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Atlantis a New Beginning
Atlantis a New Beginning
Atlantis a New Beginning
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Atlantis a New Beginning

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If you were a lost Atlantean where would you go? Your city has sunk beneath a great catacyclasm. Now, the woman you love and everyone that you have left are in danger what will you do to save Atlantis? Would you do the impossible the unthinkable? The most daring? What would you do to save your loved ones?

Release dateMay 15, 2017
Atlantis a New Beginning

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    Atlantis a New Beginning - Lisa Kulow


    I dedicate this book to my Father, Michael Jackson for being my biggest fan and supporter and to my Husband who listened to me endlessly and helped me research. And all the rest of my family and friends. Thank you all.

    All Rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.




    hat a warm, beautiful night. The moon is full and you can see the sway of trees, hear the calls of The Quetzal birds, and many other animals.

    It is so peaceful.

    Just days ago, I watched an entire city collapse, smoke and ash everywhere. The burning clouds and the sea had come to life violently.

    The people had gotten out, I hope, at least those who didn't succumb to the plague. Like my adopted family.

    Why am I being so melancholy? There is nothing but beauty and love surrounding me now.

    I just cannot shake the feeling something is watching me and waiting to see what I will do.

    I have found a home with Kyrian. I finally belong, and feel wanted.

    A part of me still cannot help but wonder who my parents are.

    Why was I cast away and what of the caress? It has not returned for many weeks now.

    I am deep in thought when Quetzal lands on his perch, his beautiful feathers ruffled.

    The long teal blue one almost reached the ground. What a magnificent bird, and a magical trickster, I think personally. How else does a bird disappear?

    What a blessing this new home has turned out to be! I have never felt at peace, not like this, before. Yew’ll sighs, running her hand down Quetzal's tail.

    He let out a small squawk.

    Yew’ll laughed with delight. Well, good morning, my lovely bird! Can I get you some refreshments?

    Quetzal eyed her. Laughing, she said, I will take that as a yes.


    he moved over to the table of fruits and nuts, and using a small bowl, she put some of each in there and laid the bowl on the ground in front of Quetzal.

    Your breakfast, my lord, she said with a curtsy.

    Quetzal thought it amusing. Apparently, she got a guffaw from him and a clap from behind her. There in the shadows, Kyrian stood leaning against the wall, looking at her. Do I get such service? he asked. I am in great need of refreshments after such an arduous night.

    Yew’ll said, Well, we must remedy that, Kyrian. Please sit. What do you prefer this morning, meat, eggs, fruit? Kyrian gives her a delicious grin. I prefer to have you but I guess some roast quail and wild rice and some fruit will do, my love. Yew’ll blushed, looking pretty.

    She was still not used to hearing he loved her. She could scarcely believe she would not wake up from a dream and be back in Atlantis.

    This was real, she thought, as she went to the serving table and picked him out the best dishes. She realized how much she loved Kyrian and the new home they have.

    Here you go, my Lord, she said as she handed him the plate and then went to grab a small folding table to put his breakfast on.

    He smiled at her. You look lovely today! This land suits you. Kyrian smiled

    But, you disappoint me. Yew’ll looked at him anxiously.

    How have I disappointed you?  Yew’ll asked.

    You’re calling me my Lord, he said quietly.

    Kyrian, she stammered. I am trying! She huffed, plopping down in the hanging chair.

    "All of my life everyone has been My Lord, or sir! I am trying.

    Kyrian sighed, Well, I guess maybe you could call me sir in private.

    Kyrian, stop that right now!

    Stop what, little blossom?He asked innocently, eating a succulent looking piece of quail. A little juice glistened on his lip. She yearned to walk over and lick it clean.

    Shaking herself, she noticed Kyrian is still looking at her expectantly.

    Just stop doing that! I am going to go find Tarliss and Leode! Is there anything else you require, KYRIAN?"

    Umm, no, what are your plans for the day? Kyrian asked. I plan on finding more clothes for all of us. And you Kyrian?

    Kyrian replies, I plan to take Shea and Tar to get a better look and understanding of this place.

    You will be safe?

    Of course, Yew’ll replied. As safe as you are.

    Just then they heard a discreet cough.

    They both turned and Leode and Shea were standing there. We did not mean to interrupt My Lord and Lady.  Shea said, You said something about summoning us? Kyrian laughed, Yes, my friend that is exactly what we were about to do. Are you spying on us?

    Shea grinned and replied, Never, my lord. Leode just dropped to the floor on her knees, arms outstretched.

    See what you have done Kyrian!  Yew’ll said angrily to Kyrian.

    Please get up Leode! You are my friend, so you have no need to kneel to me. I would like to explore the village today? Would that be possible?Yew’ll asked.

    Oh, yes my lady, Leode replied.

    Could you find Tarliss? Yew’ll asked.And make the necessary arrangements.

    Yes, My Lady, Leode said. She curtsied and half bowed from her rising position.

    How soon would you like to leave, my Lady? Leode asked.

    After you have both eaten, please, Yew’ll replied. We will eat after we have seen to your needs, my Lady. Leode said firmly.

    No, Yew’ll said, You will both eat from the same table as Kyrian and I.

    But... Leode started. No, Yew’ll said firmly, You put all this food here, prepared it. You will eat too.

    Shea grinned, You do not have to tell me twice, and winked at Leode, obviously enjoying her discomfort. After he filled his plate he went to sit on the white pyramid steps.


    t is a beautiful new world you rule over, Kyrian," Shea mentioned, looking at the living jungle beneath him, wondering why he was here. What fate did the Gods have in store for him now?

    Tarliss and Tar finished walking up the stairs both of their faces red from the strain.

    Yew’ll urged them to sit and gave each a small glass of wine and instructed them when they were done to come in and eat. Tarliss opened her mouth. Yew’ll shook her head. Leode said, It would just be easier if you ate, then we can go?

    Kyrian watched all this with great humor.

    What a handful she is, Kyrian thought to himself, but worth every second. I cannot imagine my life without her in it. Now after everyone is settled, I am anxious to explore my new lands.



    nd meet the people I will be responsible for. If Tar and his party are any indication, I am well pleased. We can make a happy life here, and as far as worship I would learn about their Gods before I make any judgments.

    I do not want to incur any of God’s wrath.  Having been the recipient of that already, I have no wish for any further hurt to the people of any area. I need to learn as much as I can about the people, their practices, how they live, how they eat... There is so much to learn.

    In Atlantis, I grew up knowing these things thought Kyrian. My father King Urian, said when I went through the portal in Atlantis, I would gain some unconscious understandings of how things work in all ways and energy we can tap into from the core of the planet, the magnet poles. I remember a few things. I was returned to an unharmed Atlantis somehow.

    A very strange Atlantis was completely empty and untouched. No great destruction has happened at this Atlantis. It was a mirror of my home without any people or any destruction,

    It stood there as if waiting.

    I had the strangest feeling, as if it was waiting to take a breath and when it did, everything would change.

    Was there a time, I could have spoken with my father about such things? Kyrian wondered.

    My Father was so intent that I leave; it was so very strange. So when we were reunited, I spoke with my father, King Urian, when I left that Atlantis it is all very hazy.

    My father was residing in Cairo. We did not get to discuss much of what I longed to ask. He filled in some blanks, but even he was puzzled by the why and how of my return to Atlantis and then onto Cairo.

    King Urian, seemed intrigued by Shea. With my father The King’s blessing, Shea accompanied me back to Peru.

    Shea intrigues me as well. I know I was feverish when I reached Cairo, but he seemed to be genuinely interested in having a worthy Lord.


    gypt does not strike me as a place of unworthy Kings. Indeed, it has a grandeur not matched in any land except Atlantis. Even Atlantis is dwarfed by the sheer size of just their temples. The palace where the God King lived was vast.

    It has giant sphinxes of black granite lining the pathway to the impressive 100 foot walls. Where there were statues of the God King, his wife, and their God, Osiris.

    There are lovely bare breasted women with linen sarongs carrying water or food on their heads. It is a beautiful sight to behold. The guards are wearing an array of painted masks from a bird to a crocodile. It is very intimidating.

    I wish my father King Urian well in the work he is doing there.

    Kyrian thinks

    I am interrupted from my musings by the laugh of Yew’ll. I smile to myself; her laugh makes my soul happy. I feel complete with her. We barely knew each other before Atlantis was sickened and then destroyed. We escaped here to this amazingly beautiful home.

    It is so very different from the Atlantis I knew, where there were beautiful buildings and azure blue waters and amazing ships.

    This place is amazing in an almost polar side and opposite, it is jungle. So many trees are alive with flowers in a dizzying array of colors and smells. Vines hang down or tangle at your feet, and all the world's animals must reside here.

    I had never before seen anything like it, such as the massive pyramids that rival even Egypt. That is two more days walk. That seemed impossible.

    But everything that had happened seemed so, and then there is Yew’ll who is so very breathtakingly beautiful from her beautiful violet eyes that turned dark as the ocean does at night when she takes her pleasure. Kyrian thought I will never forget that, as long as I live, especially the heave of her high, perfect breasts straining towards the heavens along with her gently curving hips that his hand lightly rests on even now.  I must start thinking of something else. I was fixing to be uncomfortably erect.


    n to today's business, I thought.

    She seems to belong here somehow. She has taken all that has happened in stride. She is going to make an exceptional Queen.

    Also, she feels deeply and is very empathetic towards the people and animals here.

    She is interested in learning about the lands and helping the people.

    I am blessed by the Gods to have her for my love. She does not know her parentage but, I would hazard to say, a God had some hand in her coming to be and an easy acceptance of things that would have sent normal people screaming in terror or drowning in drinks. She did neither. She looked somewhat in awe if I remember correctly. She definitely did not look out of her mind.

    But I am still unsure of perhaps; I am not the one out of my mind? Kyrian thought,

    How could all of that destruction have happened?  People are leaving with purpose.

    And then meeting Yew’ll. And that room in Atlantis with the beautiful blue prismatic light. Falling on a golden globe turning, without any discernible things holding it up.  And the small diorama of Atlantis; in perfect detail that glowed. It was a map. If you touched any part of it, it projected that part of Atlantis and a bright light moving from this room to the place you

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