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Give Me Forever
Give Me Forever
Give Me Forever
Ebook199 pages2 hours

Give Me Forever

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A Beautiful Beginning

From the moment Melay Frazier set her eyes on Patrick Knight,

she fell hard, in love.

He was everything hed ever claimed to be and all that

shed ever wanted.

Patrick was the kind of man that got under your skin and even death couldnt remove that feeling.

The vows were promised, the rings exchanged and now they were sharing a blissful life as husband and wife.

Marriage agreed with them, as did parenthood.

Doesnt always mean a happy ending.

Melay and Patrick were in Matrimonial Heaven.

At least thats what she believed,

until her husband of two years began to change.

Staying away from home, keeping secrets.

Something wasnt right.

He had never expected her to find out on her own.

Now with a new baby on the way and their marriage on the rocks,

could Patrick repair the damage hed done before he lost his family and his life fell completely apart.

Will they find their happily ever after?

Release dateAug 4, 2009
Give Me Forever

Carrie L. Macon

Born in Los Angeles and raised in Watts, California, Carrie Macon always dreamed of being a writer. She wasn't like her 9 siblings and various friends. When the summer came she was in her room writing while all the others were out making the most of their summer vacation. Camping trips, she chose to stay at home, writing. Driving on the highway from Los Angeles to San Diego to visit the grandmother she was named for and her many other relatives, you'd find her writing and occasionnally keeping track of the different license plates on the cars that passed. While riding the school bus to her high school alma mater, Cleveland High in Reseda, she'd be writing stories about anything and everything. No matter where she was in the world she always had a notebook, even homemade, and some sort of writing utensil in her hand. The first book she ever wrote was over ten years ago. She's looking forward to sharing that with her readers. She has a wonderful selections of writings including her very first cookbook titled, It's Hard Losing Weight When You're A Baptist, that wasinspired by her pastor. She's also coming up with new ideas daily. In her spare time she enjoys reading, cooking for special occasions, baking, dancing and singing, whether it's in the comfort of her home orin her church choir. She enjoys playing with her grandsons, Cameron and Ethan making up funny songs about her family that they sing together. She loves her family. We are looking for great things from this writer in the future. If you haven't done so already, pick up a copy of her already released titles, "Kisses Don't Lie" and "Just Another Lonely Knight."They are bothgood reads.

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    Book preview

    Give Me Forever - Carrie L. Macon

    Give Me



    Author of

    Kisses Don’t Lie


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2009 Carrie L. Macon. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 7/9/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-9388-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-7667-4(ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2009906483

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana



    • ONE •

    • TWO •

    • THREE •

    • FOUR •

    • FIVE •

    • SIX •

    • SEVEN •

    • EIGHT •

    • NINE •

    • TEN •

    • ELEVEN •

    • TWELVE •

    • THIRTEEN •

    • FOURTEEN •

    • FIFTEEN •

    • SIXTEEN •

    • EPILOGUE •



    To my Heavenly Father, the one and only, True and Living God, Jesus Christ.

    Thank you for this wonderful gift. I would not be here or able to do this if it wasn’t for your grace and mercy and the special gift that you’ve bestowed upon me.

    Loving you!

    For Christine Milton, David Jones and Carolyn Renee Brown

    • ONE •

    It was a beautiful summer morning in August, as the crew for the Princess Cruise liner prepared themselves for decorating the top deck for the evening festivities. There was to be a wedding ceremony.

    The tables were draped in white linen, topped with large white crystal vases filled with imported flowers from Argentina. There were white lilies, red roses, a few white carnations and gladiolus. Love was in the air.

    Just a few more pictures Miss Frazier and that will do it for now. Once the ceremony begins, we’ll resume.

    Me’lay smiled. She couldn’t believe she was really on a ship getting ready to marry her Prince Charming. Her Knight. They had come such a long way since junior high school and their high school reunion started a new beginning for them both.

    Now what I would like for you to do is turn your back to me, that’s it. She positioned her exactly the way she wanted. It didn’t take much. Me’lay seemed like she belonged in front of a camera.

    Put your hands just like so, she placed them behind Me’lays back. Wow, I don’t even have to tell you to relax, you seem to be doing a very good job of it. I know when I was getting married I was a nervous wreck, the photographer laughed.

    I think it’s a mind thing, as well as getting the nervous stuff out of the way ahead of time so that I could enjoy this day. Me’lay hadn’t told her that this was a spur of the moment decision, that none of this was ever planned. They found out she was pregnant and decided, why wait for the inevitable. Patrick was the only man she had ever loved and today she would finally have her Knight.

    They continued with the photos. The photographer, whose name was Selma, placed a beautiful bouquet of red roses and white lilies in Me’lay’s hand and clasped them together.

    These are so beautiful, she sniffed. The scent was all around the room. And they smell yummy.

    Thank you. My groom sent them to me. He’s such a sweetheart. He spoils me, Me’lay blushed with delight. And that was a perfect photo op.

    I bet he does, Selma said focusing the camera.

    Me’lay looked beautiful. Her hair was normally naturally curly but in order to get the look her hairstylist was aiming for it had to be straightened, flat ironed, pinned into a French roll with baby’s breath looking like it was growing there but not wild, topped with pearls and about a half dozen water falls draped each side of her head. She wore a crown, fit for a queen. Her original neckwear was a pearl laced choker, but with the crown, she thought it was too much and decided to wear a custom made diamond necklace with a pearl center and matching pearl earrings. It worked for her.

    The photographer turned her face to the right of her and had her looking down, almost as if she was trying to see who was hiding behind her.

    Okay, let’s stay with this pose. Brilliant. Give me a big smile. That’s it. One more. Good, good.

    By the time the photographer had finished with Me’lay she had used four rolls of film and was loading number five. But that would be for outside, when Me’lay would meet up with her groom. She would also take picture of the surprise that was awaiting Me’lay.

    I have to tell you Miss Frazier, that not only were you the most cooperative bride-to-be that I’ve photographed but the most pleasant, and you’re a natural beauty.

    Me’lay smiled and said her thanks.

    And I wish I had hair like yours. I remember the first pictures we did your hair was naturally curly and flaming red. Not many people can get that color to work for them.

    Me’lay didn’t have to work very hard, it was her natural color. According to her mother it ran in the family on her father’s side.

    I like this look too. It’s just as soft and natural but without the curls.

    Thank you, was Me’lay’s reply.

    Good luck and congratulations. I saw the groom earlier and he’s more than excited. My partner said your guy wished 5 o’clock would come sooner, he needed to see his bride, the woman blushed.

    Awe. Me’lay touched her hand to her heart as her eyes went soft.

    I know, Selma touched her hand. That’s how I felt with my groom the first time and the second. Good luck again. See you on deck.

    Thanks again. Me’lay closed the cabin door behind her and leaned against it. She couldn’t wait to see her Patrick. She knew he would look handsome. He always did. The first time she had saw him dressed to the nines was at their high school prom but that was small potatoes compared to a banquet they attended for his students and their families two months ago. That was the first time they had made love, and without protection. Now they were marrying, not just because they were expecting a baby, but also because they loved one another and couldn’t see themselves with anyone else.

    When Me’lay told Patrick that she thought she was pregnant he rushed to the store to get a test. They stood in the bathroom together to take the test and see the results. To say that Patrick was happy was an understatement. He couldn’t turn his smile off for days. His family thought he had started using drug or something. He had been keeping long hours at the office but also with his students.

    Or so they thought.

    Boy what is wrong with you? his brother Preston asked. You have been walking around her in a daze for the past week and a half. Frankly, it’s starting to scare the hell out of me. Patrick just smiled. Boy, you aren’t using drugs are you? Because mom, dad and the rest of the family will be taking turns kicking your ass, and I’m going to be first in line? Are you using? Preston pressed his face to his.

    Bro, if you don’t get out of my face and hell no I’m not using, he chuckled pushing at him. I love my body. He looked at the plate that Preston had made for himself and scrunched up his nose. Better than you these days.

    What? This soup is good. Needs more Tabasco sauce, but other than that it’s the best I’ve ever had. You know how much I love Italian sausage.

    Patrick nodded, still frowning at his brothers eating habits.

    And that’s what’s going to cause you to have ulcers. All those spices and hot sauce. It’s not good for you.

    Don’t be speaking things into existence on my behalf. And it’s Tabasco not hot sauce, there’s a difference.

    Not much. And I don’t have to be speaking things into existence, you’ve been showing signs for months.

    Preston waved his hand and continued eating.

    You’re the one having the painful stomach aches, throwing up and the diarrhea, not me.

    Preston placed his spoon into the empty bowl and started in on the macaroni and cheese that sat before him. If you are trying to make me lose my appetite, you better come up with something far better than that. Besides, I haven’t had a meal like this in over a month.

    What, Lisa have you on a diet or something?

    He shrugged his shoulder. Nothing quite that drastic. She won’t cook me any meals like this, but the ones she do are healthy and very good. And, he pointed the fork in Patrick’s direction, she makes me drink milk instead of beer or wine. It cuts down on the stomach aches.

    Well good for her. I’m glad someone is looking out after you. You two doing okay?

    Were just getting started but we’re getting there. You and Lay?

    We couldn’t be better. She’s more than I ever hoped for. After Leniece I never thought I would stop long enough for a woman to catch me but fate had its hands all over this relationship, and I’m pretty happy about it. As I said things couldn’t be better.

    I’m glad for you.

    Thanks, Patrick began smiling. Just thinking about Me’lay made his body scorch. He wanted so bad to tell everyone about the baby and the wedding but he had sworn Me’lay to secrecy. They would tell no one until after the ceremony. He wanted his family there but for now it would be just the two of them. He knew that telling one brother would mean telling them all. He didn’t know how to explain things to his mother. She was going to hit the roof, but in the end she would be happy. She was getting another daughter and a new grandbaby. It wouldn’t hurt for them to find out in another couple of weeks.

    You’re smiling again.

    I am, aren’t I? Patrick said and he left it at that.

    • TWO •

    Me’ lay’s cell phone vibrated. It could only be one person. Her groom.

    When she flipped it open it read, 1 new text. She read it immediately.

    Hi Baby, I missed being w/u last nite. Did u’r bouquet arrive n time 4 u’r photos? I am so excited about today.




    From 555-1800

    Date 8-16-04

    Time 3:30pm

    She sent him a text back.

    Baby, I missed U 2. The bouquet is beautiful. I Luv U, sooooo much. I’m excited 2. Can’t believe this day is here. I’ve waited all my life 4 u & u’r finally here.

    She sighed and stopped typing for a split second.

    I just wish…




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:32pm

    They typed back and forth for several minutes.

    What’s on u’r mind, baby?




    From 555-1800

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:33pm

    Baby, do u think we r doing the right thing? What if our families r upset, r even worse, doesn’t approve. What then?




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:35pm

    What was she saying to him?





    From 555-1800

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:36pm

    Oh no, Baby. It’s not that. I’m just miss n every1. That’s all.




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:38pm

    Babe, we both decided that on our 1st anniversary we would renew our vows for our families. I know u want them here & so do I, but this is 4 us. Right here, right now, this is 4 us. But, if u r having 2nd thoughts…




    From 555-1800

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:41pm

    Patrick raked his hand over his face after sending the message. He definitely didn’t want her to change her mind. He had never been this in love before, he thought he had but he was mistaken. He had never truly wanted to get married until this woman came into his life. Maybe in another life but today and always she would be his and he would be hers and he dared another to try and part them. It just wasn’t going to happen.

    His last serious relationship did a lot of damage, almost ruined him. He wouldn’t get that close to another woman because they were like poison. He dated but it meant nothing to him. He wouldn’t give of himself. Then one day his mother sat him down and asked him did he want to be alone forever. He told her no, after thinking about what his older brother had dealt with in the past. She let him know that the only way he was going to find the love that awaited him was to trust and open up his heart. The right woman was out there, just a fingertip away. And she was.

    Patrick seemed to be holding his breath. The return message wasn’t coming fast enough for him. Had she changed her mind? This would surely kill him. He knew he wouldn’t survive if she left him. All of the sneaking around and the secrets they’ve kept from their families. The lies they told about their whereabouts this weekend. This was not the time to panic he told himself. She was just nervous. This too shall pass.

    Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

    Patrick jumped before realizing it was just his phone. He picked it up.

    1 New Text

    Pat, I’m not. Don’t think like that. U R absolutely right. I luv u so much & I wouldn’t change any of this 4 the world. I am VERY HAPPY!




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:43pm

    Thank God, he thought. Now he could relax. 5 o’clock couldn’t come fast enough.

    Good, because God knows I luv U 2, and I’m VERY, VERY HAPPY. I’ll be even happier when we’re pronounced man and wife, 9756.jpg . Then I can take u back 2 our cabin & make luv 2 u properly, like any man would with his new bride.




    From 555-1800

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:46pm

    That sounds wonderful, Baby. I’m ready 2 get this marriage started.




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:48pm

    I couldn’t agree more. I wish we could chat more but my attention is needed on deck. I’ll C U out here, baby. I LUV U! (MUAH)




    From 555-1800

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:49pm

    I can’t wait. I LUV U, 2! (MUAH²)




    From 555-0234

    Date 8-6-04

    Time 3:50pm

    What are you smiling at knucklehead?

    Hey dad.

    They hugged

    Nervous? his dad asked straightening his tie.

    He shook his head. "No, I’m good. It was touch and go there for a

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