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Frequency: The Hour of Power Has Come
Frequency: The Hour of Power Has Come
Frequency: The Hour of Power Has Come
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Frequency: The Hour of Power Has Come

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It is 2030 and the world has been taken over by A.I. converting people into its Matrix via the chip as the mark of the beast. Through their collective pain and suffering a band of soul rebels known as “The Apocalypsos” go on a world tour spreading their Galactivating message calling for the Warriors of the Rainbow to unite for the end of the fourth world making ready to ascend into the fifth world, 5D and the 5th Age of Peace as was long prophecized by the Hopi Nation. With their ascension pod and the “Wise Ones,” who are their Spirit Guides they make the mighty morph to 5D. Now Sophia Star Water returns from 5D to share with you all about her journey of transformation so that you will know what is to come and can begin to prepare.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 28, 2020
Frequency: The Hour of Power Has Come

Hillary Ries Shekinah Ma

Originally from Laguna Beach, California which is an artistic and New Age hub, Hillary Ries also known as Shekinah Ma grew up as a Mermaid one with the Sea; one with the magic of life. As she grew up she communed with many different intelligences from an early age and always had a love for channeling their messages. Shekinah Ma has committed her life to studying about higher consciousness and the ancient worlds of our past including both Lemuria and Atlantis believing in her heart that we as humanity have not evolved but rather devolved. She has come to share the essence of these great advanced civilizations to rekindle an ancient knowing in the hearts of her readers for she wants the world to remember that there is a great plan underway that had been conceived long ago which she says is currently unfolding right now in our timeline. As a trained Priestess, Yoga Teacher, and with a background working in a Waldorf School; Shekinah Ma uses her trainings and her gift for story-telling to weave a rich tapestry of magic through her words exciting her readers imagination while guiding them on a vision quest through Prophecy, Native Teachings, and the latent power that is hidden within us all in our Divine Blueprints. She has been asked to share the content you will find in this book as a message for humanity from the “Wise Ones,” whom are a team of Sasquatch, Star Nation beings, and other Spirit Guides that have come to share their messages with all with eyes to see and ears to hear them. Shekinah Ma offers to you this book to help you prepare for the New Age that is coming as we rise into 5D and the 5th Age of Peace as was prophecized by the Hopi Nation.

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    Frequency - Hillary Ries Shekinah Ma


    The Hour of Power Has Come



    Copyright © 2020 Hillary Ries Shekinah Ma.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020909551

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/27/2020

    This book is dedicated to the Hopi Nation for their huge

    contribution to humanity by way of their visionary and

    prophetic wisdom and teachings contained within the "Hopi

    Prophecy," which is my main inspiration for this book.

    Thank You!

    Secondly, I would like to dedicate this book to all the Healers,

    Light Workers, Rainbow Warriors, Grid Workers, Star Seeds,

    Shamans, and to all the Protectors of Life … to the Water,

    Land, Sky, Children, Elder, and Animals Protectors.

    Thank you!

    Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to you, the reader,

    for having the audacity to read something out there on

    the fringe. Your support in my coming out as I share my

    message of hope to humanity, means the world to me.

    Thank You!

    Thank you to my children Ambrosia and Rhiannon, who I have

    laboured to share this message in honour of and for the seven

    generations to come. Be the change you want to see in the world.

    Thank you to my lover and to my friends who believed I could

    complete this project and write this book even though I have never

    written a book before. Believe in yourself, anything is possible!

    Thank You!

    I do hope that you my beloved reader enjoy my message to humanity.

    While this book is considered a Sci-Fi Fantasy there are many

    points of truth that can be investigated, and I do urge you

    to do so. For you may find that the truth in regards to life

    is in fact a Science Fiction based Fantasy story indeed.









    Opening Prayer Call to the Four Directions

    The Hopi Prophecy

    Messages from the Wise Ones

    Her – Story Begins

    Chapter 1 The Apocalypsos

    Chapter 2 Awakening to Higher Consciousness

    Chapter 3 The Lizard Wizards Behind the Curtains

    Chapter 4 Amazing Grace

    Chapter 5 Dear Diary

    Chapter 6 Dream Team

    Chapter 7 Shavasana

    Chapter 8 Enlightenment

    Chapter 9 Code Red

    Chapter 10 Merkaba

    Chapter 11 Poppa D

    Chapter 12 Poppa D’s Fortress and the Gathering of our Ascension Pod

    Chapter 13 Shapeshift

    Chapter 14 Morph

    Chapter 15 The Rainbow Bridge

    Chapter 16 Warriors of the Rainbow Welcome Home




    Please take a moment to sit inside the sacred space of awareness

    with me as we tune now into the Circle of Life and to our Breath

    of Life. Pray with me as we begin this conscious journey that we

    may have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is wide open.

    Placing your hands now on your heart

    center, please repeat after me …

    To the East, to the Place of the Rising Sun

    To the Winged Ones, Bird Tribe, Angels, and Fay

    To the Bringers of Life of Prana and of Chi

    To the Element of Air and Sacred Eagle Vision

    Be with Us We Welcome You Here Now


    To the South to the Place of the Peaking Sun

    To the Dragon Nation

    To the Purifiers, Protectors, and Passionate Ones

    To the Element of Fire

    To the Great Rainbow Serpent Who Sheds

    Old Skins and Transforms All Things

    Please Assist Us in Shedding the Old Templates

    and Timelines of Lack and Limitation

    Please Help Open Us to Our Divine Potential Now


    To the West to the Place of the Setting Sun

    To the Merfolk Mermaids and Mermen

    To the Element of Water

    The Sacred Waters of Life, Our Blood Sweat

    and Tears, Rivers, Seas, and Oceans

    To the Ancient Mother and Grandmother of the Sea

    You Who are the Keeper of Ancient Mysteries

    Please Assist us in Remembering Who We Are Why

    We Are Here and From Whence We Have Come


    To the North the Place of the Setting Sun

    White Haired Man White Haired Woman

    To the Sasquatch Beloved Guides and Guardians of Life and Truth

    To the Element of Earth

    Help Us to Rebirth

    Please Assist Us in Raising Our Vibrations Up to 5D

    and Help Us to Usher In the 5th Age of Peace


    Mitak Oyasin

    All my Relations


    You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour,

    now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.

    And there are things to be considered… Where are you living?

    What are you doing?

    What are your relationships?

    Are you in right relation?

    Where is your water?

    Know your garden.

    It is time to speak your truth.

    Create your community.

    Be good to each other.

    And do not look outside yourself for your leader.

    "This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now

    very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who

    will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They

    will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.

    Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must

    let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river,

    keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

    And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At

    this time in history, we are to take nothing personally,

    least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our

    spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

    The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the

    word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that

    we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

    We are the ones we have been waiting for.

    —Hopi Elders’ Prophecy, June 8, 2000


    Understanding the Times

    "The caterpillar-me is history, my metamorphosis, a mystery,

    and today… today is a present, my struggle gifted me."

    Manali Oak

    Beginning disclosure statement, this book may make you want to question everything you think you know, but take it from me that is a good thing! I invite you now to open your mind and your heart to what lies beyond your perceived understanding of life itself. For what lies beyond the boundaries of your conditioned thought constructs is freedom and authenticity. Before getting started I suggest you grab yourself a cozy blanket, a pot of warm herbal tea, and have your medicine bag on hand… here we go … prepare for lift off!

    The Wise Ones have spoken and would like to get their message heard for it is a message to humanity. I come to you now as their messenger to share with you their wisdom upon understanding the times we all find ourselves in today. The first section of this book is a collection of messages from the Wise Ones, whom are a team of Spirit Guides that seek to share their message to help guide us all through what is to come in this time we are finding ourselves in where there is great change and transformation afoot.

    Let me start by introducing myself to you, my name is Sophia Star Water, and this is my story. Her-Story you can call it rather than his, lol. Now I do not mean to sound divisive for I know that we are all in fact equal and at one as is defined by the Law of Oneness which states … Everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the world around us. All of humanity and God are one. We are always connected to the Source of God because the energy of God is everywhere at once, and permeates through all things living or material, as well as the knowledge of God which is infinite and always available to us. Each soul is part of God’s energy. Everything that exists seen and unseen is connected to each other, inseparable from each other and to the field of divine oneness. With that being said, Her-Story is a story based on a holistic holographic awareness of The Circle of Life. Not a linear story but a story that speaks to and introduces you to a round table of high conscious beings and their understanding of the Law of Onesness. Her-story is a story that speaks of the wisdom of the ages and sages and their message they offer to us all as we reconnect to higher consciousness.

    The message that is being offered asks for us to stop pretending that pain feels good, that wrong is right. It offers the guidance to stop living in illusions of separation giving us some misguided perception that we can go on and continue to hurt one another and not have to feel the pain. To stop pretending that the way we are living is sustainable or even humane when clearly it is not as we look out into the world around us and see the many crises’ breaking out. This is why the Wise Ones have come to share their message, for they want us to wake up and remember who and what we are, that we were made in God’s image and that we have a Divine purpose to fulfil!

    The question to ask one’s self the Wise Ones say is … how can I, how can we as the human race collectively continue to live in disharmony, imbalance, or dis-ease one more day knowing that what we do to the web of life we do to ourselves? Honestly, how can we carry on pretending that what we are doing to the world and one another is appropriate when it is clearly smacking us in the face with repercussions for our actions and consequences for our behaviour?

    Again, this is why the Wise Ones have come forward for they understand that we have been led astray by very deceptive forces and they offer to us their help. They want to reveal to us now the secret that has been hidden, kept safe in Mystery Schools around the world since the beginning of time. They come to enlighten us, to share with us all that they know. For they want us to know that there is an absolute reason as to why everything is the way that it is. That it is all a part of a Divine plan engineered by them and they ask us to trust in the process.

    Our modern ways of living which have disconnected us from what is real and what is sacred has been making it very difficult to maintain or even sustain life on our great Mother. Mother Earth, the Wise Ones say has taken our misuse of her and abuse of her for far too long now and they have said enough is enough. Once again as the Law of Oneness states, everything is connected to everything else. With that known and even confirmed through Quantum Physics I invite you to listen to what the Wise Ones have come to say because Mama is calling for you, she is saying time to get up dear children, wake up from your dream state and remember who you are! This is what the Wise Ones want you to know. They come to let us know that they have called for the return to the Law of Oneness from the broken sphere of duality that we have all been held bound to throughout our collective past.

    The Wise Ones, say that as we return to Oneness and to the Unified Field of Consciousness itself, that we will mend the Sacred Hoop of Life from where it had been broken long, long ago. The Wise Ones have also said that as we mend the Sacred Hoop of Life as was taught by the Hopi Nation, that we will make our way full circle back to truth like a miraculous return to innocence thus moving us into a New Age called the 5th Age of Peace as was long prophesized.

    What the Wise Ones say about truth for this is very important to them and it is the medicine of the Sasquatch guides I work with directly; they say that the truth can appear real even while being absolutely false or even fake. That the real actual and factual truth resides within the sacred space and place where the curtains have been brought down and the wizards behind them revealed. It is the place where the veils have been lifted and where there is no longer any need for secrets or lies. This is simply because there is no ability to have secrets and lies while existing in a high conscious, high vibrational field as the Law of Oneness expresses.

    Real or true authentic high conscious energy and information is transparent, it is not clouded by opinions and perceived ideas or judgements; it just simply is! This is because in the Law of Oneness which is the operating field of the Wise Ones, all is shared in truth and in honesty, nothing is done in the darkness for all is known and shared by felt presence within the light! This realization between what is done in the darkness in comparison to what is done in the light is how you will be able to discern and determine what is real and what is not. This information is accessed through the Totem and teachings of the Sasquatch Nation, for they are the Guardians of Truth and their medicine is Honesty!

    These messages and teachings that have come from the Sasquatch Nation is good medicine for you all right now to ponder and apply for there are many demons in Angel’s clothing deceiving people each day. Selling people into limiting beliefs, thought constructs, and false information that appears real. The False Shepherds as Sasquatch likes to call them, get off through their egoist pride as they trap the innocent in illusions and delusions while then pursuing their own greedy quest for power capitalizing all the way off the innocent through their false Luciferic New Age movements and their other active Psy Ops running.

    If you want to speak with Sasquatch or any other interdimensional being they want me to tell you that all you need to do is to invite them to connect with you, that it is entirely up to you and your free will. It is crucial however if you would like to do so, to have a decalcified pineal gland that can still speak in pictures. We call this area of inner communication, dialogue, and channeling the third eye or Ajna Chakra which is connected to one’s soul. The soul consciousness is focused through this center as the pineal gland is considered to be the seat of the soul within the Yogic tradition. This is also the way Animal Communicators speak to animals it is what the Wise Ones call the language of love. The language of love is the ability to speak in pictures, showing rather than telling a message to another. I, Sophia Star Water call this dream spell speak. This is how all interdimensional beings Star Nations and Fay speak, they speak through the heart and third eye. It is also essential if you would like to begin connecting with the Wise Ones to come in a good way when inviting connection to these great majestic beings. You can also make offerings to them, build altars, and make sure to come forward with no force or agenda. They can feel you see you, all of you, and they read your heart like a book. For them there is no illusion or delusion that they are under, they have ascended from that state of consciousness and live in truth by law.

    Now the Sasquatch guides that I am connected to who are a part of the Wise Ones but have their own council as well, refer to themselves as the Great Council of Elders or the Elders in short, and it is they who have taught me the picture or symbol of the Luciferic New Age movement which they are wanting us to be very cautious of. The picture they send is of an inverted web of life. This inverted web of life draws you to it as it is made from fool’s gold and appears to be like pure gold shimmering in the light of the sun. They have conveyed to me that it is a trap, which draws you to its glamour or magical illusion shimmering in the morning dew just like a spider’s web draws the fly. For in truth not all things that glitter are gold! Once you become stuck in this sticky web, the Elders say the next thing to happen is that a poisonous spider creeps right up to you and anesthetizes you with its venom putting you to sleep. While you than sleep in an inertia and amnesiac like state, it then sucks the essence right from your soul. Stay mindful the Elders say for these times are like the days of Christ when he walked into the temple of his father’s house yelling … you have turned my father’s house into a harlot! Yes the wicked, so in need of prey the Elders say, will defile any and everything including the sacred and consciousness itself to feed upon.

    The Wise Ones want us all to realize our Mother Earth is in distress. It is true currently right now Mother Earth, Pacha Mama, is sending out her SOS to the world and I bet she sure hopes that someone out there gets her message in the bottle! Let it be known, as in please go tell it on the mountain over the hills and far away as the Gospel song says, that we are at an end of an age the Wise Ones say. Yes, we are at the end of the fourth age to be specific as the Hopi people have taught and this is what the Wise Ones really want you to know. Now I know how you must feel, that is a very big horse pill to swallow! So, let us just take a pause now for the cause and have a moment of silence to allow for that all to settle in….. Cue the solfeggio high vibrational music xo

    Now after a deep breath lets go on, the Wise Ones have also come to say that there is a very important realization that we must all make (and they say real eyes instead of realize, which I love). We must collectively real eyes they say that there is quite a lot of convoluted misinformation and disinformation being produced intentionally by our media and authorities. Yes, they are doing their best the Wise Ones say to intentionally confuse and disorient humanities consciousness because if we were to wake up, we would not participate for one moment further in their petty evil war games that are being played out daily against each and every one of us around the world. No, the wicked do not want to lose us, we are their host. They need us way more then we need them. That is why the Wise Ones say with a laugh, and they do have quite a sense of humor, that we all have got to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves, hence the message of this book.

    You see the Wise Ones and I want you to know; despite all that I have brought up already, that this is not just a time of doom and gloom. It is a very sacred time now that we are all in. Whether you can acknowledge this time as sacred or not does not matter as much as how important it is how you will respond to all that is coming ahead of you. For it will become more and more essential as the years go by that we the people help one another wake up from the dream, the spell, and the trance that humanity has been under for thousands and thousands of years now.

    What is this dream you may wonder, this dream that humanity has been under the spell of for time immemorial? Well, that is what this whole book is about, and it will be revealed through the pages yet to come. Now I know some of you may be like, what is this lady talking about? I am not dreaming; I am wide awake! Sorry but I have got to ask, are you? Are you awake? I ask that because this dream or spell has put the majority of humanity in its trance for so long now that the dream has become considered real and the real … a dream.

    The beauty however is that the dream spell is wearing off and people by the thousands are waking up each day all over. The Wise Ones say that this is a sacred time that we are all finding ourselves in even though there is much we have to detach from and an enormous amount of sorrow to heal. But the truth is, the age of chaos and illusion known as Kali Yug is over. The dreamtime is coming to an end, spells are being dispelled, and the trances we have been under through mind controlling affects are no longer effective!

    In the words of the Elders, This is a sacred time for all you humans, even as you are reading these words right now wherever you are whoever you are. Know you are collectively ascending from the lower densities rising back up from the fall from grace so long ago. Come rise back up little brothers, little seastars, rise to 5D beyond duality. All you need do is to open your minds hearts eyes and ears to the truth that is coming for you as you are being released out of the cage of 4D consciousness! This is why it is a sacred time, a good time. Please humble yourselves to the roots of grass oh human, send your ego to the back seat where it belongs, let your soul drive your ship from now on. As you do this we welcome you our brothers and seastars, we welcome you home to oneness!

    The Wise Ones say that it is the mission of those who keep us in bondage to thwart our ascension and keep us ensnared into their prison planet so that we can continue to be their slaves and host. The Wise Ones have had to become very creative to be able to help us given the level of infiltration that corruption has made. The Wise Ones speak to this corruptive force as a parasitic force. They say that the parasitic force has employed their corruption against the will or consent of humanity which is in direct violation to sacred law. They have done this the Wise Ones say through technologies and mind control agencies that are being delivered to us through genetic modification of our food, water, air, and medicine. Sounds terrible I know, but just have a look around you, just study your history even a bit and you will find that the Wise Ones are not wrong.

    The good news though as it is always important to acknowledge that there is good news the Wise Ones say that the parasitic corruptive forces have had their time and the knowledge of good and evil is now complete. To quote the Pleiadian Star Mother Council who are also deeply connected to the Wise Ones, they say that resistance is futile, ascension is unavoidable. Prepare now by raising your frequency your vibratory capacity, for this is key to return hOMe dear children.

    While the light and various allies of truth whom I refer to as the Wise Ones are working to reveal the wizards or lizards, lol, behind their curtains and veils of deception; we see that the parasitic forces have grown quite powerful; indeed, just take inventory of what they own … everything! However on the other hand of this false sense of power that they hold, there also exists a vast and unlimited team of beloved benign and benevolent Guides and Guardians of Creation that I have come to call the Wise Ones as I have mentioned before. It is they who are working around the clock tirelessly behind the scenes putting out the fires of the dark ones or the parasitic forces. They are sending in their messengers, healers, and technicians by the fleets and in legions to help us all along the way. Perhaps you have made contact already with a few of your own team. Perhaps you yourself are a Star Seed. Regardless of whom you are or from where you originate from, I encourage you to open your heart to the Wise Ones for they are your family and your allies, here to help you no matter what. All you have to do is ask.

    Now call the parasitic forces or dark lords what you want … vampires, pedophiles, psychopaths, sociopaths … the Wise Ones say they are guilty of all your worst accusations. This despairing truth that most have been blind to for so long will continue to now be revealed and unfold in your current reality as painful as it may be to realize that you had been deceived. Yes, the feeling of being violated or deceived is a sensation indeed that you will all have to come to peace with as you watch the wicked get called out and cast out for the demons that they are in one grand spiritual exorcism ritual that is going on now behind the scenes.

    The silver lining in all of this on a positive note is that the Wise Ones have officially called for the return to the Law of Oneness which will cancel and nullify all that lives in darkness, deceit, corruption, and wickedness. This you will come to see was always the plan, for yes there is a great plan underway, one that is quickly wrapping up to its conclusion.

    The Wise Ones want you to know that they have elected to have me, yours truly Sophia Star Water, along with many other time travellers from the future to come back from 5D where we dwell now, to share with you our stories and our teachings for we know exactly what the plan is and how it all ends. The Wise Ones have asked me to do this as they feel that my story is imbued with the light of hope and that by sharing it, it has the power to bring a seed of hope to each person who reads it. For as the world turns and burns and yearns for salvation, the only thing at the end of a day that I had found when I walked 4D which allowed for me to keep waking up and carrying on despite the shit show erupting, was hope. As Desmond Tutu said and I quote, hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

    Apart of the Wise Ones are also the Merfolk; the mermaids and the mermen, and it is they who have taught me the next lesson I would like to share with you. Now you know how we all spell the word, right? Therefor our word is our spell. This is because we and all life are made primarily up of water. Now water the Merfolk teach is the receiving, grounding, imprinting, and conducting element which allows for us to become that what we speak. This is the great power and medicine of all Merfolk. It is in the science of

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