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Izzy and the Three Kings
Izzy and the Three Kings
Izzy and the Three Kings
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Izzy and the Three Kings

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Peter, a newspaper writer, is about to get fired because he is unable to write a Christmas story. One snowy windswept night, while walking home from work, he seeks refuge in the town’s Christmas stable. One of the camel statues, Izzy, comes to life, and a Christmas story is born.

Izzy takes us on a fast-paced adventure filled with suspense, courage, and faith. Izzy’s story is a tale told in two worlds—one real, the other magical. In the real world, Peter and his children, Michael and Jenna, confront real-life challenges of disappointments and lost hope.

In the magical world, Izzy and his friends Jonathan and Mariah meet the three kings and join with them in a suspenseful and mystical journey on the days and nights before the first Christmas. Izzy bridges and bonds both worlds together in a heartwarming adventure filled with inspiration. A seamless blending of Judeo-Christian historical events mixed with spiritual values, Izzy provides parents and educators a meaningful and entertaining way to instill values and self-esteem in today’s children.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 27, 2019
Izzy and the Three Kings

Jim Kirker

His unique two-world story telling is refreshing... filled with a rare combination of suspense, magic and inspiration... designed to capture the imaginations of young and old alike. Miracles happen when the God of All and the human family are held together in a strong bond of love,trust and hope.

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    Izzy and the Three Kings - Jim Kirker

    Copyright © 2019 Jim Kirker with J. Patrick Kirker.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5923-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5924-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019904390

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/13/2019


    Izzy and the Three Kings


    The Angel

    CHAPTER 1 Snowdreams

    CHAPTER 2 To Believe or Not Believe

    CHAPTER 3 A Census

    CHAPTER 4 Ishcabibble Mahatma Sadalbari

    CHAPTER 5 We Three Kings

    CHAPTER 6 The Great Sandstorm

    CHAPTER 7 Faith

    CHAPTER 8 Chanukah

    CHAPTER 9 Emerald & Diamonds

    CHAPTER 10 The Angels of Christmas

    CHAPTER 11 The Star

    CHAPTER 12 The King of Angels

    CHAPTER 13 E-Mail

    CHAPTER 14 Once Upon a Snowflake

    CHAPTER 15 Christmas Day




    As Peter struggled through the knee deep snow, his mind was clouded with one thought: Rejected five times… five times! With each step his anger and disappointment increased. And to make matters worse, before he left work his editor warned him the newspaper may not be able to afford to keep him much longer. Peter could be jobless in two weeks.

    Losing his job truly frightened him despite the fact he knew times were tough and that good people everywhere were desperate to find work. He just never thought the possiblity of being fired would ever visit him. The growing fear of not being able to provide for his children became paralyzing and his stomach was soon in knots. Peter shook his head in frustration, and with each step the sting of the wind and snow accentuated his fears.

    I am already struggling financially as it is. Without a job my life will be a disaster. How will I care for and educate Michael and Jenna? What will happen if I can’t make the mortgage payment or pay our bills?

    Peter, completely downtrodden, now walked with his head down, hands deep in his pockets. Suddenly he started to slip backwards on the sidewalk, causing him to raise his eyes. As he balanced himself, a large tumbling snowflake fell into his right eye causing it to tear. Immediately, the sensation ignited memories of his wife.

    Linda… I desperately need your help. Life has been so difficult since you passed away two years ago. What will happen to us if I lose my job? Thank God the children are healthy and such great kids. I’m so proud of them and love them more than life itself.

    By the time Peter reached the town commons an overwhelming sense of bitterness captured his being. Thank God…what God? God took my wife and now my old, out-of-touch boss wants to take my job. God doesn’t care about me or my children. He doesn’t even know that we exist.


    Peter believed that like his wife, God had left him too.

    A strong gust of wind startled Peter, causing him to stand still. Sad and discouraged, he was losing all faith in himself. It was easy to blame his editor and everyone but himself for his troubles. Like a flash of lightning, an unwelcomed notion appeared. Maybe in reality it’s true, I’m a failure as a writer.

    The constant push of cold wind and snow did not cause him to stop walking. Rather it was the effects of a broken heart: thoughts about Linda, worrying about his children and the prospect of losing his job. This combination of burdens took a heavy toll on Peter. Alone in the wind-swept commons, he leaned against the trunk of a barren tree as his emotions began to overwhelm him. Tears flowed freely down Peter’s cheeks as he quietly cried.

    In the blink of an eye, the winds increased and whipped the falling snow into blizzard-like conditions, stinging his teary eyes and blurring his vision. It was impossible to see exactly where he was. In seconds, the extremely frigid winds chilled every bone in his body. Peter had never before experienced a snowstorm like this, one that intensified so swiftly into a heart-pounding blizzard.

    Peter barely made out the glow of lights from the Christmas stable on the commons. The stable would be a sanctuary and the closest place to weather the fierce storm. Upon reaching the stable, he slipped inside. The stable was well built. It had a roof, three complete wooden sides and a front wall with an unusually wide half door that created a partial opening. The stable would easily shield him from the onslaught of the cold winds and the now dangerous blizzard.

    Tired and dispirited, Peter sank onto a mat of straw at the foot of a shepherd statue holding a staff. The straw was soft but damp. He leaned his head against

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