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7 Products in 7 Days
7 Products in 7 Days
7 Products in 7 Days
Ebook140 pages1 hour

7 Products in 7 Days

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Innovation and creation are such powerful skills to have. Waking up in the morning with a new product idea and being able to honestly say that you have so many ideas and don't have enough time to create them all is a great feeling. It is also very profitable, as you can imagine.

Fortunately, this is not a naturally occurring phenomenon and can be learned, practiced, and mastered to the point of at least one new idea a day. The good thing here is that this doesn't just apply to online marketing either. It can be used in almost any type of business you can think of.

All you need is the ability to observe, listen and pay attention to what is going on around you, and the ability to think laterally. It is not a complicated process at all and it does not even require amazing imagination or creativity.

It is strange that most people do not seem to have this ability, yet it is there, ready to drink. Now I am going to show you how to use this simple method. Practice makes perfect, but start now, and along with the informational product guides that follow, you can brainstorm and create as many products as you want, when and as often as you like.

Objectives of this section.

● For your creativity to flow.

● Get you to create products and services using ideas you never thought would occur to you.

● To ensure you always have folders full of ideas and inspiration for future products and services.

● To show you how to bring your new ideas to life, where others are stuck with an empty screen and a writers block.

● To open your mind and encourage free thought.

● To show you the methods that I use every day to generate a lot of new ideas without even having to think about it.

● To immediately get rid of that notion of not having any products to promote and never having to find yourself there again.

● To inspire you and give you and your business a push forward.

● So you can start taking action on every idea you have. You will never have anything to do again.

● To show you how to develop ideas into multiple products - ideas that didn't seem at all viable when you first thought about them and that generate tens of thousands of dollars in sales..........












PublisherMario Aveiga
Release dateJun 29, 2021
7 Products in 7 Days

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    Book preview

    7 Products in 7 Days - Mario Aveiga

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. June 29, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 Mario Aveiga.

    ISBN: 979-8201648961

    Written by Mario Aveiga.

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