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Love and the Other World: Love Lives Beyond Life
Love and the Other World: Love Lives Beyond Life
Love and the Other World: Love Lives Beyond Life
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Love and the Other World: Love Lives Beyond Life

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Kaif is a promising young student with an unusually powerful imagination. To secure his love, he creates a fantasy world around himself, preserving his love within its shell, away from reality. He visits often but comes back to realityuntil one day he becomes lost in his imaginary world and never returns.

A renowned psychologist turned spiritual leader, Haroon Baba, vows to bring Kaif back. He has a secret gift: he is able to enter the other world himself and to send anyone there. He seeks the help of a famous Canadian hypnotist named Dr. Schuller, a man who had once sought training with him but was turned away. Both men go on a voyage to the other world, where they observe Kaifs past and present life, hoping to bring him back through scientific techniques. As Kaif struggles for his love and the other two men strive for their purpose, only time will tell whether love or purpose will win out in the end.

Exploring the concept of the imagination as a world unto itself, this novel follows the tale of three men dealing with the conflict between love and purpose in various ways.
Release dateOct 17, 2017
Love and the Other World: Love Lives Beyond Life

Irfan Baba

Irfan Baba is from Kashmir and has a pharmaceutical background. He believes in innovation and always strives to offer something new to the readers, incorporating present world situations into his work. He currently lives in Srinagar, Kashmir, India.

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    Love and the Other World - Irfan Baba

    Copyright © 2017 by Irfan Baba.

    ISBN:      Hardcover   978-1-5437-0092-3

                    Softcover   978-1-5437-0091-6

                    eBook      978-1-5437-0090-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Thanks giving


    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V


    In the loving memory of my beloved uncle

    Late Ab. Majid Bhat

    Thanks giving

    Achievements are tagged to individuals. However they are never individual efforts. Behind the writing of this book there are many people involved.

    I may first of all thank Almighty Allah for offering me an opportunity to write this book then my parents brothers, sisters, wife and some friends who by some means became a part of my persuasion.

    I may also mention a word of thanks to my nieces, nephews and daughter for coming in my life and making it lovely.


    The crux of the story deals with an innovative concept of imagination. Rarely or regularly but we all imagine. To most of men, it is just a habit or a spontaneous brain activity but to a few who live in it, imagination is a world itself- the other world. This world exists like ours but in imaginations only. Our world rotates on probabilities and possibilities. It offers us only realities, while as imagination has access to the impossible.

    The protagonist- ‘Kaif’ is a young promising student from a beautiful valley. He is just a common man in the masses yet stand tall in the crowd because he acquires the strongest power of imagination. The power which is very peculiar and unique. To secure his love he creates an imaginary world around him. He successfully preserves his love within the shell of imagination- away from the realities. He often visits the imagination world. One day he enters and is lost in the other world. He never returns.

    One man namely ‘Haroon Baba’ vows to bring Kaif back. In his past Haroon Baba was a renowned psychologist settled in America. Now he is a known spiritual leader living in the peripheries of Pakistan. Besides he has found a bizarre art. He can enter into the other world or send anyone there. However he is yet to share the knowledge of the art to anyone.

    Haroon Baba seeks Dr. Schuller’s assistance. Dr. Schuller is a famous hypnotist living in Canada. He is a well known figure in the field for his innovations and researches. He had come to Haroon Baba ten years back to learn the art but Haroon Baba choose not to entertain him. Despite Haroon Baba’s refusal in the past and personal disturbances in present, Dr. Schuller agrees to assist.

    Both men, Haroon Baba and Dr. Schuller go on a voyage to the other world. They peep into Kaif’s past and present life. They use scientific techniques and starve to bring Kaif back. The story revolves round the concept of the other world; the struggle of Kaif for his love and the struggle of other two men i.e. Haroon Baba and Dr. Schuller for their purpose. Till end the mystery continues if love triumphs the purpose or the purpose has the last laugh.

    Chapter I

    Everyday the sun fags out- leaves behind blazing sky and a dimming atmosphere. Birds take flight back to un-pompous but scientifically designed nests. Our houses may fall to the natural calamities but nests stand. Unlike houses, nests are built to fulfill need only. God never takes need away, though greed is optional to God’s mood.

    This is the time when evening overlaps the ceasing day. For every breathing creature on the planet, evening is just a halt, a pause in the persuasion till coming sun. For most of the men and women, it is the time to relax and cherish with the family, except for the bad spirits and those who go against the laws of the nature. For them this is just an opening of their world. Night life lovers come in that bracket who violate the laws of nature.

    It is late evening. The stars have begun twinkling. Traffic noise has receded. All the lights are off and all the staff of his office has left except an orderly. Dr. Schuller who is still in his chamber with a laptop and some unwrapped papers on his table. He is neither a bad spirit nor a night life lover, nor a famililess man. Doctor is in some deep contemplation.

    People choose to sit in silence and isolation when their inner voice becomes louder than the atmospheric noise.

    However the case with doctor is different. From an optimistic he has turned into an escapist. After that incident and decision Dr. Schuller has become restless. He seems not only fed-up with the world but with himself too. Apparently Dr. Schuller seems running away from the world but in reality he tries to hide from himself.

    Such things happen when heart and mind discard ties and refuse to come to the common terms.

    Dr. Schuller is 52 years old. He is a well recognized hypnotist in Canada. He has been rewarded many-times for his innovation and researches. He is rich and famous. Now a days he is highly disturbed as a recent incident has bogged him down into an extreme dilemma.

    Almost an hour passes through silence and stillness when his peon strikes something outside which makes a loud noise. Perhaps the peon could not say directly that office hours are over. Dr. Schuller is smart enough to understand the gesture. He calls the peon inside and relieves him.

    Dr. Schuller puts his indication finger on table calendar date. The date is encircled with the red pen. He revolves his finger tip over the circle. His action clearly states that he is sentimental about the date which is coming after seventeen days. Dr. Schuller sighs. Meanwhile a beep is heard. It is a beep of a new mail. To his surprise the mail has been shot by Haroon Baba.

    Haroon Baba is a Sufi personality putting up in Askole- the nearest village to K2 in Pakistan. He was a successful psychologist settled in USA. In 1978 Haroon Baba accidently met a Sufi who later became his mentor, while raising objection on Sufism. Haroon Baba embraced him instantly. It is said that Haroon Baba straight way went to Askole with him. Since then Haroon Baba never returned back to US nor visited his home in Aligarh India. During these years he healed hundreds and thousands of souls by his spiritual powers. Besides that he invented a bizarre art. He can enter himself or send anyone into the world of imaginations.

    Unique things are hard to invent or discover. So is to teach the peculiar knowledge. Haroon Baba has neither taught nor shared the knowledge of his invented art, though people from different parts of the world had requested him. But he stood rigid.

    The seeds are tiny in size but carry a giant tree and delicious fruit in their wombs. The seeds always look for the right season and right soil to sprout in.

    Perhaps Haroon Baba waits for right person and right time to share his art with.

    Dr. Schuller also had been to Askole 10 years back.

    Even wastage in the world has its purpose and role. Dr. Schuller had been there to know the secrets of art. Haroon Baba had even refused to meet him.

    The mail states an invitation to Dr. Schuller, a visit to Askole- Pakistan atleast for a month. Dr. Schuller cannot understand certain things. First, what was the reason that Haroon Baba did not offer his glimpse to him 10 years back? Second, what is that which compelled Haroon Baba to look for him? While pondering on these lines doctor’s eyes fall on the encircled date. He touches the date with his finger tip again and gazes for a while. This clearly indicates that if doctor goes to Pakistan he will miss the date which is coming

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