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Sally: An Epiphany
Sally: An Epiphany
Sally: An Epiphany
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Sally: An Epiphany

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Sally feared the FBI was closing in on her. There had been an investigation and the FBI had come into her office in San Diego to talk to her. She had chosen to end it all and swam out to sea, away from the family compound in Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico.
As search helicopters searched and the Coast Guard frantically wound about the area hoping to find her, she, exhausted, realized she wanted to live: however, she couldnt swim any longer. A small fishing boat came slowly by. She yelled help, please they heard her. The Sally from San Diego was no more. Her epiphany was a stunning revelation. She would never be the Sally James of old.
Release dateJan 5, 2016
Sally: An Epiphany

Don Ramos

Don Ramos is a retired world-class weightlifter, former Olympic coach, and ballroom dance teacher who once performed a notorious side-by-side mambo with Bobbie Madieras and taught Pearl S. Buck, the famous author and Nobel Prize recipient. Don currently resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This is his second book.

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    Sally - Don Ramos


    The rain had become a drizzle on this very dark night on the Caribbean Sea. Helicopters flew slowly—searchlights flashed back and forth across the water as boats searched diligently: for what? Who knows? It’s not that unusual, here, just off the coast of one of the most beautiful Puerto Rico beaches.

    Slow the boat Javier! Let’s see what’s going on, Hank yelled up to the bridge.

    It was a cool night, with light showers. It was New Year’s Eve, late, now almost midnight.

    Why, asked Javier? We see this often and nothing comes of it. Perhaps they will find what they are looking for. But we need to get into port and sell our fish.

    Hank and Javier were very successful fishermen, owning a fine boat and making a good living. They had been out for two day, and needed to return to their Port to sell their catch.

    Okay. Okay. Bueno. Full ahead, ahora mismo, amigo. The engine roared. The boat surged. Suddenly there came a scream from the water.

    HELP! HELP! Please help me. It was a woman’s screaming voice.

    Que pasa? Javier cried out. He ran to the port-side of the vessel. Abajo allí. Hay una mujer allá. Mira amigo. Allí. Allí, abajo allí. Javier pulled back the throttle. They had to make a large circle to come back to where they had heard the cry. But then they saw nothing. They drifted slowly, motor idling. Javier came down from the bridge. He and Hank hung over the edge of their boat searching for what they thought was a woman. It was a woman’s voice they had heard; or had they had just been spooked with the search that was going on.

    Nada, mi amigo. There’s nothing. Vamos pronto. Come on. Let’s go. We need to get back to Port and sell our great catch as soon as possible.

    Please help me, a desperate female’s voice came from the port-side of the boat.

    "Mira! Mira! Allí. Allí! Allí! Get something to help me get her out of the water. Ahora rápido!! Por favor.

    The woman desperately reached up for their hands. Help me, please! She coughed and sounded like she was chocking as she struggled greatly.

    They fought trying to get a hold on her. Her arms were wet and cold to the touch and slick. Hank, reaching down, grabbed her by her hair to hold her in one place so they could get a good hold on some part of her body. Hank had one foot and her hair, and Javier had her by a shoulder and an arm. They eventually got her into the boat. She slumped to the deck between them, gasping:

    Oh god, she cried out. Thank you. Oh Jesus. I couldn’t swim another minute. She then retched violently onto Javier’s feet and slumped lifelessly on the deck.

    Hank looked at Javier not sure what to do.

    Should we contact the Coast Guard? Javier asked.

    Javier, I’m not sure what I want to do. I think she is going to be okay. Let’s wait until we get into port and see how she is feeling. I’m going to put her into the cabin. What do you think?

    Si, si. I help you. Vamos! They reached down. Hank took her by her upper body, under her arms pits, and Javier had her legs. She was quite light as they carried her to the small cot in the enclosure, the miniscule cabin on board. The way they placed her, she was twisted, her legs splayed awkwardly. She was in a very provocative position in her bikini that was gapping slightly at her crotch. They looked at each other.

    She is very lovely, Javier. I know what you are thinking—I’m thinking the same thing. However, I’m anxious to know who she is. I’m not sure if we are doing the right thing, not telling anyone that we have her. But, if she was trying to swim away from everything—including her life—perhaps she would want us to let it be her decision as to where her whereabouts are. What do you think? They walked out to view the activity going on in the distance.

    They had seen this often, but not quite so active. There must be five helicopters and what looked like, several boats, from the Coast Guard.

    She must be an important person with all this activity, Hank speculated.

    Entiendo amigo. I know. I go up; get us to port. It’s going to be late when we get in. Javier quickly repaired to the controls, on the Bridge, fired up the engines and they roared away. Hank returned to take a look at the lady. She was sound asleep; probably passed out. His gaze went to her crotch which was, of course, covered with her swimming suit, but it was impossible not to go there with his eyes. Hank was a bit of a lady’s man.

    His heartbeat quickened. He took her by the ankles and pulled her feet out so her legs were straight and together. He arranged her arms, placing them across her body. She looked much more comfortable. He took her chin and turned it to the front to get a better look at her. God she is beautiful, even though she had been in great stress. He brushed her hair away from her face and then stroked her cheek lightly with the back of his fingers. He ran his thumb across her lower lip affectionately. He had the urge to bend and kiss her, carefully, but decided against it. He had never kissed such a beautiful lady in his life.

    She woke next to a man, in a small dirty room, in what appeared to be a small shack. She had no idea where she was or how she got there. She felt the movement of a boat. Oh, that’s where I am. She closed her eyes and tried to put together what had happened. It came back to her:

    The FBI was looking for her in San Diego. That was what happened. She had no choice but to get away. Oh god! I had decided to kill myself. I remember it well as I swan and swam, further and further, out into the Caribbean. As it turned dark, she took a huge breath, yes, I had decided I had to survive.

    There were helicopters and boats looking for her, which frightened her. She couldn’t be found by the authorities. She had to find land and then . . . oh godsome guys, fisherman, picked me up and now I’m lying here.

    She turned slowly to her left to get a look at him, this man she was lying next to. Jesus. Did he rape me? She put her hand into her bikini bottom, her fingers between her legs; she felt nothing unusual. I don’t think he did. Thank god for that. Now what am I going to do?

    She tried to relax. Her heart had begun to beat rapidly. I wonder where we are. Could I still be in Puerto Rico? If so, I must be careful not to be found. I will change my name. Jesus. I have no money. I have to find work. Maybe this guy will hire me. I’m sure he will if he thinks he may have a little sexual action with me. That’s what I’ll do; make him think I’m available; I need to work. Oh Jesus do I need to work. She closed her eyes and tried to rest as best she could.

    The boat was going fast and into the surge, as it roared noisily. It bounced along. It was very uncomfortable, almost frightening, as the boat, repeatedly, slapped the water with tremendous force. The man next to her, smelled like dead fish and sweat. She looked out the opening to the sky. It was black out. Millions of stars shone brightly, like she had never seen before. There were no helicopters that she could see now. She was again asleep.

    Oh poor Gracie—The boat was slowing down!—well, really not so poor, since I bequeathed it all to her: my condo, my car, all the money in my accounts, my clothing (she couldn’t get into them, she is too big). I must keep my identity unknown. Well, now Gracie has everything that was mine. All I have, now, are my wits and good health, yet no clothes, nothing to my name. At least I am alive, and I really don’t feel too bad. Got to get a job. I’ve got no money. She realized she had on her swimming suit. That was good. At least she has a swimming suit. She smiled and fell again, deeply to sleep.

    Javier woke to the quieting of the boat, as it slowed. We must be close to the docks. He suddenly realized he was lying next to this female they had pulled from the sea. He carefully sat up and turned so he could see her. He shook his head, amazed that he and she had lain together for what, an hour or more. She is so peaceful looking and god, so beautiful, like an angel—an angel like he had never been so close to. He carefully stood and stepped outside and walked to the ladder and up to the bridge.

    Hank. Where are we? I felt the boat slow and I assumed we are near Port.

    Soon. Maybe ten minutes. How is our sleeping beauty? I left you two alone. Did you try to get together with her? Hank was a man thirty-five years old. He was weathered looking and very ordinary: five foot-eight: brown, straight hair that was windblown. His body was slender, but sinewy, and muscular: he was dressed in a tee-shirt and Levi’s and work boots.

    Are you nuts? No amigo. We should be careful with her. She obviously needs our help. Are you alright right now? If so, I’m going to go back and see if I can talk to her and find out what the deal is with her. I’ll come back in a few minutes.

    Okay buddy. Try to control your dick in there. We’ll draw straws as to who gets her first.

    Javier laughed and turned to go back to the cabin. The cabin was a small room that had no door on it. There was a small cot and nothing else. When he stepped in, he saw she was still fast asleep. He stood motionless, observing her beautiful, slender body. Without touching her, he ran his hands over her figure like he would if he could touch her. His heart beat heavily in his chest. He became short of breath.

    Miss. Senorita, he said more loudly.

    She turned slowly and looked up at him. Did you say something? Oh god, I must look like shit. She sat up, carefully, and brushed her tangled hair from her face. Do you have a comb or something? I need to do something with my hair? She suddenly thought: Am I crazy. I’m alive and yet I’m concerned how I look.

    No. Nada. Nothing. Wait! I think I do have an old brush in my personal things. Let me look. He pulled a red metal tackle box from a shelf and opened it. Si. I’m sorry; but it’s plenty dirty. It’s all we have, I’m sure.

    She took it and looked at it and shook her head. You’re right. It is filthy, but it will have to do. Thanks. She ran it through her hair as best she could. Excuse me. This may take a while. Is there a bathroom on the boat?

    Well, not really, he laughed. Right there, next to the cot, is the hole we use. He pointed next to her. "It’s called the head. There is a lid. Just pick up the lid and after using it, see there, that handle. It’s a pump. Push it forward and back and it will flush out what you have put in there. I’ll leave you alone for your privacy." He turned and stepped outside and walked to the portside of the boat looking to see how close they were to docking.

    She stood on shaky legs and looked outside. The man, the one that must be Javier, was standing at the edge of the boat. She turned and lifted the lid to the; what did he say it was called? ‘The head.’ He was right, there was a hole there. This is like an outhouse, for sure. She turned and pulled down her bikini bottom and sat uncomfortably on the head. She bent forward to see where the man was. He was standing in view but was not looking. How silly I am. Who the fuck cares if he sees me peeing?

    After doing her business, she stood, pulled her bottom up and began to push and pull the handle. Yes, it did pull water from somewhere into the toilet—probably from the sea. She put the lid down after a few difficult push and pulls, and again tried to brush her hair. It was a tangled mess.

    Javier looked back to see if she was finished. She was and was now sitting and doing the best she could with her hair. He cautiously walked back to where she was and sat with her on the cot.

    What is your name? Mine is Javier.

    Now she wasn’t sure who she was or wanted to be. She quickly thought of her pseudo name, Janet. It was one of the two she had with charge cards and Passports.

    My name is Janet, Janet Foster. My god! Maybe I can become Janet Foster permanently. Then I can possibly get my passport and Charge Cards reinstated.

    "Well, Janet. I’m not going to ask you, now, what you were doing in the Sea. Of course it would appear you were trying to get away from something or someone. We’ll leave that until later. How can we help you, miss?"

    Javier. I have no money, and as you can see no clothes. What can I do and where are we going to dock?

    "We dock at Guayanilla. It’s called La Villa de los Pescadores; The town of the fisherman."

    Javier. She looked up at him sweetly. Could I sleep on the boat for a few days until I can figure out what I’m going to do?

    We will be going out again in a day or two to fish.

    Can I help you with the fishing? She smiled at him, her eyes hard on his. I hope I can give him the idea I may be available. She bent forward and kissed him on his cheek. I really need money.

    He put his hands around her shoulders and kissed her on the mouth and put his hand on her left breast. I’m sure I can help you Janet.

    She shook her head ever so slightly. "No Javier. I’m not that type of lady. I assume you are Catholic? I am as well, and I can’t go that way now. What I really need is to make some money: some honest money. Por favor, Javier (she used her limited Spanish). I need clothing, money for food, money for a place to live."

    He sat there not sure what to say. Let me talk to Hank. We own the boat together; we never make decisions without talking about it.

    She smiled and nodded her head. Thank you Javier.

    Her breast had felt so lovely to him. So, she may not be available for quick sex. She seems to like me though. I must take my time. She is different from any other lady I’ve met. She is definitely in a different class.

    He walked to the railing and looked to see how soon they would be docking. Hank was still in control of the boat as they cruised slowly to port. He decided to talk to Hank, now. He climbed up the ladder to Hank.

    Hank. Hank turned, surprised.

    Well now. What is the deal with our beauty? Have you gotten a little play time with her?

    Hank. She is not that type, at all. In fact, I think she is totally different from what we thought or at least, what we wished. She is very nice and quite a lady. She asked me, Hank, if she could sleep on board for a few nights until she can get her life put back together.

    "What does that mean? I assume she has no money, no clothes, and nowhere to go. So what do you think about her sleeping on the boat?"

    I don’t see any problem with it. I was going to ask her if she would like to come to my place for a shower. She really needs to get herself together. Oh, also Hank, she asked if there was any chance of our being able to use her on board. I think she would be a hard worker and I think we could use her help and she would work cheap. She needs the money badly. We have talked about having someone help us and if we go ahead with the purchase of that larger boat, then she could really come in quite helpful. What do you think?

    Well you are really turned on Javier. I think you have fallen in love with her.

    Javier laughed. Well who wouldn’t. She is bright, educated, and beautiful. So, what do you think? I feel we have saved her life, pulling her out of the sea, and if we can now truly help her regain some life of her own, I’m all for it.

    "Tell her we’ll try her for a couple of trips and see how she does. What are we going to pay her?’

    Why don’t we give her a hundred dollars to buy some basic things and then give her a hundred a week for a few weeks?

    That’s not very much, but if she can pull her weight, well more than her weight. She is so thin; but, I think we can use her; and about that other boat? Let’s think about it seriously while we’re in port. If she is a smart lady, maybe she could help with our decision. I wonder what she did before swimming to nowhere.

    I’ll go and talk to her, unless you’d like to do it together?

    No. You seem to have developed a friendship with her. You go and . . . He hesitated a moment. No, let’s have breakfast with her tomorrow morning and get to know her.

    Javier got up and went down to talk to her.

    She was sitting, looking out over the moon bright sea. She looked up as Javier, hesitantly, sat beside her.

    Janet. Hank said it was fine with him for you to sleep on board. I’d be happy for you to come to my place to shower and wash your hair. I have a small apartment near where we dock. I’ll walk you back to the boat for the night. Also, we want to have breakfast with you tomorrow, or really later today, seeing it’s so late now. I think we can have you work with us for a few trips. Hank said he’d try you out for a while.

    Janet sat stunned. These nice guys are being so considerate. She smiled and reached over and gave Javier a kiss on his cheek.

    I can’t thank you enough, Javier. You saved my life and now you seem to be saving my existence, as well. How will I ever be able to repay you? Javier smiled wryly.

    No. That is out of the question, as I said before. But I’ll be indebted to you forever.


    Little Sally smiled as she walked to that pine tree, the one her grandfather asked her to walk to. She was thinking:

    Today, with my grandpa, is nice and I’m so sorry I have caused him so many problems. She reached the tree and stopped remembering how Grandmother scowled at her with such hatred, and said it was her entire fault. How could it be my fault when he had started it all? Did I hate him for touching me, and everything? Not really. It felt good. He was just showing me how much he loved me. But he ended up in jailbecause of me.

    She stood there with her hand up on that tree for a moment. She slid her hand down the rough bark, kicked a couple of pine cones with her foot, and walked around the tree, as he had asked, and returned to the car. Grandpa was not there. Strange! She walked around and opened the door and sat down, closing the door behind her. It was a beautiful day: cool, soft breeze blowing through the pine trees, the bright sunshine finding the ground between the tall trees and . . .

    BANG! BANG!!

    Sally was startled. What could that have been? It’s that funny sound that cars make sometime. It was strange: birds flew away from the trees over to the right. Where Is Grandpa?

    She sat for a few minutes and then decided to get out and find him. She walked to the right from the car slowly, looking. Grandpa. Where are you Grandpa? She continued walking, now a little concerned as to how far he had gone.

    Startled, she stopped still, her mouth agape. Then she called out:

    Grandpa! Grandpa! What’s wrong?

    There, lying on the ground was Grandpa. He was lying so his face was away from her. She walked cautiously to him and when she got close enough, she saw he was bleeding from his head. She ran to him and fell onto her knees.

    Oh Grandpa. Grandpa! What happened? What has happened to you? She saw the gun lying next to his head. She didn’t know what to do. She touched him. He was so still.

    Grandpa! GRANDPA!! she screamed.

    Minutes went by as she knelt, not knowing what she should do. I’m just thirteen years old. I don’t know what to do. I’m all alone.

    She stood on shaky legs, crying. She wiped the tears from her face and looked around. Where are we? Where was someone? She remembered that they were near the restaurant at the top of the ski run, where the gondola turns around bringing skiers and now, diners to the restaurant. She looked down at her grandfather—so lifeless. She turned and walked toward the road and then to the left to where the restaurant should be. She began to run—sobbing.

    Janet. It’s late. It’s almost ten o’clock. You have been sleeping. Do you feel better? Javier sat in the chair next to the couch.

    She turned slowly and sat up stretching her arms out to the sides. God, what was I dreaming? What time did you say it was?

    It’s almost ten and I told Hank we’d meet him for breakfast at ten-fifteen. This little town is not much and it really doesn’t’ have much in the way of restaurants, but our place, the one we always go to, the food is very good.

    He held out a bag of something, putting it on the sofa beside Janet. Here are some things for you to wear. I’m not sure of your size, but they said if they didn’t fit you could bring them back for something else. Here, let me go into the bedroom so you can have some privacy. Try on these things. I got jeans, really Levi’s, and a tee-shirt and sandals. I couldn’t get you a bra, but I did get you a pair of panties—probably the wrong size. But it’s something. He stood up and walked to his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

    She smiled at his sweet modesty. She had slept so soundly. At first she thought she may have trouble with Javier, but she didn’t. He was very gentlemanly and really so kind. She reached into the bag and pulled out the clothing. There were white panties. Well, pretty sexy, she thought, knowing what he must be thinking. She kept the blanket across her thighs and she wriggled out of her bikini and into the white bikini panties. They fit pretty well. She took the tee-shirt and after taking off her top, she pulled it over her head and then standing, she quickly pulled on the Levi’s. Pretty tight, but, not bad considering—they will stretch out a little as she wears them. What a sweet guy! Amazingly, the sandals fit perfectly.

    Okay. You can come out and see what you got me. He immediately opened the door and smiled at how well he had guessed her size. Her nipples were obvious as they punched out in front of the t-shirt. She had small breasts.

    I need to use the toilet for a minute. What did we do with that brush?

    He reached to the table and handed it to her a new one. She smiled and quickly disappeared into the bathroom. He could hear her peeing. He smiled at the intimacy of it. She is so special, far too special for him and his lot. He was just a Puerto Rican guy from the Island. He was a fisherman for life. But he was happy with what he had accomplished since meeting Hank. They had developed quite a business in the last few years.

    As she worked on her hair, she thought about this Javier. He was definitely Puerto Rican: he had dark skin, not black: perfect, white teeth; reddish hair, very kinky and cut close to his head. He had a square jaw and, what was so startling were his eyes. They were steel blue and against his dark skin, they were something.

    Javier had never married. Well, he had really never had a special girlfriend. Hank had married a few years ago and now had two kids. Hank was from Miami and had many problems growing up, but now he seemed to have settled down, even if he did like the ladies and played around most of the time.

    I’m ready. How do I look? She turned around almost like a dancer, smiling brightly. How could she be so happy—and beautiful, having just survived drowning in the Caribbean?

    He looked at her in amazement, never having seen such a stunning woman. She must be almost five-foot seven and very thin. She had, almost, blond hair cut to her shoulders and even though she had no make-up on, she was startlingly beautiful. He saw the jeans were too short on her.

    I got size four jeans. The lady there said it was going to be too tight for you, but I see you got into them. He stood and reached out to Janet, taking her hand and walked her to the door. He stopped and turned her carefully and kissed her ever so lightly on the lips.

    "Javier. You are so considerate. You have been a mench darling."

    A mench?

    Oh. That’s a term of endearment—of admiration. It’s Yiddish.

    Yiddish? He wrinkled up his nose.

    Come-on. Let’s get to the restaurant. I’m starving.

    The restaurant was exactly what she imagined it would be. The walk there was along the wharf. In her mind, she could see this restaurant—probably a diner. When they walked in, she saw this was a working man’s restaurant. The smells were wonderful and the place was a happy one. Everyone was laughing and talking enthusiastically. How different from restaurants in San Diego. No one was trying to impress another. These are just real folk, happy to be together before going to their task at work today, wherever that might be.

    She saw Hank across the room. He was waving to them. She smiled and they joined him. Without getting up, he pushed a chair out for her with his foot against the leg. It twisted a bit so she had to straighten it as she sat down.

    So how was it sleeping on the boat? I’ve slept there myself a few times when my wife has thrown me out for one thing or another.

    I actually slept on Javier’s sofa. It wasn’t all that bad.

    Hank smiled conspiratorially at Javier. I see you got some clothes as well. You look real cute sweetheart.

    I went out this morning first thing, Javier said, and got some things for her to wear, today. Amazingly, I got the right size, even if the jeans are a little too short. I didn’t think about length, even if they would have had different lengths available.

    You did real good Javier and I truly appreciate it. I have to also get some lady things, if you know what I’m saying: lipstick and a little make-up.

    I’m sure Janet is wondering if she is going to be able to work a little for us on the boat. What do you think Hank? I’m sure she could be very helpful and even, eventually, learn how to work the nets and rigs on the boat. I think we should give her a try.

    Janet. Is this something, at all, you may be interesting in doing? You just don’t look like a seaman or sea woman. You really look like you should be someone’s secretary, or a receptionist.

    I’d like to try. I’ll give it a hundred percent effort. I’m strong and I think it would be wonderful fun. Just give me a chance.

    What I’d like to do is, and of course Javier has to agree, but I’d like to give you an advance of a hundred dollars this morning so you can get the things you need and of course some other clothing.

    Oh Hank. That’s so sweet of you. Javier, is that all right with you?

    Javier smiled shyly at her and nodded. Janet immediately thought that Javier may be a bit smitten with her. Cute, for sure. With his powerful body, it was his shyness that was so attractive.

    They both took out there wallets and gave her fifty dollars each. Don’t think of this as an advance. I’m sure Javier is happy to help you out at this time. In a way, I feel we have given you a new life and this, perhaps, will be a new start for you.

    Hank, we should get to work on cleaning up the boat today, Javier said. She can definitely help with that.

    Janet had a quick rush and inhaled deeply. Yes, this is like a new beginning, and these two guy are truly her saviors. Tears came into her eyes as she struggled to say; Javier and Hank, she reached for each of their hands, squeezing them, I can’t thank you two enough. I’ll work my butt off. It will be a wonderful learning experience.

    What type of work did you do before? Hank scrutinized her carefully, wondering what this lovely lady could have done. She could have been a high-end hooker, but her demeanor didn’t seem right for that.

    I was ah . . . a legal secretary. I actually went to Law School for a year.

    Well you may be very helpful with the purchasing of our new boat, if we decide to go forward with the purchase, Hank stated.

    They had ordered: all were having eggs fried with ham and hash brown potatoes. They had been served orange juice and coffee already. As they relaxed, sipping there coffees, Janet began to think she needed to get to a drug store and the clothing place for more things to wear.

    What should I get for work, especially for cleaning the boat?

    Just something very comfortable, not stylish, Javier suggested. Coveralls possibly and tee-shirts are good. Also some work shoes for being on the boat. The sandals are good for on shore, but on the boat—work shoes. I’m sure the people at the store will give you good suggestions. They have practically no one other than fishermen buying things there.

    Having finished their breakfasts, Javier said, Why don’t we meet at the boat at noon and get started. We need to clean it up and get out again in a couple of days. Hank picked up their bill. He left a couple of dollars for a tip.

    Javier, is it all right if I change at your place after I get my new things?

    Of course Janet. If you don’t mind sleeping on the couch, that’s fine with me until you can get a place of your own.

    Hank quickly looked over at Javier, smiling broadly, knowing what Javier may be thinking or hoping.

    I may, but I was thinking I may enjoy sleeping on the boat, being out in the open on the sea must be fun, a little like camping in a way. She then thought where do these guys sleep when at sea. She would cross that bridge later.

    Your choice. It’s safe, I’m sure. But whatever you want to do.

    They were finished with breakfast; they left and Javier directed Janet to the store. It was just a couple of blocks down the same street that ran along the water. As she walked along, she thought: what a lovely life they live—so different from being in the city, dealing with clients and bosses, traffic and just everything that is part of living in the city.

    It was a beautiful, clear and now, warm day. She thought of Dorado Beach where she had swum from, leaving her family and god what a family. I may never see them again. Sad! I hope they never get caught living as they do. It was like a polygamous commune.

    How did my stepdad, Jamie, talk Jennifer, Ginger and my mom to marry him and now they all had children, each of the women. Janet (really Sally) already had an older brother, Tommy, from her deceased father and now she had two other siblings: a half-brother and a half-sister. Jamie, her step father, also had a couple of children with Jennifer and Ginger. They all seemed so happy with the arrangement of their polygamous lifestyle.


    The store was like a country store she had seen on television. They truly had a little of everything you may need. It was what you may call, basic merchandising: things just stacked on different tables, from underwear, bras and panties along a table, just stacked there. I wonder how Javier found the bikini panties he bought.

    A young lady came up and asked, Is there anything I can help you with?

    Do you have bikini panties?

    We have a couple of styles. She looked at Janet askance, never having seen her before. I wonder if this is the girl that Javier had come in for the panties early this morning.

    "Are you new in town? Are you a friend of Javier?"

    I am, and I’m going to be working with the fellows. I need really everything and some work clothing for the boat.

    "You are going to work on their boat?" she asked incredulously.

    I am and I’m very excited with the prospects of working out at sea.

    When did you get to town? Where are you from? the sales lady asked with a bit of, too much curiosity, Janet thought, as she walked along the tables stacked with clothing.

    I arrived yesterday on the bus. I came from San Juan: although, I’m really from the States, San Diego. I just wanted a change in lifestyle. You know what I’m saying?

    The clerk thought: I do know what you are saying. I wish I could go to San Diego and change my lifestyle.

    Janet picked up a few things, just things that were necessary: Bras, panties, a couple of shirts, a couple of shorts and coveralls—obviously too large—for cleaning the boat, if that was what they were going to do."

    After paying cash, the only money she had, she returned to Javier’s place to dress and leave her few things there. It was not going to be very convenient, but it was better than having to find some super cheap place to crash at night. Besides, she liked the idea of sleeping on the boat.

    That night, having worked cleaning the boat—god that was exhausting—she went to the boat and after sitting up for a while, getting relaxed with the idea of being alone, she laid back and got comfortable. She immediately realized, coveralls were not going to be good for sleeping on the boat—she fell sleep

    Janet found it pleasant on the boat in the evening; she wanted to sleep there most of the time. Javier was considerate with her and allowed her to shower at his place, which she relished. He was always so gentlemanly and thoughtful. Tonight, as she often did, she had gone to the boat and was lying out comfortably on the cot that had a wonderful view of the outside, the sky and the surrounding area. She had put on her shorts that were more comfortable for sleeping.

    This night there few clouds and those that were there were so beautiful. Just huge balls of cotton, so white against the blue sky, and as the light diminished, as they turned pinkish, they drifted languorously, and so gorgeously across the darkness of the heavens.

    Tonight was no different. She laid there thinking about her life of yesterday or more to the point, less than a month ago. She wondered how Gracie was doing without her. Dear Gracie. I’ll never forget the night when my big brother came to visit:

    I had told Gracie about Tommy, who was a student at USC, studying Drama and Acting, hoping to become the next big movie star. Fat chance, but one should pursue their dreams if they have the opportunity. Tommy was now twenty-seven and had been working, saving up for this dream he had harbored for years.

    Janet lay there smiling, knowing how that night had developed and what an amazingly exciting and wonderful night it became . . .

    Gracie was as excited as Sally as they prepared for Tommy’s arrival. I had cleaned up, did my hair and make-up and Gracie had done the same. She exclaimed: "I’m not sure if I look enough for your brother, considering you are introducing me as your love, your mate."

    You look beautiful, Sally said, looking at her affectionately. Gracie was a few years older than Sally. She was a couple of inches taller and was slightly heavier as well. Of course Sally was very thin and fit. Gracie was beautiful, in her own way. She had dark hair cut short, a comely face, with bright dark eyes and a mouth that was full, with perfect teeth. Sally loved her, totally.

    Tommy is just a regular guy Gracie, and you’ll love him, I’m sure.

    At five sharp, the doorbell rang. Gracie ran to the mirror to check her make-up. I went to the door and opening it, there was my big bro standing so tall and beautiful. He had his blond hair cut short which framed his square jaw and accentuated his clear blue eyes. Having worked out all his life and having worked as a carpenter for the last few years, made him a specimen to behold at over six feet tall. And in his jeans that hung from his hips, and his casual, white tee-shirt and sandals; he was beautiful, for sure.

    Hi Sally. God you look wonderful. I hope you have been expecting me.

    Expecting you? That’s all we have talked about for the last day or two. Oh, here is Gracie, the love of my life.

    Tommy offered his hand which Gracie shyly took. She was shocked at the size of his hand and how rough and calloused it was. Must be from the carpentering he has done.

    Hi Tommy, you are every bit as beautiful as Sally has painted you. Please come in.

    How about a Manhattan, Sally suggested. That’s what we are drinking.

    Perfect for me; I brought some grass in the event we want to mellow out a little.

    Sally raised her shoulders slightly, not sure what Gracie would say. It’s up to Gracie.

    A little smoke will not hurt us. Sounds perfect to me.

    He looked around admiring her Condo. He hadn’t been here for a few months. He loved the incredible open living room with its gigantic, full window that went across the entire room, almost from the floor clear to the ceiling,

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