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Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca: A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love
Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca: A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love
Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca: A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love
Ebook446 pages7 hours

Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca: A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love

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At a point in my life when I least expected it, I am having a sex affair that has completely electrified my world. He is much younger. I have had many others, so I thought I knew a lot about romance. But I am lost in his arms, caught in a world of seething emotions and of sometimes ferocious but always deliriously torrid sex. Somehow, I want to submit to him. Its a powerful elixir of passionan exquisite mix of pleasure and pain in a whirlpool of forbidden ecstasy. Its another dimension, of delights and of danger, and I am willingly trapped in it. I do not want to find the way out.
Hes everything I want: passionate, possessive, hot, sweet, caring, romantic, demanding, and inventive. Hes a gorgeous man who drives me to utter distraction, yet he also treats me like a delicate flower.
I admit I am his love slave. Its wanting, waiting, crying; then laughing, playing, teasing; then worrying and hopingjust tossed wildly and wonderfully on a turbulent sea of love. He says he doesnt care how old I am. He said that hes addicted to me. Being in love with someone who loves you too is fantastic! Day and night, he is in my heart. He says he loves me forever, and I adore him. But if he stops loving me, its all over. There is no way to make love stay. Love does not ever follow anyones wishes.
I want it more than anything, and yet I am so scared of it. But its all a secret! Im terrified of the risk of discovery. I never wanted anything as deep or intense as what has happened with him. We are in a fragile fantasy world. He is leading me on a path of unknown places, and I want to go wherever he will take me. If he offers his hand, I take it.
Never have I had such a sweet dream as him. I am in paradise in his arms, and I am in hell when I feel that we will separate. I will always be in love with him, yet I know fully well it may end anytime. And this is my life.
Release dateJun 30, 2018
Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca: A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love

Mia Zorrita

Mia Zorrita lives alone and she wants it that way. She does not wish to be known.

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    Love Dreams—Mi Dulcevida Loca - Mia Zorrita

    Love Dreams—

    Mi Dulce

    Vida Loca

    A Diary of Secrets, Lust and Love





    Copyright © 2018 Mia Zorrita.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4890-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018905892

    iUniverse rev. date:  06/29/2018


    How it started:

    May 201x

    Tuesday, a week later

    June, 201x

    Memories…early influences…

    July 201x

    The Detectives:


    July 29, 201x – a very strange three days

    August, 201x …reflections and realizations

    August, 201x

    August, 201x

    September 201x

    September 201x

    September, 201x … Where will it lead?

    September, 201x… Mini Mardi Gras – ahh, Tuesday!

    September 201x

    September, 201x

    October, 201x

    October, 201x

    October, 201x

    October, 20xx

    Still Wednesday

    Thoughts…about how things are…

    November, 201x

    November 201x

    November, 201x

    November, 201x

    December 201x

    December, 201x

    December, 201x

    January 201xx - A New Year!

    January, 201xx

    More thoughts…

    January, 201xx

    January 20 - 21, 201xx

    January, 201xx

    January, 201xx

    February 201xx

    Wednesday, February – 201xx

    Trouble in Paradise

    February, 201xx

    February 201xx

    But, well - now I need to add this:

    February, 201xx

    February 29 – Leap Year Day!

    Reveries and Reflections…

    March, 201xx

    April 201xx

    April, 201xx

    May, 201xx The Devil at Play – a series of unsettling events

    May 201xx, Saturday and Sunday the other bizarre development…

    Happy Birthday!

    June, 201xx

    June 201xx - oh, that Loveseat

    July, 201xx

    July, 201xx

    August 201xx

    August 201xx

    September 201xx

    September, 201xx

    September 23 / 24, 201xx

    September, 201xx

    October, 201xx

    October, 201xx

    October 31, 201xx All Hallows Eve

    November, 201xx

    November, 201xx

    December, 201xx

    Another letter – just had to tell him…

    December, 201xx

    January, 201xxx A New Year – one week after the holiday

    January, 201xxx

    January, 201xxx

    January, 201xxx

    February, 201xxx

    February, 201xxx

    March, 201xxx

    March 201xxx

    March, 201xxx

    April, 201xxx

    April, 201xxx

    April, 201xxx

    April, 201xxx

    Wow!! May DAY! 201xxx

    May, 201xxx

    May, 201xxx

    May, 201xxx

    May 201xxx

    I have always loved men and sex. No matter what color, ethnicity, body size, or anything - as long as they fit my notion of male-ness! I was married in my mid teens the first time; divorced, then married again. But then things changed. My husband became very ill and died. I did not seek love, nor did I expect anything like love or sex after that. I felt I never wanted it again. But now I have been swept away in a love affair that is like a hurricane on a small island. It has smashed everything I ever thought I knew. It’s pretty risky too, and I should probably be more careful… but I won’t be! I’m definitely on a wild path of discovery, full of a desire as strong as addiction. I cannot turn back now, no matter what.

    I have been intimate with lots of guys in my life, so I thought I had ‘been around’. Oh, I thought I knew a lot about sex, but I am learning things all the time! My world is now a tempest full of savage passions and new pleasures. The name I am called is Talia – it means ‘a gentle dew from Heaven’. A pleasant concept: delicate, gracious and sweet. And I am indeed that way – most of the time; but not always!

    How it started:

    On Friday May 8, 201x, I was at the gym, where I’m naturally very friendly and smile and greet everyone I see who happens to make eye contact, men or women – Miss Congeniality! Now when I work out, I use the weight machines and some weights are too heavy for me, so I usually ask some young guy to please help me adjust them. On this particular day, I saw a couple of the guys who had done that on different occasions and I waved in very casual greeting. As had happened often before, I asked for help with the machines. After I was finished working out, I went to my car and I was mildly surprised to recognize one of the young guys from the gym. He was standing a few feet from my car, but I thought nothing of it. Again, I gave him a slight wave. As I approached, he came towards me, holding a single red rose. He looked right into my eyes and said, Can I give you this?

    I was a little taken aback but smiled and shrugged and said, Oh – ok. I sort of knew him a little, so why not? I did kind of think it was odd that he knew which car was mine, as there are hundreds of vehicles in the lot, with the gym and a popular pizza place and many stores, so it flashed through my mind that he must have watched me go to my car before, without me realizing that. However, I easily dismissed the vague sense of apprehension as a meaningless concern.

    So he held out the rose. I took it and said, Well, thank you, and turned away to get into my car.

    The next moment a strong arm grabbed my body he and pulled me toward him, which made me gasp sharply in complete reflex of utter surprise and a jolt of alarm! My mouth being wide open, the next thing I felt was a large hot tongue way down my throat! Lucky I had gasped and had enough air in me for a minute! It was impossible to do a thing – I was tightly held and being kissed so deeply it was mind bending. I suddenly felt as weak as a newborn kitten and I thought I would melt into the ground – my whole body was shaking, trembling from within, and I had no way to resist or move. I nearly swooned – I could not stand on my own at all. His arm was still around me. When he let me breathe, I stammered, Wha – what - what just happened!

    He simply said, in a calm even voice, I want to see you. Can I see you?

    The first words that came out of my mouth were – How OLD are you?

    I KNEW he was many years younger than I. He smiled slightly and said, Hey, we’re not talkin’ about it.

    But – I - I just don’t know … I mean, I don’t even know what to say …

    I was shaking my head, still struggling in trying to even believe what had just taken place. I knew full well that if he had been ‘polite’ and asked me out, I would have looked at how young he was, and surely I would have refused. But he had not asked.

    He looked very directly into my eyes and said again, So - can I see you?

    I looked at him, at his arms, muscled and tattooed, his strong, broad shoulders and his chest, his young-ness, his male beauty. His arm was still around me and I was not about to push it away. My entire body was pulsing with a hot pleasure and a new desire I had not felt for years. I knew I was not going to refuse this! I looked back into his eyes and I felt a wave of pure lust. My lips just opened and I said,


    I knew it was kind of risky, but I gave him my address and cell number and he called the next day, asking to come over. He drove straight past the iron gates, charging up my driveway. He came round to the side of the house and I saw him. I went out my back door and he strode up to me. He started to fling his arms around me right there in my driveway! But I surely did not want any action out there and I said, No, no, the neighbors will see you – no! Don’t do that!

    So he just held my arm as we went into the house. Inside, I shut the back door and immediately he pulled me to him and kissed me as before and I kissed back with every fiber in my body. Hands went everywhere -- both his and mine! He was ready to lay me down right on the darn tile floor and I exclaimed, Stop - stop!

    He stopped. Why?

    He asked it so innocently, his tone was almost like that of a five year old; it seemed to make no sense to him at all. Hey, if you say ‘stop’, I stop. You want me to stop?

    I looked at his face, his arms – I knew I wanted anything he wanted to do. He insisted I answer. Tell me. Should I stop?

    Feeling that touch of a man, seeing that animal lust in his eyes and hearing his voice close to my ears, his breath hot and fast, my whole body was melting with the waves of desire that washed over me just looking at him …. and he surely seemed to know it.

    He was insistent. Say it – you want me to stop? Just say ‘stop, Miguel’…

    My eyes were already closing in helpless anticipation, my head was spinning, my heart was pounding… I softly answered, No-o-o… No-o-o…

    But please, let’s go up there, I begged him to come upstairs to my bedroom where it was really private so I wouldn’t be so very nervous. We went to go up the stairs, and I said, You go on, I will come behind you. I tried to make him go first because I knew he’d touch me if I was in front of him.

    But he ignored my words, and got right behind me and just put his hands on my hips and moved me up those stairs like a package. In the bedroom he instantly pushed me onto the huge bed and started pulling my clothes off and I kept saying, Wait – don’t! -- just cause I was so totally shaking and so kind of scared with the whole thing. I still felt idiotically shy even though I was going crazy with all the things he was doing.

    He didn’t say a word, but instead, he put my hand on his hardness – still in his pants! I felt that swollen cock and I knew I was in for some serious stuff and right away. It was surely going to happen and no way out of it. Ok, honestly, not that I wanted ‘out’ but I was so much in a whirl of feelings – pretty scared, but hot as anything – just a mess of emotions and desires. Well, he was more than ready for major sex and he had no problems with his plans for me! My clothes were going to get taken off first; he yanked my shirt off and pulled my bra-straps off my shoulders and down to my waist in a moment. My hands naturally went up to cover my breasts and he took both of my hands in his and simply pushed them away and pressed them backwards, laying them both at my sides next to my shoulders, in a ‘hands up’ position. I stayed that way, deliciously helpless, as he then grabbed my breasts and kissed them all over, sucking and biting my nipples like he was starving. I just screamed with pleasure and he kept saying, ‘Sh-sh-sh-sh!’ which drove me utterly wild. He undid my bra and flung it on the floor and he pulled my pants off.

    I was wearing those stretchy tight pants, but no underwear (I almost never wear panties) and he sunk his mouth right between my legs. I thought I was going to faint – my head fell back and I just gasped and moaned – oh, God! I knew I was done for. He still had his pants on after all this! He licked and nuzzled me and then he stood up and took his clothes off. Out comes this big fat cock – way up! My mouth dropped open and I just stared at it, thinking, omg - omg - omg! He stood at the side of the big bed, grabbed my ankles and pulled me toward him. Then he got onto the bed, on his knees and flung my legs over his shoulders and put the head of his cock where it wanted to be.

    He pushed it in just a little and I called out, saying, Oh please! Go slow! Oh please, don’t do it fast, oh please –

    Why not?

    He sounded just like a little kid who wants to know ‘why’ he can’t have something! And then he plunged that cock into me, and, oh, I really did scream – yes, yes, yes, with pleasure -- but it did actually HURT! It had been so long since anything had been in there… (Just FYI, I had never used a vibrator or ANY sex toys. As a very young wife in my teens, I knew nothing about them at all; and the husband that I really loved, who had died, he thought sex toys were just ’bullshit stuff’ and he did not like any such thing.)

    So this was a true like a virgin moment. It was so delicious having this gorgeous young body fucking me! I felt like I had gone into some kind of altered state, a trance, a high level of ecstasy that was unreal. I was definitely transported into a realm of incredible pleasure and I was dizzy with it. I know I grabbed his butt hard and pulled him as deep into me as I could. He started pumping faster and faster and then – it was over. He was still on top of me, holding his body a few inches above me, as I lay there, absolutely helpless. He pulled up and raised his head, looking down at me. He seemed very pleased and triumphant even.

    That was the first time. La Primera Vez, he chuckled. Wow! I was in a whirl of disbelief and pleasure.

    Then he lay back on the huge bed and I did too. Feeling all shy again I pulled one of the big king-size pillows over my chest and it covered most of my body. He got all sweet and tender and smiled at me. You don’t want me to see you?

    I was shaking my head a bit, and I just babbled, I – I don’t - uh, I don’t know… I’m sorry, I just feel -—

    And he softly pulled the pillow away. Hey, I love your body, I love this and this and this…. His hands and lips were all over me, kissing and giving me little quick bites on my breasts, my nipples, my neck, my ears, my stomach, my legs, my shoulders, my crotch.

    Hey – I’m a good kisser, huh? he asked this so blankly, like a youth who had just had his first kiss! He was so much like a teen-aged kid, still unsure of how his technique was working.

    Yes, yes, yes, you are a terrific kisser! I was smiling again, entirely amused at his obvious youth and his own uncertainty despite his hot sexual style – amazing!

    He went back to kisses, kisses and nips and licks on my neck, shoulders, tummy and arms. Ohh, it was so incredibly sweet, it made me feel so very good. He was looking closely at my skin, touching me all over.

    Hey, you don’t got no tats, huh?

    Tattoos? I answered, smiling and shaking my head. No – no tattoos.

    But he was quite proud of all his tats… elaborate designs in blue, red and black - all over his back and all over his beautiful shoulders and huge biceps. I put my hands on his face and just gazed at him. What a beautiful face – wide cheekbones and the kind of Native Indian eyes I have seen on faces that have lots of ‘Indio’ – North or South or Central American Indian blood. Yes; ‘almond eyes’ as I call it, like many types of Asian eyes and also many types of African eyes. I myself have eyes that slant upwards and I used to be teased and was called names like ‘chink’ by kids at school. I used to stare at myself in a mirror and worry about it and wonder at my features. But now I love my eyes.

    Still studying his face, I traced his mouth with my finger. His lips were just a little full, very shapely and well defined and I loved his features. His skin a medium olive tone, so tight and perfect, his arm muscles so big and so hard; he had strong, well-shaped legs, a flat tummy and a small ass; he looked like an Aztec warrior. I was thinking, ‘Oh, God, thank you!’ And it must have showed. He started kissing me again and yes, he was hard again – instantly. He took both my wrists easily in one of his hands and pushed my arms back over my head, and kept me that way, so I was ‘held prisoner’ under him. With the other hand he held his body above me and started kissing me, pushing his mouth hard against my tits and throat and I writhed in pleasure, my head turning from side to side in the sensuous joy of it. He was kind of biting me and sucking at my throat, and from what I knew, that would leave some tiny bruises. ‘Hickies’ we used to call them… I said, Omigod – don’t make marks on me!

    He laughed a little and did that ‘sh-sh-sh-sh-sh’ thing again, which made all my juices flow even more. He sat up and pulled me to a sitting position, putting my legs on top of his, so we were like a rocking horse or a two backed rocking chair of some sort – face to face and legs around each other. Then he pushed his cock into me and rocked us back and forth and I felt it go so deep it seemed to hit my chest. That position – wow! I felt my insides vibrating and my stomach and vagina started to contract - a glorious sensation, and he felt it: Ahh, are you coming? Yeah, yeah, yeah!

    It seemed he knew plenty about how to have sex and it was surely all going to happen. Then we really had to rest – I know I surely did. I put my head on his chest and tracing the tattoos on his arms, breathing in his male smell, his armpits with that sweet sweat of healthy exertion. Then I looked down at his cock, which was like a huge fat burrito lying across his thigh. It was so beautiful – I just had to move my hand down and gently touch it. He tilted his head back and let me do it. I couldn’t help but raise my head and move down toward that cock. I could not keep from kissing it softly and I slid my lips around the head of it in a circle.

    He kind of jumped a little. Hey! Nobody never did that before!

    What! I felt my eyes widen in surprise, I thought I was hearing things! Had he just said he had never been blown?? OMG, I thought – oh this can’t be real – he is too young! Oh, no, what am I doing… I had NEVER heard any man say anything like THAT in my entire life! Years ago, when I was first divorced, I’d been with so many, and so many who were really young, just maybe 20 years old and even a couple of guys who were a tiny bit younger. Yet never did any guy say that!

    But since I so love having a man’s cock in my mouth I just continued. I started licking it from the base all the way up to the tip, rubbing my cheeks against the shaft and gently letting my mouth slide down on the head – and then down, down till it felt like I was choking… and oh, I do love that choking feeling! I did this only maybe three times and his cock had gotten SO hard it seemed he couldn’t wait for another second. He sat up and wanted to put it inside me again. This time it was to be doggie-style. I was flipped right over on my tummy by those big strong arms. He grabbed my hair and made me go face down on the pillow-top mattress. Then he pushed his hand firmly right between my shoulders and my body easily and instantly went down – that is - the top part, as my breasts were squished under me. His arm went under and round my stomach and he raised my ass to the level of his waist or someplace high – but I surely could not turn to check. On his knees, he held my waist and hips high with both hands and jammed that cock into me yet again. It was really fast and furious, and he kept slamming it into me while I just grunted and gasped in short rhythmic spurts. He came quickly when he went so fast.

    When he let me up I rolled over and put my hands on my breasts. Hey - did I hurt your boobs? Man, I love your boobs.

    (I dislike that word ‘boob’ or ‘boobies’ for my breasts and I said so). It sounds like they are two stupid things – please don’t say that.

    Do you like if I say ‘tits’? OK, I say ‘tits’, he decided easily.

    I nodded. OK, yes – much better.

    He laughed and put his hands under them saying, Man, I love your tits, yeah, yeah, I do. Hey, what size are you? Again amused and blushing at the same time with his talk, I bit my lip, and said, Oh, I don’t even know!

    He snorted, What – you don’t know? Well, I say you’re 38 DD. Lemme see your bra, where is it? Turned out he was exactly right…

    I can’t get over how comical it is when he says something out of the blue, so impulsive, so immature, so silly at times. He just talks and acts like a kid. It’s really funny, charmingly puzzling and crazy, yet what he does with his body … OOOMGGG! Whoa, it’s totally knockout hot. Yet, at other moments he really acts just like a kid in grade school!

    Because, the next second, he rolled over, put his arm next to mine and said, Hey, we’re like the same color. See? We were indeed pretty much the same color. I had been in the sun a lot, and I was lightly tanned, which I liked. I had always tried to get as dark as I could many years ago. But now I slather lots of sunscreen on so I do not get that dark as I would like to. Anyway, his skin was a medium olive tone, very even and simply beautiful.

    Lying on the bed, utterly exhausted, I started thinking about everything. I realized he wasn’t a schoolboy, but surely he was really a young guy - and I really was dazzled by all he knew about how to have sex in so many ways, let alone how intense his energy was. I guessed he had maybe seen a lot of sex movies to see how all these positions were done, but then he said he had never had a BJ??

    I guessed he had NOT been to a prostitute as I am pretty sure most guys ask for that right away! Or, if he’d really had a lot of women, well, I guess they did not want to do it. It really seemed odd to me, but I sure wasn’t going to be wasting too much time on analyzing it!

    Suddenly he jumped up and said, I gotta go. Can I take a shower or I wash off in your sink? Again, the sweet and comical childish questions. No other guy in my life had gotten ‘polite enough’ to ask before.

    Please, use the shower, and I gave him a big fresh towel. He showered and got dressed and was ready to leave. It had been only a bit over an hour that he was there.

    That was Saturday - just before Mother’s Day!! May, 201x.

    The whole thing was so thrilling, kind of risky – actually very, very risky – but so totally wonderful! Now I was hooked on all of this new adventure. It was so very exciting, simply entirely and impossibly fabulous. How could this have happened to me? I kept going over and over the details of what we did in my head and I just kept replaying everything – totally driving myself crazy, my crotch getting hot and wet, just feeling so, so desirous with wanting him. I also had plenty of moments of questioning my own sanity. It all felt surreal, and it still does. I had to wonder: was I imagining all this?

    May 201x

    Wonderful! He called right in the middle of the day, surprising me. He said he had to go to a family thing, a high-school graduation and he was in the neighborhood and he was wanting to come over to my house. Oh, joy! Of course, I was all too willing to have him. He came over all dressed up in a very nice shirt and pants and shoes. Oh, he looked damn sharp, and oh, he knew it. When I opened the door, he was all full of macho attitude.

    You miss me? he grinned, swaggering around the kitchen. I could not get over this sassy guy! Did I miss him! He knew very well what that answer was!

    Like crazy! I laughed and we started kissing. He turned me around and pressed himself against my butt and he was hard as stone. I was wiggling around and he was holding me tight against him. I like it this way, he laughed, as he pulled my stretchy pants down and shoved his crotch against my naked ass.

    "Oh, ha-ha! You like it any way!" I giggled.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do! Now get up there!

    He pulled at my clothes and smacked my ass, leaned over and kissed the small of my back. Ohh God! What fun! We went upstairs. But now he had to get undressed carefully as these were ‘fancy’ clothes, so he was not going to just fling them on the floor. He folded the shirt and pants and laid them neatly on a chair. He seemed proud that he had this fancy and expensive apparel and he also specifically mentioned the designer name of his clothes, but I don’t know what it was. I guess he may have wanted to impress me but I couldn’t care less about stuff like that. Ever. He was wearing these jockey shorts – tight-knitted, in a very bright turquoise color with a little bit of leg length – and his cock was bursting to get out. I couldn’t stop staring at that huge bulge in those turquoise underpants. I never saw anyone wear underwear that color!

    I can’t stay long. I gotta go home and change – you know, I gotta get back to work soon.

    Again, it was instantly wild, the flinging of my legs over his shoulders and him on his knees, me moaning and screaming, him hoarsely saying, sh-sh-sh-sh and hotly jamming that fabulous thing into my body. Then he had to leave. He went to get washed and we got ‘dressed’ – or he did. When he pulled his underpants on, his cock didn’t just ‘squish up’ like most men’s did – it actually folded over! He was about to go; but he had something important and special to say:

    "Hey – I know you been calling me and I been calling you and I like to talk to you a lot and all, but you know, when I’m working I can’t talk to you and I am up on some building and I can’t put my tools down to get my phone. I don’t need to be getting all hot with you when I’m working. So don’t call me. I will call you when I can come see you. OK? I mean it. Don’t chase me. I do that to you. OK?"

    Yes, I agreed. He nodded and left. But after several days passed with me not hearing from him, and despite the ‘order’ from him to ‘NOT CALL’, I was soooo much wanting to hear his voice. Of course, I was hoping if he heard mine he’d do as he had done each time before, and find a way to come over somehow. Oh, the idiotic logic of lust! So, I decided to just ‘look’ at his name in my phone contacts. I found it and traced my finger over it and as we all know, iPhones respond so easily….And I broke the rule. I called him in mid-day – I think it was on a Tuesday. Well, I could have clicked on the ‘end call’ button - but I didn’t…. and he could have just not picked up - but he did. Lo?

    I started to talk, babbled about something – and he cut me off. His voice was hard and short:

    Hey, I’m working. I can’t talk – I TOLD YOU. He was definitely pissed.

    I mumbled incoherently, stammering, I – I - I’m sorry! I - I just … well, it’s just –uh - well, I mean …

    I honestly felt like a complete fool instantly. But the damage was done. I could feel his irritation right through the phone. Then he said, in a flat tone: Hey, maybe I’ll call you later or tomorrow. OK, gotta go. Bye. Click.

    My heart sank. I knew I had screwed up, and I felt so upset that now he might just not come back at all. I was as dizzy with stupidity as a 13 year old. My brain had simply stopped working normally! I was still hoping he actually would call later that day – or the next or the next – but nothing. I kept kicking myself for making that call! If only I had just controlled myself – why did I behave like a silly kid! But it was spilt milk, and there was no way to change that! I felt so regretful. Anyhow, what could I do?

    I told myself, ‘Well – if he really ends it – there’s nothing to be done.’ True enough. And I knew I had ‘not obeyed’ but wow – I never thought he’d be so very angry about it. Anyway, I thought it was over for sure and I was pretty glum. Still I kept hoping he’d think of all that hot sex and call me … but no, nothing… That week was about the most agonizing few days….

    Tuesday, a week later

    It was about 2:30 pm. I was out doing errands and was thinking of stopping at the gym to do a quick workout … and my phone rang. It was under stuff in my purse and I couldn’t get at it and missed the call. When I found the phone, there was that beautiful name! OMG, my heart just leaped. I got in my car and immediately called back, Uh – hi, did you just call me?

    Hey, I just finished a big job so I am off early and so are you gonna be home – alone?

    Forget the gym! Oh, I was definitely going home!

    Yes, I’ll be home in a few minutes. So – are you mad at me? I asked coyly but carefully.

    "Yeah!" he said emphatically.

    Oh, please, please don’t be mad at me! Lo siento, I really didn’t mean to bug you!

    Yeah – hey, but I TOLD you. But I am comin’ over. OK? But I won’t be there till maybe an hour. I’ll be there shortly as I can. See you soon – bye.

    Ahh! YES!! I rejoiced and went home to wait. He didn’t get there till nearly 4pm and came inside.

    ‘Man, I am hungry, gotta beer?’ He got several beers from the fridge and plopped down on a chair in the kitchen. He started drinking – one, two, three bottles down in a few minutes. I stood against the counter, just watching him down those beers as if they were water, in a bit of sheer amazement.

    Even though it made no sense, I vaguely felt like I had done something ‘wrong’, because he’d said he was ‘still mad’ at me about calling him at work. I was really happy that he was back but I wanted to say whatever I could think of to pacify him. I said in a playful tone, Please don’t be mad – you’re Catholic, can’t I be forgiven? Can’t you forgive one mistake?

    He did not think that was funny at all. He gave me this hard even stare. NO! Hey, I’m serious. Don’t ever call me at work. Ever. Ok? I am damn mad at you, but I want you, so I’m here. Yeah, you damn turn me ON.

    Then he stood up and I felt my knees going soft. He started kissing me, his big tongue down my throat again – ahhhh, yes! And his hands on my ass pulling me against him hard – and yes he was – very, very hard.

    Suddenly, he stopped and said, Man, I’m hungry – anything in here? He turned around and was looking inside the fridge again. He saw a styrofoam container and opened it. It had a good chunk of some leftover food I had bought at a place he had told me to try, a food truck from some region he liked in Mexico. He seemed to recognize what it was.

    So you went there? What did you try?

    I got that stuff you told me about, whatever you said - and I got tacos with lengua. Really good!

    He smirked. So you like lengua? Out came that tongue and he moved it side to side in a snakey, licking way.

    Yes …. uh, yes, I said, my cheeks flushing in spite of myself.

    He almost never asked ‘permission’ about anything – pretty much! He just got a fork and ate the food in one gulp it seemed, and glugged yet a fourth beer. Ok, let’s go upstairs.

    I was wearing these puffy pants that had elastic at the ankles and at the waist, and a long black tunic top. He pulled the top off and flung it across the bed and unhooked my bra. Then he tried to get those pants off. I wasn’t wearing any underwear and he got the waistband down to my calves and then he leaned over and started kissing my breasts and neck, pushing my arms above my head. I tried pulling my feet out of that elastic stuff around my ankles, but I couldn’t do it without using my hands, so my feet were kind of ‘tied up’. He put his mouth on my stomach and rubbed his face around and did this little biting thing at my waist and hips. Oh, God! Don’t make marks! I pleaded.

    Yeah, well you scratched my butt last time – bad too!

    I did not!

    Yeah, you did. It was bad! Don’t scratch my butt, Miss T!

    I don’t remember doing any such thing – but I was pretty wild with pleasure, so maybe I did. Now, he was ready to do more. He started to take his shirt off, a grey T-shirt that had a big rip holes by the neckband and on the midriff area. So damn hot and so sexy – ahhh! You did that, last time, pointing to the rips, raising his eyebrows and smiling playfully.


    Yeah! He laughed out loud as he stripped completely. There was that huge burrito dick, way up – ready to go. And now he wanted those pants off me, and off they came. Then he did something I had never experienced. He lay down with his body horizontally across the big expanse of bed and he just reached over and grabbed my ankles and simply pulled me as if I were a toy, and flipped me right on top of him. He did it in one quick movement, acting on his sole impulse to do whatever he wished with me! Not a word, no asking me to try this, no nothing! And we were belly to belly, but I was backwards – so my

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