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Red Delta
Red Delta
Red Delta
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Red Delta

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Doctor Rosie de Simone is indeed running from the arms of a grizzly into the eye of a hurricane as she flees an obsessive ex-lover back to Nrleans Plantation in 1968 Louisiana.
Rosies quest for true love in sultry, romantic New Orleans is full of soulful jazz, voodoo, and steamy romance under the magnolias.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 31, 2016
Red Delta

Sarah Mae Martin

Denise Martin is a medical imaging technologist in Toronto. She has a bachelor degree in accounting and a master’s of applied science (ultrasound) and is an avid gardener. She lives in the small town of Ridgeway, Canada, with her husband and son.

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    Red Delta - Sarah Mae Martin

    © 2016 by Sarah Mae Martin.

    ISBN:                   Softcover                                978-1-5245-0582-0

                                  eBook                                   978-1-5245-0581-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 05/31/2016





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 1

    SON OF A BITCH! The pliers that Rosie had been struggling with trying to remove her nipple piercings, slipped and fell on the floor, scraping her breast on the way down. Damn, where was your brain, girl? Sighing, she rummaged in the kitchen drawer and found a pair of electrical wire cutters. She shoved them around the tiny circles, and the pull on her nipples, caused such exquisite pain, she saw stars. She was tempted to just rip them out, she was so frenzied. She was already late for her shift, but couldn’t leave in this state! She had to get rid of any reminder!

    She heard a small snap and the first one fell out, and now that she had the hang of it, the second was easier, but no less painful. She looked at herself in the mirror and her anger grew. There was no bleeding, but they were so sensitive and raw, she wasn’t going to be able to wear a bra without gauze and ointment covering them. The tiny MW that had been branded onto her left shoulder, glared at her defiantly! Max had told her she could never escape his spell, and he was probably right. Maybe I can cover it with makeup.

    The shower hitting the welt marks on her rear caused her to cry, and the pain which ravaged her body felt like she had put her finger in a light socket! She turned the water pressure down to tepid and low. Marilyn is a bitch. She must’ve been pretty angry to leave that deep a mark! I have to get away from here somehow. She had been especially frightened when Marilyn had shown up at her door yelling like a banshee that Rosie had stolen her husband, and she had a mean streak a mile long.

    Sigh, papers to grade and here I am clipping off my nipple rings. How professional and grown up is that? NEVER AGAIN! I better be careful I don’t cut the end of my fingers off or stab myself. That would be embarrassing to explain to the Medical Director for sure. Working as the youngest tenured Professor lecturing at Boston University in Medicine, and her regular shifts at the hospital as a Pediatric Surgeon, was starting to wear her down.

    Damn. Compounding the stress, was her nervousness around her former lover Max Webber, the senior surgeon at the hospital and his bondage-loving wife Marilyn. She had entered into what she thought was a normal relationship with the love of her life, only to find herself in a ménage, which had developed into ‘fun and games’ which included ‘discipline.’

    Max’s unbridled passion and lust had turned obsessive. He hadn’t taken being dumped well, and she knew he kept an eye on her comings and goings, although they were civil to each other. What are you, like in high school? Come on girl, smarten up.

    When she reached the staff lounge, she read a note on the bulletin board asking for volunteers to travel to New Orleans to provide help after the hurricane. There was to be an information seminar at two that afternoon. It had been five years since he had gone home to her beloved Big Easy, and she realized this was the solution to her problem.

    Rosie smiled. I’m sure they’ll give me a few month sabbatical. Dr. Farber can take the lectures, and how could the Chief Surgeon say no to a Humanitarian cause? Besides, Max would never follow her and leave his prestigious job, and couldn’t leave his wife at loose ends, and have her find another man to pimp for her, so this is a godsend!

    Rosie was drained. She had been inside a three-year old’s abdomen for the last four hours trying to stem the bleeding from a car accident that had lacerated her liver. No one had been holding her, and when a driver hit their car, she was launched out the window. It had been touch and go, but the outlook was fair to good. Luckily, her mother was damaged but not dead, so there might be a happily ever after, after all. You’d think that in 1969, there would be a better way for kids to be held in their seats. The trauma rate is going crazy for children.

    Two o’clock came and the meeting room was full, with doctors, nurses and other staff. Rosie noticed that Max wasn’t present, but then, he didn’t seem the type to do charitable work. The panel was an interesting composition of people. Rosie, who was exhausted, closed her eyes to try and listen properly, but was having a problem with her painful nipples, and trying not to rub them.

    When she opened her eyes, she was shocked. On the left side, at the far end of the table was Isaiah Winston, at least she thought it was him. They hadn’t seen each other much since they were teens, after he left N’rleans Plantation, their home, and went off to Georgia. He’s so handsome now, and an International lawyer, I hear! I’ll bet Henry is very proud.

    She closed her eyes and smiled. Her home, N’rleans Plantation in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana, was one of the few original working Plantations left in the South. It had been in the family for over one hundred years. The Plantation manager Henry Winston, supervised the sugar cane field workers. Man, everything was so simple back then. I had nothing to do but run around playing with Isaiah.

    Henry was a widower, and the Winston family lived in the guest house at N’rleans. Civil unrest did not concern N’rleans’ atmosphere in the 1950’s South, and Isaiah had been her best friend. Even with the unrest in the South, and the segregation problems, they had always been family.

    Rosie mused about how the Winston family came to live at N’rleans. Henry and Ginny Winston were free persons of color when they settled in New Orleans in the 1940’s. He started working at N’rleans as a hired hand, becoming more and more indispensable to her Pere, Jackson, until he hired him as the Plantation Manager in 1947. Initially, he and Ginny lived in the old guest house on the property.

    Isaiah was born about three months before Rosie, and around age three, Ginny caught a bad pneumonia. Antibiotics were in their infancy and efficiency, and sadly she had passed away. Pere, had done what he could to treat her, but there was such resistance about treating a black person in a hospital. People of color, free or indentured, had always been second class in the South, until 1964. It had only been because of her father being a doctor, that she had been hospitalized, albeit too late.

    Her parents had willingly enveloped Henry and little Isaiah into the family. They helped Henry rebuild the guest house, so it was suitable for bringing up a child, and they ate meals at the Plantation house. Basically, Rosie and Isaiah had grown up together, at least until they were teenagers. It was funny, but she never thought of him being black any different than being a guy.

    Her Mere had home schooled them, and Josh until they went to high school. At that time, Isaiah went to Georgia to live at his aunt’s to attend an integrated high school. She remembered how excited she felt when he came home for holidays. It was always a big thing to drive to the bus station to pick him up, since without him, she always felt that a part of herself was missing. Her mother had passed away when Rosie was twelve and Josh was nine, so everything had happened at once. Rosie felt a pang of sadness, the depth of which she hadn’t felt in a long time. Mom.

    It was such fun growing up on the Plantation. Acres of sweet sugar cane to play hide and seek around, barn lofts to jump from, and later on, other places to play and explore their pre-teen years. It was all very innocent back then, and I couldn’t wait to grow up! Rosie involuntarily felt a pang of deep loneliness for her friend, and a longing for the old days.

    She grimaced inwardly, regardless how sophisticated he is now, I’m sure that his toes would curl if I ever told him the whole Max story! She giggled nervously, then looked around to see if anyone had noticed. If anyone asks, I’m just going to help after the hurricane. No one needs to know anything else, EVER!

    Isaiah, sigh…she smiled to herself. We sure learned a lot together!

    I remember our first kiss. It’s amazing what memories stay in your brain! She was transported back to that sweltering night in August in 1945. They were about ten years old and were lying on the ground in the field, counting the stars. He turned his head to her and said So, whatta ya think about kissin’, ever done it?

    Ya mean a boy? Nope, you ever kissed a girl?"

    He grinned and said Nope, never tried it. Suppose I should someday. He had that shine in his eye, like when he was going to do something outrageous. Wanna play cards? How ’bout strip poker and he laughed.

    Rosie had retorted. Do you even know what to do? You gotta take off your clothes if you lose you know.

    Might be fun, he returned. It’s mighty hot, and I gotta cool off. Come on, it’ll be fun.

    Rosie smiled at the memory. Poor boy, he lost so badly. He was buck naked by the fifth hand. I was shocked when he leaned over and gave me a small kiss, right on the lips! I didn’t want to look, but his long, black john, was pointing at me. He didn’t seem embarrassed, just whistled as he put his clothes back on, then lay back and continued to gaze at the sky!

    When they turned thirteen, Isaiah was accepted into an integrated high school in Georgia, and went to live with his aunt. As far as she had known, he had become a lawyer and was somewhere in Tennessee. Wow, he’s come so far!

    Rosie was brought out of her thoughts by a smooth, sexy voice saying: Is this seat taken Cherie?

    What a cheeky thing to say! She looked up immediately to chastise this cad, who thought he was charming. She rubbed her eyes to clear them, and looked at this tall, well dressed black man. She thought she was dreaming.

    Was my talk that boring?

    Rosie shook her head to clear it, and jumped up, giving him a huge hug. Isaiah? Isaiah! Oh my God, I really missed you. I was just thinking of you! She was startled, because she could feel his rock solid muscles tense under his clothes. Last time she had seen him, he was just a tall, skinny teenager. She gave him multiple kisses on his smooth, chiseled face. Isaiah laughed and rubbed his cheek where her lips had touched. You’re so tall now!

    I missed you too, Cherie.

    He held her at arm’s length in order to get a good look at her. She was, if anything, more beautiful than when they were teens. Even without make-up, he could get lost in those deep emerald whirlpools, and the gold sparks that highlighted them when she smiled, still drew him in. Her long, silky, mica-colored hair shone brightly, and he wryly noted, was still uncooperative as it flowed down her back, even though she had pulled the front back with a clip.

    However, it was that smile that always had made him feel that he was the most important thing in her life. Depending on how she smiled told of her temperament. This one however, was warm and welcoming, so there was no guessing. She had facial tells. The animation in her face always telegraphed her emotions, and her eyes were the window to her soul. He had always thought that when Rosie smiled, the whole world got happy. She wasn’t angular anymore either! He tried not to obviously stare at those sleek, but magnificent curves.

    Sorry, I’m a mess. I just got out of surgery. Where do I sign up?

    He smiled because this was the first time he’d ever seen her flustered. So Cher, you’re coming home. Did you finally miss the relaxed atmosphere of the Parish? How long has it been? You never wrote. However, I guess being a full Professor puts you a notch above us peons.

    How dare you say I never wrote? You were the one who went away to school and now you’re an international lawyer. I wrote but you didn’t answer, and you know my position at the University doesn’t have anything to do with being too good to keep in touch!

    I’m sorry. I was just pulling your leg. Can you ever forgive me Cherie? I thought about you a lot. It was no picnic being at school where there was still so much hate of the Black man. I worked really hard to make a name. Even though it’s 1968, White people are still having a really hard time letting the color barrier down, and I spent a lot of extra time trying to be smarter, and better than the white students."

    Rosie smiled. Wow, I’ve got to admire your passion for Civil Rights, always rooting for the underdog. I’ll bet you never lose!

    I do ok. He smiled and stood back, although he was suddenly had the urge to stroke her hair and gaze into those amazing eyes forever. I just had to get involved with the disaster in my beloved Big Easy. I’m happy you want to help. Since you’re a big Professor, can you get time off to come home?

    Yep, it’s my beautiful city too! I’ll ask an Associate in the Medicine Department to temporarily take my schedule. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.

    I can’t wait!

    He looks like he means it, how wonderful! That woman at the other end of the table will give you the details."

    Rosie felt like an anxious school girl, and didn’t want the moment to end, so continued, If you want, when I get there, you can reintroduce me to the Cajun lifestyle. Her smile made him melt, and when he looked into her eyes, he could see into her soul. I can’t believe how I’ve missed her over the years. Take it easy Isaiah, old boy. Keep it light!

    Sure thing, I’d love to. I’ll talk to you soon. Rosie noticed the tall black woman who constantly hovered behind him, with her hand on his shoulder. We should go, love.

    He blushed. Sorry, Cher, but I have a meeting in Natchez, but I’ll see you soon!

    Rosie was startled. I not sure, but I think she shot daggers at me. What a bitch!

    Rosie was beside herself with excitement. Hopefully, this is a sign of good things to come! She smiled, because she was probably the only one who ever knew that this sophisticated young lawyer started out as an adventurous, mouthy boy with unruly hair, untucked shirt, who continually chewed on sugar cane. She noticed his perfect teeth, and was impressed. Imagine, even after all that sugar! I thought for sure he’d be a gumbo by eighteen! I could get used to this new look too, very easily, just as long as he is the same Isaiah underneath.

    When she returned to the doctor’s lounge, she was teased unmercifully.

    Oooh, Rosie has a boyfriend.

    That was some scene with that black man. We thought you were going to have sex, right there!

    Cut it out, guys. Isaiah and I grew up together on N’rleans, in the Parish. He was my best friend for years!

    I’ll bet you guys learned a lot together! He winked at her, making a rude gesture with his hand.

    Not like that! Rosie could feel herself blush from her cheeks, down to her toes.

    Yeah, well you didn’t notice that black woman standing behind him, looking like she wanted to strangle you. I’ll bet he’ll catch heat when they get back.

    Well, God help her if she tries anything with me. I’m licensed to carry there, and my daddy taught me how to shoot! Rosie laughed, but felt a sudden pang of jealousy. Imagine feeling that after all these years!

    Max came in at the end of the conversation, and asked So, what’s up?

    We were asking Rosie about her old boyfriend, a black man. |He spoke at the meeting.

    Rosie noticed the way his jaw moved like when he was angered or upset. She flinched involuntarily. Thank god I’m going!

    Oh, yeah? Hmm, but dismissed it, or so she hoped. I can’t leave soon enough.

    Rosie was pleasantly surprised how accommodating the Dean of the Medical Department had been when she requested a three month leave. Of course, my dear. You need to help your people. You know it’s an unpaid leave, right?

    Yep, but it’s important I help. She smiled winningly.

    Dean Charles grinned and had a twinkle in his eyes. That’s why I’ve made arrangements for you to be a guest lecturer at Tulane Medical School! I called in a favor from my friend Dean Gordon. He’ll take care of everything. Then he looked serious, and asked, you’re coming back, right?

    After things settle down with Max, he’ll forget in no time. There’s lots of eager young girls he can discipline. Her answer was immediate and honest; O course! I love it here. I can’t think anywhere else I’d like to be! She went over to his desk and gave him a big hug. Thank you.

    Rosie put her affairs in order and bought her train ticket home. She was getting more excited as each day passed. She let her family know when she’d arrive, and her brother Josh would pick her up at the station. Max had offered to take her to the station, but Rosie refused, although she thought for sure that she’d seen him at the station, just out of sight.

    Chapter 2

    Dr. Rosie de Simone woke up in a pool of sweat. At first she was disoriented until she felt the smooth grind of the train wheels, lulling her, and sighed. Damn! It’s hot in here. I’m

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