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A Mommy’S Embrace
A Mommy’S Embrace
A Mommy’S Embrace
Ebook35 pages3 minutes

A Mommy’S Embrace

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I am already very thankful for your interest in A Mommys Embrace. Just by your brief curiosity, you have shown it has opened the door to a past memory or to a now moment, a moment connected to one of the greatest gifts our earth offers: a mommys embrace. Its the unconditional love that walks us through our journey, through the hard times, and into and through the good times. The one thing we all desire from (or as) a mother (however our hearts define a mother) that we may overlook a bit is the embrace from a woman who is known as a mother to many yet has never given birth to a single child of her own or a woman who is a mother of one or maybe to a set of twins but a mother in either case. Whatever life brings your way, there is simply no better way to grow on your journey than always knowing its not just a quick kiss on the cheek and a simple its okay squeeze. It is the true, warm, time-stopping embrace from a mommy that assures you that your lifes journey will not be forsaken or taken alone but together because a mommys embrace never ends.

With that, this book is a journey as well and just beginning. Thank you for reading. Be watching and be waiting for the next journey the embrace takes us all.
Release dateSep 10, 2018
A Mommy’S Embrace

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    A Mommy’S Embrace - Bridgett Brennan

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