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Silly Sally: An Honest Look at Child Sexual Abuse, Sibling Incest and Lesbianism.  a Love Story!
Silly Sally: An Honest Look at Child Sexual Abuse, Sibling Incest and Lesbianism.  a Love Story!
Silly Sally: An Honest Look at Child Sexual Abuse, Sibling Incest and Lesbianism.  a Love Story!
Ebook462 pages7 hours

Silly Sally: An Honest Look at Child Sexual Abuse, Sibling Incest and Lesbianism. a Love Story!

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Sally loses her father, who is killed while flying a mission, in Korea, as a navy fighter pilot. Her mother, Cecily, meets and marries her ballroom dance teacher, Jamie. Sally, as a child, seeks comfort from her big brother, who is two years older than she. The psychological effects of the sexual abuse from her grandfather drive Sally to a monstrous hatred of philandering men. She becomes an attorney, specializing in divorce. Her sexual preference is as a lesbian, and she falls in love with Gracie, the receptionist and legal stenographer in her office.
Release dateFeb 5, 2015
Silly Sally: An Honest Look at Child Sexual Abuse, Sibling Incest and Lesbianism.  a Love Story!

Don Ramos

Don Ramos is a retired world-class weightlifter, former Olympic coach, and ballroom dance teacher who once performed a notorious side-by-side mambo with Bobbie Madieras and taught Pearl S. Buck, the famous author and Nobel Prize recipient. Don currently resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This is his second book.

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    Silly Sally - Don Ramos


    T here was a warming breeze coming from the south, up the beach, waking Sally who had fallen asleep, as she enjoys the luxurious comfort of the Princess Hotel. She loves the Princess, a massive monolith, which is now what luxury hotels have become. The Acapulco Princess was fashioned in the shape of a Mayan Temple and sits on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

    Lying on the beach, for Sally, is a wonderful treat. It‘s another short, three day trip to assuage the psychological conflicts she battles constantly. Of course she loves the sun—the sun will be intense today.

    The little table on the side of her lounge has two, tall, empty glasses, and one she has not finished. Bloody Mary is her morning drink, and three is her limit before breakfast. She smiled, knowing she couldn’t be happier—knowing what she must do—with what she has planned.

    Sally closed her eyes—she must remember, she is here as Marilyn, Marilyn Monks. Why had she chosen that strange name? It was one of the three pseudonyms for which she had driver’s license, charge cards and passports. If she ever got caught, she’d be disbarred and probably put in jail. Her life is in constant conflict.

    Sally had begun with the false names and identification when she was only eighteen years old on the summer break between her first and second year at the University of California in San Diego. She had been vacationing in Puerto Rico and was approached, one morning, by a swarthy, beautiful, young man. He was interested in buying her a drink at the hotel. He was attractive: dark, smooth skin, not a black skin, but the beautiful skin of mixed blood, so common in Puerto Rico. He was tall, stunningly muscled—quite comfortable in his skin. He smiled, a beautiful smile; his amazingly white teeth, so straight and his full lips were immediately eye catching. She found him just too interesting not to accept his approach.

    After getting acquainted with him, she found out he had a contact in San Juan where she could obtain false identification. It was expensive. Five hundred dollars per I.D.; she made the investment and got three. She knew she may need them in the future.

    The young man, who got her connected with the forgery expert, had a terrible accident the day she left the island. The maid found him in his room, nude, strangled to death with his belt that was knotted and caught over the top of the headboard. His wrists were tied to the sides of the headboard; his ankles, pulled wide, were tied to the bottom of the base board. The medics found he had had sex—remnants of semen covered his stomach and strangely, his face.

    Sally felt her skin burning a bit as she lies quietly. She sat up, took the last remaining stalk of crisp celery, finishing it, and drank the remains of the third Bloody Mary. She was hungry and thought it was time for a real breakfast. She looked at her watch—ten-thirty.

    She put on her pink, diaphanous cover and went to the Coffee Shop finding a vacant table on the window side of the room. Orange juice and coffee was brought to her as she picked up the menu. She perused the menu and ordered: fried eggs, with ham and home fries, with a green chili sauce on top. She sat looking out at the pool area.

    The pool was huge and free-form, going around most of the hotel building. The Princess was a wonderful hotel: the service was exemplary; the rooms were sumptuous; and the food was superlative, and that included breakfast. This was her third trip to the Princess. This had to be her last.

    To her right, three tables away, was a single man about fifty years old. He had been watching her in her diaphanous cover that really didn’t cover her bikini. His eyes diverted when she looked at him and then when she looked down at her plate he again observed her. She was aware of his interest. He was pleasant looking and rather attractive having dark thinning hair, glasses; a typical business man at work.

    Their eyes met. He smiled sheepishly at her. She returned the smile; her gaze locked on his. She smiled broadly, and to her surprise he motioned to her to come over to his table.

    Why did she seem to attract older men? This one was graying at the temples, but seemed tall and nicely put together. Even though it was morning, he was dressed in a suit and tie. His eyes were dark and intense when they were set on her. He had a narrow mouth, thin lips, and a very straight, generous nose. Yes, he was attractive—in his own way—probably Jewish.

    She hadn’t finished her breakfast, so she indicated she’d come over when she was finished. It was obvious he was pleased. She considered, am I attracted to this man? He seems pleasant enough. Perhaps I’ll say hi to him.

    He thought this is a much too beautiful of a lady for me. But she did seem interested in talking to me. His heart beat rapidly—his mouth went dry with anticipation. As he sat waiting for her to join him, his mind went wild with the impossible possibilities. Probably two hundred dollars a night. Maybe more.

    When she had finished with her breakfast, she took her coffee cup with her, walked over and sat in the chair he had pulled out for her.

    Good morning. My name is Marilyn, Marilyn Monks. She put out her hand.

    Hi Marilyn. I’m Sid Goldberg. He took her hand, finding it warm and soft. She held his hand a few moments before releasing it. He struggled to say, with anxious breathe, I’m sorry to be so forward, but … I’m just here for a few days, and you are so attractive; well, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.

    What a sweet thing to say. Where are you from, Mr. Goldberg?

    Please. Call me Sid. Slow down, he demanded of himself. I’m from Chicago. I’m here for meetings. And you?

    I’m just here for the sun. It’s wonderful. I’ve stayed here a few times. The hotel is lovely, and the beaches are magnificent. In fact, that’s where I’ll be in an hour. Want to join me? Her eyes held his, warmly.

    Sid was taken aback for a moment. He’d really preferred the pool area, but if the beach was her choice, why should he object? He swallowed hard and took a deep breath, heart beating rapidly. Sure. Why don’t we meet downstairs, at the back door that takes you to the beach and pool, in an hour? How does that sound? Am I dreaming this, he mused.

    I’ll be looking forward to it. Sid. Are you married?

    Not sure if he should be honest, he returned with a question. Does it make any difference to you? He smiled at Sally, hoping to show a relaxed, casual demeanor. He wanted to be upfront. Yes Marilyn, I’m married. Been married for almost thirty years. And you Marilyn, are you married? He held her attention, his eyes locked on her beautiful clear blue eyes. It was her blondish hair and those blue eyes that had captivated him. And that mouth—Oh godthat mouth.

    No. Never been married. I don’t think I’m the type to get married. She smiled demurely. So, shall we meet in an hour, Sid? She stood, getting ready to go.

    I’ll be there. Shall I bring towels for both of us? I think there are lounge chairs there provided by the hotel. I understand they also have room service as well.

    Sally backed away and waved casually. They have towels. See you Sid … in an hour?

    Okay Marilyn. As she walked away he observed her lovely derrière. She was quite fit. Probably goes to a gym regularly. I wish Debbie would do the same. I wonder if she is a working girl. If so, she is, for sure, way out of my price category.

    He got up, and as he walked to the elevators, he couldn’t get the idea of being with Marilyn tonight, intimately, hopefully. If she’s not a hooker, why is she spending time with me? God, she is so beautiful, and she couldn’t be more than twenty-five years old. I hope she isn’t just putting me on and going to disappoint me or worse, wants hundreds of dollars. I’ll pay anything tonight for this beauty.

    He hurried to his room and took a shower. He had brought two swimming suits, and now he wasn’t sure which would look best on him. He didn’t have the body he had years ago. He put each on, turning right and left, trying to get the best result. He held in his stomach as well as he could. He chose the dark blue, slightly long, California style he thought, which was popular at the time. In his excitement, he turned around with flair, put on his sandals, and sat down for the few minutes before meeting Marilyn downstairs.

    Sally sauntered casually to her room, knowing how this night will go; a couple of cocktails at the bar and then a lovely dinner, then to his room. Her stomach turned slightly at the idea of being that way—really any way—with him, intimately, but…

    She laid down and closed her eyes. Her flight was tomorrow night at eight-thirty. We’ll see how this all works out. She took a few very deep breaths, stilling herself. Her mind went to which suit would she wear at the beach. I don’t think it will make any difference. My age alone will bring the animal out of him, if there is any animal there.

    She fell asleep for a few minutes. She started, looked at the clock and saw she had ten minutes to be downstairs. She jumped into the shower, dried and quickly put on her red bikini. She grabbed the skin above each breast and pulled up—they now showed a nice, fullness at the top. She adjusted the bottom so it crossed below her hip bones. She nodded, seeing she was more than hot for this old man—Sid, the Yid.

    As she stepped from the elevator, she saw Sid waiting patiently at the back. He was a little dumpy, for sure. Hi Sid. She called out enthusiastically and waved. I hope I didn’t keep you long. She walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She felt his shoulder rise slightly. She kept her hand there, knowing it was making him anxious which she wanted to create. Men are so predictable: wanting a little pussy, if they can get it, without getting caught.

    They walked to the area where the hotel lounges lined up, large umbrellas over two and a table in between. Immediately, an attendant came out.

    May I get you something to drink, possibly some lunch or a cocktail? He smiled deferentially, his right hand behind his back, bending forward slightly to them, as they got settled.

    Sid looked at Sally. Sure. Marilyn, what would you like to drink?

    I could drink … How about a Cuba Libra, very tall, some peanuts as well.

    I’ll have the same, Sid concurred. The peanuts sound good right now. Thank you for your quick service.

    The waiter bowed, stepped back and turned, leaving quickly.

    Marilyn. You have a lovely figure. Do you work out regularly to maintain such a body? He appraised her from foot to her bust. Her gaze caught his as his eyes came to hers. He made an effort to look sultry, maintaining eye contact. I have to tell you, you are more beautiful than any lady I’ve ever been on a beach with, if I show a little nervousness … You are so very special Marilyn, perhaps much too special for me.

    Oh Sid … why do you say that? You are very sweet. Yes, you are older than I am, but I like older men. Not that I’ve been with many men, but your maturity is comforting. Younger men, my age, are so, what can I say, they are just anxious to … can I be so crude to say, they just want to get me into bed? Forget being in the sun, or having a drink. Her eyes settled on his, softly, intimately. Her tongue touched her lower lip. Sid inhaled deeply. Sid, you are very sweet. I’m enjoying being with you.

    "Thank you Marilyn. I am thrilled being with you. This has never happened to me. You know, lying on a beach with a beautiful lady. And … you are beautiful."

    Their drinks and nuts came. They sipped their drinks without speaking. Sally let the silence sit on their situation for a while. She didn’t say anything for perhaps twenty minutes. The sun was now high in the sky; the beach was quite still. It was a private beach and there were few from the hotel out right now.

    Sid, tell me about your family: Where are you from? How many children do you have? What’s your wife like?

    A little startled with her query; he wasn’t sure how to respond. God he didn’t want to spoil what may come later if he tells her everything. Will it turn her off completely? He sat, perhaps too optimistic, and yet, quite flummoxed.

    Sid, are you concerned about what to tell me? What you tell me won’t have any influence on our relationship here at the hotel. Feel free to be frank and open with me. In fact, the more I know about you and your home-life will make our knowing each other even more special tonight.

    Oh my god. Did I just hear her intimate being with me tonight? His breath quickened. His chest heaved. Marilyn. I’m very married. I have a lovely wife, Muriel, and four grown children. I’m forty-nine years old. My wife and I live north of Chicago in a mainly Jewish neighborhood. And yes; I’m Jewish.

    I hope I’m not the first lady whom you have made an effort to know, if you know what I’m saying. Do you get out on business trips regularly? You don’t look the type to casually pick up a lady. Is this new for you? She reached over and took his hand into hers. She squeezed it, looking at him. He was surprised with the intimacy, and turned his head to look at her.

    "I hate to admit this, but this is the first time this has ever happened. Have I been with other women? Of course—always with escort ladies. You know what I’m saying? Had you not smiled at me in the Coffee Shop, I would never have had the confidence to approach you as I did. When I motioned for you to come over to my table, I was petrified you’d think I was just another old man coming on to you."

    She squeezed his hand again. You were so cute sitting there. You had a nice face, a kind face, and one I felt would not be a problem. Sid, are you going to be a problem?

    Not for one moment. You’re not going to have a problem with me. He trembled slightly. I feel honored to have you talk to me, sit with me and perhaps… Would I be too bold to ask if you’d have dinner with me tonight?

    She let go of his hand, closed her eyes and knew she was going to enjoy being with Sid. Sid. Tell me more about your wife

    Sid wasn’t sure what to tell her. He didn’t want to make his wife something not appealing. Well, she wasn’t appealing anymore. She was over fifty years old. Do I love her? Of course, I love her. Why am I thinking about being with Marilyn, if I love her?"

    Sid. Tell me about your wife. She was more insistent. She then turned over onto her stomach, wanting a little sun on her back and back of her thighs.

    Muriel is a little older than I am. His gaze fell on Marilyn’s body. He had never seen a more beautiful bottom in his life. What can I say? She is a mature woman, a little over weight, graying now, of course—she dies her hair. She doesn’t go to a gym, nor do I. I’ve thought about joining somewhere, but I haven’t. Meeting you here has made me think—I should join as soon as I get back home.

    How often do you get out for meeting, like you said earlier? Let me be more specific: how many ladies have you been with; ladies of the night, as you called them?

    I go to meetings probably five or six times a year. I look forward to these meetings, knowing I have the freedom to be with another woman. He felt happy with his truthfulness.

    Has there ever been a problem, having been with a prostitute?

    I did have a severe problem a couple of years ago. I had been home about a week—I came down with … God, why am I being so open with you? I have never told anyone about these things. Sid was lying down on his back with his eyes now closed.

    So Sid, what happened at that time? Did your wife find out? She smiled at him, but saw his eyes were closed.

    Yes, she did: I came down with a drippy … you know, and we both had to get shots. He sat up—his feet now on the sand—observing the wonderful body of Marilyn. Her eyes were closed, and he closely assessed her body from head to toe now that she was now lying on her stomach. He wanted to reach over and touch her back and run down her body with his hand, taking her firm derrière into his fingers. As he looked at what he may enjoy later—of course he knew he was dreaming—he realized he was becoming aroused sexually. He put his hand on his hardening penis and pushed it to the side.

    Sally had opened her eyes, seeing how he was moving himself a little, obviously needing some sexual attention. Should I take him to his room right now; tease him a little? Why not.

    Sid. Why don’t we go to your room for a little while? Would you like to do that? She’d captured his attention, their eyes locked on each other’s. She had a wry smile on her lovely face.

    He was shocked at the suggestion. Could this be happening to me, right now? "Are you suggesting we go to my room? What am I getting myself into? He felt frightened, a little, never having been is such a situation before. Marilyn. Are you a … a working girl?"

    A working girl? Yes, I work. Of course I work. She chuckled, knowing his meaning. Are you asking if I’m a prostitute? She turned, sat up as well, sitting directly in front of him, their knees touching. Sid, I really like you and … well … I thought we could truly get more acquainted—right now—just a little. Are you not interested? She reached across with her hand and put it on his cheek. She saw he was almost frightened with her touch.

    He wanted to take her hand into his and kiss her fingers. I’m sorry; I’m just overwhelmed with what’s happening right now. This is new, so new. It’s something I have only dreamed of happening. Can you understand that, Marilyn?

    She smiled at him, knowing exactly what he is saying. Sid. It’s happening darling—you are a very nice man. As she smiled, she was thinking, you are such a phony. You’re married, have children and probably grandchildren, and you are out fucking prostitutes and lying like a SOB to your wife. In a way, Sid reminded her of her deceased grandfather, another middle-aged bastard.

    Let’s go to your room baby. How does that sound?

    You will never know how it sounds to a man like me. He felt his breathe catch. You darling, are an apparition, a lifetime of a thousand fantasies. He thought, did I just say that? He stood and put out his hand to help her from her lounge chair. She felt the wetness of his palm in a hand that trembled.

    She stood and gave him a kiss on the lips. It was a light kiss, just a brush of her lips on his. She could see the heave of his chest; the look of fear in his eyes. Jesus, he could have a heart attack if I’m not careful.

    They didn’t speak, standing nervously, hand-in-hand, waiting for the elevator door to open. When the door did open, he stood for a moment, not stepping in.

    Sid. Are you up for this darling? I don’t want to push you into something you really don’t want to do. She looked at him and saw he wasn’t able to look at her for the moment.

    Come on baby. They stepped into the elevator. I won’t bite Sid, unless you want me to. You aren’t going to get anything from me in the way of a disease. The door closed; he pushed the number ten button. They stood silently, still hand in sweaty hand, as the elevator rose to his floor.

    They walked to his room. He inserted the key, but didn’t turn it in the lock. Sid. I don’t think you want me to come in. Is it because of your wife? She looked up at him. His face showed enormous strain.

    No, it’s not my wife. I couldn’t care less about my wife. It’s … I’m scared I won’t be able to—God this is so difficult.

    Let’s go in. Let’s just get acquainted today. She put her hand over his hand on the door knob. Would that make you more comfortable? He turned the key and held the door for her. He had a nice room with a large terrace overlooking the beach. He went to the little fridge and opening it asked if she would like to have a drink. She declined.

    Do you mind if I have a shot of bourbon? I think I may need it.

    No. Whatever makes you comfortable? She walked out onto the terrace. It was quite large: palm plants in the corners, two lounges, and a small table with two chairs. She remembered this was the hotel that Howard Hughes had rented the top few floors a number of years ago. He was one of the richest men in the world, and apparently, one of the strangest, being a germ fanatic, never shaking hands.

    She loved it here. There was always a tropical breeze coming in from the ocean. She inhaled the wonderful salt sea air that was blowing through her hair. She stood, leaning against the waist-high wall, looking out over the Pacific, thinking about her visit here and how happy that she had found Sid. No, he wasn’t thinking about his wife. Of course not! Why would he be thinking about his wife?

    Sid walked out and put his arm around her shoulders. He pulled her to his side firmly, saying. I think I’ll feel better in a moment or two.

    Let’s get this over with. She turned in front of him. She took his drink and put the glass on the concrete ledge of the terrace. Taking his face into her two hands, she brought her mouth to his, kissing him firmly. She held his mouth there as she opened her lips slightly to his and touched his lips with her tongue. She saw his eyes close as he touched her tongue with his, tentatively, now anxiously, awkwardly.

    She tilted her face to the side so she could bring her mouth and tongue more forcefully to his. The kiss was more than she thought he was capable of. After the brief kiss, she asked, as she looked into his room, Sidney, may I call you Sidney? Would you mind if I lie in the sun, up here, where we aren’t visible to anyone else?

    Not at all Marilyn. Please make yourself at home. Her presence was overwhelming to Sid, never having had a beautiful lady with him in his room and not be paying for it.

    She stepped inside and said, Come and take my top off. I want to lie in the sun without my top—if you don’t mind. She stepped back, saying, Sid, would like to take my top off baby?

    He was hesitant, fearful; he stepped outside to get his drink. As he consumed the last of his bourbon, she turned around, held her hair up so he could get to the back of the top. He quickly put his glass down. She felt his hands clumsily work at the clasp. It was obvious he had never taken a swimming suit off a lady. He fumbled for a moment, and then it came loose. She turned around, the top hanging from her neck.

    Sid, take it over my head. I’m not going to bite you. He took it over her head, leaving her nude on the top; her beautiful, full, round breasts were staring at him—the pink nipples hardening. He wanted to touch them but was afraid to move.

    Sid felt faint, not sure he was going to be able to continue standing. His knees were so weak and he was terribly light headed. Nothing in his life had ever happened to him quite like this.

    May I go out onto your terrace, sweetheart? The sun is wonderful and I can’t lie nude at the beach. She walked out to the terrace and decided which lounge she wanted to lie on. She quietly lie down and after getting herself comfortable, she said, Sid baby. Come and lie with me. The sun is wonderful. I hope I’m not upsetting you without my top on?

    He wasn’t able to even respond. The sight of her was so sensual, so provocative, he wasn’t sure how to react.

    He stepped out, looked down at her and in his mind, kissed her. He continued with his fantasy, putting his fingers lightly onto the beautiful full, smoothness of her breasts. He squeezed both nipples firmly between his fingers. Then carefully bent to them and put each into his mouth: first the left and then the right. With the hookers, it had been just getting-him-off. This was … he couldn’t describe it. He was still standing, steadfast, not speaking, heart pounding thunderously, his breathe coming rapidly.

    Sid, maybe I’m teasing you and I shouldn’t, but I was enjoying being with you on the beach. Can we lie here, on your lounges, in the sun, for a while? It’s pretty private out here, and I can lie without my top on. Do you mind?

    Sid was beside himself, now sitting next to this gorgeous lady, lying there semi-nude. He beheld her breasts. He had never seen such beautiful breasts. They were so perfect: round, full, with nipples that looked like they had not been touched before; but that was ridiculous. He yearned to put his mouth on them.

    He realized she was very content and comfortable lying on his terrace. Why should he get excited by what may come in the future and just enjoy being here, now, with her. She is a goddess and he had never been with a goddess. He lies down as well, closing his eyes, which was not easy considering the beauty lying next to him.

    It became wonderfully warm and they both fell asleep. Occasionally Sid would open his eyes to see if he was dreaming and if this lady was there at all; however, there she was, now sleeping peacefully. He could admire her body in the privacy of his own thoughts, not disturbing her.

    She saw him watching her and wondered what he was thinking. Sid darling. I see you looking at me and I was wondering—what you are thinking?

    Oh Marilyn. Just private thoughts I have. Nothing special.

    If they are not special, then why don’t to you tell me what you are thinking?

    What I’m thinking … is just too personal.

    Tell me sweetheart. I want to know what you are thinking.

    Oh god. He just wants to see all of her, and he couldn’t possibly tell her that. They lie quietly for perhaps ten minutes, and then she sad with some force, Sid. Now I’m upset that you aren’t going to be honest with me. Are you going to be honest or is our friendship over?

    He didn’t know what to say. He just was wanting to see what she would look like with her bottom off. Could he really tell her that and if he did, would she get up and that would be the end of Marilyn.

    Sid baby. Talk to me. I really like you, but I don’t like wondering what you are thinking. So either you talk to me or I’ll just have to forget our relationship.

    Marilyn. I’m embarrassed to ask, but I just can’t stop thinking how you would look … oh god … without your bottom. I’m sorry. Please don’t think of me as just another disgusting man.

    Well Sid. I want you to see everything you want. I’ll take it off right now. She put her hands on her bikini bottom, hooking the sides wither thumbs, raised up her hips, and pulled it off her body and off her legs. She dropped it to the side of her lounge.

    Better now? I’m just another girl, darling. Does this make you happy?

    Sid was afraid to even look over to her. His eyes were on the exposed crotch of her suit bottom, right where her pussy had been. His heart felt it was coming out of his chest. His eyes tried to see her without turning his head—it was impossible.

    Sid. I have it off. Does that make you happy, and if it does, why are you not looking at me? Sit up baby and take a good look. I’m nothing special. I’m just me.

    He carefully, slowly raised to a sitting position. She was lying there with her eyes closed. His eyes flashed to her—oh my god—her vagina is shaved and so beautiful. He had never seen such a body. Once, when he was with a hooker, he thought she may have been shaved, but it was dark in the room. Now this glorious lady is lying here for me to see everything on the privacy of my terrace.

    Sally opened her eyes and saw Sid, transfixed almost, his eyes fast on her crotch. She smiled and turned over on her side, facing Sid. Sid. Now what are you thinking? Really baby. What’s on your mind … right now?

    "Now I feel compelled to tell you the truth. I’m thinking of something I’ve never done and …

    Yes Sid. What is this you have never done?

    I’ve never kissed a lady … there. And … oh god Marilyn, I’m sorry to be so gross, but … now I’ve told you what is on my mind.

    Well darling Sid. You are rather brazen. I almost said gross, but it isn’t gross at all. But … let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Please. If I’m too provocative for you … I’ll understand. Darling Sid, do you have any suntan lotion?

    I do have something I bought in the sundry shop downstairs. Why? Do you want to use some of it? I‘ll get it Marilyn. He got up, went to his room and quickly returned, handing it to her.

    Now sweetheart, will you put some on my back and legs?

    Sid was speechless and even afraid to move. He stood there, mesmerized, looking at her beautiful body.

    Sid, please put some on my back. She handed the bottle to him and laid flat on her stomach, her legs splayed a little. The pressure of her breasts on the lounge made then bulge out a little on each side.

    Sid sat on the edge of her lounge and poured a generous amount on the middle of her back and began to spread it around, across her shoulders and arms and then he carefully moved down her back At the point of touching her bottom, he had run out of lotion. He sat staring at her derriere wondering if he should be so bold as to …

    Sid. Please put some on my legs and of course my bottom. I’m not going to bite. I’m lying here hoping I will give you an experience, perhaps, you have never had. Have you ever put lotion on an entire nude body of a lady?

    Marilyn, I have never even been with a beautiful lady that is lying nude right in front of me. Are you sure about my putting lotion on you … down there?

    Sidney. Please get over it. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, and yes, I want lotion on my entire body.

    Sid put lotion into his hand and smeared it on her calves, giving each leg a little massage. Then he put more lotion on is hand and began to run up her thigh, making sure not to go to the inside of her leg. Once finished with the one leg he went to the other, again careful not to touch the inside of her thigh.

    I’m wondering if you are too frightened to put lotion onto my thighs on the inside. And also, are you going to put lotion on my rear? Please Sid. Stop with the concern of touching me here and there. She turned to look at him and saw he was so stressed looking. Do you want me to lie on my back? I’ll do that if you’d like to put lotion on my front now, and do my back later." She had a wry smile emitting from her face.

    No Marilyn, lie down and I’ll do your legs. You have to agree, this is terribly provocative.

    "How are you being provoked? Let me guess. Are you getting hard in your swimming trunks?

    A little. Sid put lotion onto his hand and rubbed it on the inside of each thigh. He was careful not to come too close to her crotch. Now he sat staring at her bottom."

    Sid darling?

    Yes Marilyn, I’ll do your bottom. I have to tell you, you have a marvelous bottom. Anyway, here we go. I’ll be careful

    What do you mean, you’ll be careful?

    You know, not to be too aggressive, touching you inappropriately.

    Sid, you can touch me in any way you wish. Go for it sweetheart. I’m not frightened of you.

    Sid closed his eyes for a moment, stilling himself. He poured a little of the lotion onto the beginning of the crack of her ass, and it began to run down in there. He quickly put a finger there making sure it didn’t go too far. He then rubbed the lotion carefully on each bum. He looked longingly at the crack of her bottom. The way her thighs were apart, he knew he could touch her there and perhaps she wouldn’t think anything about it.

    Sally knew what he was thinking, but she decided not to be too, as he said, provocative right now. Thank you Sid baby. I’m now happy and quite content. Was that difficult for you?

    It was very difficult. You know how beautiful you are and to a man like me, you truly are a goddess. Relax and I’ll lie down as well.

    Do you want to take your suit off as well? It may be fun, you being nude. I assume you have never been nude, in the open with someone.

    You are right. Now, please relax and enjoy the sun. Sid sat back and did his best to not look over at Marilyn. God I hope she isn’t hoping for me to put lotion on her front. I definitely wouldn’t be able to do that.

    The sun was now high in the sky and very warm. Both fell asleep. When Sid woke, he saw that Marilyn had turned over on her back, still lying nude, with her breasts and pussy totally open for him to see. She seemed to be very much asleep. Sid closed his eyes and slept as well.

    Sid wasn’t aware of how much time had elapsed, but when he woke, he looked over at this gorgeous lady and saw she had changed her position. She was still lying on the back, but her legs we very much apart, one being bent at the knee. He sat up to get a better view. She opened her eyes.

    She smiled at his attention to her pussy. "Sid. This is just too much for you. I’m sorry. I’ll put my suit on again.

    She sat up and slipped her bottom on and reached for her top. Sid quickly got up and walked to the room leaving her sitting there. He felt humiliated, knowing she had seen his attention to her crotch.

    Sid looked back out to her as she hooked her top in the back. Now he was truly embarrassed and mortified.

    Sally again laid down, now fully suited and seemingly, quite content. She turned to Sid, Sid darling Come out here and lie with me. It’s wonderful.

    Sid walked out and sat for moment on the other chaise. Their conversation had rattled him somewhat; however, Marilyn seemed content. He laid back, closed his eyes and tried to settle himself. They were quiet for some time, both lost in their thoughts of what had been said. Soon they were sleeping. The temperature was perfect and there was a soft ocean breeze caressing them.

    Clouds were building in the west, over the Pacific, and would soon block the sun. Sally woke and looked over at sleeping Sid. She sat up and looked around. There are going to be afternoon showers, it was obvious. She got up and went into his room and saw the time was now three o’clock. She wanted to go to her room and relax, getting away from Sid. She returned to the terrace. Sid didn’t move.

    Without waking Sid she walked into the room and quietly left. She’d call him later for dinner, which she knew he’d provide—with pleasure.

    Sid woke and was surprised that his goddess was not with him anymore. What time is it and where did she go? He had a bit of a panic. He didn’t know her last name and had not gotten her room number. He stepped into his room and saw it was now four-thirty in the afternoon—there was no Marilyn. Sid stood, mouth agape, fearful.

    He lays back onto his bed and closing his eyes, thought about having met her and how beautiful she was lying there on his terrace, so exquisitely nude, her gorgeous breasts, so tender, so youthful, and so deliciously beholding. And then he ruined it with his crude remark of desiring to kiss her at that place he had only dreamed of in the past.

    Gracie would think it disgusting—or, maybe she had wished him to do that but was too embarrassed to suggest it. He had never asked her to go down on him, having the same concern. Could they have gone all these years never having something special in their physical relationships?

    He started as his phone rang. He quickly picked up. "Hi

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