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The Tree of Democracy: Prune It or Watch It Die
The Tree of Democracy: Prune It or Watch It Die
The Tree of Democracy: Prune It or Watch It Die
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The Tree of Democracy: Prune It or Watch It Die

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Are you upset at the direction this great Nation is headed, toward socialism? Are you tired of having other nations belittle and laugh at our Nation? Are you afraid that your children and grandchildren will not have a chance to live the American Dream? Are you ready to take action, and oust those politicians who act only for their own interests, not those whom they supposedly serve? Then read inside where the author tells you what diseases the Tree of Democracy has, how it can be pruned, and what you can do to return it, and this great Nation, to the world pre-eminence which was once ours! The author speaks plainly and forthright, no politically correct apologies or excuses, just plain old common sense! Then take action, and become a PPC!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 2, 2012
The Tree of Democracy: Prune It or Watch It Die

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    The Tree of Democracy - Dalken Lelan

    Copyright © 2012 by Dalken Lelan.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2012905990

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4691-9396-0

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4691-9395-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-9397-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Chapter One  Rules of the Universe

    Chapter Two  Mankind’s Basic Psychology

    Chapter Three  Government

    Chapter Four  Population

    Chapter Five  Education

    Chapter Six  Justice

    Chapter Seven  Rights of the People

    Chapter Eight  Racism/Discrimination

    Chapter Nine  Religion

    Chapter Ten  Economics




    GROWING UP AS I did in a rural area in a Mid-western state on a couple of acres in a farming community, I became very familiar with the concept of growing things, specifically plants, as we did a lot of growing our own vegetables and fruits. We prepared the ground, plowing in organic fertilizer (we had two or three milk cows and numerous chickens for many years). After breaking the soil more finely, it was ready for planting. We planted our seeds, watered them for a good start, then waited for them to sprout. When they had grown a few inches, we had to continually take care of them, hoeing out the weeds (how I hated that hoe), cutting off diseased growth, and keeping the soil in good shape so that the plants would grow well, and we would receive their produce to keep us well-fed and healthy. Likewise, we took care of our small orchard, fertilizing the trees and pruning them as needed, for maximum fruit production. Unwanted limbs (suckers) were removed, and diseased or broken limbs (one tree got struck by lightning) were removed. We also occasionally sprayed the trees for insects which would harm the fruit or trees, keeping the trees healthy and productive. Caring for our trees and vegetables was hard work, and took time and planning. Failure to keep up with the work resulted in poor plants, and poor produce, which meant we did not eat as well.

    This same process applies to ideas, or concepts. In the very short history of this great country, the governing concept of democracy has sometimes been depicted as a great tree, growing larger in time. The seed for the concept of Democracy was planted eons ago, most notably back in the Greek empire era when a form of democracy was practiced in many of the Greek city-states. This concept grew in various ways through many empires with many forms of government (not always in the form of democracy as we think of it today) until it found good soil in the land we call the United States of America, where it has grown into a large tree, affecting much of the world today. As the concept (tree) grew, it produced fruit, which might populate the surrounding area, and ensure the continuance of its species. This concept is at the heart of the founding of this nation and is found in the hearts of those who believe it deserves to live.


    This country began (as most developing countries and societies do) as an agrarian society, earning its living from the earth. Its resources were vast and seemingly endless, and allowed it to grow quickly, becoming the dominant feature in its area, as it still is today. Its central belief was that rule by the people, i.e., democracy, was the right thing to do. It has become a great tree.

    However, I know, as any good old farm boy knows, that every living thing must be cared for diligently, frequently, and with careful pruning and fertilizing, if it is to grow to its full potential and be its most productive. Being one of those good old farm boys, I believe that our TREE OF DEMOCRACY (hereafter referred to as the TOD or just the Tree) needs some attention, and VERY SOON! Like RIGHT NOW! Too long have we, as the caretaker of this tree, been complacent, thinking this tree will grow naturally and eventually become the power in this world, as it has done so far. BUT:

    Unfortunately, in the beginning of this 21st century, there are many signs that our TREE is sick and needs much care. The care of a tree, like any plant growing in (or on) the earth, requires pruning and nurturing for it to stay healthy and productive; in other words, for it to be worth keeping.


    The Universe, the Creator, DOES NOT CARE if this tree lives or dies (I’ll tell you why in the chapter on Rules of the Universe). The tree must prove its worth by surviving and growing and dominating its world, or becoming sick and diseased and succumbing to its enemies, and dying. We, the citizens of the USA, as caretakers of the tree have the choice of helping, by pruning the tree, or doing nothing and watching it die, as I believe it is now doing. In recent years (especially 2009) we have seen the influence of our great nation diminish and wane around the world, being challenged by many other nations with different concepts of government: dictatorship, communism (which is still very much alive in many places), religious fanaticism, socialism, and others. These other concepts (people) would like nothing better than to see democracy die, for it is a great danger to them. It might be interesting to note at this point that our nation, rich and powerful, has become an empire, influencing and controlling much of the world. We are the mightiest military power in the world. Our financial power rules the world’s finances: note how our recent financial meltdown has affected the rest of the world’s financial markets. Our industrial strength has led the world in developing jobs and goods to improve the living standards of the people of this world. Our scientific ingenuity and research have led the world for years. Our education system has developed world leaders in most areas of progress. BUT: history tells us that ALL empires have fallen (so far). And history also tells us the life of an empire seems to get shorter with each empire that arises. The Chinese empires lasted for a few thousand years. The Persian empire lasted for about one thousand years, as did the Roman empire. The Spanish empire and the English empire lasted for only a few hundred years. Our empire is only about two hundred years old. Is it about to fall? There are many signs that it is about to do so!

    Whether we allow our tree to live and grow, or die, will take much dedication, much effort, many sacrifices, much careful thought, and perhaps many years before the answer is known. Do we have the WILL to prune our tree and help it grow (continue our empire), or are we going to remain complacent and let it die? The recently expressed dissatisfaction of the citizens of this great nation leads me to believe that the time is NOW to prune our tree. I hope that this book, with its diagnoses and cures (pruning), will lead, inspire, and cause our nation, and its people, to grow. I have sometimes become very discouraged about our nation, with its many problems (diseases) seemingly ignored by most of the people who may believe that all will eventually come right without becoming involved themselves, for many reasons. They don’t need to get involved; our concept, DEMOCRACY, will just continue to live and flourish. THAT JUST AIN’T SO!! Those that become involved will be the leaders: but maybe we currently have let the WRONG people become our leaders. We have not stayed true to the beliefs of our founding fathers: that government is for the people, by the people,—that this nation shall not perish from this earth. I believe that this nation is the BEST place on this earth to live-PERIOD! Get involved and keep it so.


    Unproductive trees are cut down and used for firewood, or in the wild they will die, decay, and become food for other plants. This is the way the universe is planned. Mankind, as he has evolved from little to much, has been able to harness the resources of this earth and make them more productive for his own development. What mankind’s future may be, no one knows for sure. As this universe has often shown, there are no absolutes for mankind. The universe, however, does have rules. Failure to follow the rules of the universe ALWAYS brings disaster, sooner or later. The history of mankind throughout the entire world, over many centuries, tells us the rules. Therefore, as a great philosopher once commented, Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.

    One of those rules of the universe is that for something to flourish and become the very best it can become, it does best when well cared for. This means that our TREE OF DEMOCREACY must be cared for with great thought, pruned and nurtured, if it is to remain in existence. Since I believe that our TOD is the best on this world, I want it to continue to live and grow to its full potential. Maybe it will become the TREE of the UNIVERSE, not just this nation.

    I reiterate, in this book I have tried to diagnosis our TREE, its illnesses, and tell how we can prune it so it will grow, be its most productive, and ENSURE ITS EXISTENCE. I tell how we can nurture it and make it more productive. As a former teacher and education administrator, I had a philosophy which said, Do not tell me a problem unless you have also thought out a solution. It did not always work, but I believe it is a good one for those who care and want to improve our lives (I count myself in that group). Therefore, in this book I point out our tree’s problems and offer ways to prune it and nurture it (problems and solutions).

    Many of the readers of this book will disagree with what I consider to be a problem, and with my plan for curing it. All Liberals, and even many Conservatives (and those in between) may be concerned, dismayed and even outraged at some of my cures for our TOD. BUT, a good old farm boy (and any good horticulturist) will tell you that sometimes pruning has to be drastic and deep, sometimes even retarding the growth of the plant for a period of time, before it will recover and grow better and stronger, producing more and better fruit for its owner. Pruning our TOD will take hard work, sometimes painful, if it is to continue to exist. We can also nurture (fertilize) it as we prune it, and let it become its best, growing larger and stronger, spreading it’s Fruit (Democracy) throughout North America, The Western Hemisphere, the World?

    Throughout this book I have based many of my diagnoses and cures on Judeo-Christian beliefs and values. After all, this Nation was founded on those beliefs and values (the soil and fertilizer). The current politically correct beliefs and values are leading to the destruction of our Nation and Democracy, because they ignore the basic values upon which this great nation was founded and developed. I hope that everyone who reads this book will start thinking about those values, what they mean, how they have made this nation as great as it is, and will GET INVOLVED! Doing nothing accomplishes nothing. Will you let our tree die from neglect? I hope not! Read on to discover how our Tree should be pruned and what YOU can do!


    Rules of the Universe

    YES, BARBARA (OR Jane,

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