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Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur: Master of Your Reality
Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur: Master of Your Reality
Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur: Master of Your Reality
Ebook325 pages4 hours

Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur: Master of Your Reality

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For those looking for a compelling and complete guide to transforming one’s life and living up to one’s potential, this book is an absolute must-read.

Author Tony Biasi offers a comprehensive look at utilizing Merkaba Mysticism, which focuses on self-discovery, improvement, and empowerment. Along the way, he shares his spiritual ideology, reveals secrets of success, and shares his life story.

By applying the Merkaba model to everyday life, the author has been able to understand and harness the power of creative universal energy to achieve material success, spiritual growth, and development—and you can, too!

Though the knowledge of defining and mastering one’s reality has been systemically hidden and oppressed throughout the years, Biasi has synthesized it all here in this simple and incredibly gratifying guide. So, if you’ve been looking for a way to change your life, whether you want more money, freedom, or personal power, this spiritual self-development manual is the perfect choice.
Release dateAug 25, 2021
Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur: Master of Your Reality

Tony Biasi

Tony Biasi was born to Italian immigrant parents, the middle child of five children. The family eventually settled in the lovely northern beaches of Sydney. He has been blissfully married to his teenage sweetheart, Lucia, for thirty years. They have five children. Tony has become a well-known identity on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, where he operates a third-generation family business. He prides himself on his strong community ties and is held in high regard for his contribution in all aspects of the community. Tony attributes most of his success to learning from his life experiences and life lessons. Being born with a unique “Gift”, (which has been passed to him through his mother’s lineage) he has learnt to embrace it rather than fear it and has spent the last decade mastering those insights to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit.

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    Becoming a Merkaba Entrepreneur - Tony Biasi

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    Chapter 1   Entrepreneurs

    Chapter 2   The Merkaba

    Chapter 3   The Sacred Geometrics of Creation

    Chapter 4   Consciousness

    Chapter 5   The Awakening

    Chapter 6   Coming into the Light

    Chapter 7   Principles

    Chapter 8   The Universal Laws of Nature

    Chapter 9   Transformation

    Chapter 10  Master of Your Reality


    About the Author


    The process may seem strange and yet it is very true. I

    did not so much gain the knowledge of things by the

    words, as words by the experience I had of things.

    – Plutarch

    At some stage of everyone’s life, there will be a defining moment. This will be the moment that will stop you dead in your tracks, turn your world upside down, blow your mind, and make you question your existence. These life-changing moments can arise as a series of events, a single awesome experience, or even a traumatic one. This is how the universe lets you know whether you are on the right path or whether you need to make some drastic changes. It’s a wake-up call for you to remember why you are here, take your power back, and acknowledge what inner work needs to be done to bring both yourself and your life back into balance.

    I remember those defining moments very clearly. They actually occurred in a series of events, and when I reflect back, I find they were crucial in transforming my life into what it is today. These events led to the discovery of my life’s purpose and true power.

    From a very early age, I behaved, thought, and acted differently from what was expected. I felt a strong connection to nature and my surroundings—so strong, in fact, that I had regular episodes of déjà vu and a constant feeling that I had been here before. I felt an energetic presence around me; it wasn’t a physical presence, but it was undeniably there as if it was guiding and protecting me. I had many mental conversations with these energetic companions as well as many mischievous adventures. It was a time when I was still a free spirit, unshackled by the demands and expectations of society, filled with the love of life and nature. It was a time filled with endless potential and possibilities. It was a time I remember fondly, where anything and everything was possible. I grew up in a hectic, protective, yet loving environment at home and so felt safe; I looked forward to each day with eager anticipation and an exciting sense of adventure.

    At some point during my schooling years, this reality I had thus far adored and cherished began tumbling towards its end. It was at this time I began to lose my innocence and my spiritual connection—although this perceived loss is actually a paradox because your spiritual connection is never lost; it simply becomes unrecognizable. People are always connected to their divinity; as spiritual beings, divinity is their birth right. At some stage of their lives, usually during their youth, when they are initially exposed to the matrix and the harsh realities of the earth’s third-dimensional energy, most people experience this spiritual disconnect.

    This was the time when I began to feel powerless, succumbing to the control of others and being indoctrinated into a way of life that at times felt restrictive and unnatural. It was the first time I began to feel scared, as the element of fear was the main implement used for control and obedience. For most people my age, these childhood experiences may seem quite normal, but I was a little different, as stated earlier.

    As the years passed, the initial shock of my new environment faded, and I began to navigate and even take advantage of my new surroundings. I not only conformed to this new energy, but I actually thrived in it. I still felt the distant presence of my energetic companions, but I no longer gave them much consideration. The inner messages I received from them were contrary to what I believed I needed to do to survive, thrive, and dominate in my new environment. Deep down, however, I knew I should have listened to that inner voice because there were always consequences and major blowbacks that followed when I didn’t. Somehow, I was certain that these old childhood friends still had my back. I honestly don’t know how I got away with half the stuff I got up to, or how I came through it all unscathed, otherwise.

    Everyday life became a competitive game; the mentality was to win at all costs or go down fighting. I was making great strides in my business and social ventures, and the spoils were evident. I invested wisely and had a great work ethic. It was my view that people were either with you or against you, and any other way of thinking was mere weakness. I was fiercely loyal to my friends and demanded the same in return, and I was a strong adversary to those who were not. This is how I felt I needed to behave to succeed in my environment.

    Reflecting back, I realize the harsh exposure to a new and foreign world during my earlier years largely contributed to the formation and sharpening of my instinctive awareness and resilience, providing me with an abundance of street smarts. The benefit of experience through trial and error provided the catalyst to success, and this style of education created a foundation for the future development of my strong entrepreneurial skills and mindset. There is truth in the saying Persistence never fails. This knowledge was not only necessary but crucial towards becoming a Merkaba entrepreneur and my continued pursuit of self-mastery. It was an important step in finding balance, in bridging the gap from being a predominately physical-based human to rediscovering the power of my spirituality and thus developing a more holistic approach to life.

    With knowledge comes the power of self-discovery, and with self-discovery comes the responsibility to share that knowledge with others and assist them in their spiritual awakening. It’s not until you discover who you really are and what your life’s purpose is that you can effectively navigate the nature of life. I was fortunate enough to discover the importance of the knowledge I am about to share with you, and like many before me who have also attained this knowledge, I have an overwhelming desire to share it with others and not keep it for my own personal gain. It is my strong personal belief that the act of giving opens the portal to receiving.

    I feel an obligation to share the knowledge I have discovered with those who are at the crossroads of their spiritual awakening and are in a position to absorb and utilise the information to benefit not only themselves but also their families and others with whom they’ve yet to cross paths.

    My intention is to assist those who wish to reconnect with their divinity and have a better understanding of their existence. It is for people who wish to achieve clarity in their life’s purpose by being masters of their reality. The information in this book will not only empower individuals; it will also serve as direction to organisations, institutions, governments, community and business leaders who have the power and influence to lead by example.

    As we all have our own individual paths and journeys in life, in some way, we are all connected, and the experiences, development and input of others can be of great benefit.


    A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But

    he would give you the knowledge with which you

    could decide what would be best for you to do.

    – Christopher Pike

    Do you sometimes feel disillusioned with the current state of the world and feel you’re in an unbreakable cycle of work, eat, and sleep? Do you have a sense that what you are told about life and the direction you should take isn’t quite right, however you just can’t put your finger on why that is? Do you ever feel an overwhelming desire to uncover how the universe and the world you live in really work and where you fit into the grand scheme of things?

    The truth is there is a reason why you feel these emotions, and your concerns are justified. What is required now is for you to open your mind to learn the why and how!

    Is it possible that everything you have been taught to believe isn’t all that it appears to be? You weren’t born into this world to be a slave to the dollar, or to be a mere cog in the machine that drives greedy and selfish agendas to benefit the powers that be. These same powers weave the web of half-truths that our society is built on whilst leading you to believe that their decisions are in the best interest of mainstream society and our way of life. Without going too far down the rabbit hole, but because I believe you need to walk before you run and to consciously think before you act, let me shed some light on how these half-truths and agendas infiltrate our schools and places of learning.

    The purpose behind this indoctrination of a manufactured reality is to suppress the power of your divinity and the way in which your mind, body, and soul were designed to function. They first sever any awareness or consciousness you may have or will have with your divine human traits, which are free will, influential thought, creativity, and a deeper knowledge of the inner workings of your divine human potential. To suppress these traits is to keep the masses essentially dulled and distracted, almost to the point that your behaviour will be on autopilot and therefore predictable, making it that much easier to manipulate and, to some extent, control your thoughts and actions. Your true potential remains buried in ignorance, enabling the powers that be to continue their dominance and have power over your thoughts, your consciousness, and your lives.

    Over time, the process of passing on real education and learning how to properly master your reality has become agenda-driven throughout your early schooling. Your norm becomes the reality that the powers at large want you to see, and it is not in any way based on the true educational pillars of society, which are meant to educate all aspects of our being. As an entrepreneur, Malcolm S. Forbes, publisher of Forbes magazine, wisely states, Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. There is no doubt that certain aspects of the curriculum are essential for academic development, although there is so much more that could and should be taught to empower the individual but isn’t. Is this because it doesn’t fit a particular agenda, or is it possible they don’t want to empower you?

    Without question, as a society, humanity should be taking specific and measurable steps to ensure it progresses to its full potential. Modern education should aim to develop the complete individual. This could be achieved by taking a holistic approach to learning rather than focusing on areas that add confusion to your development and purpose. It should be a system where educators are encouraged to naturally nurture self-discovery and growth instead of engaging in specific agendas and identity politics. The focus should be to promote and encourage acts of contribution rather than entitlement. At times, what is taught represents such a small part of what should be made available that the majority of people end up never truly understanding all the possibilities there are and how powerful they can be.

    This book contains the knowledge that should have been taught to you through your schooling years. It is designed to educate, enlighten, and empower the reader. It aims to impart ancient knowledge and modern truths that will reveal your full potential and assist you in becoming a complete human. It will help you learn and develop the skills to raise your current level of consciousness and elevate it to a more principle-centred one, thus increasing your state of awareness and the power within you. I will also discuss how your principles are the key to achieving this and the portal that will open by practising these principles as a way of life.

    By taking a philosophical approach to your learning, you will enable your mind to open up and absorb the information required to facilitate your growth and development. Philosophy is the love of wisdom, the desire to examine the nature of humanity and the universe. The seeking and understanding of this knowledge will help you determine who you are and what role you play in the greater scheme of things. It will offer you new insights and help you discover what is meaningful and worthy, assisting you in establishing your own views on life, your purpose, and your values. This knowledge will teach you to analyse, assess, and reason, and it can be used as an instrument for acquiring and honing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as cultivating logical and methodical thinking. By developing an understanding of ancient wisdom, you will learn how to integrate that knowledge into your modern life.

    This book is also designed for you to use as a reference or go-to guide. It will show you how to incorporate and use this knowledge as a tool to attain a high level of growth by recognising and accepting your life lessons and by allowing transformation to occur in your life. It will help you achieve your goals and strengthen your resolve, focusing not so much on the destination but the journey itself. Once you understand this concept, all the dots will connect, and all the pieces of the puzzle will fit. You will have a much better understanding of your life’s purpose by being aware of the new and different available choices. In short, you will learn how to create a new reality.

    In addition to this, you will learn how to identify key areas in your life that require immediate attention. This will provide you the opportunity to change the direction of your life towards a more desirable one. To begin with, you will need to acknowledge any changes that need to be made and issues that need to be addressed and clear any emotional blockages that could prevent you from moving forward. In doing so, you will free yourself from being a purely physical human and become aware of the need to become a spiritual human, thus creating a state of balance between your mind, body, and spirit.

    During this process, you may encounter mixed emotions towards the information you find here. Some of it may challenge your current beliefs; some might challenge the habits that you have adopted and grown up with. This book will outline where your beliefs and habits may be inaccurate, limiting, and debilitating. It will also provide you with new insights into your life and bring to light hidden and undiscovered potential. It will also highlight the truths about who you really are and how you view success, wealth, and happiness.

    You will also learn that your physical existence is only a part of what makes you. You will come to understand your spiritual aspect (your soul) and acknowledge that every aspect of yourself is also on a journey of growth. In recognising this and aiming to balance all aspects of your being, you can tap into the unlimited potential you possess. You will learn how ego and fear are responsible for most of life’s problems and how they will prevent you from creating the reality of your choosing. The ego is that part of you striving to make its presence felt on you and others. It constantly demands to be satisfied and satiated. Usually, when your ego’s demands are not fulfilled, the shit hits the fan, and personal disharmony and discontent will be the result.

    Overcoming the presence of fear is key to becoming a master of your reality. Constantly living in the shadow of past failures and bad experiences will leave you powerless and fearful. This influences the direction that you take in life. By living through the past, you are always guided by your past experiences, whereas by intentionally creating new realities by living in the present moment, you live powerfully. This book is your guide to mastering that process.

    Take note that anything you desire can be yours as long as you incorporate the needs of your soul. You can do this by living a principle-centred life and by using those principles as a compass to guide you in the right direction as you make the correct choices during your journey. Just as your physical side longs to satiate all desires, so does your spiritual side. The yearning of your soul to carry out its life’s purpose has such an intense pull that it will use all components of your being to fulfil it. This is because that pull comes from a spiritual or transcendent level that people quite often aren’t even aware of. What you are aware of is an energetic presence, a reminder of why you are here and what you unconsciously think about. It’s that feeling that you must do something, and no matter how hard you try, you cannot avoid doing it. It is a silent force that compels you to act, even when you really don’t want to because you know it’s the right thing to do.

    In this book, you will learn to recognise and understand the universal laws of nature and how they govern everything you do. It will also show you how to utilise that knowledge to determine the consequences of your actions, allowing you to be the one who creates your reality. You will also discover that your life’s journey is one of growth and learning and one that is filled with life lessons. That is the purpose of this journey: to help you grow and develop through life experiences that will allow you to recognise your true self.

    As you read along, you will notice that, throughout the book, I often use my own experiences to highlight certain points. Like you, I have had to go through these experiences myself, and by sharing my own stories, I hope I can convey the teachings, principles, and wisdom I learned along the way. On this journey, you are the star of your own show. You get to write your own script, choose your own support crew, and create your own experiences. But to become the star, you must acknowledge that you and only you have the power to control your life, rather than playing the blame game and giving that control to others.

    The words God, creator, source, and universe have been used to represent the essential power of all creation and existence. I believe that we are all connected to God and each other because we each embody a spark of God essence in every fibre of our existence.

    Chapter 1


    The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at

    hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose,

    we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

    —Vince Lombardi

    I use the term entrepreneur as a reflection of my own perspective and personal experience. This term embodies

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