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The New Age Bible
The New Age Bible
The New Age Bible
Ebook565 pages8 hours

The New Age Bible

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This magical literature full of religious logic, metaphysical common sense, and
supernatural wisdom has given way to a new astrological star chart reading
fashioned formidably from a keyed up individuals molded mind, body, and
soul all the while exposed to everyday occurrences such as light and dark, positive
and negative, genetics and environment, ECT. Th e key used for utility coded in our
modern day western zodiac, four basic elements, and three states confronts many
everyday problems such as health, money, love, and self-defense in an importable
composition for all to use. Can modern day literature do what the literature from
our past has done? Th e overall Biblical character and feel consisting of many numbers
combined with letters is very similar to our current Holy Scriptures and is here to
help with economic and weather conditions. Th is coupled with scientifi c prediction
in cognition helping to understand the immediate present by reviewing our past
history by providing eff ective future caliber predictions on both micro and macro
levels in our lifetimes through the areoles of time in universal form lending to Ages
similar to time travel. Could philosophical genius occult practices be construed and
accepted as more than dogmatic science fi ction and/or fantasy and on to fashioned
fi ndings from omnipresent God and science itself? Why not let your qualities defi ne
you whatever they are? A higher state of conciseness would be the calling on to
uncharted places indeed! On to a more mentally focused atmosphere as opposed
to the current physical realms is where the book takes us through its profound
knowledge providing for a real time utopia! Th e precision of 1 and 365 odds (even
more when factored with the eastern zodiac) combined with the generality of 365 to
1 is very enticing existing in a perfect state laying somewhere in the zodiacs twelve
star signs using an ark key for utility coded within the four elements and three states!
It makes us rethink all that we have learned in our educations rounding conspiracy
theory by placing accepted God as more of a common factored force while not too
sexual, accidental, and humane!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 3, 2015
The New Age Bible

Erik Cloud

Erik being introvert and extrovert leaded to his prophetic vision which needs no license lying fi rmly in the realms of extra sensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, psychic, ECT. Genetics not environment is the direction to which he subscribes mostly. Limited public education, church experience, little to no traveling, and some martial arts training helped him in his progress to some extent. He has had a natural desire to understand the way things work on a chemical level. Autobiographical aspects of this epic poem provide the overall about the author as epic poem narrator.

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    The New Age Bible - Erik Cloud

    Copyright © 2015 by Erik Cloud.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2015917276

    ISBN:   Hardcover         978-1-5144-1840-6

                  Softcover          978-1-5144-1839-0

                  eBook               978-1-5144-1838-3

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    Rev. date: 10/30/2015






    Introduction/ Preface

    Chapter 1   Soldier (1) and Poet (0)

    Chapter 2   Zodiac Signs Twelve Tribes

    Chapter 3   The Philosopher’s Stone

    Chapter 4   The Shield/Sword of God (Formulas Usage)

    Chapter 5   Engineering Concepts (God-L & Science-0 = #5)

    Chapter 6   Science Sent from God (0-Science & (-)-from God)

    Chapter 7   Metal

    Chapter 8   Maneuvers

    Chapter 9   Objectives

    Chapter 10   Vectors

    Chapter 11   Fighting

    Chapter 12   Ark of the Lord, Genius/Space Cadet

    Chapter 13   The Spider (Female Toxin Giver)

    Conclusion and/or a la piece-resistance



    There have been many books, songs, and artworks that I have read, viewed, listened, and created, which all retained and led to this work of literature, through the duration of my still fairly young life thus far prompting my logic through inductive reasoning (not guaranteed truth), abductive inference (or semantics—the search for meaning), and deductive reasoning (guarantees conclusion), distinguishing between the two for cogency (what is good for a person), and to this effect, I am ready and willing to disclose my technique for common or good sense applied to social science that needs to be embedded with metaphysics for the sake of wisdom with these three subjects, the reoccurring theme throughout this work displayed in letter and number form.

    I feel it is important to mention the factor of all the things I had experienced up to the environment changing because I think/feel as though both issues of the genius of my very existence and the deterioration of the environment play a huge role in the fruition of my artwork. I feel as though I need to mention that although money has been my main motivation, the charity of inevitably helping other people in need, I think, is to be just as motivating, and in some ways, thinking of other’s needs therein learning even more rewarding void of the ever so apparent God complex associated with usually very reputable and responsible positions of, say, doctor or any lifesaving profession. To this factor, I have been able to freely observe and continue my meager ways and jot down very important information, while my family members and friends all thought I was just a born loser poet asleep on the couch! We have found out only later that all this leads to my accomplishments with me sustaining many upon many blows for being able to think enough to write down my book (thirty-three years of experience and trial/tribulation).

    It seems like just a few hundred years back, the formidable switch from Stoic political contract (a person’s fears/emotions are a philosophy displayed) to Roman social contract officially in AD 529 by Emperor Justinian 1 (a person should by the church control their human nature), common sense needs to be addressed in this day and age, and as you will read, I make a real-time argument toward just why these shifts have happened and just what we can expect in the immediate to far future, placing me somewhat in the realm of Thomas Paine and his revolution prompting pamphlet appropriately named Common Sense published January 10, 1776, helping to induce the Revolutionary War in America and later the French Revolution.

    The First Epistle to the Corinthians (the seventh book of the New Testament written by Paul on a first and second visit to the modern-day Turkey) is a religious doctrine to refer this body of literature because the ways of the church are being addressed as to add to perfection in the early days of the newly formed Christianity, which I see as a commonsensible reaction to all the sinning so apparent in those days and these and a real-time story to follow devoted to the pure love for a man and how this should be unparalleled in that sense. In other words, people needed a better way of conducting everyday affairs and not taking away from the story of Jesus as a real-time occurrence. The whole story is quite enticing to say the least and just needs some remodeling, so to speak.

    I suppose that my writing is one of the ways I am able to perhaps live in another age, be it in the past, present, or future. In a very scientific form, I am trying to relate myself to others, attempting to explain my actions up until now to not be seen as foolish and/or stupid, scientifically too, as these are ways far from being wise in modern-day society. In short, confessing some of my actions has been on a fine line, but I clearly state the ways and means as to just why my actions had to happen along with failure, more so on the part of immediate church, state, and even family with their failure mostly due to stupidity as opposed to folly in that the knowledge I am presenting was not in usage. This is no surprise because most of the sayings on wisdom in church and state somehow revolve around in not knowing is the key, as this is supposed to help concerning the cardinal virtue between sinful passion and admirable reason with the servicing of these deeds lying in reason except deeper and rooted meanings.

    This subject of passion has long been a consideration in Western philosophy. Weather passion is a torture because of the binding experience of spirit and religion, or on the contrary, does it allow them to apprehend just who and what we really are on a more humanistic and scientific level? My whole philosophy to which I will describe in full detail is a very good indication of a real and true hereafter on earth with the deceased living alongside the living in spirit, giving even more value to life and living. The east meets west, so to speak, giving credence to an actual reincarnation in probability and/or a reliable afterlife in guess. Some would say that I have led a very trait and meaningless life, outside looking in all the while, watching as I was thinking, but this is the way of logic and the magic of God usually being on the side of the minority and being able to weed out the true and real friends from the foes. Being able to do this is more of a concealing game than a revealing one.

    On a more supernatural level, I am to the conclusion that God has blessed me with what is commonly referred to as second sight. When applied to law and medicine, my technique is nothing but pure logic with common sense and wisdom, a close second in a very godlike and perfect sense. It is my understanding that because of this, there should be no misunderstanding of the very important morals, values, and instructions allotted in my writings. In other words, what I am writing is borderline biblical if not permanently after I had struck the very first key on my computer to which I am not responsible for anybody else’s thoughts, actions, feelings, etc. You’re responsible for your own actions regardless of whatever I do or have done and so is the way of the republic and not quite the contrary, democracy, which I prefer, doing power of suggestion more so.

    Some authors of these books are listed at the end of this book under my influences category and my only attempt to do the cliché of name-dropping in accordance with appropriation of subject. Most of my subjects and predicates are about self, God, and country, which are more of the objective too in a paradox of philosophy here on earth, so my acknowledgments really are granted to these three and the people and things mentioned a far second; even though without me thinking of said people, the whole composition would not be the same or come into fruition at all.

    It should probably be noted that most of these books were read while I was still in teenage years, when my mind was the freshest, free of pollutions of any kind. My study of human beings as a culture in general is unsurpassed and surely never seen before with my premise suggesting an omnipotent predetermined path for all humans through design and technique at its best. With 99 percent of the world believing in a God, soul-searching can safely be construed as a common medium via circumstance in church and state (democratic) and individually with the knowledge of happiness one can assume that the more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you (Republican).

    It is also safe to say that the means to which both group and individual matters are addressed are boundless and at times inhumane for each one’s ideas of utopia, and the fighting gets very dirty. The stabbing in the front by the republic and the stabbing in the back by the democracy is a very real occurrence in modern-day life and living. I also see the utter deception involved with broadcasting and the like publicly a lot better than the average person, I think, who does not know the real evil incarnated to them. This physical reality of heathen church and mistrust in government has actually played a big part in me in writing this book for the masses to study and observe. In the wake of the dimensions of our predictable smaller patterned media (a sort of man-made weather vane to which individuals can derive physical bearing and/or mental ideas now seemingly in bed with the government), it is extremely difficult to perceive the overall much harder to predict larger patterns not so clear in the daily life of modern society. To know this would be extremely beneficial to all, allowing for radically much less evil in everyday modern lives. Only with the unbiased albeit unknown help of family, friends, businessmen, countrymen, world leaders, and most importantly me have I been able to ingest the invaluable philosophical information abundant throughout this work of literature. A man does not study as in hard or as much as I and not be the better for it. I’ve been around long enough and made enough mistakes to know that it is what we do in this life that matters.

    This book by no means is I giving any of my diagnonsense predetermined medical/mental conditions any credibility through transference to literature legally, and I doubt it is automation as in that of psychology/science given the overwhelming intelligence so apparent medically (though I have felt better having written this work as in that of catharsis when thinking of mine and others’ lives being touched literally [and not figuratively by God]). The weather so different and hotter could very well be construed as being touched by something otherworldly, just as worldly though (and this could be democratically felt by everybody under the sun). There should be more emphasis on how people do things as opposed to what we do exactly as far as common courtesy is concerned democratically and just what we do left to the overall picture of republic (which police are more than happy to acknowledge and address). When a man goes through as much as I have, he is supposed to have learned something from his experiences, and this is my testimony to this assumption in my life and time, giving this work of literature the presumption of pure genius at its best! I give my thoughts credit to God (Old and New Testament) and country (the United States of America), while my actions are fashioned from pure willpower at its best, wanting something bad enough to go after it with nothing stopping it and with having the courage of my convictions. This book is not for the faint of heart and should be under strict precaution with its usage concerning the mentality and exact age of the individuals for security purposes. This is my first book ever to my knowledge (other than some titillating writing in high school) and is not necessarily my last in this genre or any other.

    I think it is safe to assume that there are all kinds of weakness in the world, and not all of it is pure evil, making knowledge the key to understanding and understanding the key to communication in general, which gets more scientific and womanly. Knowing this, it can be said that in the past, a person goes from a more perfect state of being in a number 1 fashion to a more imperfect occurrence as in number 6 to feeling and emotion. Life is full of little ironies, and with this fact of opinion, I really think and feel that I have attained a prime language for improved conduction. I acknowledge God and country, and you can’t do that or that is impossible doesn’t exist. Also, if there are in fact some things that one can only possess genetically and not, therefore, be transferable by teaching, this occurrence be pondered save, not completely ruled out.

    Let me be absolutely clear that I am not a phony/fake as well as my gift I am putting on display for you to which you will not be able to denounce my almost unbelievable abilities concerning the psychic and supernatural and even going so far as to explain them to you. In the simplest of terms, you don’t have to go through it alone anymore because I am here and this book, which has turned out to be literally a prayer jotted down for the world to see and is here to help. Whether my prayer is more angelic or demonic (perhaps a little of both), I leave that to the reader to decide. Modestly, all I have done is add to the already-vast amount of books available to the public, adding to the confusion therein. Maybe it is not even my prayer that the reader is going to hear but that of my ghostwriter’s even. Needless to say, I recommend the other authors’ books for full understanding of subject matter references and a more omnipotent view to the questions I am attempting to tackle here as I leave out a lot of familiar terms that would make the composition more ingestible as a whole. I have, as to my ability in education, attempted to disclose all the appropriate information deservingly.


    In the early days of the much warmer than usual dead of winter and beginning of year 2010, I was alone a lot and left with nothing but my thoughts in a very small travel trailer after being fired for managerial recreation reasons from an already dead-end job three months prior. The 2009 autumn then and there was when I had started on my path to what the early philosophers before me call an epiphany or path to enlightenment concerning not only my selfish and miserable existence but also the others quite similar to me like young white male and/or people in general.

    A newly elected black president was all the rage, and a real democratic wind of change was insanely the calling and a far cry from the republican storm of war on terror just years before. I personally don’t see how the Democratic Party hasn’t come up with a better gimmick than a white president thinking black in Clinton and a current black president thinking white. These gimmicks were doomed from the get-go despite the supposed decent terms of Clinton, which I suffered through in both civilian and military lives. This goodness through their party didn’t affect me, and I am resentful to this day. Democrats, as a whole, missed the point of superior individual leadership and individual accountability at its finest so paramount in the republican scheme of things (and was, in fact, its backbone) relying almost solely on foul media practices and propaganda in absolute abundances and the average person falling for their message and buying into this peace and love bullshit, so they remain in power to trump republic causes.

    Just a few years before this vision, in the years of 2003 and 2004, I was a part-time student in graphic design to which my father whom I was living with help me pay through credit all the time, stating that someday we will know just why I have decided to undertake such a seemingly diverse road with the country on an uncertain track and the job market already looking like it was being overran by women and minorities. The field of graphic design alone has an artsy 50 percent male to female ratio to start with. Little did anybody know the political aspirations of the opposing Democratic Party and their sly victory at the polls with the message of change but really what I saw as a message of handouts and free loading to the lot while at the same time systematically overtaking the job market too in a combination of tact and clearly the overstepping of boundaries when things weren’t going their way exactly to the tee. This is why the loans of the banks fell way short on the coattails of commissions and good intentions of families and the smearing and mockery of the true and real American dream, which is absent foul and ulterior motives.

    As a scholar and gentleman, upon graduating the trade school, I am attempting to describe in great detail, from my heart of hearts and mind of minds, the actual shape of past, present, and future life through deciphering uniquely acute mega trends or broad outlines that will define our new and seemingly stagnant society, which are usually the stuff of commonsensible and wise science fiction and futuristic guessing games full of inaccuracies and annoyances while at the same time very humanly binding and gather some just like in logical religion. Seeing as I have had nothing else better to do, jobless and desperate, I clichéd what is considered where most good and tangible art comes from out of dire distress and need just as invention is the product of genius through necessity and love the engine of survival. I have intangibly scaled the reliable facts, facets, data, and emotions of greater past and present to conclude these reasonable pertinence of the established and admitted using induction while deducting the denied, deeming some parts of our sacred history books ludicrous and absurd lying more so in the realms of either male-dominant fantasy or female science fiction. After all, in generational speaking, it is not hard at all to just play with the facts optionally passing down the stories of old, not ruling out human error as a percentage already effectively masking the real truth to either sugarcoat the horrible and degradable or intentionally leave the reader off guard and restitute right out of the starting gates, improving the reality of a real state-of-the-art conspiracy going on right now.

    These very ideas can cause either irreverent good or dangerous damages as said as far back in biblical history as the Old Testament and beyond with logical leadership ideas frowned upon in men stating it paramount for danger up to our current statements in U.S. policies of men created equal under God and not government for the very sake of governing itself for the first time in history over passing monarchy and are not born slaves, which is all logic, common sense, and wisdom. This is the sign of the times to me also with the age of four going to five and now of course the much freer five going into six according to my course outline. I have no fear of this continuous ancient repositioning for I truly think and feel that when applied correctly, my technique is defensively and offensively impenetrable against any opposing measures/maneuvers, be it political or counter, that is, everybody from the residing president downward is put in check better than our current law and practices that are supposedly already honorable and trustworthy but with more room for improvements.

    The current constitution, the United States Constitution, is a living testimony to these current accepted beliefs in action or, according to me, five bleeding into six all from four, of course, in numerals with all or most of any current Supreme Court decisions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries regarding everyday laws and rights having to add to the Bill of Rights through amendments. This is the age-old or traditional process of lawmaking with proven results thus far. I guess what I am hinting at is there has seemingly been some kind of brick wall hit in these issue/battles and their inherent weapon of fighting crime and inhumanity on the United States’ force and the world with the main issues of right to petition, trial by jury, keep and bear arms, cruel and unusual punishment, and the rights not explicit in indication in the main body of the Constitution, which are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, a free press, free assembly, unreasonable search and seizure, security in personal effects, freedom from warrants issued without probable cause, guarantee of a speedy public trial with an impartial jury, and double jeopardy (tried for the very same act again). The mess and where things get messed up are just how to govern people in a justifiable way and manner and refrain from not being so lopsided concerning the two main issues of people-and-money-induced policies with the rebellion and/or punishment for crimes committed arrived at either a person’s time, money, or a little of both as means of restitution, leaving the individual on his road to correction and the masses of people feeling justified as to not having to deal with a recouping problem. Of course, the policemen and the mob end up taking lives in this messed-up process also having to mention this as pertaining to subject matter.

    The most notable amendment is the first as seen in the Bill of Rights, giving a person(s) the freedom to gather peaceably concerning government and/or religion and is describable to what the United States is all about, be it little blue guy being able to make it big on his ideas or big red republican billionaire staying that way. Though looking at this, these laws, however applicable and inadvertently, are the power of the dead over the living and must be viewed as such for the sake of goodness and reasoning. With this, no old and out-of-date laws should rule evilly, and new and improved laws must surely be considered for the future and well-being as a whole for the sake of money and people.

    Wisdom out of reasoning and not pure logic overall is why judges/politicians omit these older laws (still lodged in the books for logic’s sake) and why new amendments have consistently been applied to our sacred Constitution through the years civilly. From this, we can assume that tolerance must be paramount in regard to laws democratically and reason the one and only derivative concerning the changing and/or adding of said laws in a very republican manner both being the staples of usurper save revolution and the instigating, provoking, and reviling conduct on both sides fueling that philosophically anyways. The way the state carries itself can, will, and does affect the way its people react to it in democratic practice and contrary to republican principle given the past personal hatred of King Charles I and James II of England and the overall hatred of the French Louis XVI monarchy, prompting the French Revolution to which he was furnishing treasury money to help support the American Revolution in the stead of shelling all out to the people of France who were in dire need and starving. To this, the French ended up with Napoleon, which was a fine great empirical wind of change as opposed to their failed republic just years earlier, and America with its Constitution wielded straight out of the Bible, except in a proper statesman form in a hodgepodge of the trying times of restraints and freedoms.

    The greater part of Europe got its female empire of Catholic presence, and the new revolutionized America got its male empire across the pond far from all that European female nonsense. The literature of the times no doubt reflected the societies on the republican scale, while one can just as easily say that the societies reflected the literatures too, that is, the United States Constitution and the French Constitution. In this regard, one can safely apply the now in want religion in politics, viewing things in either a very New Testament specific individual clause or very Old Testament general group manner to which both the governing body and the mob use and apply liberally toward each other. The Jewish principles are, however, very republican in the sense of rules to live by and God as their master other than the follower and no leadership principles so adamantly felt (not to mention their love of money).

    The staleness of pretty words just written for desired effect is something I as well as countless others have had to endure in the wake of our beloved justice system in seemingly desperate need of reform in every regard and the sheer ineptness of more than 10 percent wrongly accused and convicted currently in the halls. Some might say that the issues I address via my pearl of wisdom were produced in a hysterical way, but I think that some of the very best ideas throughout time are contrived by brilliant individuals or groups therein through this state of mind, making them controversial by sheer principle and nature and the addressor the victim of unscrupulous labels, such as madman, insane, and the like, just because many lives get lost on either the good or bad sides by the constructions or collaterals. One party is up while the other is down has been the common occurrence, and people lose out democratically in the end because evil seems to manifest in the places missed on all accounts on both fronts of either Democrat or Republican and is the very modern-day ancient biblical stories of good and bad and right and wrong with its roots in what else but politics.

    Well, people are losing on both fronts now, and a time for new day dawning dramatic change on the republican level is drawing near or in some viewpoints now. One cannot just follow the money and unveil any kind of insidious masterminded plots of modern-day evil but quite the contrary; one must apply an all-out right principle to be practiced by the masses to trump any kind of unorganized/organized crime happening itself being organized in return in my opinion very similar to martial art (except for the mob that has cut the correct deals with the law for a greater good). What else can defend against evil with no other protection around a person while at the same time assert a proactive stance against these very evils on other fields/levels other than a globally accepted martial art with no double-edged weapons? This seemingly human response to perceived evil has been the calling on both the governmental and mob fronts given the very bloody wars and revolts throughout history, incidentally fueling them and their tools. At very crucial times for people to be alive and living as to their day food and shelter or their counties living space and language has history shown that sit-down diplomacy solves nothing, and only actions display the results desired.

    Fringe science is not for the weak-minded just as the faint of heart because science is already on a different level, leaving more room for improvement and debate. Political individual testing God, presenting knowingly cultural crime reoccurring ever so often in past, and transcribing literature and even our current democratic world test of awful scientific weather of global warming are just a few to name right off the bat and enough to physically make a person sick or the world around them.

    This current push for medical reform in favor of the poor wouldn’t be so bad if it were not the cause of the very sicknesses they talk of philosophically speaking. Sickness doesn’t seem as bad as long it is not being obstructively nursed into sickness as I see in these Democrats’ motives quite often with their philosophy in science utmost anyways. This would be too democratic even to the most innocent on-looker looking in. Tax money should go to the companies that employ and deals with health made thereafter just as before and not this new uncharted area cost federally what should not be there on this overall level. This saves companies and their roles in people’s lives and the relations between the companies and the citizens in employee promotion evaluations and the monies for that and for advertising the said company. If somebody needs cheaper medical advice, then clinics are all over the country other than expensive hospitals. The jobs lost in insurance of this fallacy are in a large amount with the medical profession the only winner pinning for sickness (the foe of genetics).

    There is no doubt in my mind that it is a mass democratic transcending fallacy through modern-day superior communications and mindful divergence that precipitated and currently fueling the warming crisis with their hopes of some militant environmental sweep, doing what they do best with destruction to property/health inducing start-up environmental companies for profit, frivolous lawsuits toward the republican companies (trying to pen it on them), and global inconvenience for a surprising effect advantage to the otherwise unknowing other people that are not a part of their communications worldwide and whom personal along with governmental properties are being wreaked havoc upon, be it a vehicle vandalized or a company representative knowingly polluting the air, land, and sea.

    A Republican speaking these things is ours. Democratic speaking people can do what they will with the world and its international boundaries. I am officially calling out to these people, which I know are at fault, to not have the innocent undeserving of suffer any more hellish/devilish man-made wrath that already incurred thus far. For this is not a bright future for anybody’s generation or generation’s offspring, leaving me to assume that if the forces have to collide, concerning matters and issues than this need to happen very soon and in the nearer future for goodness’ sake, ironically enough given time and circumstance. For in modern-day politics, it is not only the dragging and stagnant attention that the democratic side seems to philosophically choose but also the slow and steady female agenda to which they themselves apply in their hypocritical way, disregarding male logic, which comes seemingly naturally for their beloved common courtesy and wisdom of ages that they shun on a whim if they feel like too against any and all opposing forces.

    The teacher is not the student with his/her goals set more upon the classical, while the student is not the teacher with his/her goals more so on the romantic, but Democrats do this smearing of the well-known classical with the romantic done so distastefully that it is, with a doubt, the most vile and repulsive experience known to man, leaving him/her none the wiser for it and just some chicken about any real spiritual thing. It is very difficult to regard just what is romantic and what is classical, which is where fights about this subject and/or object get turned around and upside down. This is done in effect for revolting affinity toward the more sacred to the egg-like Republican climate and weather directly from God in accordance effectively spitting in the eye of their future and logic, substituting only common sense (the world has felt this anomaly in a very commonsensible way) and wisdom (the people plotting this disaster have known all about it and been wise to it). The manly side is more so in the heavenly number 3 (#3) and the womanly side firmly in earthly number 6 (#6), of course. After all, the subject of God is completely redundant in all currently known religions in direr need of a jolt of rejuvenation for the younger (and much less traditional) audiences; however, what I have done is combine the subject of God with the sheer objectiveness of everybody’s inevitable journey throughout their life and subsequent death for an impenetrable composition in adherence to a sort of ballet of both male religions and female sciences.

    I view life and living on the terms of number 3 perfection provided through man and his seeing and the following number 10 (number 6 is a very close second) death on the more feel and emotion of science and that of women and their works of craft. I do this with every shape and in every form known to man, all combined for a real down-to-earth masterpiece. In other words, I am impressed with the outcome and a very proud believer of it. In my opinion, I make the English language sing off the page as poetry often does in a philosophical new view while paying homage to the poets/prophets of yesteryear, and that is what matters mostly to me, not to mention all the prophets of the past who wrote their scriptures in poetry form for more impact on the reader, getting the message through a lot better originally before the interpretations by the men of the cloth.

    The truth is the book formally (not causally) takes on many forms, ranging from the basic intent format of epic poem (narrative with all four allegories) to science fiction novella to autobiography to nonfiction literature, etc. The only book coming anywhere near this one, except the Holy Scriptures, is perhaps Moby Dick (a triumph of its time with author Herman Melville feeling it his masterpiece too) with its allegory in novel form, waking up the American nation to man’s actions toward his fellow man and various species of the world with the ship of thirty men (then America having only thirty states and the men representing each) heading for disaster just like America in its political time not long after it was written (mid-1700s) in the late 1700s and early 1800s with the shift from industrial whale oil to petroleum happening first in Pennsylvania in the 1850s right around the time of the civil war outbreak. The war ended up changing everything under the sun in America anyways in the mid-1800s or nineteenth century and failed industry standards and practices and the ineffectual literary concerns of people becoming educated for the sake of Republic, and fellow man was lacking enormously in many aspects of life, paving the way to the ensuing chaos. Can modern-day literate do what the literate of our past failed to do? This is a hope of mine weaning away from the physical to more mental progressions. We have seen what befalls us on the present path of Kantian physical emphasis, and we won’t fall for that one again. Will we?

    The truth is this book is so special that it can and does effectively take on the form of book you want it to be with a very biblical feel, that is, a lot of numbers mixed with letters and with God’s word incorporated in between the lines. After all, the most reliable way to anticipate the future is by understanding the present, which in turn is in direct occurrence with the long-term and immediate past; be it by chance, accident, or fate, a strict adherence to any one of these three, a combination of two of the three, or all three of these factors at the same time plays a large part in past, present, and future like it or not. I know from personal experiences (some would even say that I have time traveled in a sense) with me cheating the present by my past catching up with me, paving the way for the future.

    Opinions constantly change as time progresses in both religion and science, but the notions of right and wrong don’t, and this is mainly because of past, present, and future considerations in life on the micro- and macrocosmic levels personally and generally and the God-given feelings created by Him through genetic instinct and/or science as a whole as seen in explanations in the courts of law, supernatural visions, etc. I will even go so far as to say that electricity has surpassed fire as the single greatest scientific discovery even though being man-made as opposed to natural. Could man be just as intrinsically accepted as genius as the omnipotent God he envisions himself as fashioned with inventions such as electricity and the like on the level of God being able to learn a thing or two from man, effectively making life’s journey even more philosophical from start to finish?

    Being able to give day to night is very godlike as in lighting through electrify (not to mention night vision too). After all, at the risk of sounding too dogmatic, there is a distinct difference among God, natural science, and man-made to which all our blessed politics revolve around constantly. It is not used nearly as much as in the past, but with my calculations, I would like to use the godlike natural science force of the sun as a real-time guide for modern life and times on the notion that if these dipshit Democrats can make a destructive force from the sun, then I can make a thriving constructive force to counter them and create anew all-in-one militant sweep. We have discovered that trends are generated from the bottom up to smaller cities, whereas fads are generated from the top down to much larger cities, such as Washington DC or New York. As a society, nations have relied on their newspapers through content analyses to help measure their fickle and ever-changing mood as nations, but this method is very outdated and shunned in current thinking because of forced choice in a closed system regarding journalism as a whole consequence, omitting old news by submitting new news with limited space each and every time, just by observing the sporadic patterns of change in journalism going from mostly racism in the 1960s to mostly sexism intertwined with racism in the 1970s to late 1977 when it became sexism mixed with ageism, totally eradicating the former racism from the decade before and effectively showing the eroding mood nationwide and the journalists yielding to the masses’ moods through limited writing space on the daily output. When focused enough with a simple framework effectively making sense of the world around us, I believe one can make accurate value judgment calls through pure unbiased and individual perception steered far away from the group opinions so found in books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and the like of yesteryear and today. We can change that brilliant framework as the world itself changes only when this said framework is capable of eternal ever-changing ability just as our current newspapers attempt to be on a group scale as opposed to just an individual level only.

    Evidently, societies are like human beings that probably have to do with the fact that the phenomenon of individuals and groups has not, in all reality, ever clinically been studied as of yet and remains to still be studied. A person can only keep so many problems and concerns in his or her head or heart at a time. If new problems and concerns are introduced, some existing ones are given up, which either is given to us through God genetically for cognitive health or a fallacy of environment here on earth. Nevertheless, the stress is here, and it is a real occurrence to have to contend with, be it caused by negative and rude groups (protesting mob/military/police) or by ripe individuals (personal friend/professional college). The old thrown-away ideas of America as a melting pot still have credence to me if one thinks along the lines of individuality as they did in the 1940s and 1950s and not groups as they did in the 1960s and 1970s. This to me is evident in the numbers of the decades themselves and the awkward time they must have entailed.

    In these former first decades of the forties and fifties, the reporting was more directed toward individuality as in war reporting, cultural music of the time, etc. The later decades have the opinions of the celebration of ethnic diversity and a rich mix of people lending greatly to unnerving creativity, experimentation, and change, which is the main thing that systematically happens during a large group gathering of a mix of different people logically, commonsensically, and wisely in a very good though usually the very bad way, that is, many injuries, causalities, and the like seem to happen during diverse group gatherings for whatever reasons no matter how. The 1960s and 1970s all lead up to the 1980s, which is without a doubt the most diverse decade America ever experienced. At no other time was business and pleasure ever conducted so systematically different compared with the previous decades. It is clearly up to the individual to think, believe, and act as they see fit, be it more on the individual’s ideal of years past or the group mix, which to me has always spelled danger and trouble with its agendas as opposed to the individual thinking based more so on preservation and defense through purely good intentions, paving the way to the world’s current hell with the help of the socialistic community so quick to judge them in every action they do in resistance beyond repair. There is no stopping hypocrisy on either fronts, and many people pay for this fact thus far.

    Is that what we as human beings have to say about our current disaster in the weather and economy? Is it all paved with good intentions up until now? Is it I can get away with it so I can do it mentally in a democratic network all over the world despite the right and wrong thought and feeling individually or their own churches and governments ideas of this notion all sugarcoated with concerns over money or lack thereof? In this wonderful time of existence, the individual and godlike computer has inadvertently democratically done its job of taking business as usual in the hierarchy realm of managers and successfully given more of a common ground network for which to horizontally conduct matters, issues, and concerns in a never seen before timely manner. With this new and improved profoundness in life as a whole, one would think that the majority in either case, Republican Party individual or Democratic Party group, would be ecstatic, but for reasons unbeknownst to us, currently, neither have been fully content even with the eradication of less responsibility though same pay or way more chance to be noticed and promoted.

    To this anomaly, I can only dissolve that it is the leaders on the highest levels of these companies either knowingly or unknowingly still to this day completely out of touch with their subordinates (even with the computer as a very useful tool to remedy this feat). I get the whole mentality of when you’ve got nothing, then you have nothing to lose democratically, but the newer Democrats have way more money and power than before as seen in yesteryears all the while riding limousine and complaining still.

    This place of the literature is a good time to divulge my small number theory of number 3 and number 6 being the main countering numbers sexually in that I really and actually think and feel that current men are in thinking of three with God a lot as opposed to current women I see as being far too much in that of six which is God versus science in a nutshell. Also, the logical order added together in the scale as to which I am going to explain later on in the book is that of in men, #3+#9=#12, and on this same scale women, #6+#12=#18, with both of these as a numerical explanation to the actual thinking in terms of God more or science more (note: the scale is #3, #6, #9, and #12, every third number in the star sign with #3 and #9 with men and #6 and #12 with women). Could I actually

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