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You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses
You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses
You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses
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You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses

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Why do people think they can just come into your life, uproot it, and then go back to their life business as usual?

Thats the question that Dienisha Jones keeps asking herself. The survivor of various failed relationships that left her life in shambles, Dies learning to become her own best friend. Its been years since shes been in a relationship, but all that is about to change.

This Dude comes along and he is one smooth operator. Charming and sexy in his own way and full of promises, he puts Dienisha immediately on guard. Die wastes no time warning him up front if he isnt going to do right by her, he should just keep it moving. But this dude assures her that he is different from all the players who have used her in the past. He promises to love her and treat her right.

But this dude is a liarand Dienisha is no ones fool.

When this player breaks her heartits game onand its time to settle the score. Die is on a mission to make him regret that he ever met her or any other woman. He may have torn her life apart, but thats nothing to what she has planned for him. By the time shes done with him, hell think twenty times before he ever treats another woman the way he treated Die. Shes about to wreak some serious havoc on this no-good life.

This dude is going downand Die is the reason.

Release dateSep 11, 2015
You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses

Daphne DuMariuer Hampton

Daphne DuMariuer Hampton is an ordained minister, motivational speaker, pageant director, and professional cosmetologist by trade. A mother and a grandmother, she is motivated to tell stories of hope and perseverance by her love for people. Her favorite saying is, “Thank God I don’t look like what I’ve been through.”

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    Book preview

    You Can’T Smell Shit When It’S Covered with Roses - Daphne DuMariuer Hampton

    Chapter 1

    DIE’NISHA JONES WAS A WOMAN who had been through so much. She never let it get her down. Thank God she didn’t look like what she’s been through. She had been through several marriages that lead to divorce. She raised her three children as a single parent for the most part. Her children were all grown up and being productive adults. Mission accomplished in her heart. She had held down her own business for over ten years. Die was a beautiful woman inside and out. She had a heart of gold and would put it in your hand if you needed it. She just had horrible luck in relationships. She was married to her kid’s fathers so she had no children out of wedlock. She would be the first to tell any woman it doesn’t matter how you became a single parent. She was married and still became a single parent. She would tell sister’s, "Make sure you can take care of you and your children because a man can leave at any time. Though she raised her kids alone and it was very difficult. Die still was an advocate for marriage. Children deserve to have both parents. She understood clearly why God designed it that way.

    Die was in a different season in her life. She was ready to do some exciting things. She always dreamed of traveling and exploring Europe. She also wanted to learn to dance. She wanted to live and not just exist. Die even entertained the thought of dating again. She decided years before that she would put off dating until her children were grown. It was hard enough raising her kids without bringing a man into the picture. Die was so proud of herself for making that decision. She dreaded thinking about dating. Die and men in a relationship just weren’t a good mix. It would always start out sweet and end in disaster. Die was the type of woman that gave too much too fast. She was a giver. When she loved she loved hard. She was to the point. If she never fell in love again she was ok with it. She believed the pain of breakup was not worth the love that obviously wasn’t real thus the break up. She was so tired of the same ole ending, wanting to kill a nigga.

    Her first step was to take dance lessons. Die knew how to dance. She could boogie but she hadn’t ever had formal training. She always loved the art of dance. She had a very dear friend who was a fantastic dancer. He had been on the dance scene for over forty years. She would ask him to teach her. She did just that. He was excited about teaching her. He had been trying for years to get her to let her guard down and relax a little. They began danced lessons twice a week in Die’s beauty salon. The floors in her salon were perfect to dance on. To Die’s surprise she was a natural. Before she knew it she was dancing her butt off. She loved it. Even though Die learned to dance she still would not go out. She didn’t like the club atmosphere. She was a woman of God. It didn’t look right for a woman of God to be out in a club. Die didn’t feel it was a sin to dance but she didn’t want to lose her impact on the people she would have to minister to. She tried to stay away from the appearance of evil.

    Die’s instructor was a funny man. He would tease Die. Telling her, If you don’t use it you’re going to lose it. He encouraged her to get out more and go dancing. He assured her that it wasn’t how she had imagined in her mind. We are old school girl! We go dancing early and by 10:30 we home.

    Die decided to go with him one Sunday evening only if he drove. She hated to drive. And all the dance events were across town. Her instructor didn’t mind driving. Die loved the fact that he didn’t drink.

    Donnie B picked her up about 6:45 that Sunday evening. Die was worried if she was dressed appropriate. She wore some black slacks and a black and white chiffon blouse and some red pumps. She accessorized with silver earrings and necklace. She was causal cute.

    When Donnie saw her he complimented her. Girl you are going to catch tonight. He said.

    The two of them talked and laughed the entire drive.

    Die didn’t even know exactly where they were going.

    Donnie where are we going? She asked.

    We are going to the original Blue Chicken. He said.

    The Blue Chicken I remember that place. That place has been around for years. I had no idea it was still open. Die exclaimed.

    Yes it’s still open and they draw a nice crowd too. I only go on Sunday’s. That’s when the two-steppers come out. Donnie stammered.

    Die was thinking too much as usual. She was second-guessing even going. At one point she had toned Donnie out. She started praying to herself. Lord please keep me. I want to be kept. I want to dance and have a good time. I don’t want to disappoint you God.

    After her prayer she heard Donnie say, Are you ok?

    I’m fine Donnie She replied.

    Stop worrying and relax. Donnie said.

    They drove up to the Blue Chicken. It was just as Die remembered. The parking lot was crappy. The building was nothing to write home about. It was located in a strip center. The building was ancient. It was covered with red bricks and a double blue door. Donnie backed his car in. Die hands got sweaty and her stomach instantly got butterflies. She hid it from Donnie. They walked through the blue doors and greeted the door attendant. It felt like stepping into another dimension. It was dank and dark. They strolled through to the table right next to the dance floor. They were literally the first ones there. Accept for the Dj and the bartender. Donnie always liked to get there early so he could get his perfect table. Die tried to get comfortable. She was fidgeting with her necklace and sitting straight up. She looked around the place. It was still the same. The furnishing had been upgraded but for the most part everything was the same. The Dj booth set up high to the right of the dance floor. Die made eye contact with the Dj. She smiled and put her head down. The dance floor wasn’t very big at all. It had mirrors on the back wall that made it appear to be larger. Die decided to order her a drink. She thought maybe that would relax her. She orders a glass of white wine.

    The people had started to file in. Die watched as everyone greeted each other. To her surprise she remembered some of the faces. They didn’t waste any time. They came to dance and they were getting on the dance floor. Die was intrigued. It was like Love in motion, to watch the dancers move so gracefully. The ladies were poised as they followed the lead of the gentlemen. Their confidence was flawless. Die spotted Donnie he was out there doing what he do. He had this fine lady turning her as if she was a dancing ballerina. He lifted her up and she looked like a swan in the air. He brought her back down and she didn’t miss a beat. Die knew she was not ready to dance. She was way out of her league. Several gentlemen had asked her to dance. She politely said, No thank you.

    Die had been nursing her glass of wine for a minute. She could feel the effects of it a little. She was trying to get her nerves up to dance. Finally her instructor came over and wasn’t taking no for an answer. They were on the dance floor out front. Die had to dance are she would be the laughing stock of the evening. Donnie made eye contact with her. He didn’t say a word but his expression said relax and dance.

    The music started and Die pretending she was the melody in the music. She danced as if no one was looking. Donnie would nod his head slightly in approval. That gave her more confidence. After the first song Die was ready to go back to her seat. Donnie made her stay on the dance floor. What she didn’t know was Donnie had gone around the club and asked his buddies to come dance with her. When they finished dancing she thought she was going back to her seat. She danced the entire evening.

    That became their routine for the next four are five Sunday’s

    Her instructor really took care of her. He almost became overprotective. If the wrong guy approached her he had his way of running interference. He didn’t play when it came to Die.

    This is my girl right here. He proclaimed. He made fun of Die all the time. Saying to her, You catch a fish every time you go out but you throw it back. He was so right Die just couldn’t do it.

    Everybody from Die’s parent’s age to her son’s age knew about the Blue Chicken.

    Just as Die’s instructor had said, It was a seasoned crowd.

    Die was amazed and in awe as she watched the people dancing. She realized very quickly that she only knew the basic steps in two steps. When she saw how graceful those women were and how smooth the men were. Everyone else had been dancing for years and she felt like all eyes were on her. She had to admit she was having a good time. More fun then she had in years. She could say she had a social life. She looked forward to going to the Blue Chicken.

    Die started dressing sexier. She was getting back into the grove and it felt good. Music was so much clearer to her. She had found her a place to come and showcase her few little moves. She had to laugh to herself. Die just wanted to dance. She even came up with her own slogan. I just want to dance, I don’t want to be your woman, I don’t want your man, I just want to dance. Die did realize that dancing was very sensual and you had to maintain boundaries. The wrong sway of your hips or the deepness of a dip and you could slip into something you couldn’t get out of.

    The one thing Die found that she loved to do DANCE also found her the very thing she ran from a "BROKEN HEART.

    Chapter 2

    WHY DON’T I LISTEN TO my own words of advice? This is what Die’nisha asked herself a million times?

    How did this dude break through the ice that guarded her warm heart?

    It was a Friday night Die felt like dancing. She called around to see where the happenings were for this particular evening. She called her go-to sister from the dance community who was well connected along with her husband. The Royals were well known and respected in the dance community. Die and Yolise hit it off right away. The couple took Die under their wings and they really looked out for her. She got the information she needed from Yolise. The place to be was the Blue Chicken.

    It was first Friday and they would be celebrating all the birthdays for the month of August on that Friday. It was a very nice way to acknowledge the sweet people that were a part of the dance community. It was going to be a lovely evening. Die was looking forward to it.

    Die got home from a long day at the salon and took a quick breather before getting ready. She didn’t want to get too relaxed or it would have been a wrap. Die was known for saying she was going somewhere, get home, relax and wouldn’t go. She really liked being at home. She was trying to get out a little bit more like her instructor had encouraged her to do. Die started moving and trying to decide what she could wear that would be cute and comfortable. Her days of wearing clothes and shoes that hurt were over. For some reason she was feeling a little frisky that evening. She decided to wear a black jumpsuit that fit every curve. It had slits all the way down the side. She hadn’t worn that little number in a while, but she knew whenever she wore it she got a lot of attention. Die got as cute as she could, looked in the mirror and said This is all I have to give them tonight.

    Die always dreaded the long drive to these events but this night she was making that drive. She got to the Blue Chicken about 8:30. The parking lot was full.

    When she entered the front door of the Blue Chicken, she could almost feel the spirit of every soul that had passed through the doors. It had a heavy feel to it. The lighting was dark and blue which set the tone for the evening. The dance floor was not very big-the smaller the dance floor, the bigger the party. The people made the Blue Chicken. The Blue Chicken was as odd as its name.

    Die parked her car and did the pretty girl inspection: no lips stick on her teeth, nose was clear, hair in place, make up flawless. Her check was complete and she was good. She grabbed her dance shoes and her portable fan the Royals had given her.

    Die entered the place and spotted the Royals right away. They had saved her a seat right up front. She made her way over to them and greeted everyone at the table. They always made Die feel so loved. Die noticed a few more of the familiar faces and greeted them as well. Then she saw her dance instructor on the dance floor cutting up; he was such a clown. He was a very seasoned dancer. Everybody knew him. He finally saw Die and started his shenanigans.

    Girl, look what the wind blew in, I can’t believe my eyes, and the world must be coming to an end.

    Die was tickled. She knew he would be surprised to see her out without asking him for a ride. She told him, Stop, come dance with me.

    He always wanted to be out front so everyone could see him dance. They danced and Die prepared for the dance lesson. She had told him many times before Donnie B, teach me in class. When I’m out dancing, don’t teach, just dance. He was always her instructor no matter what. They danced a couple of songs and then it was on.

    Die kept getting asked to dance. She was having fun. Then this dude comes along. He asked Die to dance and she informed him she was just learning two-step. He was very persistent and energetic. Die wondered if she could keep up with him and to her surprise, they had perfect chemistry. They danced and danced and danced.

    Die loved the way he was patient with her. He brought the dancer out in her. He was a very good lead, aggressive in a subtle way. All they did was dance. There was no conversation, no number exchange, just dancing and it was very fun. After they were done dancing, he went his way and Die went hers.

    Die was curious about this dude she had just torn the dance floor up with. She asked Yolise if she knew who he was; she did not.

    Die asked her instructor and he said, I have seen him around but I don’t really know him.

    Die thought to herself, Maybe I will see him on the dance scene again. It was starting to get late, so Die said her goodbyes and headed home.

    On her 45-minute drive she thought about the evening and wondered about this dude she had such great chemistry with on the dance floor. Her instructor was driving right in front of her, making sure she made it home safe. She got home and called it a night.

    A week passed and now it was time to get ready for the Go Motion graduation event. In the dance community there are different dance companies. You go to dance class and once you have learned all the dance steps to your instructor’s satisfaction, they host a graduation to acknowledge that you have met all requirements and completed your class.

    Die thought this was neat. Normally you learn a dance routine with the other dancers in your class. You then perform your dance routine at the graduation. Go Motion is one of the elite dance companies. The instructor of Go Motion has a way of bringing all types of dance styles into his presentations. It is a joy to watch the dancers perform.

    Die was a little tired this particular Saturday since she had worked all day. After work she ran by her house and picked a little black dress out of her closet. She threw some accessories into her overnight bag. Then she headed to her parents’ home before going to the graduation.

    Her parents didn’t live far from where the event was being held. She loved hanging out with her parents. Her only problem was she never wanted to leave once she got there. She would be so comfortable, she was home. Die always felt her safest at her parents’ house. She and her mother were a hoot when they got together, just laughing and carrying on and her dad loved to hear the two of them together.

    It was getting late and time for Die to start getting ready for the event. She thought, I just grabbed a dress, not sure if she could wear the dress.

    Die had lost weight that summer and she wasn’t sure how the dress would fit. The first thing on the agenda was to try that dress on. To her surprise the size ten slipped right over her voluptuous breast and sat nicely, showing a little cleavage and the hem rested right at mid-thigh showing off her long Hennessey brown legs. That dress accentuated all of Die’s natural assets. The dress fit her perfectly, so she was good to go.

    Die finished her flawless look by pinning up her blonde braids, leaving one down on each side to frame her face. She beat her face with her Lac make up, slid her feet into her perfect strappy stiletto heels and sprayed her favorite perfume in all the special places. Die painted on her last natural accessory, the million dollar smile God blessed her with. She got approval from her mom on her look.

    Baby girl you look stunning!

    Then she was on her way.

    Die had a 20-minute drive to her destination. She was feeling pretty and confident. She listened to the dance CD that her instructor had made for her. Yeah, she was ready to dance the evening away. She just prayed her feet wouldn’t be killing her by the end of the night.

    She arrived at her destination, the Flamingo Ball Room. The parking lot was jammed packed. The parking attendant directed her where to park. He put her in a spot up front-FAVOR. Die did her pretty girl inspection before she got out the car: lips were gleaming from that ice Lac lip-gloss. Her eyes painted to perfection and were banging, nose clear, no bra strap showing, legs oiled, elbows greased, money, ticket, dance shoes in hand. She was ready. Die stepped out of the car.

    The parking attendant said to her, I sure wish I wasn’t parking cars tonight. I would rather be going to the dance with you. You are so beautiful ma’am.

    Die smiled, Thank You.

    Die knew the Who’s Who would be representing at this event and she was just happy to be a part of it.

    The Flamingo Ball Room was a very historic building in the downtown area that had been around for years. The facade of the building was very old. Die loved the Flamingo but dreaded climbing the steep stairs at the entrance. She was always afraid of falling. This was not the night to fall because all her ass would be out. That wouldn’t be pretty at all.

    She made her way up the stairs and into the grand ballroom. Wow! It was decorated beautifully in an old time, Harlem Nights theme; it was exquisite. The beautiful receptionist Essence greeted Die at the door. Die gave her the ticket and was escorted to her table.

    It was the best table in the place. Die had been seated with the Go Motion family and she felt privileged. She was right next to the stage, the perfect seat to see all the dance performances. She looked around the room and she spotted the Royal’s, who were as busy as little bees. They were very hands on. If you needed help you could count on the Royal’s. Die didn’t want to bother them so she just waved and smiled from a distance. She knew she would get her hug from them both later. She recognized many people with whom she had become acquainted and she could finally say she was a part of the dance scene and she loved it.

    Die decided to put on her dance shoes, which was always a chore. It was a struggle because she could never get the buckle to act right. It was frustrating and not cute at all.

    She noticed the DJ laughing at her. Die laughed with him and gestured for him to come help her. He came right over and assisted her with her dance shoes. Die thanked him and hit him on his arm for laughing at her.

    He smiled and said, It was my pleasure.

    Die teased, Yeah, I saw you looking at my legs.

    He teased back, That is not what I was looking at.

    They both laughed.

    He went back behind the DJ table. Die thought to herself, Keep playing. He was very handsome and smelled so good. Die stood up to make sure her dance shoes were comfy. She walked over to the DJ booth; she couldn’t resist. She told the DJ, If you get a chance to leave from behind that table tonight, I will pleasure you with a dance. That’s the least I can do since you buckled my shoes.

    He smiled that sexy grin and said, Beautiful I would love to dance with you. Do you have a song request you want us to dance to?

    Die melted just a little and said, Yes, can you play It’s you by Kem?

    He began to search for the song and as soon as he found it he put it on. Die danced her first dance of the night with the handsome DJ.

    Then this dude comes along. Die couldn’t believe her eyes. It was the dude she had dance with at the Blue Chicken the Friday before. To her surprise he was assigned to the same table. She recognized him immediately.

    He walked up with half of a cake in his hand. Die had made up in her mind that if he didn’t remember her, she wouldn’t mention the Friday before. He kept looking at Die like he knew her from somewhere.

    Finally he asked, Do I know you?

    Die chuckled, Yes, we danced about ten songs last week at the Blue Chicken.

    I know I had a few drinks that night but you look different to me, He shared.

    Yeah, I clean up well, Die proclaimed.

    You sure do. He said and winked at her.

    Die asked him, What is the cake for?

    He said, It’s my birthday! My daughter baked me a cake so I brought some of it to share.

    Die said, Happy Birthday.

    They laughed, talked and got acquainted. Then he asked Die to dance. The magic was still there. They danced most of the night.

    When Die danced with someone else, it became even more apparent that she had chemistry with this dude. Die was convinced the dancing just wasn’t the same with the other guys.

    Later that evening a mutual friend came and sat at the table with them. Die was always so happy to see Betty Lee. She had been on the dance scene for years.

    Betty Lee had brought this dude a birthday card and asked if she could sign Die’s name in it as well. She didn’t want him to think she liked him in the wrong way.

    Die being Die said, Sure and let’s put twenty dollars in it.

    Betty Lee protested, Twenty Dollars?!

    Die said, Sure it’s not going to make us or break us. If we are going to give him a card, let’s do it right. Die pulled out a twenty and handed it to her.

    Betty Lee gave him the card and his eyes lit up.

    Betty Lee informed Die that she had gotten baptized earlier that day. This dude had attended her baptism. She told Die she was changing her life and living for God.

    Die thought it was awesome. Die congratulated her on making the decision to serve God and being obedient by getting baptized. They chatted a bit then it was back to dancing.

    The performances that evening were awesome. Go motion had out done themselves once again. The food was good and the company was great. Die was having a very beautiful evening. As the time was well spent, the evening was winding down and Die was saying her goodbyes.

    A commotion erupted after one of her dear friends had been hurt by a piece of falling equipment. Die was trying to see what was going on and trying to make sure her friend was ok.

    Die’s friend had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. Die was with her and the rest of their friends praying until the ambulance took off. Die didn’t go to the hospital; she would go home and wait for her girl friends’ family to call her. Die re-entered the Flamingo, got her things, and commenced to leave.

    This dude asked if he could keep in touch with her, so they exchanged phone numbers. Die went home and called it a night.

    The next morning, the message notification on the cell phone awakened Die.

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