent species competing for their own survival and/or dominance of Earth emerges from a late 1998 and early 1999 discovery in Kenya, Africa, by Dr. Meave G. Leakey, the latest member of this famous family of paleoanthropologists.  She discovered the cranium and partial jaw of a new genus, the Kenyanthropus platyops,¹³ which displayed an exceedingly flat face, along with unusually small molars.  The fossils dated to 3.5 million years ago, making it a contemporary with the Australopithecus afarensis, the lineage perhaps best known by the 'Lucy' specimen.  Her find suggests two distinct coexisting ancestral lineages.

    Charles Darwin, originator of the Natural Evolution theory in which a new species is derived from other earlier species, claimed that any sudden appearance of different species in certain formations would present a fatal objection to his belief in transmutation.  He explicitly stated that if numerous species belonging to the same genera would originate into existence at the same time, then such an occurrence would be a fatal flaw to his theory of evolution.¹⁴  Darwin also had a rather simplistic response for any anomalous evidence that might contradict his theory.  In all cases, he simply claimed that positive paleontological evidence might be implicitly trusted, while negative evidence is worthless, as experience has so often shown.¹⁵

    Yet too many mysteries still remain concerning humanity's origins and our development on planet Earth, thereby hindering a conclusive and universally acceptable explanation.  Adding to those mysteries are the many anomalous fossils, advanced artifacts, megalithic stone edifices, and an inexplicable level of celestial knowledge that are detailed within the First Journal of the Ancient Ones, Elder Gods of Antiquity.  The introduction of early civilized behavior during prehistoric times, along with the many legacies that were seemingly bestowed upon the most ancient early cultures, further add to this growing list of enigmatic dilemmas.

    Such 'gifts' or legacies were exposed and evaluated in the Second Journal of the Ancient Ones, Legacy of the Elder Gods.  Such extant evidence, although often suppressed or ignored, continues to grow, seemingly with each new discovery.  Such perplexing findings and revelations that concern our origins and path toward civilization have yet to be adequately explained by our conventional theories.  When combined, these anomalies readily contradict the standard orthodox paradigm meant to explain and answer such fundamental questions.

    The premise underlying the Journals of the Ancient Ones is presented to explore such mysteries, with the intent of formulating a new theory that would provide credible answers that explain our origins.  The two earlier Journals supplied an alternate theory that fully explained those mysteries as the result of outside intervention from two different groups of otherworldly beings.  The earliest beings acted as benefactors, instructing and guiding our early emerging human species, while the later group was more malevolent.  These revelations form the basis of the Elder Gods theory, which can account for all the archaic anomalous artifacts, while answering any lingering questions concerning humanity's true origins.

    Chapter 2

    Elder Gods Theory


    The Elder Gods theory purports that soon after the Big Bang event, perhaps after only two billion years or so, sentient life developed on some distant planet in a far away galaxy, long before our sun, Earth, and other solar system planets even formed.  That First Being species continued to evolve, and eventually achieved cultural growth, along with an accumulation of knowledge and high scientific progress.  Unlike most other early lifeforms, they also developed an ability to comprehend all consequences of their actions.  Such attainment allowed them to break a previous perpetual cycle of inevitable self-destruction that had been the norm, which had prohibited numerous other initial lifeforms from attaining similar higher enlightenment.  Those repetitive cycles of self-annihilation had occurred after a species' accomplishments eventually surpassed their ability to fully understand all the ramifications and consequences of their own inventions and actions.

    Moving beyond levels never before attained, that First Being species achieved tranquillity and peace through adherence with a regimented discipline leading to order and advancement.  Their reprieve from the repetitive cycle of destruction that was common throughout the early universe prompted that enlightened First Being species to devote more resources to their own spiritual and moral development.  With their elevated level of enlightenment, they rose to ever-greater achievements through their 'controlled' growth policy.  Their technological advancements produced interplanetary and even galactic travel capabilities, which brought them in contact with younger, more primitive species on far distant planets.  Those less developed lifeforms were observed to be on evolutionary self-destructive paths not unlike the course that was avoided by the enlightened First Being species during their ancient past.

    Eventually, this First Being species encountered other lifeforms that had likewise evolved during the earliest formative years of the universe, thus allowing them to also grow beyond the earlier and more predictable self-destructive phase.  Together, those two different species of First Beings concluded that only within extremely rare exceptions would infant species evolve to the next level of enlightenment, overcoming their innate propensity for self-destruction.  Therefore, some type of outside intervention was deemed necessary, with those two enlightened First Being species combining to assist emerging races whenever they were encountered.  Their joint alliance was dedicated to the education, civilization, and controlled growth of those younger emerging races on other worlds, through compliance with a prescribed code of conduct that became known as the Cosmic Order.  Such a code was intended to create universal harmony, not by 'catching' lawbreakers, but by establishing a proper and disciplined way-of-life.

    The Cosmic Order was intended to control the growth and developmental direction of those primitive races, while teaching such beings basic ethical and moral values.  The Cosmic Order prohibited allowing any advanced technology that could surpass the comprehensive abilities of its developing infant race from envisioning all the effects and ultimate consequences of such implementation.  The Cosmic Order was to be the primary and fundamental commandment or rule, coming before and taking precedence over the laws of each and every member planet.  As an incentive toward compliance, the First Beings would also assist those infant races by imparting knowledge and innovations in appropriate degrees, while bringing civilization to their world.

    The Cosmic Order became the foundation for universal harmony, a prime directive intended to permanently alter the repetitive cycle of destruction throughout the cosmos.  The actual rate of advancement for any infant race depended upon their achieved level of enlightenment, which reflected each world's value system and maturity.  The intent was to eliminate the possible misuse of potentially devastating inventions that could harm such emerging races, as well as any other neighboring planets.  This practice was not merely an altruistic act by a group of advanced, enlightened beings, but also an act of self-preservation.  With ensuing successes by the First Beings to thwart the innate trait of self-destructive behavior of those infant races, their own longevity and security could also be assured.

    Over time, still other enlightened First Being species were encountered in distant regions of space.  They also joined the efforts to bring order and enlightenment to those younger emerging worlds.  Collectively, they became known as the Ancient Ones, traveling the stellar regions from one solar system to another, assisting younger races.  Eventually their alliance included different species of Ancient Ones from seven distinct homeworlds; each reflecting seven different 'early' lifeforms that had achieved the highest level of enlightenment.  Under their unity within the Cosmic Order, the Ancient Ones were organized into groups with specific capabilities and duties.

    One group rebuilt devastated worlds destroyed by infant races, allowing their later habitation by other compatible emerging species that might need a new home planet.  Another group seeded or colonized promising early solar systems.  A third group civilized, educated, and monitored growth of sufficiently mature races on cooperative developing planets.  Representatives from those specific groups were assigned to a region of space in which to complete their missions.  Apparently those groups were normally comprised of a representative mix of different species, some perhaps even requiring utilization of technical devices such as respirators or space suits, within certain regions of space where they were assigned their work duties.

    Periodically, those groups and their duties would change, assuring that every region of the universe would be exposed to all seven different First Being species and their distinct unique cultures.  This assured diversity, with no single species or their unique culture dominating any specific sector of space.  With every species of Ancient Ones adhering to the same set of laws and code of conduct embodied within the Cosmic Order, no emerging infant world would thus experience confusion during any subsequent change from one enlightened group to another.

    Eventually, the most 'gifted' representatives from each infant race were invited to join the 'missionary' efforts of the Ancient Ones, with those young assistants becoming known as the Helpers or Watchers of the Ancient Ones.  Initially, the Ancient Ones would determine the best method and lesson plan to educate and civilize each individual infant race, and direct that effort from its outset.  Once acceptable compliance was established, the daily routine duties were then conveyed to the Helpers.  The Helpers became the ones that interacted most directly with the indigenous species on each encountered world.  That allowed the Ancient Ones to contact many more planets in their spread of the Cosmic Order.  The Helpers were assigned to specific planets based on their similar appearance to the contacted race of beings that were indigenous to each world.  That assured the best reception during first contact, minimizing any potential fear or violent reaction that might occur from meetings between 'alien' or dissimilar appearing beings.

    Perhaps as much as seven billion years after the birth of the earliest Ancient Ones, the solar system containing Earth formed as part of the continuing process of the Big Bang genesis.  Due to the much later 'creation' of our solar system, it would be logical to assume that the Ancient Ones would have had some form of contact with our region of space since its earliest formative primordial times, perhaps even including 'seeding' efforts.  Eventually, sustainable early life did flourish within our solar system, allowing the process of natural evolution to occur.

    All indications suggest that the earliest intelligent life within our solar system first developed on one of the outer terrestrial planets, not on Earth.  While Earth was an excellent candidate for life formation, its environment would have been less hospitable than that of certain outer planets, which would have condensed and cooled-off earlier, due to their more remote location from our sun.  Those initial indigenous intelligent beings were likely a humanlike species that emerged perhaps as a direct product of prior primordial seeding, developing through natural evolutionary processes associated with its distinct environment.  That species preceded any higher lifeform on Earth by a substantial length of time, perhaps as much as 300 million years.  The most likely home planet for that early life was our once fifth planet, Maldek, or our fourth planet, Mars.

    Maldek once occupied the orbit between Mars and Jupiter during early primordial times.  That orbit now contains the asteroid belt, the destroyed remains of planet Maldek, indicating its subsequent planetary destruction at some later date.  Since the number of later descendants of our solar system's original indigenous lifeform was quite small, that would suggest their homeworld was completely destroyed, eradicating the vast majority of its people.  That indicates the other potential outer planet homeworld candidate, Mars, was less likely to have been the origin of that humanlike species, although it was similar to Maldek.  However, facts are simply insufficient to fully determine which planet was the original homeworld of those earliest humanlike beings.

    It is known that Maldek was the same type of terrestrial world as the present four inner planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, inclusive of their satellites.  All these planets exhibit a solid surface, with interiors comprising a stone mantle and inner iron core, rather than the gaseous composition of the more distant outer planets.  Maldek was believed to be a medium to large terrestrial planet, larger than Mars and perhaps as large or even slightly larger than Earth.  It definitely contained water, had an iron core, and a rocky mantle composition; facts known from a recovered asteroid fragment that displayed a composition strikingly similar to Earth.¹  The age of such specimens date to 5.0 billion years old, making Maldek perhaps 300 million years older than Earth.  That would have provided a sizable period of time as a 'headstart' for more advanced life to evolve on Maldek before a similar occurrence on Earth.  The charred surfaces of its rocky chunks further indicate that a massive cataclysm was involved with its ultimate destruction.

    Those earliest humanlike beings within our solar system enjoyed the first contact with the Ancient Ones and their Cosmic Order.  The association was a most successful one, with the inhabitants progressing into a model culture under the regulated guidance and tutelage of the Ancient Ones, eventually developing into a highly accomplished and advanced civilization.  They also developed into an enlightened and moral species, by adhering to the mandates of the Cosmic Order.  Due to their exemplary progress and moral growth, the Ancient Ones also utilized them as valued assistants.  As dedicated volunteers, they joined the group known as the Watchers or Helpers of the Ancient Ones, and were mainly assigned duties associated with other planets within our solar system.

    The outer planet humanlike beings ultimately attained their own capacity for space travel, allowing independent exploration of neighboring worlds including Earth.  With the protection, guidance, and imparted knowledge provided by the Ancient Ones, those humanlike beings eventually attained vast accomplishments, ones far beyond the levels of 20th and early 21st century Earth.  With their increasing population numbers, permanent bases were established on neighboring planets and moons, with temporary settlements occasionally built on Earth.  Since indigenous sentient life had formed by that time on Earth, its bases came under the monitored guidance of the Ancient Ones, recognizing the sovereign rights of each planet's own indigenous creatures over those of mere 'visitors,' as dictated under the mandates of the Cosmic Order.

    Due to the humanlike beings' high achievement status, they ultimately required little direction and assistance from the Ancient Ones.  Only occasional oversight contact was made with their advanced homeworld, although the Ancient Ones did control their activities on Earth and their other developing colonies, thus assuring planetary independence.

    As with all species, cultures, and worlds, cyclic changes occur which tax the capabilities of its affected inhabitants, perhaps even altering their very existence.  That became the dilemma facing the humanlike beings on their homeworld, who experienced some type of deterioration in their planetary environmental conditions.  In the First Journal of the Ancient Ones, Elder Gods of Antiquity, a speculative scenario was offered that focused on a chronic slow cooling of their planet's central core.  The resultant symptoms included a loss of atmospheric gases, plus a diminished gravitational attraction and magnetic field to hold its ever-thinning atmosphere.  As planetary conditions continued to worsen, a complex and highly scientific corrective measure was devised and implemented by the humanlike beings, as a potential solution to their life-threatening environmental problem.²

    The attempted corrective measure intended to fix their planetary problem not only failed, but also caused the cataclysmic destruction of Maldek, resulting in the debris field now known as the asteroid belt.  It is unclear if Maldek was used as a 'practice test' for the procedure, of if the actual corrective action was implemented on Maldek right from the start, if it was indeed their actual homeworld.  The date of that catastrophe was identified as sometime around 700,000 BC, in the aforementioned Elder Gods of Antiquity.³  That event climaxed the apex of the humanlike beings' culture, a high point never again obtained by its few survivors and their subsequent descendants.

    The resultant vaporization of all humanlike inhabitants on Maldek, along with the death of many more on Mars, reduced this once plentiful species to only a small number of survivors, probably much less than one million.  Those few humanlike survivors would have been on the mothership of the Ancient Ones at the time of Maldek's accidental destruction, and also on the previously mentioned offworld bases.  The force of that destruction also disrupted the Martian atmosphere, Maldek's closest celestial neighbor, partially tearing away major portions of its atmosphere.  That same atmospheric erosion persists to this day, and is either a continuation of its original problem or one caused by the 'botched' corrective measures enacted on Maldek.

    Initially, minimal damage was probably imparted to the Martian atmosphere from the cataclysm, but over time the effects became cumulative.  That condition eventually resulted in a low atmospheric pressure, prohibiting the existence of liquid water on Mars' surface.  Additional effects included a slower planetary rotation, almost no magnetic field, and most likely an altered orbital path; all producing irreversible harm to Mars' atmosphere and ecosystem.  Such damage forever severely altered the climatic weather patterns and subsequent living conditions on Mars.

    After that initial trauma, efforts by the Ancient Ones focused on providing a sustainable and suitable environment in which the humanlike survivors of the Maldek disaster could once again thrive and prosper.  The partial loss of Mars' atmosphere eventually restricted the amount of exposure the humanlike beings could then tolerate outside of their subterranean shelters and protective enclosures on its surface, due to harmful cosmic radiation.  The Ancient Ones also provided much of the technology for those Martian shelters, which included a reliable system for environmental control.

    All those efforts provided a livable environment, but one much below the prior high level the humanlike beings had once enjoyed.  The repair and utilization of the metropolitan structures and devices possessed by its advanced culture diminished with each subsequent generation.  That was due to their ever-dwindling numbers, as well as a diminished level of scientific and technical abilities retained by those survivors.  Nearly all their greatest scientists, inventors, educators, and a vast majority of technically proficient people were destroyed during the implementation of their disastrous corrective plan undertaken on Maldek.  That left a void in the subsequent instruction of future students, and a lack of scientific understanding of their ancestors' prior achievements.  However, the humanlike inhabitants on Mars still possessed a mix of 21st century technology, blended with a 19th century life style.

    But the later descendants of the original survivors continued to regress rather than advance, focusing much of their effort on basic survival needs, not on cultural and scientific achievements.  Yet, all around their Martian base were the remnants of their ancestors' once glorious high culture, a civilization that could not be fully understood or duplicated by an ever-diminishing number of later generation humanlike beings.  Their cultural decline created much bitterness toward the Ancient Ones, which emerged from a belief that the Ancient Ones had the ability and power to virtually restore their once grand culture.  Such bitterness became a mental barrier in their efforts to regain their once great civilization, altering both their moral values and outlook.

    Over time, the humanlike beings, not wanting to start over, eventually demanded the 'replacement' of their lost civilization, although they knew what inventions and obtainments awaited them, based on their ancestors' achievements.  Rather than viewing such insight as a positive influence, exposing the direction in which to proceed, it ultimately became a detriment.  The discouraged and despondent humanlike descendants simply abandoned all attempts to help themselves, and expected the Ancient Ones to fully restore their destroyed high culture.

    Earth Contact

    By that time, 'lower life' had long been established on Earth.  The Ancient Ones realized that the long-term viability of the Martian base was hopeless, and the base on the moon of Earth was merely a temporary one.  This prompted a greater level of intervention involving direct manipulation of the humanlike descendants' physiology, an effort that may have even been in opposition with certain mandates of the Cosmic Order.  That belated action included genetic alterations intended to produce better adaptation with Mars, as well as a future goal for dual compatibility with Earth.  The first phase was undertaken to 'modify' the humanlike survivors' physiology, to withstand the higher radiation levels and diminishing atmosphere of Mars.  The objective was to prolong compatibility with the deteriorating Martian environment, allowing time for the Ancient Ones to produce a viable mutated humanlike species capable of dual-habitation on either Earth or Mars.  Such an outcome would prevent an extinction of the humanlike species.

    One can not simply call the original surviving humanlike beings 'human,' since they were a distinctly different genus.  The term pre-human, referring to a species that came before humans, connotes a creature less developed than humans, when in actuality that earlier ancestor was decidedly more advanced.  Their physiological differences from those of present humans were some of the reasons why they could not merely be transported on the ships of the Ancient Ones to Earth for permanent relocation, immediately after the destruction of Maldek.  But the biggest obstacle came from Cosmic Order mandates that gave the indigenous intelligent species of a planet preference over all other 'outside' life.

    Regardless, attention focused on Earth as a viable new homeworld for the future genetically altered humanlike descendants.  With the predicted imminent demise of Earth's indigenous Pithecanthropus species sometime shortly after 400,000 BC, a window of 'seeding' presented itself.  The Ancient Ones created a new candidate using recombinant DNA material from both the indigenous Pithecanthropus species of Earth and the subsequently 'altered' humanlike beings on the moon base, who were much more cooperative and compliant than their counterparts on Mars.  By 400,000 BC, this engineered composite-species was first introduced on Earth in small groups to monitor their compatibility.  One early site was in Africa, at the region now known as Kenya.⁴  Other settlements were dispersed around the northern shore of the Mediterranean, including various sites in Europe.

    That early candidate was previously identified in the prior Journals of the Ancient Ones as the proto-Sapiens, a branch of early human ancestors that included Swanscombe and Steinheim man.  As the Ancient Ones predicted, Earth's indigenous Pithecanthropus species disappeared around 375,000 BC, allowing the proto-Sapiens to temporarily claim exclusive rights to the planet.  Since compatibility was never fully achieved, their integration with Earth was ultimately discontinued, after producing only a small population during their total existence that spanned about 250,000 years.

    That hybrid proto-Sapien species became extinct around the time of the first appearance of Earth's indigenous Neanderthal man around 150,000 BC.  The ensuing harsh climate of the Ice Age also kept Neanderthals to only a few in number until a major population expansion occurred around 115,000 BC during an interglacial warm period, thus ending the window of opportunity to 'seed' an Earth devoid of its own indigenous species.

    Meanwhile, the struggle of the humanlike descendants to merely survive on their Martian base overshadowed any real cultural progress.  By this time, the moon base had long been abandoned, with all the humanlike beings relocated back to Mars to provide needed 'manpower' to their diminishing numbers.  Its populace mostly remained resentful of the indigenous beings of Earth, and frustrated with the Ancient Ones' genetic hybrid work to perfect a dual-habitable species.

    Around 43,000 BC, the Ancient Ones succeeded with their latest humanlike hybrid version, which became known as Cro-Magnon man.  That 'created' genus may have included minimal DNA from Neanderthals or the earlier Pithecanthropus branch, thus providing the species with its 'indigenous status,' satisfying compliance with Cosmic Order mandates.  The Cro-Magnons quickly dominated Earth, displacing the earlier fully-indigenous Neanderthal man by 26,000 BC.⁵  Refinements continued on the physiology of the genetically formulated Cro-Magnon species, which ultimately led to fully Modern man, Homo sapiens sapiens, around 11,600 BC.

    A turning point in the later history of Mars, and possibly the final frustration for the somber humanlike beings, was a major cataclysm that actually occurred on Earth, not on Mars.  The Great Flood ensued some time around 10,500 BC, causing the resultant Pleistocene Extinction that exterminated numerous species of flora and fauna on Earth, including Cro-Magnon man and most of its subsequent version, fully Modern man.  The few earthly human survivors were those sheltered on the highest summits, and the ones removed from the planet by the Ancient Ones.  Such select humans, along with a wide array of plant and animal DNA material extracted before the flood, were temporarily relocated to both the Martian colony and the prior-abandoned moon base of the humanlike beings to wait-out the cataclysmic effects of the flood.

    With the ensuing planetary devastation of most life, Earth was once again facing the likelihood of an indigenous species vacuum.  Without a planetary heir apparent, the outer planet humanlike beings, which were now sufficiently compatible with Earth's environment, petitioned for permanent habitation of our then desolated world.  For unknown reasons, the Ancient Ones denied their request, further exacerbating the outer planet humanlike survivors' long simmering animosity toward the Ancient Ones and their genetically engineered earthly Homo sapiens.

    Not all of the outer planet humanlike survivors felt that same bitterness and impatience with the perceived slow recovery of their civilization.  A small but substantial number of humanlike descendants, including those that were Helpers, continued to strongly support the slow growth policy of the Cosmic Order.  But the malcontents, the majority of the Martian population, finally rebelled.  They chose to break away from the Ancient Ones, but not necessarily from all the core beliefs of the Cosmic Order.  The Cosmic Order strictly prohibited any hostile action forcing membership, retention, or compliance with their coalition; except such 'necessary' intervention to prevent any self-destructive acts that would threaten others within the universe.  All outer planet humanlike inhabitants exercised their right to choose either separation from the Ancient Ones and remain with their fellow species on the Martian base; or depart with the Ancient Ones, becoming permanent exiles from their present homeworld.  After each individual decision was made, the final split occurred, creating two distinct 'groups' of humanlike beings.

    Numerous ancient accounts allude to just such a split.  As a result of this separation, the Ancient Ones relocated all 'loyal' outer planet humanlike inhabitants, those that chose continued alliance with the Ancient Ones, to the reopened base on Earth's moon.  The breakaway outer planet humanlike dissidents were given full control over their sovereign world, their base on Mars.  That included all the technology left by the Ancient Ones to run the technical aspects of their planet, and its implements of defense and commerce.  Mars became a sovereign world, free and independent from the Ancient Ones' influence forever.  To differentiate that group from their genetically identical brethren that remained loyal to the Ancient Ones and were relocated to the moon base, this text will refer to the Martian 'rebels' as the Breakaway Outer Planet Humanlike beings, the BOPH beings.  The group living on the moon base will be referred to as the Lunar Pitris, who were also known as Earth's ancient Patriarchs.

    The Ancient Ones continued

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