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Sanctification of a Culture: A Fictional Novel
Sanctification of a Culture: A Fictional Novel
Sanctification of a Culture: A Fictional Novel
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Sanctification of a Culture: A Fictional Novel

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Within each of us lies the ability of influencing and forgiving others. This book reveals a dialogue between a young man and his teacher.

This book is a fictional novel; however the content deals with the real life problems facing our young men, especially in our cities. Poe had to overcome his addiction to marijuana, the strains of poverty, confusion, paternal concerns and bad decision making that created a season of fear and doubt about his future. He struggles to learn the truth about certain events and customs. This quest for knowledge fascinates his teacher to the point that he is willing to share his opinion and in so doing his personal story and background about his country and culture. Poe is inspired by his teachers child like Christian faith and he later embraced it.

Poe developed a mature relationship with God and he becomes a minister of the gospel, with zeal to effect change. In this first of a series he seeks to start a prison ministry.

You will be encouraged, entertained, stimulated and inspired as you read through the pages of this book.

Grace and peace.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 16, 2009
Sanctification of a Culture: A Fictional Novel

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    Sanctification of a Culture - Raymond Hastings

    Copyright © 2009 by Raymond Hastings.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Troubled Boy

    The Rainy Day

    Poe The Vanguard of Change


    Africa GMO Debate


    Sanctification of a culture


    To my cousin Craig Pingi, with hope that this story will find him joy and comfort.

    To my children , past and present students .We all have many rivers to cross but with Jesus’ guidance , wisdom and truth we will overcome.

    To my parents, siblings and wife whom I love. To all mankind, brothers and sisters in Christ especially Jamaicans, wake up and live peaceful.


    I’m grateful to my family and friends for their assistance. It is my aspiration that this book will also become a movie. Please feel free to contact me and make this dream a reality.

    A deep sense of gratitude to all readers. Special thanks to my wife, she played an instrumental role by reading over the authors copy. I hope my grammar and use of the English language were understood given that I approached this project using Jamaican dialect called patois on a few occasions in the manuscript.


    This book is an unorthodox, easy to read dramatic work of fiction about a young man named Poe who was arrested for selling marijuana. The book reveals his professor’s mentorship and concern for his student during a difficult time.

    Their experiences and dialogue are shared as they communicate. The student ultimately bears the responsibility for possessing the marijuana and the professor continues his role in educating the student as he becomes accountable. The student’s quest for understanding leads the professor into detailed discussions about life in general, insights of how to start a prison ministry, his Christian life, Jamaican heritage and changing culture. Marijuana as a herb or drug was discussed in detail, the use, abuse and the issue of legalization in Jamaica and the United States of America. The student’s zeal to learn and share his personal problems results in a lot of dialogue, as the student tries to justify his actions. In his plight, he also searches for guidance and directions as he is troubled about the consequences of breaking the law. The book touches on the reggae and dancehall culture of Jamaica, a force that greatly influences young people there. The book seeks to explain that God is in control of every aspect of life and with purpose, truth and understanding we will make the right choices for ourselves and future generations. Tomorrow’s people where is your best? A question asked by Ziggy Marley in one of his best songs.

    I am convinced that if you read this book with an open mind you will find it interesting, stunning, liberating and funny. Before you read any further let me make it clear that this novel is not intended to encourage young people to smoke. In fact the book is about love, forgiveness, empathy and understanding; vital factors we need particularly, as it relates to our young people.

    We live in an age that is experiencing rapid changes and it is important that we are well informed and not victimized by our ignorance. It is also the age to stand firm in the word of God and recognize the need for order in our world. Poe asked numerous questions about marijuana, the history, use, present research and divine purpose. He was amazed to learn that it could provide a fuel source called marijuana ethanol, Marinol. This could be one of the answers to our global warming problem. Poe’s quest for understanding results in this story.


    Marijuana is one of the herb plants that continues to get media attention in a negative way in Jamaica, while it could be the plant to help us solve some of our global problems. Is it possible that we need a new way of thinking? A sanctified, mental reformation that god made this plant for our food and fuel source. I believe that we should seek the divine purposes of this plant. Of course I acknowledge and recognize that young men like Poe, whom you will meet, are suffering from drug abuse, confusion and the lies that give rise to deviant behavior especially among youths.

    Luckily Poe is quickly rescued from his trouble and lost identity which almost sends him to prison. He accepts Christ in his life and the assistance he receives will help him to find his authentic purpose. Poe will grow up to be an agent of change, a gifted minister and entrepreneur. His inspiration and zeal to learn, and a mandate to legalize marijuana, will bring him face to face with the powers that be. The book will later reveal that Jamaicans are lobbying for the understanding and legalization of marijuana, especially the grass roots people, while the secular, upper middle class and religious leaders just look the other way. Poe will share that he was uncertain of its value to begin with and that was the reason he experimented with it by smoking. Poe later shares that the science of this age has not shared with him the latest discoveries attributed to this herb plant. He later becomes an articulate preacher and activist advocating for numerous changes. As for me I never imagined that Poe would become such an influential person.

    Troubled Boy

    On the third Monday of the semester a young man with a strong presence entered the classroom. I was not surprised when he stayed behind to introduce himself as he was one week late and I was the only Jamaican professor on the campus. I had the feeling he was somewhat troubled, his pants was below his waistline exposing his bottom and the pungent odor of marijuana diffused quickly off him in the lecture room. His braids were kinky and long. He introduced himself as Poe Calixto. The students were astonished; there was just something about him.

    Poe’s mother was Jamaican. He wasn’t sure who his real father was, but his stepfather, who was from Mexico had recently passed away from a hit and run accident. After the lecture, Poe stated that he was sorry for the smell. I shared with him that it wasn’t cool to come to class high, especially with such a distracting odor. Poe agreed and stated that he was immensely stressed by the tuition he had just paid. It was his family’s last one thousand dollars in their bank account, his mother wasn’t working, and he was the sole bread winner of the family. I felt concern and sorrow for him. He was a youngman trying to survive and pursue a degree at the same time. I knew how daunting a task it could be to support a family and study at the same time having been there. I promised him I would look into a part time job for him.

    By the following month, he had settled in well and was sending in his power point presentations and his research papers were excellent. Clearly, this youngman was gifted academically; but, I learnt that he was spending time in the street. A rival weed dealer had attacked him at the entrance of the campus and they both got in trouble with school security. Poe received a chance from the guards’ supervisor although it was written up as disorderly conduct and his attacker fled after a solid uppercut that floored Poe. He came to the lecture very upset that an intruder attacked him on the campus, but, he was the one who felt the heat for defending himself. Poe thought that more concern should be given to him as a student at the College hospital. His hand was cut and his forehead was swollen from the blows he received. Poe insisted that they should have caught his attacker and he should have been sent to the public hospital speedily. He expressed his frustration and was justly annoyed by the event, as this could have gotten him expelled. I shared with him that he would have to avoid bad company and stop getting into fights. He responded by shaking his head up and down.

    Mr H—I spoke to a friend of mine who owns a restaurant and I believe he is going to call you for a job.

    Poe—Thank you. Did I give you my cell phone number?

    Mr H—Yes, you did. It was on your resume.

    Poe—I really appreciate that sir.

    Mr H—Poe, if you don’t mind, I would like to take you and your mother out for dinner on Saturday about five. If that is okay with you and your mom let me know.

    The dinner went well. Mrs Calixto was a very pleasant and respectful lady. She was in her sixties and was obviously worried about her only child. She explained that he wasn’t always home and she would worry because she couldn’t afford to lose him. She stated that she failed to understand how a store could be open so late in the night. I assumed from her comment Poe was hustling in front of the shoe store. The next day I informed Poe that he got a part-time job to begin with, but he had to stop hustling and stop smoking. He insisted that he would try his best. I confronted him about his hair style but, he said never will I cut my hair, I admired his determination not to cut his hair. By then, I knew this guy was no wimp, his zeal was not rebellious he was searching for comfort. Bobby the restaurant owner called and Poe went to work that weekend. The job was perfect for Poe. He prepared salads, seasoned meats and in the evening he would set up the tables for functions.

    Two months went by and Poe offered to help out in my green house during the week for some extra cash and I agreed. Of course, a lot of things about him had changed, he was more accountable, very respectful and his academic performance was getting better. Little did I know Poe’s girlfriend, Lena was pregnant and Poe was sweating. She was only sixteen and her parents were telling her to leave their home Poe was distressed. He could barely support his household as it was, and now a baby was on the way. There was no thought of abortion. Poe had made up his mind; he was going to hustle, of course just looking at him, you would never know, he seemed to have change a lot. By this time Poe was already growing weed in an old junk yard in containers with a plan to support his family.

    The Rainy Day

    It was a very cold morning; I was reluctant to run that morning because it was wet. I could not help missing Jamaica my native home, siblings and parents. An old expression from my deceased grand father echoed in my mind The roads are getting rough and the hills are getting hard to climb and God said peace be mind". This was a statement or verse he expressed to me after the death of his wife Olga with whom he had spent most of his life.

    I believe he accepted that it was her time. Our conversations were many. One thing that really stayed with me, and never left, was, he declared he had a calling from God to be a minister of the gospel but he just did not do it. I had no choice but to reflect on whether I had the same calling and would I fulfill my purpose? He was really sad after his wife’s death and he comforted himself by saying his home was now his church. Well, so much for market force, when your home becomes the only place for your vision and message.

    My journey thus far had not been easy I had a game plan and

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