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Sex and the Devil's Wager: The Armageddon Sex Revolution
Sex and the Devil's Wager: The Armageddon Sex Revolution
Sex and the Devil's Wager: The Armageddon Sex Revolution
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Sex and the Devil's Wager: The Armageddon Sex Revolution

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Anti-erotic elements in feminism have joined forces with Islam and Christianity to condemn prostitution, the male gaze and the natural love men have for the feminine body as a symbol of universal beauty. The author, whose religion is based in Tantra regards these attitudes both wrong and offensive to pagans. Lee Huxley, claims to be a knower - an enlightened one who sees with the third eye and whose wisdom and lateral thinking demonstrate his special insights in this book. Lee knows the truth the unthinkable that Jesus Christ, the hellfire and damnation preacher, is not the Son of God but the Son of Evil. If Christ is the Son of Evil, then Lee argues from this basis, that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are blasphemies. This book asks how Western civilization could be founded on lies, delusions and blasphemies that even today are still taken seriously. This book is the result of a lifetime of research which has culminated in the formulation of the Devils Wager. The Devils Wager challenges you, the reader, to name any moral idea from the worst evildoers of history that is as evil as the central teaching of the Bible and the Koran, namely that God will resurrect the human race and torture most of them in hell for all eternity. Fifty per cent of the damned will be women. The male God of monotheism is a hellfire pyromaniac: Jesus Christ and Allah are arsonists who burn women alive! This is the feminist issue of our times. Lee uses the writings of theologian and lapsed Catholic Mary Daly, one of the greatest feminist thinkers, to explain their common conviction that feminism must now assume the role of the Antichrist and bring an end to monotheism!
Release dateNov 25, 2009
Sex and the Devil's Wager: The Armageddon Sex Revolution

Lee Huxley

The author was born in 1948 in London, where in his late twenties, he taught art in secondary schools. He soon gave up teaching to pursue his musical ambitions by becoming a lead vocalist in three rock bands before retiring after ten years of performing, to pursue his passionate interest in his erotic art, which achieved a high underground status and has been featured many times on television and in magazine publications. While training to achieve his black belt in karate in his late thirties, he was inspired to study Eastern metaphysics and the philosophy of the warrior way. The concepts of ‘budo’ have helped shape his Tantric worldview. The main focus of his life now is to develop and refine his ‘AquarianTantra’ and to present it to the public through his painting, music and writing as a preferable alternative to organized hellfire religion, which in his view, is causing most of the world’s problems today and, contrary to popular opinion, can be shown to be demonstrably untrue. He intends to write further books on the Sex Gods and ancient temple dancing. He plans to continue to travel the world in search of Tantric experience with go-go dancers—who in his view are the modern descendants of apsaras and devadasi. Lee Huxley’s lifestyle is based on the Tantric principle that using sex in votive or devotional ways energizes the body and enlightens the mind.

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    Sex and the Devil's Wager - Lee Huxley

    Sex and the Devil’s Wager


    Lee Huxley


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    Author’s Note



    Chapter One God Is Sex.

    Chapter Two Religious And Feminist Sex Phobia

    Chapter Three The Feminist Critique Of Male Sexuality.

    Chapter Four The Man In The Sky

    Chapter Five The Devil’s Wager

    Chapter Five Islam And Judaism

    Chapter-Seven The Antichrists

    Chapter Eight Blasphemy

    Chapter Nine Reason Versus Revelation

    Chapter Ten Lovey-Dovey Hell

    Chapter Eleven Religion In Politics

    Chapter Twelve The Armageddon Sex Revolution

    Chapter Thirteen Future Feminism – The Antichrist At Last?

    About The Author

    Author’s Note

    Self-publishing can be expensive if you have limited cash flow and low level IT skills and are dependent upon a publisher. I publish radical books as a rule, that I can neither afford to be professionally proofread or promoted after publication. Admittedly my limited funding may have something to do with the expense of my erotic artwork which in turn is fueled by my divine Tantric addiction to hiring sex workers in exotic Asian hot spots: we all have our weaknesses! I have to be satisfied with simply revealing the truth and leaving the rest to God or fate. Imperfect grammar and the absence of an index (which in this revised edition was an additional expense beyond my means) may provide some potential readers with an excuse for not taking the book seriously but I know its imperative message and intellectual content far outweighs any grammatical imperfections. In a sense the absence of an index suits my purpose by showing my contempt for academia and its protocols. Most regard the index as a crucial benchmark of academic professionalism but I say that academia may be good for indexes but it is disgracefully neglectful of its duty to think outside the box and break the shackles of political correctness that protects religion. Academics, whatever their specialty, should be guardians of science and rationalism but they have failed collectively to warn us that monotheism represents an existential threat to rationalism and civilization. Feminists especially have failed to denounce the hellfire gods of misogynistic sadism. It should be a no-brainer for feminist academics to work out, that gods who resurrect the human race, (half of whom are women) only to torture them in hell for all eternity, are infinitely worse than rapists. This book does not ask to be seen as a reference book with a comprehensive index and perfect punctuation. It claims to be a form of shock therapy that is supposed to function like a Western version of a Zen Koan. I call it a ‘Tantric koan’ that explodes in the mind and brings sudden enlightenment: a eureka moment that makes you a knower and gives you the master key to unlock all the conundrums of history and world affairs You will know what to others is unthinkable—that we’ve been getting God wrong for 2500 years and that Jesus is not the Son of God or even a paragon of virtue—but the Son of Evil!—the cosmic arsonist who burns women alive! You will understand why the world is in a dystopian mess—its core is rotten with hellfire superstition!


    This book is a revolutionary thesis that appears to turn the world and conventional thinking on its head. In fact it is only turning an upside-down world the right way up, so humanity can stand on its own two feet again and walk boldly into the future. I am a ‘knower’: I see with the third eye. I don’t know if there is literally such a thing as a third eye in the human body but for me it is a metaphor for spiritual insight or wisdom which I believe I have as a gift from God – the God of rationalism I hasten to add. This book offers you the reader a unique chance to become a knower – one of the chosen ones; one of the new elite that hopefully can save the world. This might appear as a self-contradiction since this book is about ridding the world of divisive forces like religious separatism or elitism not to mention nationalism, but let me remind you of some popular wisdom: you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. Sometimes peace can only be achieved through the barrel of a gun. You cannot bring about a new world order without conflict. To create world peace will necessitate an almighty fight against the warmongers. I am a Tantric artist, an erotica artist, and my work can be viewed on the website listed at the end of this book. The cover design and the third eye poster illustrations featured in this book, showing Shiva’s third eye in his forehead, all contain my original aphorisms which help others to understand Tantra, and if they are Christians or Muslims – to see the error of their ways. I try to spread the message of Tantra, or to be exact, ‘Tantric Humanism’ by selling these posters worldwide. Already many people have them in their homes as religious icons emanating wisdom vibes of love and wisdom.

    When it comes to spiritual matters there are, in my view, knowers and dupes in this world. The dupes are those who don’t understand the signs of the times and this means they don’t understand a simple fact that monotheism, or hellfire superstition, represents an existential threat to the survival of humanity. The knowers come in grades too. I am the highest of all knowers because I know not only that Judaism Christianity and Islam can be proven through apriori logic to be blasphemous but I know what needs to be done to get rid of them, and furthermore what we need to replace them with. For me, conventional thinking that conforms to derivative norms and politically correct narratives is failing to address the plethora of life-threatening problems that presently afflict humanity. Academics, politicians and religious leaders cannot solve our problems because they are themselves the problem – the dupes. How can problems solve problems? Only lateral thinking can save us from ourselves and this book is perhaps the most supreme example of lateral thinking. All I ask is that the reader approaches my work with an open mind and a shared faith in rational argument which is what I trust my heterodox and seemingly intolerant views are based on. Please just consider this. The world is obviously in a mess at the moment – it’s a madhouse of Islamist terrorism, systemic corruption in high places, selfish casino capitalism, poverty, global warming, and many more ailments - the list is endless. Surely the reader can share my cynicism in thinking the present mess we are in is not going to be remedied by anything less than overarching radical change. I offer a radical alternative and if you don’t like it I challenge you to suggest something better. The world needs voices like mine crying in the wilderness offering solutions outside and beyond the parameters of harmful mental habits that only exist to protect the vested interests of powerful miscreants.

    This is a revised addition of Sex and the Devil’s Wager because since I first wrote the book the emergence of ISIL has provided me with further evidence for my thesis that we need to review our whole attitude to religious freedom and the price we are paying for failing to introduce quality controls into the equation. If religious freedom is a good principle, and it is, we need to ask what religions are worthy of it. I believe in God so the question as to whether God is true or not does not interest me. What concerns me is whether religion is true to God. I don’t ask this question from the position of faith but from reason and philosophy: does a God who tortures his creatures in hell for all eternity make any sense to the rational philosophical mind? This second edition is essentially the same book with a few updates but it gives me the unique opportunity to draw the readers attention to a crucial factor relating to the first edition. This book was reviewed by three professional critics and all three completely failed to engage with the central argument of the book – the Devil’s Wager. In fact all three even failed to mention the Devil’s Wager in any form whatsoever as if they couldn’t see that it was the title of the book and its central thesis. The Devil’s wager is unbeatable which is why three literary critics obliged to be fair and unbiased, completely betrayed me and the standards of their profession and purposely avoided the intellectual challenge that the Wager offers. In a sense I take it as a back-handed compliment that they avoided the Wager because their cowardice is a testament to the Wager’s infallibility. The Wager cannot be beaten and it proves the unthinkable, that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God but the Son of Evil. It demonstrates that Judaism, Christianity and Islam can all be debunked with simple logic and proven to be blasphemies. If this is true, then it follows that Western civilization which is founded on monotheism is literally rotten to the core!

    Look at it this way. Many religions offer exclusive passage to eternal life and salvation so it is important to know which one to chose. If you are asked a vital question, which of all the world religions is true? You are presented with an impossible problem. Each religion or sect or faction or denomination has its own holy books and complex theology. I have Mormon books and books by Jehovah’s Witnesses books and Catholic books and so on and so on. How much time do we have to study these books? The answer to my own question is that it is impossible to study all these faiths in depth. This includes Islam. I propose to the reader a perfectly logical argument for evaluating a religion that gives us an instant appraisal that obviates the need for time-consuming research. I call it the fast track test. Ask yourself how the religion you are investigating defines God. This after all is the million dollar question, namely who or what is God according to this faith? If the basic definition of God is insane, self-contradictory or immoral then we know there is no point in researching the religion further. If we then look at Islam we see it defines God as a patriarchal misogynistic despot – a God who dislikes women’s sexual power and wants them to completely cover themselves in black shrouds so Muslim men are not aroused. This God of maledom then completely fails to prove he exists and yet assumes the right to burn infidels alive for not believing in Him! Half or more of the infidels in hell will be women. Allah is a male God who burns women alive for all eternity! We can safely say that further study of Islam is irrelevant. If you get God wrong you get it all wrong. I am the world’s greatest authority on Islam. My knowledge is superior to the combined knowledge of all the experts and Islamic scholars! Why? Because if Islamic experts understood Islam they would see that the notion of a God who burns women alive is blasphemous and they would either apostatize or run to the nearest mental hospital seeking help. Why? Because according to logic and reason and according to the fast track litmus test, Islam is a blasphemy and Allah is a pyromaniac who defines female infidels as evil combustibles. But because I’m a reasonable man I know it is idealistic to think that my readers will be convinced by such an unorthodox and seemingly simplistic approach and will need further persuasion, so this is why I have written this book. For logical thinkers it should be enough that the Koranic definition of God disqualifies Islam from being taken seriously as a bona fide religion, but if it isn’t then let me convince you with the overwhelming evidence I place before you in the following pages.

    Torture is ubiquitous in the world today. At any one time in many countries thousands of people are being tortured with excruciating torments and yet the civilized world is so stupid and pig headed it refuses to see any causal connection between torture in this world and torture in the next. Are we really expected to believe that when two world religions like Christianity and Islam teach that mass, posthumous, infinite torture is morally acceptable, it has no effect in the real world? It should be obvious to any village idiot that torture in this world will never be abolished until it is abolished in the next. Let us jettison these iniquitous sadomythic superstitions that ratify infinite torture and finally put a stop to it before any more innocent people suffer.


    I am not an atheist but the God I believe in is a rational concept that has nothing to do with faith and revelation. My religion is rooted in Tantra – a heterodox Eastern sex cult and my holy book is nature and my ‘epistemology’ or method of arriving at truth, is not blind faith but science, art, sex and philosophy. God is a fact; God is simply the core reality of the universe; the ultimate mystery and cosmic power that originated and sustains the universe. Because I believe in God, I believe in the concept of blasphemy which is arguably a meaningless word to an atheist. Paradoxically, it is because I believe in God that I am so critical of monotheism because Judaism, Christianity and Islam, unwittingly define God as a sadistic tyrant in the sky - a patriarchal anthropomorphic super-being who promises to resurrect the human race and send most of us to hell to be tortured forever. Judaism has softened its soteriological message in the diaspora but it’s still there in its bowels and without Judaism as the precursor, Christianity and Islam would arguably not exist. Judaism is the primal cause of the global hellfire pandemic that has poisoned the world for over two thousand years. My Devil’s Wager proves that this religious teaching is not only blasphemous but the most evil idea that the human mind has ever invented. If this is true why do we go on tolerating it.

    I believe passionately in the golden principle of religious freedom which is why I believe monotheism needs to be phased out or decommissioned. Freedom in a modern society never means unconditional freedom where anything goes, so why should it be different for religion? The golden principle can only be respected if we have some quality controls, otherwise it will be abused. We need to ask of all religions if they are worthy of God and worthy of the golden principle. We need to care about truth as much as freedom. Why are people encouraged to believe in silly fairy tales simply because under the label of religion they are exempted from any obligation to rationalize their delusional opinions? This is a luxury that only the faithful have and it’s an unfair advantage over unbelievers. If it can be demonstrated certain religions teach anti-scientific doctrines like the literal creation of Adam and Eve, if they can be demonstrated to teach ethics that totally contradict our most profound secular insights - such as our condemnation of torture - we should be able to question whether such ‘religions’ are religions or in fact superstitions that are unworthy of the golden principle. Why should religion and not politics or philosophy for example, enjoy the unique privilege of only having to demonstrate its principles or truth claims with little more than subjective faith? Why do we even need faith-based religions anymore in an age of science? Religion is a victim of the American mantra – Freedom, Freedom Freedom! What America doesn’t understand is that the love of freedom without the love of truth is a recipe for anarchy which is what we have now on a global basis – a geopolitical madhouse. What matters is not just the freedom to practice a religion but the obligation to ask how true any religion might be. The reason this idea has never appealed to America that worships freedom at the expense of truth is that the founding fathers knew they couldn’t prove one faith-based version of Christianity was any more true than any other, because as Tom Paine said – they are all mere ‘hearsay’. Unlike the American revolution, the French revolution enshrined not only liberty and fraternity but reason and truth and wanted to rid the world of faith-based religions that defy any objective test of veracity. Monotheism forces the world to dumb down reason and science in order to protect its own interests. But Tantric Humanism, my own religion, is rational and yet deeply spiritual and is the most suitable successor to hellfire superstition.

    We also need to have better definitions of religion. If religion is defined as a set of beliefs that help us understand God and the universe, then Islam and Christianity, for example, are not religions because they arguably define God as a sadistic mass torturer who teaches anti-scientific doctrines. Religions should not be judged by their institutional power or number of supporters but on their spiritual integrity. Although Tantra is well known in the West, Tantric Humanism (or Tantric Paganism) which is my own brand of Tantra, will be explained in this book. I formulated my religion because after studying alternatives and finding them wanting I had to devise my own metaphysic tailored to my needs and those of a world in mortal danger from the self-fulfilling end-time prophecies of monotheism. In my opinion, therefore, my religion, which admittedly is indebted to Tantric Hinduism, is the best religion on the planet through default and is the only religion that has any chance of providing a basis for global spiritual unity. I don’t hide behind faith. I don’t claim to have the best religion on Earth with the assumed authority of God. I say my religion is superior to Christianity and Islam because I can prove it in a head to head debate with believers in these outdated superstitions.

    Today there are many people, and you might well be one of them, who believe, as I do, that the planet is in dire need of what is often referred to as a paradigm shift - a transvaluation of values or a revolution in our thinking. The problem is that no one wants to grasp the nettle - the necessary truth that it is pointless building a new structure on a quagmire of contending superstitions. This book will tell you why unconditional religious freedom is not just a sentimental shibboleth that is imperiling the survival of our species, but an insult to believers who need our help, who need our compassion, and last but not least – our exit counseling.

    We’ve got to find spiritual unity, a united effort to meet the almost overpowering challenges before us, and a precondition of our success will be the debunking of Christianity and Islam because no real unity can be founded on millions of believers damning each other to hell. I will argue, I hope cogently, that working towards the end of hellfire religion is not an infringement of human rights or freedom of speech. You may think this is an extreme position, but extreme views should be as acceptable as any other if they are supported with reasonable arguments. You may think all this religion-bashing sounds familiar after Richard Dawkins and the attacks from radical atheism, but this is not atheism; it’s militant spirituality; a fundamentalist rationalism, calling for a sexual revolution that re-unites sex with God through the death of anti-erotic faiths. It’s about reclaiming the God-word for science and rationalism; its about beating the believers at their own game. You may think you’ve heard it all before, but you would be mistaken. The Devil’s Wager takes the debate to a whole new level that will prove definitively that monotheism is well past its sell-by date.

    The Devil’s Wager- can you beat it?

    The Devil’s Wager is a revolutionary detonator. It challenges the reader to name any ethic or moral concept that is as evil as the idea of a God who damns countless numbers of people to eternal torture. Can you beat the Devil’s Wager because if you can’t, logic compels you to support my thesis that monotheism insults the golden principle of religious freedom and is not worthy of its protection and blessing. It needs to be eradicated peacefully through the application of the Devil’s Wager which of course is unbeatable.

    The Christo-Islamic God chooses not to prove his existence or even demonstrate reasonable grounds for belief, and then torments unbelievers forever in hell for their disbelief! This God also punishes believers everlastingly who belong to the ‘wrong’ faith. This God is completely mad and the Devil’s Wager will prove it. It is a myth that most monotheists no longer believe in hell: millions of Christians and Muslims still believe in the most evil idea ever invented, and they are right to do so according to the teachings of their own holy books. Believers who don’t believe in a literal hell, are arguably guilty of a gross betrayal of their scriptures; of making a cynical amendment as a concession to the modern secular human rights ethos.

    One of the blind spots in Christian thinking over hell is the apparent failure to understand that disbelieving in Jesus Christ as our savior is not a moral choice and therefore cannot be morally wrong and deserving of punishment. To reject one particular model of God is to reject a supposition on lack of evidence. This is a cognitive rejection, not a moral one. It is not wrong to deny the veracity of something if one is genuinely convinced there is no viable evidence to support it. It is in fact the duty of a reasonable person to disbelieve in the unbelievable: in extreme improbabilities.

    What makes it all even more ridiculous is that the Bible offers us no cogent explanation of how those who lived before Jesus, or who never received his message and offer of salvation from the missionaries, are supposed to be saved. We who are to be separated on Judgment Day into sheep and goats have a right to make an informed choice but there is no clear information. The theology of salvation/damnation which should explain fully why hell was created in the first place, is woefully inadequate – in fact almost non-existent, and raises many more questions than it answers. As if this isn’t mad enough, theologies of predestination in which the sadomythic God of monotheism predestines people to eternal torture to satisfy his psychotic whims, leave rational minds aghast that such thought-crimes can exist in the twenty first century.

    Some doctrines postulate that the damned soul goes straight to hell at the point of death to await the Judgment, at which time the body will be raised from the grave and re-united with the soul. This enables Jesus, no doubt, to double the amount of pain inflicted on the sinner! According to this traditional historic dogma there are billions of ‘people’ or disembodied souls in acute agony as you read these words, and most of them are being punished simply for being atheists or agnostics or belonging to the ‘wrong’ religion or denomination. And these monstrous follies of faith are unreservedly taught to children all over the world as sacred irrefutable truth!

    Many Christians including some distinguished theologians down the centuries have believed that unbaptized babies will go to straight to hell. The buffer zone of limbo was introduced as a theory by Catholics to soften the egregious ethic of child torture, but the Church admitted there was no sound scriptural evidence for limbo and many chose to disbelieve in it. This unimaginable evil has been upheld by many influential Christians including St Augustine. The burden of proof lies with the Christian to prove that Jesus did not intend to supervise the mass torture of unbaptized children in the next life. There is nothing in his teaching that clarifies this gap in our information. The unbeliever has a perfect right to assume that Jesus Christ is guilty of child torture. The most Christians can do is hope for the best and ‘trust in the mercy of the Lord’ but this ‘Lord’ is untrustworthy. Someone who is capable of torturing adults for no good reason is hardly likely to have scruples about anything else. How can a modern world not condemn a Church that even now does not affirm with absolute surety that unbaptized babies are not tortured by God in the afterlife? Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the titular head of the Church – which makes her one of Britain’s most staunch guardians of hellfire superstition - maybe someone should ask her if she thinks our national God tortures unbelievers or whether she thinks her Catholic and Muslim subjects deserve to be burned alive for all eternity! What is so hard for rationalists to understand is how this literally insane version of God is still operational. The reasonable mind simply can’t take in this immeasurable lunacy! In fact there has never been a greater irony than the British blasphemy law that defends the Christian religion when Christianity is itself a demonstrable blasphemy!

    If Islam and Christianity teach the most evil idea ever conceived, then logically they cannot be genuine revelations from God; they cannot be genuine religions; they can only be evil superstitions. Seemingly simplistic as this may sound, I believe the following pages vindicate the argument. The only way hellfire religion can be disposed of is to cut through all the academic humbug and theobabble with a simple uncomplicated critique that the general populace is capable of understanding in an instant. You can’t prove God does not exist but you can prove that certain dysfunctional models of God are self-contradictory and evil. I will demonstrate through the wager that the Christo-Islamic model of God is such an extreme improbability, and such a danger to world peace, that the only rational choice left to us is to terminate monotheism. This termination cannot, of course, be enacted through violence or coercion but only, as I will shortly explain, by militant rationalism using the the Devil’s Wager as the sword of truth cutting through the Gordian knot of religious mendacity with one blow. Suddenly the great complexities of religious issues vanish; the debate is super-simplified – if you can’t beat the wager monotheism is dead in the water! It may take fifty years or more to drown but it’s effectively dead. The Devil’s Wager is dim mak, a martial arts term for the delayed death touch. Why bother to attempt the time consuming task of undoing the knotted convolutions of centuries of Christian sophistry, when you can avoid getting lost in this imbroglio of academic discourse, this minutia of conflicting opinions, with one deft blow - the mighty Devil’s Wager? A God who tortures people is a self-contradiction; a mad paradox; the oxymoron par excellence! End of story! I have news for Christians and Muslims: God does not force his creatures to drink boiling water or worse! But you say "Of course he doesn’t, who says he does? Read on, I will prove that Jesus Christ and Allah, personally inflicting endless physical tortures on innocent people, is the most accurate interpretation of the Bible and the Koran. If spiritual enlightenment is a ladder; the first rung is understanding the truth and irrefutability of The Devil’s Wager. He or she becomes a knower when they realize Jesus Christ is not the Son of God but the Son of Evil. When you become a knower you become a blessed heretic, a member of a Gnostic elite who understands the signs of the times.

    If the salvation of the planet depends on replacing the present spiritual retards who govern us, with spiritually enlightened leaders and visionaries we need to define what spiritual enlightenment really is. We don’t need revelation and blind faith any more; in fact we never did; we don’t need holy books, and most of all we don’t need hell! What we do need is an exit strategy, a detox program and exit counseling for believers and a systemic de-Christianization of the western political infrastructure. Spiritual enlightenment begins with belief in the righteousness of the Devil’s Wager.

    In the last couple of decades both the Catholic and Anglican Church have begun to distance themselves from this evil doctrine that has arguably been a major teaching of Christianity for nearly two thousand years. Many people may feel that this makes a book like mine, a futile and belated gesture. I believe the opposite is true. It is now absolutely essential that we challenge this master-stroke of deception by the mother of all deceivers, to prevent the survival of this pernicious superstition into the next millennium and beyond. I will demonstrate that millions of Christians still believe in a literal hell and numerous churches still teach it, and these are arguably the only honest Christians left! Hell is far from dead but the big political churches that are wheeling and dealing with the politicians – the Vatican and the Church of England have initiated the trend of self-cleansing. This anti-hell initiative also has huge implications for inter-faith relations since the rejection of hell can only be based on moral distaste for it, and yet eternal damnation is still such a deeply held Muslim belief that the Koran, and therefore Islam, would be unrecognizable without it.

    The Devil’s Wager as a psychological spark plug or detonator to jolt the human mind out of its insouciance and indifference and to rev it up to a new awareness of the mental sadism of religion. The problem of hell has to be psychologically re-packaged in order for people to see it from a fresh perspective. In order to be effective, The Devil’s Wager functions as shock therapy or a psycho-blitz that is experienced in the human mind as an awakening – a sudden eureka moment that reveals the world for what it is -a delusional reality system created by the three evil blasphemers; the superbugs who have so far resisted all antibiotics, namely, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.

    The immediate objection one might raise to The Devil’s Wager is that it is only an abstraction and that Nazism, for example, is far worse because it produced many tangible evils, including of course the holocaust. The Wager can easily refute this argument by reminding the reader that ‘mens rea’ (guilty mind – or criminal intent) is recognized in law. A terrorist will go to jail for plotting mass murder even if his plans are foiled and he actually hurt no one. Jesus Christ had the intention to torture billions of innocent people in hell; his intention, which we know was not an empty threat, reveals the dark evil in his heart. If we accept the standard theology of the particular judgment that souls are immediately punished after death as they await their bodies in the resurrection, then Jesus is already guilty of having burned sinners alive for centuries.

    The New Testament teaches, as does the Church of almost every denomination, that you can only be saved by Jesus Christ and by converting to Christianity. Jews cannot be saved. Therefore let us open our eyes to the power of The Devil’s Wager which argues with theological soundness that Jesus Christ, himself a Jew, will according to the logic of Christian soteriological doctrine, resurrect the Jews of the holocaust on judgment day for no other reason than to consign them to eternal torture, pain and punishment. In hell they will not be shown the relative kindness of Hitler who mercifully provided the gas chambers for their convenience. In hell there is no death penalty – that would be too benevolent. Jesus Christ will not even extend this mercy to them. There will be no gas chambers in hell because the Nazi God does not allow death. Death would mean the end of pain. Murdering six million Jews is a terrible crime but a mere peccadillo when compared with the infinitely more egregious crime of torturing them forever simply for being Jews and not Christians. My accusation is called logic, albeit in the form of lateral thinking – so why does the world even today totally ignore it?

    I want to use a quote from The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins to put my thesis on an even stronger basis. I have real problems with atheism because it always fails to do what it sets out to do, or at least what it would like to do, which is to prove the non-existence of God. In a sense, by this failure it lends credibility to monotheism. But the real contribution of atheism is to challenge the default definition of religion that the media and academia in general uphold - namely that whether God is true or not, religion is fundamentally good for society and good for children. This is an absurd establishment narrative that in my view makes politics and most journalism almost a crime because it always reports on religion as simply a matter of belief in God and not what it really is, namely a profound misbelief in God. This oversight and betrayal of objectivity is caused in part by the failure of society to distinguish between the basic right to believe in God which is perfectly acceptable and the utter failure of some religions to offer credible models of God. We need to understand that God and religion can be separated. Richard Dawkins, like many scholars before him, reminds us that religion, in fact has a very dark side, and that God defined by Judaism is a monster. Dawkins never goes as far as saying this God resembles Hitler but ask yourself if his description is not in fact a description of a Nazi. Is this not another astronomical irony - that Judaism despite vehement denials by Judaists, is about the worship of Hitler writ large in the sky?

    The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. (p. 51)

    The explosive impact of this accurate definition of the Jewish God as an evil genocidal maniac cannot be emphasized enough. As I write these words, Israelis are killing and dying in the name of this monster in an ongoing, seemingly insoluble, dispute with Palestinians that threatens world peace. Islam and Judaism are locked in mortal combat in the name of a cosmic Hitler! But there is worse to come. Contrary to popular opinion and urban myth the gentle Jesus is far more nefarious than Yahweh! The Old testament God does not threaten to send most of humanity to hell. Judaic belief in hell was slow to crystallise but had arrived in the minds of some Jews by the time Jesus was preaching. The Christian God is therefore infinitely more evil than the Judaic God because he is the fully fledged God of hellfire and damnation! Imagine that – Jesus more evil than Hitler! Not the Son of God but the Son of Evil and the very cornerstone of Western civilization for almost two thousand years! Ridiculous you say! Please trust me and read on and I will satisfy all your doubts.

    Christianity is a protean, alien parasite in the world soul, posing as a panacea while continually adapting its shape to fit in with changing times. The hellfire doctrine is the definitive marker of religion’s crimes against humanity. Without it, Christianity is no longer so obviously flawed and becomes merely an infantile superstition, that through the inertia of historical tradition, will ingratiate itself comfortably into the next millennium. Sex and the Devil’s Wager will prove that it is theologically unacceptable to separate Jesus Christ from a literal hell of fire and brimstone. Hell is the smoking gun that fatally incriminates the Church, and it can’t be got rid of without invalidating the whole root and branch nexus of Christianity. Christ meant it when he damned unbelievers to hell; it was not an empty threat. Hell is not a disposable doctrine that Christianity can phase out when it becomes inconvenient for various reasons, after two thousand years of preaching it as an undeniable fact. If hell is an empty threat, then heaven is an empty promise. If it keeps hell, it invalidates itself because eternal torture stands out like a sore thumb in a modern world where torture is illegal and condemned by human rights legislation. But if Christian exegesis drops hell it arguably undermines its own credibility for a variety of theological reasons. Hell is so interrelated with every other doctrine and so completely fused with the whole meaning and message of Jesus Christ that the only way it can save face is to drop hell surreptitiously – as quietly as possible and hope nobody notices.

    Rejecting the literal fires of hell opens a Pandora’s Box of issues that the general public seem to have completely overlooked. This book will attempt to unpack and disentangle these issues and through the deconstruction of public assumptions demonstrate that Jesus Christ, the biblical character invented by the New Testament writers and the Church, is a hateful role model and finally and irrevocably contaminated with hellfire - the most evil idea ever invented. There is no refuge for the Christian to take in the ‘real Jesus’ of history; no scholars have ever been able to find out much about who he really was or what he really said. The ‘real Jesus’ is almost as much of a myth as his invented character – ‘Jesus Christ’. Christendom wasn’t built on the real Jesus, it was built on the mythological God-man – Jesus Christ, the miracle worker, the Second Adam; the savior. The myth is all that matters.

    If you get God wrong you get it all wrong. Do you want to know why the world is in such a mess? It’s because we’ve got God wrong! You may think you can beat the Devil’s Wager; you may think that Hitler’s holocaust ethic is worse than Christ’s eternal damnation dogma, but this book will prove you wrong. This book will hopefully persuade you that the hellfire doctrine has done more to damage the mental health and sexual consciousness of humanity than any other belief or ideology.

    The Antichrist is not the supernatural bogey man of Biblical prophecy it is first and foremost an impersonal force, it is The Devil’s Wager; a sledgehammer argument, a knock-down thesis, that is strong enough to shatter the layered, stratified wily defenses of monotheistic sophistry. Only in so far as human beings represent the wager and its irrefutable logic can the Antichrist be thought of as a human agent. The knowers who see Jesus through the third eye will form the shock troops of the Antichrist. The Antichrist is a unifying force of love and truth in the world. The Devil’s Wager is not about spreading religious hatred. Ultimately it is about love. If you are convinced that one of your fellow human beings is a victim of a terrible hoax it is your moral duty to help that person emerge from the darkness. Rationalists have a duty to recommend and provide exit counseling for Judaists, Christians and Muslims. Religious tolerance is a gross inhumanity to man; it is turning your back on your brothers and sisters and leaving them to languish in the grip of sadomythic superstition; in thrall to the hellfire God. Part of that exit counseling involves the good cop, bad cop scenario. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and rude to be helpful. It’s time for the tables to be turned; it’s time for us to become pro-active, to become the preachers of rationalism, duty bound to save ‘souls’.

    I have defined the Antichrist and so now I will define Armageddon - the final conflict. It is the time in our evolution for the great spiritual cleansing, when The Devil’s Wager fully impacts on the world. No power on earth can resist an idea whose time has come and I believe the time has come for humanity to make a spiritual quantum leap into a new vision of God. The Armageddon sex revolution is the erotic convulsion that will take place in our lives when sex is re-united with the rational God of philosophy and Tantric Humanism. I will explain what I believe Armageddon is really about more fully later on in the book but suffice it to say here that Armageddon is not necessarily a secular meltdown or world war – it is more likely to be characterized by spiritual combat – a final showdown between rationalism and blind faith, between the Tantric secular forces of the Antichrist on one side, and Jesus Christ and Muhammad on the other. I believe that monotheism’s anti-erotic and misogynistic prejudices are based on fear of women. Christian and Islamic men, historically fear women as the temptresses; the snares of the devil, who can entice them into the jaws of hell and then damnation. But also this fear is fear of the Tantric truth that can be found through sex; a truth that directly denies and contradicts the Bible and the Koran. This is why I believe that Armageddon will take place not only on a geo-political landscape but metaphorically on the bodyscape of the naked female. Erotica and the whole issue of pornography and human sexuality is the pivotal locus of the Armageddon scenario.

    Is hell a non-issue or is it important? What does the Church teaching on hell have to do with sex? These are some of the questions this book sets out to answer. Most people don’t give hell a second thought. It doesn’t seem to impinge on their lives so why should it warrant thinking about? For me the issue of hell is more urgent and pressing than world poverty, war, genocide, global warming or even the bills to be paid by the end of the month. I believe the world is suffering from a terrible illness that is infecting everything around us with a virus and blinding us to the real urgency for change and spiritual renewal.

    This virus is not religion per se but anti-God religion; religion that gets God seriously wrong. Religion that gets God wrong is not religion but superstition. It is religion based on blind faith; the kind of faith that says something is true even if there is no evidence for it and even if it contradicts the laws of nature, common-sense and logic. I am not an atheist, and I have no argument with belief in God, but the God of Christianity and Islam is not God; it is a grotesque parody of God, a gross misrepresentation of God, quite literally, a misworship of God and a blasphemy. Freedom of worship and freedom of religion, I will argue has to be conditional. It has to be answerable to standards and criteria like everything else and it has no right to be immune to censorship. Political correctness is protecting religion from the vigorous criticism it deserves. Religious freedom today is just a license for child abuse. Token gestures are made to free speech, democracy and pluralism by letting famous academics like Richard Dawkins have their say but the basic modus operandi of the media and the socio-political apparatus is to shut out any opposing forces to religion that are considered too radical and inflammatory. Richard Dawkins and other lone voices crying in the wilderness are allowed to have their say only so they can be ignored as if all their powerful arguments against religion are a mere rant or gripe from social malcontents. When a great scientist and

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