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R.O.E Hate & Love
R.O.E Hate & Love
R.O.E Hate & Love
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R.O.E Hate & Love

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Roe was a boy that was living with the rule of his country, a rule that was his father, a rule that lost his life fighting for his country. As Roe lost his family was slavered by orcs, orc that took of him, orc that took him as slave, orc that training him to defend himself Roe was in the middle of war until for some reason the war was stop leaving the middle world in totally peace A peace that was Roe chance to win his freedom again back. a freedom that only was given once a hundred years, Roe that was only was thirteen years old only. Roe that was as the weaker, Roe that was trained by the orc, and supernatural human, demons, and orc that were fear through the underworld and the middle world.
Release dateNov 13, 2017
R.O.E Hate & Love

Remi Okwu Esho

My name is Remi, and I was born in Spain, in one of the seven Island in the south of Spain. I came to England in 2008 since then I had live in London. I could not say that life had been easy, but also I could not say that life had being difficult. The reason I had written this book has been because fantasy has been one of my favorite categories film. But also I had used for scape from my reality life into a fantasy world, a world where I had felt save. Sometime the world on we living could be cruel, as well as, is only one world without way to run away of yours fears. In which I had found my form to live and to scape of this cruel and scarier world, I had found a place where I could scape knowing that I am alone in world of fantasy.

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    R.O.E Hate & Love - Remi Okwu Esho


    In one part in side my mind it was one amazing world, of fantasy, of love, of hate, of war, of peace’s, of freedom, of horror and adventure. When there are people, animals, like us, and not like us. But with time I hope some could understand every kind of persons of amazing world.

    In that mind it’s one world called by Earth-Of-Death, when it was starting one history, when was starting a new beginning, and a beginning with new end for someone.

    The Earth-Of-Death it’s one World of bow and blades, where not place for fire arm. Three time more bigly than the current Earth you could know. Three time more beautiful, three time more dangerous, three time more harrow, three time crueller, three time more adventure than the Earth you knew.

    In the beginning of the end, it was starting in the Earth-Of-Death, in the country of Dark-Cuba, on the town of Free-Cuba. There it was one family between three-thousand million familiar, one family, it wasn’t knowing what it was in front of their destiny. They were known as Dark-Stars family, with one father, one mother and one son. They were family really respectfully by the other in their country, and the was knew by the respect their usually their given, by the form of find and walk their path, by the form the took the law, by the form the wake their country, by the people how gratefully be to their family, by theirs how gratefully be to the people and by denied be kings of this country, by the family fought for not be kings on country.

    Two weekend ago. Two armed of men came by two different site of the country, in one day and half the commented to the height law on the country, knew as Capitan General supreme Benn. The reason theirs realise it was because. The two armed it was gotten two different flag. Two different flag the never saw before. Also one it was moving by night and the other was by day, the distant between their it wasn’t too much, it was like one went by north, the other by west-north, but the more bother the neighbouring was the form to pay at the time it was passing, the form to eat, the form to talk, and the stronger of everything was the form to advance, it was like one need to catch one to another between the day and night, it was as the was being chased, as it was going to a war. But on the second day the two armed they were together. On the second day it was already sure of it. Immediately the send a second massager to Capitan General Supreme Benn.

    As soon as Capitan General Supreme Benn finished reading, as soon send he armed to prepare for battles, but the more bother him. It wasn’t the battle, or battles with their, it was one armed didn’t eaten nothing at all. Thin the when in site the country, walk on the night. In the day light their sleep or hide on the forests, and the velocity of their advance it’s incredible, it’s like the going to die on it. As the second armed sweat to keep up, and may one theirs couldn’t be human! Or may humans could? Capitan Benn asks to himself.

    The send messages to every part of the country to became adware everybody in the country they may be war sooner, or may be forages, or forages maybe going by to war nearby, and we must be adware, as the first recurrent. As the ask for the armed of the king, of the free-death-king, for all who try became king of this country, had to deaths everyone in this country, in this free country, when not one is more than not one, when everybody walk free, when everybody won their respect, and die with it, with pride I call the armed of the Four-General. That it was the words of Capitan General Supreme Benn wrote for aware and protect his people, in caused of war.

    The massagers arrive to every town of Free-Cuba. He was expecting every last one of the armed in three days. The only armed they knew the blade by the same time theirs knew each other, and made his destiny together. By the day and half theirs were already more than three thousand man arrives and waiting for order, waiting for destination of war.

    By the second day Capitan General Supreme Benn send to closer all the gate of the massive walls surrounding all the country. By the history of this country referred to the walls the walls they were made by their older slaves, by all the slaves’ death as slaves. And now us we closed to death or to still living in peacefully. Capitan General Supreme Benn it what he tolls to his own people from the heart of the country, with only one day and half left, for theirs put in the heart of this country. To theirs put in heart of our own people.

    Capitan General Supreme Benn yet didn’t know how so many people could get in site the country and not one be aware of it’s something Capitan General Supreme Benn not stop think, thin the first messages arrive to his door.

    At that exactly moment someone came in site, someone really appreciate for him, by the name of Roe, and ask to him the reason of his seriously today, the reason of why not came back home. Capitan General Supreme Benn answer but the answer the boy it wasn’t expected, didn’t aspect to Capitan General Supreme Benn say to him. That today it’s not his father, that today it’s the Capitan General Supreme Benn, and yet his not got the age to be one of he owns soldiers, and from all the children of this country he is the last, to may now he will not understand. Why from all the children’s it’s the last, or why him say that kind of words to him. Didn’t answering any questions I made. While his father finished sayings the last word. Roe trying to understand, trying to find meaning to his answering, comparing with he owns question, but not meaning found. In one blank ask again, but this time it was more clearly, and ask as his mother she will asked. Capitan General Supreme Benn look to him and think what you meant of what it’s going on my love tell me? May I could help you? May I could help you too? And bother you off in one blank?

    In the while time him it was thinking four man came, the knock, and the when in site before could he answer. But as soon as he saw one of theirs. Knew was one of general Babasco followed Gaso, Fabasco, and Paxo the Four-General, the four best friends the four brothers, two from his wife, two from same mother and father, death was, and the last family it was had in this world with him. Really happy for see their once time more. But this time call, is for being in a war. It was one moment of happiness, and sadness, to depression, everything in seconds.

    Capitan General Supreme Benn shall the four General as his family as best general, send Roe out of the room. As soon Roe went out of room. Them sat and meanwhile their set while theirs they were starting talking. About the more they were worried, the problem was that any of the five it wasn’t getting the experienced to treat with armed forages. The get to the conclusions of any of theirs went out of the country, any of the five saw one armed forages before. The start small argument, when three of theirs, they were reprieved of never went his country, two of their never was reprieved, for the only reason of how theirs knew, for the adventure they had together, for being here for his people has as soon their won their respect, it was the time it wasn’t nothing easier to them. We made an armed. When we promise to has people we will be here for him, and we be we work in every countryside, we help to their cultivation, we throw out all of theirs kill has parents. Their near leave all this country without parents for isn’t say we was one of the older and we stayed being. We had hidden from the smaller to know. As soon we thought the wall gate was finished the starting killing parents. We thought how. We the littler bit of parents we were, at that time, and all the children we were. Teenagers they were found, been send to another armed or another slavering work place. And yet we didn’t find theirs, and their never came back. Now touch us to do the same the rest of us parents death are, to in peace`s be. If we need to die for us sons could live. When may could have happened the same to us, as us parent we saw work and die. Went us biggest brothers their gone out to another armed or another slaves works. To us touch helps everyone get here with tears. With tears of sadness for us fathers, for us mothers, for us brothers, for us sisters, for some sons being slaves, or death, or fighting for one day see us again or freedom. Don’t matter if the already past thirty years now. If theirs where theirs could be. Didn’t give up! Why us yes? When us we wake this country, us we denied to be king. We denied to be king, for the only reason of we`re not more than theirs, or theirs more than us. Of that people believe on us. Us we made us respect, and us we can’t reprieve about us past. That it was the words of Gaso to Benn, Babasco, and Fabasco.

    But the conversation didn’t finish there. And Benn try to make theirs understand at first that may not be human, to their can be from the world of the Phoenix, and the Dragons, went the humans supreme made the humans dragon. Babasco, Fabasco and Gaso, couldn’t hold he blasphemed, and their start to laughter. Paxo, as the older and not the best of the four General, as friend, but as the best as his biggest brother try to defend him. But trying to find were to rely on and the reason off. As the why. The found theirs, they are not eaten nothing. Thin theirs being in site the country everybody it was near, theirs thought it. Thought they didn’t brought food, water to drink we theirs and theirs didn’t buy. The past enough day thin theirs came to the country. Also the hide of the sun. Like the fare histories the old man toll to us before, that day. The day kill us fathers that man of skin of green dragon. Man can’t pass through his skin. Came from the fare history the count to us and we didn’t believe to one we thought one. One we thought one took us parents, us brothers, sisters, and go. Came and go in one day and in three theirs start killing us. As him it was give order. But when we thought the wall have been finished, and more parent was deaths, more brothers and more sisters. Us less and less, theirs was more and more to near in this country they were only theirs. Near the country was for theirs. That it was Paxo ask and said to Babasco, to Gaso, Fabasco and Benn.

    But do you know the reason of why their only move on the night? Or do you find the why the others why eat so much or move on day to where the others are? And not move on the night? Babasco ask to Benn.

    Benn stop to think scared about what could happen since now on. Then start to plan, he starts to talk how to avoid the war, and try to talk and provide the protection the need, the food the need, till the get to their destination. Later one hour of talk of how. Theirs reach to one conclusion.

    The conclusion was to wait to theirs arrive to the heart of this country to the front doors of Dark-Cuba. As soon theirs arrive to the front doors. Then there send one messages to meet between leaders. At the same time the rest of the one part of the armed waiting in Cuba-Light. Start advance only if there reasons of war.

    While the meeting it was finished, and they were getting to conclusion. It was hearing out site the doors of the room. The voice of small boy saying to leave him alone. Then Capitan General Supreme Benn realizes that it was the boy by the name of Roe. Then send to call the solder guiding the doors.

    The solder as soon as hear had being calling, as soon as he went, with the boy on his hands. The boy it was yelling to leave him alone, and leave him go, but as soon went in the doors. The boy start biting to guild, start to fighting to not go into the doors, into the room. As theirs they we never know he hear, or who hearing, all the history, all the plan of war, and the risk the will need to take and risk the already took.

    But for him and the messaged they were already too late. Sr. It was the words of the guilder soldier. While him it was going in site the doors and saying the worlds Sir… The boy stops fighting, biting and yelling. But Capitan General Supreme Benn ask what it was happened. Then the boy by the name of Roe faster answers to him. But what answer wasn’t the real true. For isn’t say Capitan General Supreme Benn. The boy say that it was here and as soon as the four General came he have to go, but when he was trying to leave, me didn’t leave him to go. And that Capitan General Supreme Benn isn’t true. As usually I guiding the second door for prevention of hearing, but went the four General came and pass the doors my aspects were the boy came out and you still followed the rules of the laws you and the four General made, and as a part and duty of the armed of the Four-General it’s follow that role. When I realise of the boy didn’t came out I pass through the first doors, but it was too late.

    The Capitan General Supreme Benn gave the order to take to his home and comment what his did to his mother. When the solder arrive to Roe is home, knock the door of his home. The mother opens the door to welcome the guest, I arrive, knock the door, but when thought who was on the door. First, it already has start the war, and it’s the first in death, but when lower her eyes and saw who was there, who the solder it was holding by the back neck. The mother think.

    Give thank, and ask the reason of coming to her home with her son holding, she ask to if it was bothering someone, or what he really did. For him came to knock to her doors. Because he really scares her, it was thinking that the fool of her husband die. When the war didn’t star! Or her husband ran away before start the war! But result need to be her devil of her son. As soon as the mother finish explains the reason of her fears. He starts explained why he brought her sons to her door. While the solder it was explaining her. The face expression it was change. Passing to fear, to happier, to seriously, to angry. Roe it was already it was thinking in the last time it was punished, it wasn’t nothing easier to past that kind of punishments. But the boy did like nothing it was happened. And get quiet, and looking with that kind of eyes crying to his mother, and as soon finished the solder talk, ask if could go in site home. The mother told yes and stood talking with the solder for a while.

    As soon the mother finished talking, and go back the armed station, call Roe. But when thought the first question of his mother ask for! Couldn’t believe! Roe think one time and another time more. Event reapplies the words one by one laude. And the mother says. What you mean with, come on devilish what you heard!? That it’s not what you really hear!? Because you could get the warriors punishment of your life!!

    The mother sat and as soon sat. Roe it was already explained to his mother. But the mothers as soon as his son finish to explain. As soon said. Three-thousand time the beginning of the art of respect, and one-thousands time the word respect. Roe the only could think. His mother not got idea of respect!

    What you saying? The mother said.

    Nothing. Roe said.

    Two thousand the words respect. The mother said.

    Not fare. Roe said.

    Three-thousand. The mother said.

    Or maybe any information may you forget? The mother asks seriously joking.

    But Roe think. This time one more word and I would death before the war start. I not going to tell her were their going to start the war! Or were the plan to meet when may could be one man-of-dragon skin! I could be the first to see that kind of forages!

    I ask you one question. The mother asks.

    Not. Roe say.

    Not what? May could be four-thousand…! The mother said

    In the while it was saying four-thousand.

    Wait! Wait! Please wait!!!

    The only I forget was the plan to meet theirs and talk, the will try to not to fight theirs. Tomorrow I had a mission on Cuba-Light. Roe said.

    Ha, ha, ha ha!!!!

    Then you were gotten something to say more. That it four-thousands of both things. Forget to follow the armed. Everything before eve. The mother said

    Not fare, not fare, not fare!!! Less some payment for what I did, what I did for you, today they could put me death punishment. Death, death, death!!! Think how the people they will look you, when the saw me death by your punishment, and also for work for you, as spy and like payment had, art of respect and writings season. Roe said

    Two-thousand and promise me that you will don’t follow the armed tomorrow. Said his mother.

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And think not promise anything later of what you did me today. Give up my mission! It’s like be, the enemy king! Roe said and think.


    The day past by as the next day rise little by little bit. Roe it was the first in wake. Before the sun rise Roe, it was already doing the art of the respect, with the sword made with his father. It was really heave for him, it wasn’t a usual sword. His father and his mother usually said that it’s made for make respect, to people respect you as you respect, to defend you self with respect, to attack with respect, to doggie with respect, to make myself with respect, because one need to defend his people with respect, fight for his people with respect, make his people with respect, take care of his people with respect, work with his people with respect, walk with his people with respect, eat with respect, ask with respect, live with respect, loss with respect, won with respect, and still respecting the loser, because everyone desert respect, and we fight in this life for respect, we live with respect as we death with respect, and we respect the fears on us, and we fight with fear on us, for people not fears of us, but respect us, for one day love us.

    While it was said that kinds of words it was with the sword, with the heave sword. It was with the two hands in the handler of the sword. With the sword fronting to the frontward, the legs position one behind the other straight. While image that five man being there making a cycling to him.

    Then slash one to the front as the solder being there, two short steps to left, and one slash button to top through the throat to the head out, something faster as his father said, one step to left and one leg on knees, as the solder it was the king, and sword to heading the stomach, and through it, wake with the sword through the stomach of the solder and pushing heading toward the other solder, one step before, sword throughout and push the solder being bleeding by the stomach toward the other solder, and looking frontward to the other solder steps, solder going to the right you going to left and with the less speed one could catch, by using the body of someone as stairs and jumps heading forward to the solder with no hesitation, sword head of you heading frontward to the solder, as the solder doggie. Roe round over his self, as his legs over your head and doggie the imagery solder blade slash, as soon the legs touch floor, one legs knees, sword frontward to the sky sword frontward the chest and the stomach through it. In and out not time, the other too near. Body pushing to one site and the last as the first, on front stop for one second, one second of breading. Ran, jumps heading forward the head. The imagery solder block Roe blade slash. Roe move to the right and slash on the chop. But the imagery solder blocks the blade slash of Roe. Blade slash toward Roe. Roe block and doggie. Roll to the left, and blade slash on the leg near the knee. With no time to known it`s wounded and not time to felt the pain blade slash. Slash for second time between the waists and chop. Roll to the right again, leave one to one half second to he felt pain and Roe breadth and through the neck. Like this one and another to arrive to two thousand. As everything came alone, as the techniques came alone as the respect came alone too.

    Roe before the sun it was wake and before the sun came out it’s near finished, for not say. That is going too finished before the sun came out. It was what Benn and Paxo it was talking on the doors of the out training spot of his home.

    Paxo it was ready to go and it when look toward the sky. And thought the part of the sky dark and while the sky dark and clear by sun saw one flashing red gone. Ask to Benn if he saw what he thought.

    Not what did you saw? Benn ask

    I think, it was a kind of dragon, or that kind of Phoenix, red, red Phoenix. Paxo said

    jajaja! Your blasphemy me!! You have to!! Right? Benn said

    Not I’m really serious. Said Paxo.

    All right was telling me!? Were!? Benn said.

    It was there! I just now, I lie! Paxo said.

    There, there!! Nothing I see.

    You must be fear but for that point my big brother I never imaged.

    You could be like this to try to become fear with the history of Dragons and Phoenix. My brother. Said Benn.

    I promise I thought something over there and not lie I telling you.

    And for you could know! I not fear! I tool you I thought something. And you came with the holding fear of war! Said Paxo.

    Then what you really thought in the sky. Because I not see nothing. But do you see now the man of skin of dragon?

    Might could be my son, might me, might my wife, or Might you!?

    Ooh no not!! You could not be! Because you thought the Phoenix. For what the history said not skin-of-dragon thought it! But you could be who wield the strength, and magic, and power of Phoenix! But you now believe in dragon and in Phoenix! Jajaja!!! You need my secret art of the blade of the Phoenix!? Benn said.

    Now your blasphemy of me! As you not spend an enough time counting a fairy tale to all of us! Of what you thought the day your son did born! Said Paxo.

    I never lie of what I thought that day. I was thinking I was going to die that day seriously. Benn said

    Please and the art of the Phoenix. It what the Phoenix show you in one blank of eyes with his power as soon be on the floor. And not eat you! Or a wait! Dragon eat the Phoenix and you kill the dragon with the techniques of the Phoenix! Paxo said

    Blasphemy me everything you like big brother! But I not lie to you. May you will be saying the true, but why I didn’t see it?

    Is like you need to know my secret art. Don’t worry I will protect you with my art. Said Benn

    You didn’t lie to us!? Alright how you can come in the next year with fairy tale, and the famously art of the Phoenix, not finished!? How tell me!? Because I would like to know! Paxo said

    The history you knew. The history you lived, you heard, and I only remember the fairy tale to you. About the art of the Phoenix, it’s not finish because it’s passing down to my blood line like the day born I thought it, I passed. As respect art. Benn said

    Bla, bla, bla!!! Paxo said

    As you are so fear. As you leave you own people down. As you tell me you will be there the first, as the first will be the last. Now you will arrive and you say that you forget! Or you fall sleep! Because you can’t say you was falling with your wife for the only reason of how fear you was to couldn’t wake your penne! Benn said

    Ooh yeah it’s true the sun near is for completely. Thank you. See you later on the battlefield. Paxo said.

    See you later and all the day get left of us life to talk as this day. My fear biggest brother. As the first it last one! As last it could be the first one!! But it not true! As it’s true you thought today a red Phoenix! When you will arrive on time to the battlefield!? See you my feared brother. Said Benn

    Then Benn get alone on the front doors of the training spot. Then Benn start dressing putting his armour. Took his two swords. Unfold his swords and read. What it was being writing in the blade of the swords. For respect to the live as to the death I youth like you main. While it was readying it, it was thinking in the day it was said to his son when he grows up he will understand. To take two swords, so beautiful like this one. To make his own ones and put in his own ones what it means for him to wield his swords with not fear. But to hide for fear and respect. For fear to pool of blood one could make.

    As soon finish as soon go to the battlefield when it was waiting for the armed stranger the will see came, passed through Cuba-Light toward Dark-Cuba, and between the two places, they can talk, or they could go to war. While his finishing dressing Benn and Sulidian, it was talking and argument, and Benn gone as soon as it finished explained while finished dressing. And gone blowing as always do. Said Sulidian.

    When Sulidian when to look for Roe, for see how it was going with his punishment. Saw that the scroll it was finished and Roe disappear from the house from the training spot of the house. The only her could think, that it was in the battlefield. Doesn’t know why. But when it was thinking in the battlefield felt as nothing good. Nothing good it’s going too happened there. It was as her body it was felt a small electric shock.

    By the way Capitan General Supreme Benn, it was already in position, as it was planned, on front line it was Capitan General Supreme Benn, General Paxo and General Babasco. In the other way by the front line it was General Fabasco, and General Gaso.

    Start the eve start came down and you could see theirs came little by little one see theirs came. Capitan General Supreme Benn give the order of pull the white flag up and the drum to start sound the louder the could.

    While Roe it was in the better place could find. It was really scare about what could happened front now on. It was knowing how to fight, like it was knowing all the family his was gotten it was there, less his mother, his uncles, his father, and his mother in home. Because for her nothing had to fear if the master of Phoenix, and his army it on the battlefield. The master Benn and his armed will won for sure. Theirs are the respect of this country, and nothing theirs could not do, for that reason her get on home. Roe think and remember in the day the mother it was telling the reason of why her not going to the battlefield.

    And for that reason I came to the battlefield with not worry. Roe whisper to his self.

    While the drum they were sounding, louder and the white flag it was flapping, Capitan General Supreme Benn send one messenger. To the place Capitan General Supreme Benn pre-view were the going to camp for the day. Another messenger to the second group at the edges of Cuba-Light, for theirs could be aware of it. The second group move between the days, as the first move on the night. Like this could be on ward and they don’t forget of what could happened.

    Not long time pass and the messenger came back. As soon as the messenger arrive, ask for Capitan General Supreme Benn. As soon as Capitan General Supreme Benn knew the messenger ask for him, went straight to where the messenger was. To know what theirs the desire.

    The messenger start saying that they don’t mind to loss one day of travel. But to we have to wait to the two of then be.

    What you mean with the two of then be? Capitan General Supreme Benn ask.

    They are two kings, Sri. The messenger said.

    They are travel two kings? Capitan General Supreme Benn ask.

    Actually the chase the third, and he couldn’t have said anything more. But what his said. If you really what to meet theirs. To be on spot you recommended to meet before the sun came down. Because their plan to arrive before the sun came down, the enough time to the rest, by the way of how the moving today.

    A will be there. Said Capitan General Supreme Benn.

    The day it was passing by. And Roe it was more boring than never, it was taller of waiting for something interesting to come by. In one of his crazy thing, took his sword and start practices. It was hidden enough for not one see him, it wasn’t got this time one sword this time it was gotten two one in both of his hands. Ready to practice the art of the respect went only allowed to use one sword, went only practice with two went it was hidden. But when took two swords it was as it free it was as it was flying free it was as the techniques, the speed, the stronger. It was as it was mastered already. It wasn’t mistake, it was as he could fight ten or twenty at the same time. But in one of his crazy. Start writing with his on sword on the sand-grass the word of respect.

    While it was writing the word respect on the sand-grass thought he could write every word of the art of respect.

    I am made for make respect, to people respect you as you respect, to defend you self with respect, to attack with respect, to doggie with respect, to make myself with respect, because one need to defend his people with respect, fight for his people with respect, make his people with respect, take care of his people with respect, work with his people with respect, walk with his people with respect, eat with respect, ask with respect, live with respect, loss with respect, won with respect, and still respecting the loser, because everyone desert respect, and we fight in this life for respect, as we live respect, as we death with respect, and we respect the fears on us and we fight with fear on us body, for people not fears of us but respect us for one day love us. That is was the words Roe wrote in that sand-grass.

    While it was writing in the sand-grass find that he could be better with he owns sword, as could get stronger, could get more speed, could get better managed with the sword, as doggie, as blocking, as counterattack. By the movements of the sand and the grass. The sand it’s as the contrary swordsman move with his own one, the grass it’s as the other swordsman make you do stronger, for not get hurt. But for attack it was as more easily than never the movements it was founded it wasn’t the usually. Understood that he attacks it wasn’t going to be straightforward. Only when he will really need to be.

    The sun starting to coming down, and the armed start getting in position. The Capitan General Supreme Benn and the Two-General behind him as his right and left handed generals.

    The walking to the meeting and the starting seen each other. The capital general Supreme Benn look seriously. His stop and stop the two general behind him. He wakes his hand and putted in the chest of his generals.

    From here I am alone. Said Benn to his generals. But went he thought they were coming two kings and not one he stops and put his hands in the hander of his sword suspected off and untruth. Ask for his two general too came with him. As they were walking he was saying to his two general. To at the less reasons of attention to me as to any of you two don’t hesitated.

    Hello I am king Sichi, and hope it not a problem for yours, to two kings be together. We are together for the only reason of us going passing by to war. We would not like to get a second war by the way. For what a new enemy? When you could make a friends! Sichi said and ask.

    To what kind of war you going, for pass by this country with some many solder?

    It is as you making the war by every steps you make, the path it is important desire. Benn said.

    First I would like to know you name before tell you anything more. Said Sichi.

    Maybe you not realise of what it’s going on. You could not have said that in a position of exceed me names. Benn said.

    I think if you are the king you not got education, also your country. For isn’t said need a king could give education. Said Sichi.

    I don’t know if you realise, but when I was saying that you not in the position of exceed me or to my country. Less of blasphemy of me and my country. If you intelligent enough you will try to make a deal with us. Or work this out. Not the war, when your possibility of won, the no is more than one percent. First because I had more than two thousand man on frontline and around one thousand back frontline waiting for order of war. Benn said.

    I realised of what happened, but you don’t. First because I don’t mind about how many you are. Second it’s you who ask for the meeting for a deal with us for whatever reason you was gotten on you mind. It’s you who supposed to be aware of us. If you were knowing who we are. You will not have said that to us. With not in position of exceed names! When we only ask you for the less of respect. Sichi said.

    You tell me about respect! When you came to my country with more than five hundred mans. You could think you could come to the heart of this country and not body question you!? For what reason you think not one it going to question you? Benn ask.

    If you were having some respect. You will not make me kill you. For knew you name. Doesn’t mean we are in your country! You could not have lost! Doesn’t mean because we are less than you and you armed! You could not have lost! Try to know the people before try to fight the people, try to won some friends, than try to make some enemy. Sichi said.

    How you could talk about make friend! How you could say that I could lost. If in this moment, I what to make you the war. For only came to us country as you were lived here before. As you were born here, as you are the king of this country. And unrespect me blasphemy of my country and me. What make think about lost to take us so lightly. To don’t matter what we do we going too lost to you. I got more respect than most of the people you could never knew. First for the only reason of leave you see my white flag. You took me as a weaker you could win when you want. The surer you will ask to yourself how I could wait so long for try to know who all we are. Or why I not stop you as sooner you came in this country. Benn said

    Probably I ask to myself. Not that questions. Could you answer me, why too long? Sichi ask.

    I think for a king you not to intelligent! For the only reason of you saw one armed came inside your country. As you, you made the war as sooner the came into the country. Or you forth who ever came to your country to live by you rules with not time to get use to the rules. Or time to know the rules. As second reason you not plan how to intersect the enemy or you newest friends as you said before. Benn Said.

    I only want to know the reason of why you want war we us. This is not one country with freedom? If it is what wrong, we doing passing by? Sichi said and ask.

    Yes, it’s. Benn answer

    For if you still in this rudest I will make this country with less freedom and crueller you had ever see in your life. For the only reason of your treatment on this meeting. Fist I ask for your name and not answer I had yet. Secondly I am king Sichi who lost thirteen sons in war for my own country. In that war I show to my country I am a devil-king of this world and couldn’t safe my sons. It’s not for scare you but could pass by the goods form or by the warrior’s form. Sichi said

    The other king asks to Sichi to come down.

    But you yet don’t understand what is going on! And you who you are? Benn said and ask, with his hands in his swords.

    First you had to thank me for ask to relax his self and don’t be so hard on you. As second I am Frankie Draculine. And now I want you name or I took it by the stronger. Now you know two devil-king of the world. Something you not got idea of what mean devil-king. Frankie said.

    My name it’s Capitan General Supreme Benn. And I want the both of you out of this country as soon as it possible. Benn said.

    Of what you fear? Do you want to know us age to? Or from what country we came? Frankie give you fear? Sichi ask really angry.

    Fear me!! Why had to fear me? Benn said and ask.

    Do you know the name of Frankie Draculine? Sichi ask with the hand in his own sword.

    No I don’t. Why I have too? Benn said and ask. With his hands in his sword at all time.

    Yes, you should. Or less you could try to go out of this country for it. Sichi said with his hand on his sword.

    What it’s you plan now? Go out of this country? Or make war to us when you not had enough man to fight us? Benn ask on ward.

    Thin this meeting start you not stop saying that I am not in the position of fighting you and you armed. But I will tell you it you who not in the position to fight us. When you never went out of this country. To know what could be own this amazing world. Sick said on ward.

    May I never go out of this country! But doesn’t mean I could not be fighting you, or could not finish with you armed in here just now. Benn said on ward.

    Why supposed to go out of this country for fight you? Paxo ask with his hand on his sword.

    First you not have word in this conversation. As second they are things bigger than humans, more intelligent than humans, in this world. For fight me. You have to find that Eshoo of the world. You need to be stronger, get some more strength. As you hear Sichi and Frankie they are together, you runaway for the only reason they are devil-kings they could took a thousand man really easily or alone. For isn’t say we took a thousand man alone before. Why now do you think it going to be different!? Sichi say and ask, onward of what could happened from now on.

    General Babasco ask for allowed him to give the order to the second group start advance. To maybe war sooner than we expecting. And will must take theirs down ward.

    Then Capitan General Supreme Benn allow him to go.

    Where do you think you going? Sichi ask. Suspecting of some kind of ambush.

    It’s not of you own on problem where he going, where his not going! If you go any problem, take it with me. Benn said struggling his swords.

    Don’t worry them. Frankie we meet. Sichi said. With his hand on his sword and with a smelling in face.

    Don’t take too long. And remember what you promise to me. While Frankie it was going Frankie said to Sichi.

    Where you going? Benn ask angry. Suspecting of any kind of ambush.

    Capitan General Supreme Benn unfold his sword and run to Frankie passing by Sichi. But Sichi with his eyeshade of uncared leave pass by. But unfold his sword and got straightforward for Paxo. Paxo already with his sword unfolded on hand. Sword forward to Sichi. Sichi it was walking the more slowly he could. But two step forward Paxo shown some kind of speed Paxo never thought before. Paxo close his eyes and block how he could forward to Sichi.

    Benn it was running went thought that Frankie put his hand on his sword. Then Benn stop running and stop walking, stop at completely. Looking to Frankie. Frankie stop his self with his hand in the sword, unfold his sword. But before Benn realised his self. Frankie it was in front of him. The only Benn could do it was put the two sword crossed and block forward. But when he thought Frankie. It was different of when was talking. Frankie look to him and say. Now you knew why we not eat nothing thin we when in site the country. Worry? Benn look to his face, nose, to mouth, to his teeth and Benn blow twenty feet far away.

    Now I sure. Sichi don’t take too long. Don’t forget you promised. Do you hear me? Frankie said and ask.

    Promised it’s a promised. And I don’t will to take to longer with theirs. Take with you McRoss with you. Sichi shout.

    While Sichi it was shouting. It was fighting with Paxo. Paxo just open his eyes and made laughter Sichi, but Sichi it not going to stop there, as soon thought he block the first blade slash. Putting one hand on the handling other hand on the blade of sword, and hopping lucky. That was the more made laughter Sichi. But didn’t stop him. As soon Paxo open his eyes push him the enough to take again speed and slash with his blade bottom forward to top headed. Paxo couldn’t blocked. But stopped between the necks, they were the two swords. It when the blades meet each other. Paxo with his blade of his sword push and push as it’s the last day of his life. While remember the blasphemy of his brother when it was saying that he will be there for protect him. That give that enough stronger to push to block to skip. As it the lasts thing will do.

    Paxo bleeding from waist to neck. The wound it was enough deeper to be to death. But him still be stand. Look to his wound and rise his head and forward sorry-angry look.

    Then Paxo leave the sword fall leavened the heading of sword blade be a little bit in into the sand-grass, his hands over the handle of his sword. One hand over the other. Now I could understand my parents. The only Paso could think. Helping to forget the pain, given stronger to be stand. Come king Sichi. Let me take you with me today let me kill like king. Show me what it is be devil-king. Paxo said wounded to death.

    But Sochi give one simple look to Paxo and said. With pride you will die, and with pride I give your death. Sichi it was more than four feet far away. Paxo thought came with more speed than the first and the second time. Paxo hands in his sword and struggled the harder he could. Hands on the handle of his sword, one over the other on ward to his last slash. Sichi came forward. Paxo sword when from the bottom with sand-grass on the sword and over the sword. The sand-grass forward to Sichi it was coming forward. Sand in site Sichi eyes. Sichi frontward to Paxo through in Paxo heart throughout by the chest back.

    While Paxo sword passed to the sand-grass to the chest of Sichi near to the head. But before arrived to Sichi head. Sichi pass his sword through Paxo heart. Today is my day the day of my death. Went the slower lost but what lost? The lasts words Paxo said.

    Sichi took his sword throughout and leave fall his death body. While Saying everybody death but some ones with pride another without pride.


    While Paxo it was fighting with Sichi. Roe shout, run, put his hands on both of his sword, crying. When running for Sichi, when it was already too late for Paxo. Roe infold he’s two swords toward Sichi, with not fear with impotence and sadness. Seeing the first of his family death. On front of him. With no time to back down he confront Sichi with not fear, with no hesitation. Slash one to ward his legs another to his waist other through the tome.

    While that start to happen Benn wake from the slash him block from Frankie. He never thought that kind of face that kind of teeth, that kind of stronger, that kind of speed before. Benn not stopped think in what kind of humans could be out this country? But now knew what mean when it was saying about the Eshoo of this world. Benn thinking.

    As soon Benn open his eyes, and think the how. Look to the begging of the battlefield, and though the first in fall, and the second about to fall. Realise that the person it was one of the younger of his armed, as he realises of today could be the day of the start of the begging of the end of country. As could be the last day of his life. The last of his family. As the last as Capitan General Supreme Benn.

    As near try to be, more he sees it`s look like someone. Someone doesn`t remember but felt as if was someone really appreciate for him. But every time go more near, more family looks. But as sooner be enough near, as sooner though it was his own son, fighting! Benn think loaded whispering. Couldn`t understand how he could be there, how he knew where will be. How could be fighting, how could Paxo begging to lost. But as sooner thought it was him as sooner took his sword back in hands and with no hesitation, with not fear.

    Two to one like this it`s how it was looking the battlefield today. Theirs were blasphemy off. Now theirs were bigger armed with more mans. And what the really doing! With of us are not in the conditions too! Of what they are fear? Of me? Of Frankie? Of lost this country? The real true it`s that could not answer me now, but as sooner them could, their will. Sichi saying while it was fighting with Roe and Benn.

    His slash toward to the legs, to the waist, through in the tome. Sichi block and laughter and slash back, with not hesitating, Roe doggie, and as soon as his doggie as sooner he slashes one, another moving site to site moving in circling, and Sichi being in the middle of it. But in one of that slashed Roe find the way to hurt him. May die may not! Then in one of Roe slash him block and with the second sword slash to fail. While Sichi it was blocking the second sword the boy it like disperse of his view. And came by back with a series of slash toward to hurt him.

    As soon Roe disperse of his view as soon start with his plan. As soon start slashing by the bottom leg to the waist to back chest. Slash by slash by slash as he gets to the neck and used his body as stairs to take his head. But as soon Sichi realise of were Roe was and how he gets there. As sooner as Sichi block Roe. Block Roe blade slash. Sichi turn around and block at the same time. While Sichi block, slash to kill Roe. Before Sichi slash to kill Roe. One blade put between the three blades. Sichi look to the left and thought the person face it was saving the life of the littler boy it was in front of him. To the littler boy it already underestimates, to wound Sichi…

    But Benn already knowing what kind of strongest theirs was going too. Knowing is too late, to tell to his son to go home. It was already don`t matter what to say to his son. The son it already thought his uncle death, on front of him. As he knew his self, knew his son got something of him. Knew don’t matter what him said to his son, it already too late, it was already lost his mind and heart full tears of blood. As soon saw the body of his uncle on the floor, death.

    Benn decide to fight with his son, but the last slash the two of theirs receive took the two of theirs five feet through the back sand-grass and blowing another five feet. One to one way another to another way. Both of theirs are teen feet of each other and teen feet of Sichi.

    Demon boy I going to send you straight to hell. As slave as soon as my hands touch you. Put on you a chain on feet and to work to wars when you sleep mistreat you. And when you be totally orca and later kill you. Underestimate one chill like you to this point What Sichi said louder, while it was running to his father.

    As soon Benn thought it was running to him with a maize speed toward to him. Shout toward him son the word respect. Benn his self-put his self-respect-ward. His sons understand at first. Run toward Sichi with a maize speed to slash as sooner as his could.

    Benn wait to Sichi slash with his blade, as soon as Sichi slash, Benn block, with one sword another on the floor, for content the stronger of the impact of the slash. Roe as soon as thought his father block with his blade and the other in the floor, him went for Sichi legs slash one but for Roe something it was wrong. Sichi doggie one and the other it was coming. From Benn. While Roe it was going for the legs Benn it was going for the places Roe need stair to get, then Benn when for Sichi chest and following by the head, while it was moving to the right of the battlefield. While Roe it was aiming for the legs and waist following by the tome at the same time his father aiming to the tome, but when Roe moving to the left, his father to the right when his father it was on the back of Sichi, Roe it was on the front of Sichi. The as aiming for Sichi with no hesitation, toward cross, toward bottom and top heading toward Sichi.

    When one it going to the right other it going to the left when one gets on the back. Sichi it was thinking while it was doggie and doggie slash by slash blocking by blocking. Up, down, left, right, four blades slashing by slashing.

    While Sichi it was fighting Roe and Benn, the armed it was starting fighting. The armed of Capitan General Supreme Benn it was in formation thin beginning. They were coming from both sites. Toward the others armed. Sichi and Frankie armed split. Thin the start the battle the start going toward the south of the country, toward Guagua-Loca city. Toward south Frankie orders was. Was to not stop, not eat, not drink, only run and run as the live go on it.

    The armed of Sichi in formation in double circle and waiting to for the king the only third circler. The thirteen-sons-lost armed it was in the thirteen-formation defences.

    Sulidian it was on the house when it realises that his son it was already finished with his punishment. Look for all the house for him, look for all the town for the armed station. But when look for all ways for him. It was when realise that his sons when to see if it going to war of the going to peacefully day and the going out of the country for fear to war. And when Sulidian think about the battlefield, it was as her get electric shocks. When to the room on the armed station and put up the man armour, and covered hair. From there when straight to the battlefield for look for his son, for bring his son back to home don’t matter what could happen in the battlefield.

    Sulidian took quiet long to take to the battlefield but as soon arrive. Thought that we on war, thought that his son is death, though as his husband it was death. And the only it was thinking was look for theirs don’t matter what could happen. Don’t matter if die, don’t matter how fear her could be. As soon as her saw the General Babasco, as soon her ask for her son to Babasco, ask as her bigger brother. Her pleased to answer her.

    I don’t know. But knowing him, I will think if it’s here he, I will see him before not one. That it’s means that it only one place he could be. If it’s not here! Babasco said.

    Where! Where! Where I could find him? Sulidian ask.

    I don’t think you could go there. I don’t think Benn he will accept apologize if I leave you go there! Or if I lead you there. Or to the beginning of war where the battlefield it is now. Babasco said.

    You have too! Or better what if Roe it’s there and die because you don’t leave me pass through or don’t what to lead me to where theirs are? How he will take it? How he will take if his son dies? Now tell me before me…! Before I forth it out of you! Sulidian said. With her hand on her sword.

    Babasco look to her hand struggled the handler of her sword. Look back to Sulidian face and say if you follow that path you will find one spot where he could be hide it’s when now I got all the bow hide and waiting for order, but if when you arrive there it’s not there. That it’s mean it fighting hands to hands with his father. For the death of Paxo. And you not got so much time for the only reason we are near confront the armed of thirteen-sons-lost. As the made call. I would like to ask you something as you own brother? Or advance you! As you brother don’t go in site the battlefield is the only requested I would like to ask you. As I knew you, as I knew you don’t go to hear what I was ask for. I ask a request of you, if it possible?

    What request you want of me? Sulidian ask.

    To send a messenger of my part. Said Babasco

    While Sulidian it was on her way to the battlefield. Roe and Benn it was fighting Sichi. Sichi couldn’t counterattack any of the blade slash but doggie everything came. Everything came by top, by the bottom, by the left and by the right.

    Four blades and nothing we did to him yet. I think we going to give all the power we had all the speed we had, all the strength we had. And nothing we going to make to him. Benn thinking while it was fighting.

    In one cross of eyes between on going to the left other to the right leave one his sword fall and sword blade into the sand-grass. Then Benn get alone for a while. While Roe slash one, two. Sichi pass through his father. And his father in put in knees for Roe. Roe used the knees of Benn as stairs and toward to Sichi chest, while Benn wake and took the leg of Roe and half round about and toward to Sichi. More speed and stronger. But Sichi doggie and Roe pass by. Folder on of the sword back while it was blowing and struggled to the sword of Benn leave into the sand-grass and half round about and toward Sochi back. While he fathers with speed go to the backward of Sichi. Roe give the half round to the sword

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