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The March to the Armageddon
The March to the Armageddon
The March to the Armageddon
Ebook63 pages48 minutes

The March to the Armageddon

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This book provides an easy reading text on the contributions which four Jewish intellectuals and thinkers made to the making of the modern world in the post Western European Enlightenment period. Because of their contributions, the biblical prophecies of the end times are being fulfilled and God promises to protect those who turn to him and put their trust in him from the calamity which is coming to the world.

Today's society is in turmoil. Immorality, corruption, ungodliness, moral decay, insecurity, fear, diseases and uncertainty are on the rise. Men are seeking hope and certainty for themselves, their family and friends. Thankfully, the Gospel of Christ gives hope and promises a good future to those who put their trust in God and follow Jesus Christ. There is hope for those who seek it.

The author wants readers to take away from the book an assurance that in these difficult and uncertain times, they can find the truth in the Bible as promised by God. They can put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ the Saviour, a trustworthy friend who will stay with them until the end of the age, no matter what the challenges ahead may be.
Release dateJul 6, 2021
The March to the Armageddon

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    The March to the Armageddon - Dr. Ali Ansarifar

    Copyright © 2021 Dr. Ali Ansarifar.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8377-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8378-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/07/2022





    Structure of the book

    Chapter 1 A review of some of the World’s religions and religious belief systems

    Chapter 2 A new revelation and the model nation – Monotheism and the birth of the biblical Israel

    Chapter 3 Rebellion, prophetic warnings, and the dissolution of the old covenant

    Chapter 4 The march to the Armageddon – The Jewish impact on the modern world and the end times

    Chapter 5 Summary and conclusions

    6 - References




    Those who suffer persecution and hardship for their faith in God and devotion to Jesus Christ the Saviour


    It has never been the intention of the author of this book to infringe on the sensitivity, personal faith, and belief of his readers. The material and information presented in this book are never meant to cause offence to any individual person or group of people of any race, creed, nationality, or background. This book is written for educational purposes and academic interest only.

    When the history of mankind is surveyed, a gruesome picture emerges. Man has struggled throughout its history with natural disasters, disease, wars, insecurity, and uncertainty. Great empires have risen, declined, and fallen into decay and ruins. The collapse of empires is an inescapable act of history. The rise of empires is often due to the brilliance, inspiration, and greed of a few, who never consider the desires, expectations, and interests of others. Man’s reliance on fame and fortune has led to disappointment, and his greatest and most noble achievements have fallen into ashes. Throughout history, the voice of the Holy God calls men to Himself: Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28) A man must rely on the Holy God alone to have a hope of salvation, and this is achieved by strict monotheism. But mankind struggles with monotheism, and reverts to its natural instincts of idolatry, pagan worship, and blood sacrifice. It is in the person of Jesus Christ that man’s relationship with the Divine can be redeemed. But first, God’s moral law must be written on man’s heart as it is written on Jesus’s heart. Let’s embrace the calling of Christ and take his yoke.

    Since mankind’s natural religious instincts are to worship pagan gods and offer blood sacrifices in temples dedicated

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