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Society-Q develops a social philosophy on our collective horizon to rescue the human race from the human race via social criticism from a contemporary essayist; David Kreiling.

The 'Quantopia Experiment' by Citizen-Q nudges earth culture beyond widgets and digits into Society-Q; a dream for integrated and unified faith and fact for humans engaging third millennial transformation. Cultural dynamics succumb to invisible quantum forces that increasingly define the current state of society on earth. Essentially, the surface skin over cultural diversity is pulled back by technological intrusion into a micro world previously known only to specialists in information theory, mathematics and applied physics. This micro world fantastically extends into astronomical measurements and projections modeled across trillions of galaxies. Control over this dynamic domain determines the loci of future power over the human race. So exposing the unknowns, speculations and now known facts about quantum theory to readers, embedded in the suddenly online spectacular repository of human knowledge on the internet, can force debate about creation of a Society-Q on earth. Can you imagine earth world for the third millennium? Is it possible to look ahead rather than to the past to visualize the future for this quite extraordinary planet? What needs to change for humans to grow into beings responsible for the vast powers unleashed by science and technology over the past 100 years? Only creative insight into accurate interpretative applications resolving deep questions of physics concerning time, space, matter, forces, and the contrast between classical and quantum mechanics, can clarify and unify a common understanding of 'reality'. Without this, much of society and culture, is merely posing in the dark. So this book strikes a 'pose' with hope that some good may come from choosing to engage in the 'Quantopia Experiment'.

Read other books by David Kreiling like THE QUANTUM NEW TESTAMENT: PARAPHRASE and CITIZEN-Q.

Release dateJan 31, 2018

David Kreiling

David Kreiling usually writes from Texas. He studies art, theology, philosophy, law, economics, psychology, math and theoretical physics. He works as a studio artist drawing, painting, designing books and sculpting while researching quantum gravity.

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    Society-Q - David Kreiling


    COVER ART & DESIGN by David Kreiling

    COPYRIGHT ©2008

    David Kreiling, all rights reserved, worldwide. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or copied without author permission. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.







    3  REFRAME

    4  BASICS

    5  STAIN




    9  CORPS





    14  POVERTY

    15  ART



    18  WAR & CRIME

    19  GIFTING

    20  POST FACTO




    Can you reimagine earth world culture and society across the forthcoming centuries of the third millennium? Is it possible to look ahead rather than to the past to visualize the future for this quite extraordinary planet? What needs to change for humans to grow into beings responsible for the vast powers unleashed by science and technology over the past 100 years? Brilliant scientists recognized for the past 100 years that only creative insight into deep questions of physics concerning time, space, matter and energy forces can clarify, and then potentially unify, into a shared understanding of the core nature of 'reality'. Without this, society and culture, are posing in the dark. Help postulate how Society-Q might engage in a 'Quantopia Experiment' to optimize reimagined cultural welfare for an overpopulated earth.

    Society-Q resets earth world culture and civilization context defined by the stunning vistas from scientific enquiry, observations and speculations. Utopias always fall short. But these days, competing postmodern societal threads increasingly trigger powerful global clashes among historical religious, economic and political movements that engage undreamed of technology, weaponry and staggering access to online information pools and connections. Alligators are both in the water and hide in hyperspace and they know how to google.

    Society-Q is intended as a loose term to coalesce human civilization around the amalgam of seemingly miraculous events occurring around the start of the twentieth century with the discovery of quanta. There is no pretense that humans, even more than one hundred years later, and even among the brightest minds on earth, truly understand either the intricacies or depth of quantum theory. Yet there is an undeniable hard reality, that softly, and invisibly, even surreptitiously, is penetrating civilization from every direction in an immeasurable particle-wave energetic cascade changing 'everything' into the steady drip of a speculative unknown. So, let's speculate, not necessarily expecting to find ultimate answers, but to begin to ask the right questions that literally, pun intended, require novel language, and insight.

    Getting beyond esoteric issues connected to quantum implosion on earth inevitably leads to litmus social issues affecting billions of people. For example, hard won progress for impoverished, disenfranchised and marginalized peoples is at risk from mass economic, military, social, technological, legal and political inequities exacerbating among population groups, unless global shared values touch human hearts forcefully enough to rapidly change our operational dna from competition to compassion; rage to love. Tick tock. Warlords, politicians, popes, kings and aristocrats paved the way for the current billionaire oligarchy that strangles the impoverished masses who struggle in deprivation while fat cats dine on sumptuous superfluity. Much of the wealth concentration paradoxically comes from a quantized technology lighting up the billionaire domain of dark banks, tax havens and criminal syndicates supporting nations, corporations and individuals angling on more and more economic and social power at the expense of the 'common man'. But the masses begin to see the 'con', now marginally revealed freely on their cell phones, and search for a path to release from the stranglehold, that limits their future by dousing hopes with perpetual poverty. Hopefully notions of Society-Q contribute to a social philosophy on our collective horizon that might someday rescue the human race from the human race in a human race. Tick tock.

    But the author must acknowledge, obvious to anyone who has known him, that he is himself a failure, on both a personal and social level, comforted only by the inevitable characterization for anyone who dare write of 'toy worlds' as a star wake dreamer on a broke planet. Hopefully, smarter people will someday tie these ideas together, and conquer stubborn pride and prejudices with a deeply integrated and unified sensibility, that might soften bright lights with deep hope for earthlings sniffling nervously in a cold dark universe. At any rate, the tombstone for this author could fairly read, He failed to live in the categories in which he thought.

    It is hard to consider this assemblage of epigrams, aphorisms and terse literary vignettes into a concatenation as other than mere 'works-in-progress'. They began as short essays in 1999 scratched out with a sharpie on yellow legal pads over bad coffee in a pasty rich american shopping center set next to a country club reserved for botox elites. Each time that I have considered publication, I faint away at the breadth of content drawing me into revisions and additions that seem terribly essential, as the world changes again and again, and I don't. Forgive my tardiness as I was interrupted, from time to time, by life, and deaths, and sometimes, by the absence of either. 

    D. Kreiling




    Earth culture transcends widgets and digits in a dream of unified faith and fact as quantized humans engage the third millennium. 


    Cultural dynamics succumb to invisible quantum forces that increasingly define the current state of society on earth. Essentially, the surface skin over cultural diversity is pulled back by technological intrusion into a micro world known only to specialists in information theory, mathematics and applied physics. This micro world fantastically extends into astronomical measurements and projections modeled across trillions of galaxies. Control over this dynamic domain will determine the loci of future power over the human race. So exposing the unknowns, speculations and now known facts about quantum theory to readers embedded in the suddenly online spectacular repository of human knowledge on the internet, can force debate about creation of Quantopia on earth.


    Manifest principled uncertainty in the core of the universe permits compassion to emerge among humans displacing previous epochs controlled by competitive impulse that intrinsically defeats another for success. Primitive narcissism gives way to awareness of a deep mutuality at every scale in each moment of time with the other geometric forms that coexist on earth in the presence of Supergod.


    Quantized existence stays constant and invariant under transformation. This is the beauty and simplicity found in fundamental symmetries deep in the nature of existence that correspond to amazing energy conservations preserved in absolute time as asymmetries flower and fade in relative time.


    Scoot over to andromeda galaxy, look back and try to pick out earth among the billion specks of light in every direction. Could-anyone-even-find-earth-in-the-sky? Going trillions and trillions of light years further, the milky way eventually disappears from sight, and even further away, super galactic Laniakea dissolves as if it never existed.


    Quantum powers overtly explode concentrated information pools of privilege across the global culture via technology while quietly governing society by degrees of covert power. Algorithms wielded by the new power brokers are infiltrating the contemporary world one bit, or many qubits, at a time. The quantum reformation is in process.


    Interpret quantum mechanics as curse or blessing or both for philosophy, theology, economics, art, social dynamics and psychology. It is pervasive so confrontation among the alternative interpretations is unavoidable. It may be that quantum mechanics is someday supplanted, or at least, modified by a deeper theory, but in the meantime, it is incumbent on humans to knit reality together into a cohesive understanding derived from observations, tests, predictions and the best 'smarts' from the 'highest intellects'.


    Strangely, embracing the depths of particles and deep space yields an unexpected possibility that life on earth is so specious, or, in a way, so precious, that there is nothing else to gain or lose beyond the private and personal life experience. Yet the whole of the universe, in varied scales, manifest diversity and pervasive commonalities commands attention, since this is the context for earth. And insights into its nature tumble into the public domain at an increasing rate that shows no sign of slowing. 



    Society-Q implements the quantum reformation.


    Is Society-Q utopian? Of course, but quantum mechanics is a dramatic utopian changer that portends unimaginable possibilities when connected to the ubiquitous power of universal gravity that shapes at least two trillion galaxies undergoing continual flickering transformation into the next moment from this moment.


    It is hard to avoid speculation on the existence of a core common 'trill' inside frequencies and amplitudes spread across the universe in all depths and scales. It's natural to connect this notion to age old meditation practices featuring 'ohm' sounds. Could an eternal trill 'cause' symmetry break of fantastically compressed energy pockets? as creation cosmological events? The 'trill' might continue in creation as a kind of omnipresent fundamental dynamic within relative local ontology, or existent being, throughout the universe. Of course, contemporary earth culture would no doubt deem this version of big bang as the 'Big Trill'. But that can't be helped these days. It should be obvious that 'trill' need not enfold the necessity for an actual auditory 'sound' as a radio em frequency perceptible on earth today.


    Psychopathic narcissists always existed but proliferation of weapons of mass destruction changes social and civic tolerance for their intrusions into power roles in government, business or other communal relations. Deception, grandiosity and the absence of remorse, or, absence of conscience, characterizes these societal predators. Unfortunately, this form of earthling 'competes' very well, thus the need to move earth culture away from over valuing competition virtues and uncovering compassion.


    Utopias exist to give social naysayers and critics something to ridicule.  But it is a strange utopia that is real. Quantopia physically exists today as governing physics even if unobserved by human perceptual and cognitive constipation. 


    When will the cosmic reformation by Society-Q start?  Behold, celestial lights and infinite plenitudes of vacuum energy fortify the translucent yet immanent city of tomorrow in the forthcoming age of the elusive foundation for quantum theory that applies managing existence on an uncertain path into extraordinary opportunities, but without guarantees, and no obvious safety net. Do we process into quantum mechanic functioning with exhilaration or trepidation or both? Can we hang on to a bit of the classical life before qubits drown history?



    Numbers assigned to the human population promotes abstraction of personal identity as astonishing efficiencies optimize the use of time and other scarce resources. Numbering radically altered life on earth and it's snowballing seeping applications revamp identity from personal to impersonal; subjective to objective; and physical to abstraction. Numbers sequence these paragraphs permitting efficient reference, progression, criticism, compliment and most importantly, revision and correction.


    S.S.#62-5340-21. 2100, #5A. (914) 682-5055. C.C.C.#56 75012369 832. 3rd child. School I.D. #56423. Bank no. 51994. Car #62543 and 6282H. Order no. 52654322. Profit #18,300. 46 paintings. 91 drawings. 5 books. Fax me. 662-9111-1.1625 Trillion atoms. 36 yrs. Flight 151. Terminal 4A. 2,640 flights. 250 shares at 18.40. 16,243 sexual climaxes. 49,826 pees. 2 eyes. 2 balls. 2 breasts. 2 arms. 2 legs. 2 ears. 10 fingers. 10 toes. 2 cars. $36.75 in groceries. $3.23 coffee. 1,000,000,000 websites. 186,000 mph. 16 shirts. 30,000 days. 720,000 hours. 43,200,000 minutes. 2 parents. 2 uncles. 4 friends. 1 death. 1 birth. 3.2 E-rate. FB 4,569,289,108. Tweet 289,345. 548 degrees by 289 degrees GPS.


    Why not assign a single number to each person on the planet? We are numbered a thousand different ways anyway.  Why not give every human a number and a satellite homing device (like elderly heart patients) to ensure minimal sustenance necessities and emergency medical help.  Imagine this for every person. Start with impoverished areas. Why not? This type of implementation from the quantum reformation is inevitable someday in the future given continued blanketing of the globe from technology and social media if combined with a compassion for the impoverished that is only sporadic hiccups at the present.


    Market capitalism transcends and absorbs the number as useful, but somewhat dangerous, when differentiation among peoples, turns into separation among individuals functioning free from theocratic moral influence executed via religiosity blended into hypnotic obedience, or sometimes worse, the progressive politically correct bleeding into a common pool of reactionary drivel paradoxically attacking reactionaries in an absurdist play of hypocritical comedic tragedy. Mirrored fluff bashing, oddly equal and opposite, left and right, competes for recognition by entertainment news. Numbering effectively aggregates as it separates, so networks grow and dissolve, in this heightened math abstraction through social media hits and overwrought polling. Reduction, or elevation, depending on point of view, into a mere number lay at the very heart of contemporary civilization. Whoever controls the numbering, coding, in a sense, possesses unimaginable power over the individual and the masses.


    Numbering actions enables democracy and collective aggregation of free choices in free markets. The beneficial egalitarian consequence for expanding individual human rights is almost beyond comprehension. This kind of extraordinary benefit from simple mathematics is among millions, even billions, of hidden hand efficiencies. The trade off with increasing depersonalization is an increase in degrees of freedom from individual choices actually, indeed literally, counted.


    Natural numbers do not possess the power and richness of complex numbers that constitute the essence of quantum math as presently understood and applied. Therefore, the next stage in human abstraction applies complex math to personal identity within the Cosmic Cloud in anticipation of progress in applying metamathematical inventiveness to quantum conundrums.



    Quantum age art entails continuing inventiveness via unleashed powers, processes and mechanics universally operating the universe. Art, plus technology and distributed information fuse into an inseparable identity within economic efficiencies fostered by Society-Q. Is it possible that postmodern appropriation gives way to restoring originality if Society-Q powerfully intrudes into presentism?


    Imagine that art is no longer sold and bought. Galleries, museums, auction houses, and price lists dissolve into history. Dealers, curators, marketeers and collectors become the artists whom they feared and revered.  They become the powerful creators they are not. And the art market collapses in on itself in a phase transition into criss crossing unmanaged art unconstrained by mother market.


    Earthlings need one common language; extended from quantum math and logic, that complements the immense varietal languages existing today.  Most needs and concerns of life are common to all humans. A single language facilitates expression for marginal meanings and restates old ideas into today’s form and context.  For example, one can now begin to restate the great issue of free will versus determinism within quantum mechanical mathematics.  Do you want to do that in 100 languages or one? Does computer code facilitate or detract from this dream? Is computer code quantum language?


    Consider one verbal language correlated to quantum reality:

    (1) Verb expansion for universal transformation. Less nouns.

    (2)  Words for very, very small stuff.

    (3)  Words for very, very big stuff.

    (4)  Alien ease of access.

    (5)  Precise beauty expressions.

    (6)  Light spectrum wavelengths clarified.

    (7)  Dualistic conflict elimination via quantum concepts.

    (8)  Eliminate the word war.



    Double entry accounting confuses financial understanding.  Evolve into single entry accounting that a child can understand; not manipulators.  A system devoid of legal and accounting nuance is apparently too forthright and open for the human race today.  But it is possible someday since bizness always reduces to quantities and numbers. This project is perfect for the typical elite business school dropout with a penchant for metamathematics.



    Mathematics needs a unified revolutionary formalism; an axiomatic base similar to category theory, but not limited to relationships and aligned with physical phenomena that extends across all events.  One might call this 'phenomenal math' organized to explicate physical phenomena transformations with constants that integrates quantum logic, math and unreason.



    Earth environment poses a human quandary. Earth and humans consist of gases, liquids and solids. Finite natural resources deplete. Humans deplete. Humans consume environmental resources that deplete. Visiting aliens will see little to distinguish cockroach, rat, turtle, and vulture from humans who swallow anything useful.


    Humans exert significant control over earth resources. Humans grow and harvest life forms (plants and animals) for consumption. Cattle, salmon, and corn live and die per human commandment: thou shalt serve human need. This rule extends to water and air and anything else humans identify, divide, and conquer and this is nearly everything. Thus the human separates from himself, then from nature and then conquers nature in the name of humanity depleting nature and destroying himself.



    Future for earth correlates to the future of energy and matter that foremost entails understanding governing dynamics beginning with the ground state of the quantum vacuum.



    Human pride and presumption,

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