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The Winged Serpent: The Real Story Behind the Psyche’S Use of Symbolism to Transform a Base Mentality into a Fully Realized Human
The Winged Serpent: The Real Story Behind the Psyche’S Use of Symbolism to Transform a Base Mentality into a Fully Realized Human
The Winged Serpent: The Real Story Behind the Psyche’S Use of Symbolism to Transform a Base Mentality into a Fully Realized Human
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The Winged Serpent: The Real Story Behind the Psyche’S Use of Symbolism to Transform a Base Mentality into a Fully Realized Human

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My search for meaning uncovered a secret brain program in charge of moral development. A roadmap to enlightenment comes through the unique language of symbolism that has long been forsaken. This foreign tongue reveals the nature of divinity and truth of existence. It shows us who we really are, not who we think we are. A metaphoric component silently transforms a base consciousness to all-knowing awareness by converting power to love. Success in transforming an animal species to human status comes by attaching an integrated brain to a compassionate heart. Otherwise, life gets nasty as evidenced in bias, prejudice, bigotry, and profiling. Projections of how we feel about ourselves translate into how we treat others. Awakening to reality, after a long slumber in fantasy, is essential to raise our level of consciousness and our degree of self-awareness. A higher mental state is under construction. It needs our help to end the destruction and suffering our blindness causes. Blindness will be lifted by an involuntary change in vision.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 2, 2015
The Winged Serpent: The Real Story Behind the Psyche’S Use of Symbolism to Transform a Base Mentality into a Fully Realized Human

Marilyn L. Kraft

Marilyn Kraft spent thirty-five years in education as a teacher, trainer of new teachers, principal, college instructor, and supervisor of student teachers. Taking her master degrees in gifted education and in supervision, she taught courses in left- and right-brained processes and integrated thinking techniques. More important is her intrigue with topics such as symbolism, mythology, dreams, religions, and spirituality. Lifelong fascination with the brain led to writing the book “The Winged Serpent.” It focuses on the evolution of consciousness to complete the reorganization of the emergent brain.

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    The Winged Serpent - Marilyn L. Kraft

    Copyright © 2015 by Marilyn L. Kraft.

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    Rev. date: 04/28/2015








    The Mystery of the Missing Feminine


    Clues to a Mystery


    The Mystery of Existence


    The Brain’s Lost Text


    A Glimpse of Light


    Looking for Answers


    The Archetypal Code


    The Brainstem/ Cortex Partnership


    The Cerebrum/ The Daughter Archetype

    CHAPTER 10

    Creative Imagination/Figurative Language

    CHAPTER 11

    The Daughter/ Son Archetypes

    CHAPTER 12

    The Self/ Son Archetype

    CHAPTER 13

    Separation from the Mainstream

    CHAPTER 14

    The Brother Archetype/The Ego

    CHAPTER 15

    The Ego/Shadow Dichotomy

    CHAPTER 16

    The Sequential Order

    CHAPTER 17

    A World of Opposites

    CHAPTER 18

    Denigration of Dragon Wisdom

    CHAPTER 19

    Decline of the Carnival

    CHAPTER 20

    From Literalism to Symbolism

    CHAPTER 21

    The Sister Archetype

    CHAPTER 22

    The Fight for Clarity

    CHAPTER 23

    Cosmic Models

    CHAPTER 24

    The Cosmic Timepiece

    CHAPTER 25

    Sky/ Earth Mythology

    CHAPTER 26


    CHAPTER 27


    CHAPTER 28

    Awakening to Reality

    CHAPTER 29

    The Whole Truth





    W e all are born psychically wounded and seek ways to deny our wounded-ness or work through the anxiety it evokes. That pre-condition secretly influences a lifetime of decisions pertaining to how we think about ourselves and live our lives. A culprit arose to block the healing process. It is the self-deceiving but idolized ego. It willfully engages in an insurgency to hide its flaws from detection. Its actions block the path to maturity. Maturity is not a state of being that society addresses. It is more than making sense of life, drawing moral lessons from experience, or applying wise counsel to immediate situations. A hereditary program of self-perfection is installed in each brain to perfect what is imperfect. The inner program matures us. The brain is a data-processing network. It is impaired without the ability to combine information to make sound judgments and solve tough problems. The thinking mind was created as a means to fix a fragmented brain that exists as unrelated faculties and non-integrated functions. It is our thoughts that require maturing. We are to be enlightened from deep inside us. To communicate directions for the task at hand, a life-transforming language is provided to complete the program. Assisting the cranial restoration project is a silent, pictorial, deeply meaningful, instant-messaging system. It utilizes images, insights, feelings, symbols, metaphors, mythologies, dreams, and synchronicities to transmit truths about the predicament of brokenness. The journey to being an enlightened person once was automatically followed but has since been rejected and forgotten. Urgency makes it time to resurrect the metaphorical mind that takes us to maturity and away from da nger.

    A program in the brain prepares us for what we need to know and how we are to live. Its focus on connections between brain parts and relations among people keeps the species and planet in balance. The midbrain is two-dimensional, but the sides have not yet coordinated. Science provides ample knowledge of brain structures. Unknown are the metaphysical transmissions that are invisible and non-conscious. The secret activity that is referred to as divinity is revealed through the Archetypal Code, the Language of Symbolism, the Faculty of Revelation, and Creation Stories. Nature’s two goals are to complete the incomplete brain and refine unrefined behavior. The Language of Symbolism raises awareness of the need to coordinate two realities that are opposites. The brain unfolds a behavioral program the species is to follow. Harmony among brain parts sets the tone for harmony among people. Revelations make cranial unity urgent for our species, our data-processing system, and our planet. A dangerously corrupt world of defective thinking and immoral conduct indicates we failed life’s test. The good news is decline is reversible by raising awareness of what it means to be human. This educational system that elucidates our minds is not found in textbooks or on line. It is nature talking to humanity in the most mysterious ways.

    The truth about the metaphysical realm and why it was expunged is revealed in the book, The Winged Serpent. It exposes the consequences for having short-circuited the self-renewal program. Thought not based on truth and behavior not aligned with reality kill the expectation for maturity. The mystery is why mankind defied natural law to tamper with creation and disrupt the inflow of intelligence from the metaphysical realm. Nature takes us to optimal growth. Man fights to stay unchanged. The motive behind the defiance is shocking and life-altering. Stagnant perception and rebellious behavior raise suspicions. Universal standards exist to monitor thought and conduct. The narrative man invented about life is on trial. Understanding the brain solves the mystery of why the transmissions from inner life were disrupted and what can be done to revive nature’s two-sided system. The link between them is unbreakable for good reason. The revival of the old communication system of symbolism is intoxicating. It is nonverbal and foreign. The pictorial and emotive language of the interiority ramps up the sense of intrigue in order to raise human consciousness to its optimal state. The strange but appealing journey through the immaterial realm solves the following mysteries:

    • The significance of a metaphysical layer of the brain

    • The nature of human potential and how it is fulfilled

    • The part mythology plays in human evolution

    • The existence of an inner life and what it does

    • The story of a downed hero and a female rescuer

    • The methods used to transmit instructions for maturity

    • The root of religion and the origin of God

    • The role of consciousness in moral development

    • The condition the brain is in and why it matters

    • The understanding of metaphors that direct our lives


    T he entire brain is dismantled. To coordinate its parts, it delivers a plan for its full recovery. A metaphysical brain speaks silently to the mind to alter its beliefs and guide its growth. That is what I learned when I turned in innocence to read mythologies. I was astounded by what they revealed about human development. I had no intention to discover the way consciousness works or what it is. I did not write this book in any conventional way, with a pre-conceived idea or prepared outline. I had no reason to develop an argument about the origin of religion, the immortality of the soul, or the existence of God. I had no knowledge of such deep-seated subjects as a metaphysical dimension or a moral code. This society gives no credence to an inner world. It does not accept that direction could come from inside us. The truth is I did not write this book; it wrote me. I was the recipient of a profound wisdom I cannot claim or own. It arose from a deep place that was intellectually foreign to me. It was not a product of my personal mind. I am not aware of possessing existential truth about an interactive Presence or the existence of an Archetypal Code, let alone why either exists. A complex principle of maturity, I learned, is not explained in the physical world. I never tied spirituality to brain anatomy or to the expansion of perception. Individuals are expected to figure out what life means and what truth is. I did not search for a hidden plan that maps the evolution of consciousness or unleashes diverse states of being. Human potential, the higher vision of what being human means, never made it into my perception. Only in the act of writing did tidbits of data fling together like magnets and self-organize into something unique—the secret existence of an optimal rea lity.

    I dabbled in symbolism and mythology but no revelations arose from the readings. I learned of levels of consciousness and higher-order thinking in college courses, but the separate categories were never integrated studies. Unrelated sources of data combined into a gestalt as I began to compose. While writing of the sorry state of world affairs and the reasons for it, a secret truth started to take shape. Nothing in my wildest imagination readied me to discover a figurative language that reports on how the brain operates during times of division. Dreams lay out a plan for unity. The idea that an executive brain sends insights to a lesser mind was not even suspected. I was clueless about a broken brain, disharmony among archetypes, or mythical tales to restore harmony. I gave no thought to what divine intervention means or whether divinity exists, until that divine order penetrated my mind to alter my perception of myself and my orientation to the world. I learned of a living presence inside that is an intangible part of existence. The eternal occupant (Plato) takes the thinking mind on a journey to feel and reason. The individual mind in a collective action rebuffed destiny to block evolution. Unaware of the fallout, it failed to realize the sentient existence has a life all its own ( The something inside that was educating me had no identity or name. That is when the investigation began in earnest.

    I awakened to truths of which I had no prior knowledge. My attitude about me and life was changing as I was made the subject of my study. Primary relations between a material mind and an immaterial non-mind revealed a higher force at work inside. The transforming experience produces a new way to be affiliated with others and belong to life. Wakefulness is our fate. Only after embracing revelatory truths did I encounter writings on related topics. Outside confirmation of what I found inside is a startling synchronicity. I found the word imagistic in association with a poetry movement and in a book by Craig Eisendrath. Confluence came from works of Tom Chetwynd on symbology and Guida M. Jackson on mythology. Connections made and conclusions drawn in this book are my own. Ancient tales informed me of a divided brain and provided the metaphor to reassemble cranial parts. Similar threads wove disparate ideas together. I contacted permissions departments for the right to quote from authors, giving credit where due. I apologize for any I overlooked. Since ideas are products of the inner source that is the same in all people; replication, no matter how unintended, is unavoidable. The lesson is we are to grow from fools to sages. That explains the brain’s story and the psyche’s purpose.


    The Mystery of the Missing Feminine

    T o feel alone in your body, in the world, or in the universe is detrimental to mental health and human wellness. Aloneness was not the human experience prior to antiquity, the time when human consciousness took a turn for the worse. Humanity used to feel a deep connection to something greater and more magnanimous that infused the body with animation and the mind with inspiration. It accompanied humanity through the travails of life. It aroused an intense feeling of being alive, energized, and hopeful. It bolstered the human spirit. Physiological prompts provoked an impulse to take specific action. Something inside mimicked a talking machine that made no sound. It used feelings, embedded in images, to get its messages heard above verbal chatter. The strangely contorted pictures it forwarded had little resemblance to anything in ordinary life. Nevertheless, they delivered a punch that left a profound impact on awareness and judgment. The images packed an emotional charge. Their novelty and intensity assured they would be noticed. Their presence aroused intrigue and curiosity. A hidden messenger controlled the infusion of energy that flows through the organism to the mind. Modern man does not remember what existence felt like when the Inner Presence was active and the organism was invigorated. Life was filled with energy, enthusiasm, passion, vitality, and inspiration—the internal animation that lets us know we are alive and human. Did sacrificing that living connection make us feel less alive and less than h uman?

    Something that should be living inside of us is no longer there. Instead, utter silence fills the space that used to be bustling with activity. Everyone experiences the yearning for something tragically lost and dearly missed without comprehending to what the nagging feeling refers. There is nothing to explain the emptiness or why it persists. Conscience is an inherited check to maintain balance. It keeps behavior moral. It too went still. No feeling loop gives instant feedback on behavior to shame us into doing better. Its absence eliminates the ability to give meaning to random acts by putting them in a relational context. Prehistoric women governed matriarchal cultures. Did the times of female rule leave an imprint on the brain or cause a bad reaction? The whereabouts of the Feminine is unknown. To know the secret identity of that essential something that disappeared and to understand her purpose for being would solve the mystery of existence and meaning of life. Imprinted in the brain is a drive to be more. It gets translated incorrectly into a drive to have more—to accumulate desirable things that play to the envy of others. The part about being something more—becoming a better person, became a foreign concept. A hidden force works to recover what the Inner Presence means and to disclose where she has gone. The process is like a gradual recovery from amnesia to piece reality back together. The reason she went missing is a mystery. Her disappearance left a deep hole that cannot be filled by intimate relations or pleasurable pastimes. A heightened sense of being incomplete cannot be medicated out of existence. It may be what fuels addictions, a desperation to fill the emptiness and end the anxiety surrounding it. An inner prompt to find relief was misdirected into outer drives. The incentive to have more became an excuse to grab power from others to deny helplessness and to gratify cravings. The motive is not to help others to do better but to feel superior to them—to be better than they are. Selfish acts to outdo others seem to work against criteria hidden in the inner depths of our being.

    Humanity enters the world with a predisposition for values programmed into the heart. An innate moral perspective primes the species to relate to and care for others. The Presence inspires each individual to become a better person. Inspiration is not for accumulating power, possessions, titles, or wealth. It is not to triumph over others but to work to improve lives, theirs as well as our own. A nudge reminds us to nurture the relational component in us. Social competency that pre-exists inside is a universal value. Showing concern for the welfare of others is a natural tendency. A communal outlook is the by-product of an inner moral code. An internal process for self-perfection that improves the impoverished outlook we all hold is hard to grasp in modern times. The wisdom to perfect perception and deepen discernment is inherited. We lost touch with the workings of an inner life. We do not remember prior commitments and old practices. The Inner Presence that was once palpably felt refined a coarse personality. No one listens to her anymore or has any idea she exists. The way she accomplishes her goal is to cause inner stirrings within the prevailing pattern of thought to change the way we think and behave. The old cognitive system is swept aside to replace dying concepts with what is relevant and beneficial. The invisible force comes and goes for as long as it takes to exchange conventional thought that grew stale for a fresh vision that is all-encompassing. The unknowable Presence is the supra-natural force that turns us into who we are fated to be. The question is who is she and where did she go? What does she expect of us? Did a moral inclination—understanding right from wrong—disappear with her? How did her absence impact life? How is human behavior affected? Why do we feel lost without her? Are male attacks on women and their mistreatment of them related to her exile? Investigating her disappearance will solve life’s mystery.

    The reason she returns despite her banishment from the conscious attitude lies in her influence on human life. The Feminine, says Idries Shah, is the bringer of light. She is the originator and animator of thought, the integrator of multiple layers of being. If life cannot improve without a material mind tethered to this immaterial entity, to the pushes and pulls from her unseen activities, then why is her perspective excluded? If part of existence inhabits inner space and clandestinely interacts with humans, then too little is known about the mind and how it develops. If it depends on unannounced interventions from this inner guide, then what have we done by eliminating her? If her interest is to elucidate a dim mind, then the assumption is life begins attached to a dark side that is unlit and unknown. Any modern-day knowledge of this potent inner force is scanty at best. Whatever leaks out from time-to-time is unremarkable. What little was known about how the brain communicated its predicament was forgotten. Is denial of the Feminine the cause of suffering? If that connection is made, then we might be more willing to search for lost wisdom. Maybe taking responsibility for the enormity of human error is too difficult. Maybe a step taken toward some secret truth requires great humility on the part of the seeker. Maybe the resurgence of the lost Feminine is prohibited by man-made traditions that refuse to become obsolete. Male rule has lasted for over 4,000 years. The treatment of women worldwide is not good. Did something during the changeover in rule from one gender to the other fire dissention? Something turned women into victims. Nothing in patriarchal cultures supports a search for truth. Why not? Something is responsible for anti-female traditions that sprung up all over the world simultaneously. Is there a root cause for brutality against women? Do men not want them to share equal pay for the same job performance because of a deep resentment or a ferocious competition that started long ago?

    Outdated beliefs cause hardships. A state of imbalance presently cries out for the restoration of balance. An updated perspective yearns to be expressed, but the old system of conventional beliefs refuses to budge. The warming of the earth is analogous to an anticipated thaw in the cognitive structure that has gone rigid like a solid block of ice. Feminine characteristics register as some kind of threat to religions that depend on conforming to particular ideologies. Catholic women cannot enter the priesthood or make decisions concerning their body’s fertility. Jewish women of the Orthodox faith sit apart from men. Islamic women are hidden under clothing that covers the head and body with an opening for the eyes. Patriarchal societies limit feminine independence. Minds tied to old teachings accept without question what authority figures taught and what their words teach long after their deaths. The Feminine that stands for something opposite incites fear in hearts. Perhaps too much is at stake for cultures founded on half-truths to do a turnabout. Beliefs about the heavenly God turned the Feminine and females into outcasts or victims. The quality of their lives has been at the mercy of men. Patriarchal leaders disconnected conscious knowledge from feminine wisdom. Each person is to activate an inquiring mind to discover whether competing forces of religion and spirituality have a common thread to relate them. Do these opposites beg for reconciliation? The question is why do tensions between two principles exist and persist? We know about religion. Spirituality is a blind item that fell through the cracks. No one mourns its disappearance. Few remember what it means or what it did.

    Conflicts that began within human consciousness spilled outside. Dissent affects men and women. It influences the way societies structure relations between genders. Motives for behavior come from the brain. Life is an enactment of what happened there. Dividing the brain into feminine and masculine components had a purpose. The division caused confusion and hostility. The concern is whether prolonged antagonism between them is neutral or lethal. Does feuding amount to nothing or everything? Answers to these esoteric questions are available from the source within, called the Collective Unconscious. It is the authority behind the Universal Language of the World. It is the Reservoir of Ancestral Wisdom. Its infinite content comes from the fusion of databases in which truths are already written. They need to be flushed out from non-conscious waters to be known again. The unknown content within the Unconscious is opposite to human consciousness. It is the totality of which self-consciousness is a miniscule part. Something in that primary relationship went very wrong. The Unconscious enfolds within it the origins of planetary evolution and the destiny for the Homo sapiens. It is the storehouse of past realities and future potential. The Feminine is connected to this energy source. She brings love to hearts and light to minds. Living seems an exercise in combining loving and learning, being and perceiving. Every human being is to be enlightened about what love means. It is easy to accumulate knowledge to know facts. Not so easy is giving meaning to the world of strange pictures and random thoughts that belong to a mysterious inner realm. Two systems of sight and insight are separate, not related. Something deeper and fuller than the limited mind hides in the dark and begs to be found. Civilization offers no incentive to search for truth or recover wisdom. In fact, cultures do the opposite. They deter individuals from taking the road less travelled. Before language and culture exerted influence, everyone was connected to the Core of Being, to the fount of imagery that directs life. That connection has been broken. Why?

    The inner cranial structure is fixed. It exists because of the way the brain evolved and was formatted. Even though humanity’s orientation to the Feminine within it is the critical point in the brain’s evolution; it is not recognized, acknowledged, or understood. Through a mechanism of generalization, all associated things are treated in the same preconceived way. Things are joined by similarities. Thus, an attitude of negativity applied to the Feminine directly affects the treatment of actual women. A misogynistic attitude limits their full participation in society or in relationships. The leadership role women held in matriarchal societies changed drastically, but hardly accidentally, in patriarchal societies. After being suppressed for thousands of years, the mysterious Feminine received positive attention in the 20th century. At different times, she is referred to as the Divine Feminine, Mother of All, Earth Mother, Mother Archetype, Feminine Principle, or one of two faces of God. To what do these strange titles refer? What is their source? Answers are hard to find when inquiries into truths are culturally discouraged. Therefore, the art of questioning is critical to unlock secrets of the brain and mysteries of life. Are we misinformed? Is the obvious mystery not solvable or is truth camouflaged? Problems cannot be solved without full activation of the inquiring mind to raise doubts, collect information, compare views, and find answers. Discovering the truth about the Feminine is pertinent to psychological life. Suppose her participation affects species continuity. What is the nature of her reality or purpose for being? Is resurgence of public interest in the metaphysical, in content that throws that which is unseen by the human eye into direct experience, related to her? What motivation is there to care about her or to know her true identity? What relevance does she have to fits and turns in ordinary life? Answers will come when the nature of the doubled process she employs is revealed. The shocking truth is mind-shattering and life-altering. Whether it wants to or not, the closeted mind will learn about its origins and its destiny. Both seem problematic.

    Despite institutionalized attempts to suppress the Feminine, there is good reason she slides into human attention like a fog on little cat feet (poet Carl Sandburg). The perplexity is why persistent efforts to demonize or annihilate her fail so dismally? What is behind the mystification, bewilderment, and confusion surrounding her? How did cutting off the mind from natural forces of creativity disrupt growth and contaminate life? Is there a secret plot to befuddle the mind to keep thoughts away from such topics as consciousness and renewal? Might this amorphous Presence turn destructive if her power is short-circuited either by ignorance or malice? Did ancient leaders deliberately manipulate human thought to control attitudes and prevent the kind of questioning that exposes the fallacies on which religions and cultures are based? In this nearing Age of Aquarius, is a cult of deception about to be overturned in favor of an excruciatingly painful truth? Is this the Age to reconcile opposites and move on? Is an individual mind about to be freed from the collective repression of feeling and emotion? Are integrity and autonomy to be resurrected? While existence hurls humanity toward its destiny, does the culture do the opposite? Does it limp toward a future it does not want to overtake? Despite procrastination, a paradigm shift is underway. Like a meteorite hitting the earth, it packs the power to change the world order—the way life is perceived and lived. For sure, men benefit more from the present social structure than women do. The prediction is an obstructionist will be unseated! A throne will be vacated. What is this throne and who will be seated upon it? That answer unravels the entire mystery.

    Answers can be found in the power of myth to stimulate imagination—the basis of an instinctual impulse to grow into something better than the state in which we begin life. If inspiration to improve is ignored or neglected, then unmet needs turn negative and disrupt relations in the world. Locked in inner strife from an undisclosed origin, man set life up to be a struggle. It inhibits operations of that inner force that pushes for things to change. Something pre-exists in the brain to prod an individual to a second mindset that is better than the first. Existing outside of conscious control, the Presence has the power to re-order reality. Something about that was disturbing. Human behavior is driven by a misperceived threat and misguided fear of punishment or retaliation for some unspecified misdeed that occurred in antiquity. Menace is seen in anyone whose characteristics are different from ours. Fear of being found guilty or wrong turned the Inner Presence into the enemy of the people. Ancient men did not trust change, especially by an involuntary act. Therefore, steps were taken to remove her influence, whatever it might be. It was believed, naively perhaps, that this potent force could be banished from life simply by denying her existence. Being oblivious to metaphysical processes, to the unseen activities that go on below conscious awareness; it is possible for an unrealistic idea to take hold, even if it distorts the truth. The belief was based on the presumption that no damage would be suffered in the wake of assaults on the powerful source within it. The destruction that resulted from her dismissal is felt more keenly each day. Working from this false premise, patriarchs gouged out her influence from the eye of memory. Sacred forces that exist for an undisclosed purpose were obliterated by trickery and ruse. The inner realm of activity got cordoned off as forbidden territory. Truth became forbidden fruit. No one knows what happened or dares to ask. What caused such an unquestioning orientation to ideas and to life?

    Fear is attached to a faded memory of what was once known but has been forgotten. The mind is formatted in a particular way to keep it vigilant in making sure the exile never returns. By obliterating her, something essential to existence slipped away. Nature implanted in the brain a program for self-improvement. The powerful narrative was deleted from human consciousness. No memory of it remains. By the snap of two fingers, the Inner Presence was eradicated, pegged as a danger but dangerous to what or to whom was never mentioned. Rumors spread about her treachery. A rational mind might question how something that did not even exist can hurt anyone. Disobedience to a new injunction to stay away from the forbidden force came with stiff penalties. Questions about her disappearance hit a dead end. Secret meetings to honor her were prohibited. God, the masculine deity, gets lifted out of a fixed triad of deities. He is placed in the sky to be the distant creator and redeemer of life. Was the Feminine once a part of that triad? What held the place of the third member of the threesome? Why is she the one left behind and exiled, never to be heard from again? Did a goddess identity precede that of god? Why was she dismissed and her role forsaken? The power of myth to enhance perception is downplayed. Imagination is flattened. The ability to envision a possible answer is squashed on the spot. Planned rumors, false myths, religious traditions, mystery plays, literary propaganda were used to denigrate and demonize the Feminine, the one proclaimed to be the life-grower and light-giver. Fear of her interventions kept the mind fixated on the materiality of the world outside. Is there an inner world? Without the light that shines on hidden areas; the mind stays dense, dark, and sinister. No longer able to receive feminine wisdom, man cannot mature. Darkness cannot be lit. The suspected crime of rebellion altered the genetic code and let chaos unfold. Truth cannot penetrate a closed mind. Its absence leaves a hunger for meaning, but answers are not found in the outside world.

    Knowledge of the identity of the Feminine is crucial to solve the mystery of life. What role does the Feminine play, why did she go missing, and what complications arose because of her absence? Knowing helps to understand why a deep hole exists inside of our being without her nurturing and comforting presence. The void registers as a profound sense of something lost that begs to be found. She is the symbol of buried gold for which we are not prompted to dig. A profound loss is behind the desperate search to find missing pieces of us. Her animating principle has primacy in that she gives life to the physical body and brings light to the dense mind. To accomplish life’s goals, she inspires a move to wholeness that brings head and heart modalities together within one organism. She who is crucial to life does not even have a name. We can intuit that the missing aspect is the Earth Mother or Great Goddess. But what does that mean? Does she have a significant impact on modern life? Is hers an old system of communication that has been outgrown or something relevant and essential? The coming of human consciousness that begins life’s drama is, at the same time, the cause of a perplexing dilemma. Some alarm goes off inside to warn that something is not right. The brain holds the answers. Researchers in brain studies say the cranium that once was whole was broken into related layers of two and then three. Names of the tripled layers in the order they emerged are the Brainstem, the Cortex, and the Cerebrum. Are they gender-based? Were separate roles assigned to them? Do they collaborate?

    The horizontal splitting of the Cortex created the first cranial division. However, it was not the last. Immortals occupy the brain to enlighten minds. A vertical cut through the Cerebrum unleashed the realm of mortals to receive the inspiration to grow. Nature provided educational tools to perfect the human being that starts life imperfect. The cut gave rise to a duality. The split between consciousness and the Unconscious created two casts of players—humans (mortals) and deities (immortals). The immortals transfer directives to make life better. To be like them is the goal. It is incorrectly interpreted as a quest for immortality, mistakenly taking inner directives as references to an afterlife. The objective is not to live forever but to live right by assimilating inner values the immortals model. The immortals are inner sages. The sages are deities. Deities refer to higher principles that exist as guides to a future status. They are partners in a process to connect cranial layers. What disconnected them? The strategy to reconstruct a whole brain is to assimilate the three layers of the one organ. The immortals refer neither to immortality nor to an afterlife. Is the issue about the continuation of the species into the future or about eternal life in heaven? The idea of immortality entered human mentation in Egypt and stuck. That ideology forestalls the integration of multi-levels of being. Most are aware of one identity that rules the mind through life. What evidence is there of another? Facing outward to participate in the physical world, human beings forgot the urgency to look inward. Self-empowerment is found in the realm of the metaphysical. If the outer lens interacts with the material world, then an inner lens must focus on the immaterial realm. Who bothers to teach of these salient points? Thoughts pop up from another context to give a hint there is an unknown part of us waiting to appear.

    Everything in material life copies the pattern set in the brain. Thus, one reality underlies and drives human existence. The brain divides three times to accommodate the development of consciousness. Each layer and level that emerged, one-at-a-time, had a profound effect on what part of reality is seen and how life is lived. Each brings to mentation an orientation to others and to life. Different brain layers serve as a filter to influence what is perceived. Perception determines attitude. Attitude affects behavior. Consequently, perception is nature’s target for higher development. The Feminine in some way is associated with personal and social competence. Each cranial part comes into dominance singly to practice, test, and strengthen its specialized function and particular worldview. After the mental function in the spotlight is learned, it recedes into an automated process to become part of a working synergy. All parts work for the good of the whole. Wholeness refers to the brain, the organism, the species, and the planet that supports life. The brain’s strategy for optimal growth comes by dividing into parts and uniting parts. That strategy caused a host of bad side-effects. Dividing breaks down the cortical brain. The handicap comes when not all parts stay in touch with other cranial members as scripted. They stop talking. Communication is not maintained as planned. As a result of the silence, perception fragments. Sight becomes myopic and superficial. The personality fractures. It is self-evident that nature devised a fallible plan to render an un-seamed brain seamless. What does the Inner Presence have to do with brain unity? Is there proof this personified entity that is unseen even exists?

    If nature installed a program for self-improvement, then is not the presence of a guide or administrator a logical way to implement it? Is that her role? Is her purpose to bring cranial parts together to automate faculties into a harmonious data-processing network? Did nature get the structure of the brain wrong and makes frantic attempts to fix it? That sounds crazy enough to be true. By giving a different identity, mental faculty, point of view, alternate gender, and familial placement to each part; does nature offer slices of reality that fit snuggly into a unit? Is the brain like interlocked pieces of a jigsaw puzzle? Does pulling views together by an act of synthesis reconstruct the big picture? Are interlocked parts an insurance policy for future integration? Could something so well planned have gone so terribly wrong? Without the Feminine, do we know what the final product will look like once all parts are in their proper place? Who is motivated to work for an outcome that is not defined or even encouraged? Suppose life is an initiation by which the mind is inducted into an elite club after satisfactorily passing a test. Pledging is the testing period. Members decide if you are a good fit for incorporation into the club. The test is about the brain. It involves a decision to work with unification and refinement processes that are instinctive, involuntary, and automatic. In that case, submitting to it is a mandate, not an option. Free Will has no place in this crucial matter. Is a mind an unfinished product? Is it expected to surrender to a process that automates parts and unifies views? Is the goal of unity connected to this powerful Inner Presence whose identity is deliberately hidden? The ancient practice of alchemy is a clue. It changed the value of metal by heating it and working at it until a precious treasure manifested. A low element of lead was converted to a high element of gold. Is something as valuable and indestructible as gold waiting to be discovered? What does gold represent? Is the mind a counterfeit piece that starts out coarse. Is it the element of lead? Does an animal nature represent it? Is a brute inside to be refined? If divine nature is the gold, what part does human nature play? Do two older brain faculties collaborate to reshape the younger one into the ideal version? Is the implication the evolution of consciousness is pre-ordered? Maturation, the end goal for a material body, is fixed by instinct. Is maturity for the immaterial mind pre-set? The role of the Feminine is not clear. Is she concerned with changing attitudes and outlooks? Who took her out of the picture? Why?

    To turn lead to gold implies the process to develop consciousness calls for a second birth into something better. Does the birth depend on feminine and masculine input? What happens if the feminine input is removed? Following the emergence of human consciousness, the genus of the Homo sapiens is living basically unchanged for 40 centuries. The self-improvement process seems to be stalled at an early stage of development. It is not yet refined or complete. Stagnation causes a mind to be tainted or stained by thoughts that became contaminated, like standing water that turns putrid. So, if the union of divided functions affects psychological maturity, why then has brain unification failed? The authentic identity referred to as I pinpoints the coming of individuality that struggled to take material form. Cast into a process to turn it into something grander, the centrality of the mind is temporary. It emerged on schedule, timed by the life-force that will jar it awake to learn about its destiny. Its destiny is to transform into something of greater value. For some reason, the newborn identity was withdrawn from the world too soon. The we refers to communality, belonging to a group mind. Is it a pre-existing program? Part of life’s test is to live in harmony with a group of incompatible views. Blending differences expands perception and heightens awareness. Society enacts the pattern of the brain. The brain incorporates a diversity of views to combine strengths and boost performance. The authentic identity called the self is the individual mind. Something went wrong after it emerged. Did it banish what it did not like or what was higher in rank? Did the base mind use willpower to eradicate all things characteristically feminine? Did men deliberately erase her from mental life? Nature prepackaged a plan to create a second version of self that is better than the first one. She detaches the mind from inner workings of the brain to mold it. Then, is the completed faculty brought back to the totality to automate it? The mind is one operation within a complex process. Whatever imaginal cord fastens the mind to the brain, that connection is central to life. If it snaps, then what is the chance brain parts will unite? What is the fallout if that occurs? Even though the outcome impacts survival, the collective mind tossed out the plan. In its place, it fabricated an identity to be envied. Not only is the mind detached from the brain and disconnected from a living process to develop it, its chosen identity is fiction, a flight into fantasy. Does it get away with corrupting a universal process—with committing a mythical murder?

    Man yearns to be as fabulous in real life as it is in its mind. The motivation for faking its identity and inflating its importance is not clear. The ideal product has not manifested. It is more than four thousand years in the making. Only an authentic person can mature. A matured individual perceives others realistically and assesses their goals and intentions accurately. It works with others to benefit the entire group. The outcome it gets depends on the thoroughness of the relatively new apparatus in accumulating, evaluating, and accessing data. A human experiment that is unprecedented is ongoing. It makes thinking people active participants in reassembling their brain parts. Individual intelligence is to fall in line with universal intelligence. Suffering, the current human condition, started when something drives humanity to end the collaborative effort. The inherited disposition is that of a duality. A two-sidedness exists to grow the mind and seam the brain. By some quirk, the task of brain unity could not be completed at the time of physical birth. The twofold state addresses relations between nature and man. An unbreakable bond exists between the brain and mind, the process and product. Ancient men were not happy being saddled with a dual nature. It did not fit into their scheme. In ignorance of consequences, they shunned the injunction to join aspects together in order to tie the united brain to the whole organism. Although life became a search for satisfaction through pleasure-seeking, the sense of fulfillment that is lasting is the by-product of evolving the brain to completion.

    The present task in modernity is to get an unconscious mind back on track. It requires waking up to and realigning with the same transformative process that instilled fear in men. All people are fear-based. It is the human condition. To move on from a trauma that happened thousands of years ago and to end its corruption of present life requires knowing the cause of the fear and encountering the actual feeling that gave rise to it. Fear needs to be neutralized to release its iron grip. It cannot be deactivated without being relived—re-experienced in its full intensity. Man numbed the feelings that precipitated the fear. Attempts to subdue them did not work. An in-house therapist was called to handle the traumatic syndrome that keeps recycling. The life-force remains an undetected presence in human beings. The conscious mind is not a finished product. Something inside takes it through its stages of growth. Its first stopover is to a life of autonomy, belonging fully to itself. Presently, it belongs to others. Its beliefs are programmed by ideas and teachings of someone else. Next in the developmental lineup is intimacy—relating to another in a bond of loving goodwill. Can one learn intimacy if the first partner is not in attendance? Does completion of the unification process rely on the feminine side? The product vacillates between two extreme phases, coming close to the process to be in full contact with it and moving away to break off all contact with it. It alternates between attraction and repulsion. Does that difference explain female rule verses masculine rule? The I that is recognized as a personal identity goes back and forth between extremes. Vacillation keeps it stuck in a state of unconsciousness and in the grip of narcissism. It is fated to journey back to the power from which it came. Is that beginning a connection to love? Starting life negative and empty, the mind bears scars of inner hostility kept hidden from public view. Only the true identity is capable of emitting empathy to balance apathy. That identity is called upon to step forward.

    Maturity is measured by personal behavior toward others; whether it is apathetic or empathetic, antagonistic or compassionate, hostile or affirming. The mind is like a child strung between two positive forces. Little is known about them. Hiding behind myopic sight, the mind refuses to accept its origins that came before it or the destiny that comes after it. It ignores the continuum of time on which it rests. An aggressive personality that defied the learning that comes from being in the present moment is to be withdrawn and exchanged for a better model. A corrupt worldview grew as a defense against the outbreak of fear that once threatened total destruction. The enormity of the fear is a man-made invention, not based on reality. Not a product of the animating, automating force of nature; its arrival clogged the wheel of time. Consciousness is the tip of an iceberg. It sits atop a whole pyramid of submerged identities that wait to be absorbed into awareness. A defiant nature will not expand its fragmented view as directed. The motive for human defiance is important to know and understand. It does not allow into awareness two other periods of increasing brightness. A holistic vision pre-exists. It provides the light to reveal non-manifested parts of a future life waiting to unfold. Fear that gripped the product shut down the process. Because of it, man became a rebel species. Rebellion is kept quiet. The invasion into creation that put a freeze on change betrayed life. The mind became an adept hacker before the invention of computers. It will be found guilty of tampering with the brain. The fact that it is not cognizant of its interference means it is oblivious to the danger caused by its devious actions. The hacking will change the direction human life takes. Beliefs will be a corruption of the truth.

    It is not common knowledge that the brain is wired for two changes. Energy is to move away from the startup product of a personal viewpoint. It travels up the spine to attach to a communal view. It ends at a universal view. The aerial view is the finished product. Form and force move together along the spectrum of time. Each brain part is a larger slice of reality. Each broadens the perspective of life. The orderly progression indicates a predestined plan exists, with monitors in charge of the timed manifestations. Every person is expected to integrate them into one force-field. Since the combined systems give rise to maturity, nothing can be discarded or excluded without peril. Two interlocked realms exist in cooperation. To see them as separate and unequal is a dangerous presumption. The interrelations among brain layers make up the drama of life. The poorly defined identities personify three brain layers. Their interactivity and the form it takes remain part of a mystery to be solved. The real and ideal products exist at polar ends. They advance in time, one toward the other. The plan to be twice-born is a result of the offensive startup stage. A mind of dead matter is to be infused with a living spirit of love. That changeover affects values and viewpoints. To be empowered, authentic, autonomous, humanistic, and altruistic is to have mastered all developmental tasks. The force of nature or wisdom of instinct molds a beast into a human. The question is can the transition happen without a feminine component? What if the brain (male) is to metaphorically mate with the body (female)? Is the offspring of their merger the ideal human—a spirit of love? While nature’s plan is to synthesize two brain systems into a holistic vision, a counterfeit self does the opposite. It shreds connections to reality and to truth. It sabotages the network of intelligence that courses through the mind. In time, the reasons and the methods—the why and the how—will be clarified.

    The mystery of how a non-personal force achieves integration and intersection is hidden from ordinary sight. To resolve the condition of feuding opposites requires an inner look. Forms or figures spontaneously arise from the depths of the invisible realm, from dreamland, to guide psychological realities waiting to be re-incorporated into life. How that happens is not information readily available. To see the big picture is critical if human interference into the process is to be averted and brain closure is to occur. Re-education about the underside or metaphysical realm is crucial to survival. The source that zeroes in on future life exists to guide human intelligence to the mysteries behind the gods. Understanding the nature and role of non-personal forces is essential to deepen intelligence and demystify reality. Foiled attempts to decipher true meanings led to the rise of patriarchal religions and the elevation of God to the position of heavenly redeemer. The mind wants to be the sole storyteller. The reality of god, the mythical meaning of him, pertains to an icon in the brain. It differs from man’s conception of God. The Supreme Being or the One God in heaven did not create the counterfeit identity and cannot redeem the true self. Some tricky deal that was cut with life has gone on undetected. Like in real-estate jargon, location is crucial. The question worth asking is if there is a god, then where does he reside? The mystery that makes us who we are is unsolvable due to misdirection and misinformation. Were we blindsided and deceived? Do images in our brains guide our evolution?

    The stumbling block is the descent into the underground womb of nature where the old leaves to make room for something new. That exchange is at the root of annual celebrations to usher in the New Year—the old man moving out and the child moving in. What bearing do two male images have on life? Is the absence of a female telling? Were females removed from imagery to minimize their importance? Deep depression precedes the upgrades. Consciousness goes dark to make exchanges possible. Its light is extinguished in the transition. Nature’s aim is to humanize the species. Is crossing a threshold where dark forces guard the entrance mandatory? That which man fears most of all is the return to the womb, even if the descent reveals secret treasure. A greater reason for the fear is the old terror lies buried there. Is the banishment of psychical reality and mythical thinking a tactic to block entry into this feigned chamber of horrors? By refusing to adopt loving ways, to be compassionate toward others, is humanity on a fool’s errand? The species is to overcome characteristics that are bound to it at its entry point in life. That realization led to crafting an opposite and ingenuous identity of fake grandeur. Descent that activates depression is neutral, viewed as neither good nor bad. In the past time when women ruled, initiation into a rebirthing process required descent into a place of darkness—a turning inward to allow introspection. The whole community once supported the mandated descent as well as the return to life renewed and refreshed. In the present time of male rule, depression is denigrated to a humiliating event or an unmentionable illness. No longer is it perceived as a natural changeover in the mind’s life cycle. The way nature improves us was denigrated and left abandoned. The images are gone.

    Depression, an integral part of the growth cycle; is characterized by feeling pressed down and subjugated, sinking to the lowest state of being. It leaves a person low in energy and spirit. But, behind feeling sad, hollow, or dejected is the mysterious act that compresses different views into one state of mind. Separate things are crunched together to compact them. The convergence enhances attitude and outlook. It does not alter material reality or physical life. Although a depressed person suffers from a reduction in activity, loss of strength, lowering of vitality, difficulty in thinking, and inability to concentrate; those symptoms indicate the light of the counterfeit identity is being snuffed out on purpose. Taking away its power to control fate leaves the fake self vulnerable, belly-up. It does not tolerate darkness that precedes birth into new light. During the time of depression, personal energy moves back to the source to reconnect a disempowered mind to the creative powers that will rebirth it. The forgery resists the state of natural depression because it feels impotent in its grip. It fears an outcome it cannot control. Thus, it fights the underground darkness, disbelieving in the light around the bend. The negative attitude it holds toward depression gives a boost to deception. The obsessive belief in the permanence of the impostor is a decoy to derail any further injury to pride. Nothing will force it to cave or persuade it to grow. Each person identifies so strongly with the I there is no degree of separation. It is not something apart from us or antagonistic to us. The preposterous notion of an enemy living in us has no merit. There is no reference to housing separate minds within one system, or, for that matter, having two masters living under one roof. Depression is another story. Because it challenges the claim that nothing substantial can change beliefs stamped on cognition, it is a direct threat to personal security. The survival of the fictitious image depends on keeping cognition untouched. The shared belief is once a person reaches adulthood at 25, growing is done. The developmental nature of the mind is repudiated. The truth is learning never ends. The brain continues to grow throughout a lifetime. A steely attitude is a safeguard against the perennial fear of becoming somebody with values different from those it habitually holds. The lower mentality would rather be an inanimate object that is stagnant (deadened) and stoic (emotionless) than face the alternative of feeling fully alive. Why does feeling register as a threat? Depression, the automatic lowering of vitality and activity, is preparation for perceptual reformation. To erase from memory all connections to renewal, modern cultures depreciate depression to a shameful illness attached to the weak at heart. To avoid disgrace, depression is hidden or disguised.

    A contemptuous attitude toward descent (depression) derails the reunification process that relies on returning to the metaphysical realm where conscious life started. Automated parts are rejoined down below. The ploy succeeds up to a point. Despite the variety of beliefs adopted at different times in the brain’s evolutionary history, coming toward inner life or pushing away from it; the secret life inside goes on. The light might be sealed from mentation but it continues to promote life-enhancing redemption. The journey to self-discovery reveals what self-deliverance really means. The choice is for integration or disintegration. Going inward to explore the hidden dimension behind human consciousness requires a temporary return to darkness. There, one bumps into creative energies that swirl matter at astronomical speed to become something better. Eventually, opposing forces collapse into a benevolent force. The integrated force is the Principle of Love. A non-conscious womb is part of the interior structure of the pyramidal brain. From it, the brain fills awareness with higher principles. The alchemist’s process consists of generation, degeneration, and regeneration. Life is stuck at the mid-stage of degeneration. The place where perception changes from one viewpoint to another is referred to as the Land of the Dead. Nothing can grow without the interactive and unitary purpose of the Feminine. Depression describes her womb. Decay is removed to make room for new growth. The part of perception that decayed gets deleted down below. From the unseen world, the Feminine taunts the unconscious mind. Through lures and laments, she pulls it into the basement to change outgrown attitudes. We are learning what she does but not who she is.

    Under male rule, the feminine benefactor was condemned as a corrupting force. The theme of rape appears at the time the brutish triumph of patriarchal societies over matriarchal societies was commemorated. Lilith of Babylon and Assyria—the Mother of Creation-is devalued and demoted to being the archenemy of life. A rumor is spread that she destroys the young and brings men to ruin. Paradise is lost without her, once the map to get there is stolen. For an unfathomable reason, the inside realm became a ghost town. The once beloved Presence; relabeled a demon, a danger to pregnant women and to children, is silenced. Propaganda turns public opinion against her to dampen her benevolent role in life. A conspiracy is spun to destroy her credibility. Words were used as tools of deception. A story told about Lilith casts her as a turncoat for refusing to accept an inferior position to a male. Although force cannot be subordinated to form, men conquer their lethal enemy. She came under fierce attack. To disgrace or violate her became acceptable behavior. As a result of unmitigated conflict, the Feminine is expelled from conscious life in favor of a more pliable female; a revised model of a dutiful, accommodating wife. The new female, Eve, is similarly driven from Eden for failing to end the treachery of serpent wisdom. Blamed for the downfall of man and for causing opposites of good and evil, the female is demonized. Can a myth impact mental life? Is the rape of 26,000 women in the military and their failure to find justice rooted in original decisions to denigrate anything female, to render women unequal and unworthy of respect? Do ancient motives still drive behavior today?

    A clue to the identity of the Feminine comes from a most insightful book. In The Betrayal of the Body, Alexander Lowen says identity arises from contact with feelings in the body and the feedback of pleasure when basic needs are met. He postulates that an ego rooted in the life of the body gains insight into itself and understanding of the world. But, what if the ego minimizes the animal body to take control of it? The act damaged the ability to experience warmth in emotional relations to others. Detaching from feelings ends in lifelong isolation and emptiness. Rationalization, based on an assumed identity, rather than on genuine feelings, causes the pursuit of conceptualized wants independent of real needs. Lowen gives the right progression energy takes from impulse to feeling, from feeling to thought, and from thought to action. To withdraw the feeling part from the purposive flow of intelligent life places the act of will, not the reward of pleasure,

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