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Climbing Out of the Pit: My Story of Faith
Climbing Out of the Pit: My Story of Faith
Climbing Out of the Pit: My Story of Faith
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Climbing Out of the Pit: My Story of Faith

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One who looks for the potential in each individual, Kelly Martin in this biography of his own life's struggles shares the thoughts and feelings of one who is striving for achievement. Each one of us, on this planet we call earth, is on a journey, one on which there are unknown roadblocks along the way. Wrought with unmarked intersections or "splits" in the road, there are also many decisions one must make, some of those emerging as major setbacks to progress if the wrong path is taken. There are "pits" along the road waiting to swallow the careless or the unwary. To live life in the role of a flight instructor, one must regularly deal with the challenges of weather and maintain a high sense of survival, as well as learn to deal with many different personalities. Having piloted airplanes in more than forty-five different countries, Mr. Martin has met many people of a diverse number of backgrounds. He believes that everybody has a story to tell and that each individual can "climb out" of whatever pit they might find themselves in. They can achieve their goals, given the necessary encouragement along the way. We each have our battles to fight. In this book, he takes us back to a famous battle that occurred during World War II, paralleling life's challenges with the survival of one participant of that battle. Firmly believing that God has a worthwhile purpose for every one of His children, Mr. Martin emphasizes the human connection that each one of us needs and that technology will never be able to replace.

Release dateMar 2, 2020
Climbing Out of the Pit: My Story of Faith

Kelly Martin

Kelly Martin is a passionate and unconventional metaphysical thinker and writer who has been questioning reality since 1999. Writing on her blog Kelly Martin Speaks and speaking on YouTube she traces her journey from shyness to greater confidence. Kelly has explored many different paths from Reiki healing, Shamanism to Buddhism and now embraces a primarily mindful journey. After what felt like a decade of severe anxiety she took up mindfulness meditation and began to notice how much compassion and kindness lay in simply being with who she was, in that moment. Through practising mindfulness she began to emerge from a story of failure and fear to empowerment and greater confidence. She wants to encourage people to find the treasures that lie within the pain and suffering and to learn to see themselves as 'enough' exactly as they are, right now. Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in North East England, she now lives in Gloucestershire with her best friend Mike and the occasional visiting cat. She likes nothing better than sitting in a café drinking coffee, writing and people watching. Prior to metaphysics she majored in Environmental Studies at University and in many ways her love of the natural world has carried over into the love of nature as a great guide in her life. You can see more of her work at:, and her guest posts at

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