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What Really Happened?
What Really Happened?
What Really Happened?
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What Really Happened?

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Ancient Man Psychological Aspect Theory

Legends are not old lies, but ignored truths. Meanwhile the Psychological profile of a person is defined as the set of parameters that may led an individual to behave in a certain way in regards to what that person afterwards may do or may say. in other hand the Psychological Aspect of a human being are other arrange of parameters that make the individuals to believe or interpret the reality in a certain way.

The psychological aspect of the prehistoric human being is not the same as the psychological aspect of a modern man. Each human, modern or primitive, can observe the same phenomenon, but the one who possess greater knowledge may interpret it better and explain it accurately. The right person to explain an unknown phenomena is the one who has the right tools to describe the same. An ancient Man who had only seen stones throughout his whole life and nothing else, is more likeable to explain everything by using the concept of the stones as a base for his own interpretation and explanation. A legend created by any human being is absolutely connected to the Psychological Aspect of the same human being and no one else, legend are born of interpretations. Since that ancient man was already surrounded by stones and is the only thing he knows so far, he will use the concept of stones to describe, explain or interpret anything he hears, listened, saw, experienced or dreamed. No one can explain something unknown from a concept he can not understand or does not know. We usually explain unknown phenomena based on what we already know and understand.

With this experiment it is also discovered how people with psychological issues usually alter the perception of a real phenomena, but the existence of the same phenomena is not in jeopardy. The psychological aspect of the earthling human is different with regard to its knowledge, education, geographical position and epoch. This theory is to demonstrate that every legend that exist are not based on lies but on distorted truths across the millennials. Due to The Psychological Aspect of Earthling humans, these tent to exaggerate stories, phenomena and events, but the core of the narrative is absolute true, sin

what really happened? is an investigation book about the secret history or the hidden history of the humanity, although the book develops topics related to philosophy, quantum physics and spirituality, the central topic of the book is the question "what really happened?"
Release dateSep 2, 2016
What Really Happened?

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    What Really Happened? - Hector Melo

    What Really Happened?

    What Really Happened?

    By Hector Melo

    What really happened?

    Everything has a beginning and an end, everything has a source and a space, everything is made up of something, anything and everything is up to something. Everything has a beginning and everything has an information. Everything has a knowledge, everything is information. Everything is part of a cause and everything is involved at least once in a certain consequence. Everything somehow flows and in a certain place quite not. We are all part of the whole and from the whole we receive everything. We all are nourished completely of the whole and the whole feeds the Cosmos. He who knows its origin has completed its identity, since this identity reveals before him the understanding of himself.

    The one who loves himself just as he is finds the permanent happiness and the happiness will make him invincible even against the will of its own enemies. The truth is chased like the hunter to the prey since the truth is not convenient for the oppressors and abusive ones. An auto identified man lacks of very little and only needs what is considered to be the unneeded for the rest. Therefore the one who knows its origin, its destination, its composition, its function and purpose, that one is a conscious being. The man who nothing knows, nothing understands, the man who nothing understands, a maker of nothing he becomes as well, but the man who knows something and does not shine with the truth, is like a lighthouse in a desert. The being without a course and intention is weak in decision and planning. The one who does not govern its own life will never govern a nation, the one who ca not controls its own body will not control other bodies.

    Who does not know its own origin and formation is like an unknown random substance which elements are not unknown, components and its application, It is like a invention without any demand or an instrument of unknown function which ignorance cataloged as useless. The whole is truth but within the concepts there are truth and also lies. Concepts can not answer questions, the truth is the only answer not the best. Everything has light and has darkness also. All the knowledge has an origin and with them drags its own utility, didactic, permanence and evidence.

    The search for knowledge leads to a path and every path ends in a deeper knowledge and truth.

    within the evolution of the being is impossible to avoid the way to the truth, this road is the learning path and every being journeys in this path. learning is an eternal duty as the knowledge is, but everything has an existential origin and everything has one explanation of its existence, its nature, nomenclature, composition and function. The knowledge exists before the being, since the being did not cause knowledge but the being is the result of the existence of knowledge.

    The knowledge exists although the being does not know about its existence. Some beings exist with a knowledge and others not, some of them are created with a knowledge and others not, since the being possesses information. Some beings transfer what they know to others and others beings do not, some of what they transfer is not everything they know and from everything they know, something they do not transfer. The knowledge has always been and will be.

    Everything is composed by knowledge and the knowledge composes it quite. Everything is vast and the knowledge is alike, in the way in which everything increases the knowledge increases also. Philosophy is the mother of every science and every science proceeds of knowledge. The knowledge comes from the Cosmos, only the Cosmos is sufficiently vast to lodge the knowledge. As soon as something existed, there was already its knowledge. The knowledge existed along with the existence. The Cosmos is existential and the knowledge exist from its origin.

    The knowledge is closer to the truth than the faith. before the faith existed there was the knowledge already and the Cosmos existed before the belief. the understanding of the knowledge is the source of the truth, the knowledge is the light of the Cosmos and the darkness is the ignorance. The knowledge is  between beings of light and beings of darkness, but some look for it and others push it back, since it is simpler to believe than to understand.

    The exact knowledge is the light of the truth, since the Cosmos have not any errors about the accuracy of the information, the knowledge without the being has useless function, but the being without knowledge becomes a being of darkness. The light conquers the darkness. before the being, the knowledge existed and because of the science the being existed also. The investigation leads to the truth and this is a knowledge, the knowledge is the light and this is the origin of everything.

    Everything is composed by something, in the same way the knowledge. Every substance possesses information and this one composes the knowledge of the whole. In the whole Cosmos there is information in accordance with the completely perpetual knowledge, the being without knowledge does not possess science. The science is the body, the knowledge the head and the information is its absolute composition. One thing is the extraction of information, other the practical application of this. The science without the cosmic knowledge is nothing, since science is composed of this.

    The enlightenment is a learning process, as soon as the being fills with knowledge it is illuminated, when the knowledge is part of this being it turns into light and when it comes out illuminates other beings alike. The truth is within the light next to the knowledge, science and information. The dark beings do not have light, therefore they are living in ignorance.

    A being of light is full of truth because the perpetual knowledge is true and the science of its understanding is an existential commitment. If something exists, there exists its origin and the knowledge that explains it quite, its function, composition and reason. The Reason and the cause are the Knowledge's chain links, like cars of a train that go in harmony, one with other in a cosmic rhythmic dance.

    Energy, conscience, substance, the filled, the empty thing, the static thing, the movement, the illuminated thing, the dark thing, the sensitive thing, the insensitive thing, the destructible thing, the fusion-able, the perpetual thing, the uni dimensional, the immeasurable, the multidimensional thing, the untenable thing, the compound thing, the desintegrable, the searchlight, the Absorbent thing, the attractive thing, the textured, the photonic thing, the quantum thing, the form-able, the physical thing, the energetic thing, the dependent thing, the fluent thing. Everything shapes the Cosmos and from all of this, the Cosmos acquire its knowledge, its understanding and the science of its application. This is the perpetual cosmic knowledge which is the true of the origin, cause and utility completely.

    What we can call thing and even what we do not know its existence, everything has a real explanation of its composition, origin, age, cause and functioning. This is a cosmic truth. The perfect knowledge lives in the Cosmos, this one is indestructible, because to destroy it would be necessary to destroy the Cosmos itself.

    The true essence of the cosmic being is the genuine evolution by means of the insertion of  knowledge until reaching the enlightenment. The being full of light is a holder of the truth and keeper of knowledge. What are we that we do not understand what has always existed?

    Have the being always existed as energy has? what have been done to us that we can't figure out the real deal? it is like living for twenty years in the same residence and being unable to appoint the street, the P.O. box, city and even the country where we live. If the perception of what exists can convince the being by means of the senses of what surrounds him, Why not understanding and knowing deeply what surrounds us? if its existence is part of it? where does the memory go, the light, the wind? where do our thoughts go? Where the sound waves and the energy go within their manifestations? the understanding of the Cosmos is like deciphering the most complex enigma, because we perceive it as something vast and unattainable, but if we understand the origin, this will guide us into the train of the explanatory simplicity of its mysteries.

    Everything has a detailed explanation, fully descriptive and understandable from the most simple phenomena to the most complex event. It is impossible to separate the being from the Cosmos, so one of these phenomena are performed or manifest autonomously from the cosmic essence. Would the cosmic laws be the key to its understanding? but what is this law? Perhaps it is a set of rules such as those created by men to dictate and manipulate their behavior?

    Does the Cosmos obey the being or the being obey the Cosmos? What existed first, the law or the creation? What does this cosmic law consist and what it is? the explanation in its totality is a whole mystery because certainly this law includes much more than we know.

    Does perception leads to the existence of knowledge or the knowledge leads to know? Many things we do not know, a lot of things we do not understand, but our struggle for the truth brings us closer to the lighting than to darkness, otherwise we will remain in ignorance due to the acceptance of a low standard conformism given by the responses of the ignorant.

    Everything has an explanation, nothing happens by coincidence, since the coincidence is the answer of the one that does not know the real cause. The denial of the truth is not an answer that could satisfies the curiosity of the being to bring him peace, since by been sure of what we know affirms us more in the Cosmos as beings of light and intelligent beings. Everything is originated for some reason, inclusive the Cosmos.

    Speculate or invent lies or possible answers do not work as sorcery magic. If someone is placed in front of the sea on the beach and covers his eyes even without being able to see the ocean, he knows that this is already over there, however if that person denies strongly the existence of the sea, then when he removes his hands from his eyes all the ocean will not disappear, so the being does not create or destroy something only with a desire or a belief.

    What exists is real although we could not see it, sense it or touch it. but if we can see it, feel it or touch it, it demonstrates at least the existence of one evidence that sustains the existence and veracity of any thing.

    The being believes with the emotions, but understands with the reasoning and the intelligence. If anybody creates or not an idea, this does not imply the existential reality of any thing. Existing is not straight proportional to believing. When we talk about believing as faith, we refer to this idea of self-conviction that some beings have to accept something as real without the most minimal proof or evidence of any kind. It is like the faith in something. Believing is simple, understanding is more complicated.

    From the beginning of times the earthling human being has wondered which is the real origin of men and the origin of the terrestrial human races, also he worries about the possibility to find extraterrestrial intelligent life out of our planet and of course the explanatory process of birth and death. Earthlings also wonder which is the real mission in what we call life. It is simply disappointing to accept that in this age in which we are living with so much technological and informative advances, the earthling human being still strolls into the streets of the doubt and disorientation when dealing with these questions. Since the effort, the science and the information that the great minds of Earth possess are not close to these tracks, it seems as they are not interesting to reveal the truth or maybe they knew it but they won't reveal it.

    If  I believe it, then it exists, this is the premise by which the majority of the unfortunate earthling beings lives, subjected to laws, fears, insecurities, lies and manipulation. It is amazing how a being with so much potential is degraded in such a way that it yields easily to the ignorance and conformism following ideas and mindsets rather than thinking and becoming a true leader. Thinking has become the worst crime that an earthling human being could commit ever in a world where the bad guys get away with it, a world where the powerful oppress the weak, some rich makes a mockery of the poor, the arrogant threat the humble people and the ignorant call crazy the people who think.

    How is it possible that a being with enlightenment capacity is shutdown by this mixture of misconceptions and fictitious ideas that only lead to sadness, sickness, poverty, war and death? How is it possible that beings with extraordinary tools suddenly become the most useless followers of the blind? the reasoning is beaten by emotions without any sense that do not lead to anything enjoyable, fair and peacefully. It seems that these beings preferred a lie that makes them feel good than the truth which explains everything to them and help them move forward in their lives for becoming evolved beings.

    If it exists, then I can understand it, the ideal thing would be to only accept something if it is real. Why would anybody like to live through a lie? Why someone pursue the one who thinks differently? Why someone would be pursued because of what he thinks? It is as if those who think were the worst threat that exists against earthling humanity, almost worse than any epidemic or an asteroid approaching Earth, worst than a war without any sense and worst than absurd decisions taken from corrupt governments. Who really are the good guys and the bad guys?

    Since we were children we have assimilated concepts, teachings, culture, education and customs. How come suddenly is lying the right thing to do? How suddenly is lying the suitable thing? How suddenly is lying the appropriate thing to do? the world in its backwardness is intensified because of the ignorance, desolation, deaths, sufferings and sadness. The truth is the only thing that can help us. Without the truth, we would take decisions based on doubts and personal concepts.

    How suddenly investigating and looking for the truth has turned into an effective provocateur of the most exhaustive witches hunt in the history of the earthling humanity? An earthling humanity that on continuing its course without any deviation, rushes to the disappearance of their own species itself. Can someone get to somewhere without any course? How to trace a path without knowing the origin? without knowing the origin there is no destination, without a destination we won't know and understand our purpose.

    Knowing ourselves is a majestic power. If we don't know where we were originated, we will have difficulty to know where we are going to. If we do not know who created us, we will not understand our intention and mission. If we do not know how we were created and what we are, we won't know how far we can go. If we want to know who is the villain of this film, we only need to investigate who benefits from all this chaos and concealment, because no matter who they are, those who are benefiting are our real enemies, because they do not want us to move forward in order to become evolved beings, since we need a complete thinking transformation, advance as a species and the total enlightenment of the being.

    It seems as the business of some entities is to hurt anyone who seeks the truth. Can we know everything? Can we understand everything? It is impossible for a being to possess the absolute knowledge without a way of Permanence and eternal subsistence, but what type of  information is essential for us in order to understand everything and its functioning? perhaps everything will not be known by us and maybe everything will not be understood either, but giving up like a coward who does not want the challenge of the individual evolution by means of the knowledge, won't bring to us any solution or answer to our eternal worries. The being must have in its interior a famine for knowledge, otherwise it will be no more than a worrying case, for this reason the earthling humanity mostly suffocates in a lake made of ignorance while suffers its consequences. We have societies forming insecure beings without any course, this insecurity is fed by the lack of information. what information? the truth, the Cosmos.

    Cosmology 101

    One way to explain the Cosmos in a simple manner would be by taking a simple graphically and materially example. Imagine a closed box placed in the middle of a room inside of a house. We do not know what the contents of that box are, nor do we know the quantity or quality of  its elements, we don't even know if even this box is empty, but with simple observation we can say the following: We know that the box exists, we know that this box has a physical body, we know the external measurement of the box, we know the location of the box, also is easy to determine the position of the box relative to the room. We could also determine the cubic volume this box occupies in its space. At this time we do not know the contents of our box, but we know that it is contained inside of the room. Yes, our box. We also know that the house contains in its interior a room, we know that the neighborhood contains the house and we are aware also that the city contains the neighborhood as well as the State or province contains the city.

    Is interesting that we can know so much information of something without knowing to fullness its genuine content. Everything is contained in something and all that is contained are probably sets which also contains within itself elements by equal, we can only determine this by the simple continuity of phenomena that manifest themselves in the whole.

    Although we do not know the entire nature of a phenomenon, if this one is part of another event, it is very probable that is compound of a similar way. In this case we would be speaking about the sets, these groups of elements than we have seen since we were children until now, we can see this within everything we observe around. From a jar of cookies, a box of shoes, a bag of bread, a toolbox, a closet, an hangar and up to a building, everything contains something and is contained alike.

    The visible and the invisible form something and in turn is formed by something else also. When we refer to the Cosmos, we are talking about this large container which also contains other containers inside, in another word, this is the whole of everything. Since we are born in our lives we had acquired through our development the knowledge about things that surround us, about some phenomena which affect these, the movements that are involved in these things also, its position with regard to our own, its closeness with regard to us, their shapes and their attributes.

    From the simple things, it climbs to the most complex things by means of the entire comprehension of its functioning. From the central things to the extreme things, from the core to the edge. The ease of the simple magnifies its capacity of comprehension, the Cosmos is one large container of containers.

    Suns, stars, comets, meteorites, clouds, lightning and other phenomena can be appreciated by a common earthling human to the naked eye as a confirmation of the existence of the same, even if we ignore the productive process which culminates in the visible manifestation of these. When we look outward from our container we know what happens outside of ourselves and in other containers also. The earthling human being cannot deny the fact that they are elements involved alike within this huge container, collected and contained within a harmonious and broad set. It is not possible for a being to destroy this reality or to change it either.

    If a being exists, then it exists within the Cosmos and it is impossible for it to be ever out of this large container. By just observing the heavenly bodies we can perceive things that couldn't fit into our small container, for that reason belong to one higher and larger container. It's like a warehouse of household items, all products are enclosed in their own boxes and packages, but once a product exceeds the size of its box or it's larger container, for being an item of outstanding size in comparison with others, it can not fit inside the box, so it will be part of a larger container that can stores it, in other words it will be stored in the home store largest container, the store itself. A main characteristic of this large container is that it stores the smaller containers inside of it. For example a stove that is on sale at the appliance store does not need its own container within the store and this is due to the fact that the department store is already a great container itself and serves as a storage to this stove, the stove is not at risk of someone to steal it or to destroy it, but inside of the household store it is as protected as if it has its own box, In the same way the other items that have their own boxes, the stove are also contained inside the warehouse, in our case the large warehouse is the Cosmos.

    This large container contains Non-static elements and this makes more fascinating the understanding of the Cosmos. The elements or members of these sub-contained sets, run in a dynamic movement. Several types of movements within it and different with respect to others.

    For more incredulous, stupid, persistent or stubborn that anybody can be, he will never have any evidence which could demonstrate that he is not in the Cosmos, neither less that he does not belong to it, no one can proof that, because it is an unquestionable truth. No matter what religion, customs, ideologies, concepts or faith you have, if you exist, you were born or created in the Cosmos, you live in it, you are part of it and are also present in its growth, largeness, dynamics and energy.

    The only way in which a being would not belong to the Cosmos is if he was never born or created. By knowing this we face some of the first absolute truths. Inside our ignorance and weak acceptance nevertheless we are surrounded by evidence to the reach of our own sight, by means of the basic knowledge and thanks to our investigation and observation we can determine the following: The Earthling human beings are born on a planet called Earth, this planet is contained within a solar system along with other space bodies, this solar system is contained within a galaxy called the Milky way, this galaxy is contained in our universe which in turn is contained within the Cosmos. The Cosmos is our undeniable truth, since this is the largest container to which we are subject, even though we do not believe it, like it or understand it. During the rising of earthling human civilizations on planet Earth,  men at night was accompanied by Celestial lights glowing in the dark night, we call them Stars. These stars have been admired by earthling humans since prehistoric times, observing the stars is an ancient practice and could be a cosmic flair, as stars and other celestial objects observed by man with at naked eye, enclose many enigmas in the minds of the earthling humans.

    The sun, the moon and the stars were probably the first things that the earthling human being noticed filled with curiosity, fear, reverence and spirituality. In this way the ancient creatures noted something much larger than the mountains, trees, rocks or anything that he hardly knew, since then it has accepted the idea that we are contained in something bigger and this somewhat larger container hosts the stars, the sun and the moon. Interestingly these phenomena not only surprised them by its appearance and attributes, but by their behavior and sighting frequency.

    Space orbits, rotational and translation movements make those celestial bodies to look as if they have a life of their own. The ancient ones saw these changes of trajectory and position, but at the beginning they did not understand them, neither had the explanation about the movements of the heavenly bodies and other phenomena of the Cosmos, but the primitive men was convinced of something, this was that outside of his home there was one major home that houses other things than he did not understand, neither knew in its entirety. It is impossible to exist and not to belong to the Cosmos, because if we exist we all belong to it, this is an absolute truth and a cosmic elementary principle, therefore it is irrefutable that the earthling human is a cosmic being due to its creation, composition, situation and existence.

    This large set of cosmic elements are the great home of anything and all that exist. For most ignorant that the primitive earthling human was in regard to the astronomical knowledge, with respect to themselves or about the Cosmos, he had thirst and hunger for knowledge for those things that were seen in the sky. For centuries this has captivated our species.

    This simple observation has much more influence in the earthling human being that it seems, since this is the wick that lights everything, because for a being who does not know almost anything, but observes almost everything, the observation makes greater the understanding to him than the explanation. By having identified these stellar notabilities, men acquired in a cosmic way a type of assertion about what is outside of its own body, beyond its understanding, fears, doubts and curiosities. Out there exists something else than the animals, plants, fire, wind and water. This conviction was a message that would reveal an unknown truth and a major knowledge to this basic being.

    Life, death, the breeze, the heat of the fire, the thorns of a plant and the flight of a bird could not be compared with what was showing in the space. The Cosmos itself provokes curiosity to ancient man by simple observation.

    At a certain point in time, men realized that there were things on Earth, beneath the ground, at sea and under the sea, but also outside its own container, as well as he perceived movements, parameters and behaviors in other beings that live in our home, he also noticed a unique activity in heaven also. Is the Cosmos infinite? that would be good to know, since it is quite remarkable that a large container perhaps is also contained inside something else.

    Every being who exists expires with the cosmic existence, that is to say if something exists, this in turn belongs to something else, to a greater set. Inside this set there is movements, forces, emission and up to explosions. The Cosmos is a constant flow of energies, kinetics, dynamics, photons and more. The understanding of this cosmic principle is basic to an intelligent being. It is ridiculous to learn about other things and not to know and understand the most common and repetitive details of our own home. If we do not know what has always been around and outside of us, How will we know the things that we don't even know that exists? it is the first step, a fundamental knowledge understanding everything, its functioning, behavior and composition.

    This is because the largest one originates its child, this means that the largest container contains the minor one inside. In other words, applying our interesting containers concept. Let's take for example a major container that owns inside other containers at the same time. There can not be smaller containers under the absence of a bigger container. It's like saying that the baby in her mother's womb is home to his mother. That is an indisputable truth.

    If the being exists, this one is contained in something that in turn is a set of a major elements or in this case containers, a container of major size. The more we analyze the state of the being in its home planet, the more we discover the cosmic laws and principles to which the element of the set is subject. These laws are a scourge to the ignorance and fight against the absurd idea about that nothing exist further than ourselves. As The Cosmos.

    We know that the Earth has a mass of 5.972 × 10 ^ 24 kg, has a cubic volume of 332,500,000 miles cubic (mi3), consists of a diameter of 7,917.5 miles, has an escape velocity of 25,020 mph which is the speed at which an object at the Earth's surface must reach to get out into space. The closest heavenly body to the Earth is the moon with 7.34767309 × 1022 kg of mass, is at a distance of 238,900 miles from Earth. The Moon orbits around the Central magnificent of the Earth as a result of the forces of attraction of both, their masses, gravitational forces and the space physics. The Moon orbits around the Central magnificent of the Earth making a circular motion at the speed of 2,288 miles per hour. The Earth has also its own movements, one of these is rotation. It consists about the turns that Earth revolves around the Central magnificent of its own axis at a rate of 23 hours and 56 minutes, also has the translation movement of in which the Earth revolves around the Sun in a span of 365 1/4 days. There are 92.96 million miles away between the Earth and the Sun and the mass of the Sun is 1,989 × 10 ^ 30 kg. Planet Earth also participates in other movements due to its cosmic situation, i.e. Earth is contained in one container that is larger and therefore the largest container movements affect the Earth and other containers too. The solar system, galaxies and the Cosmos itself is a constant fluid motion.

    There are movement, dynamics, mechanics and displacements in the minor of the containers, in the same way the container that stores it also has the same characteristics and attributes. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune along with other nearby cosmic bodies are the elements of our closest container. This is our solar system, a set of elements that are unique but Royal, majestic, huge and impressive. Is a marvel, not only by accepting the reality that big things exist outside of what we know, but the fact that most of those things are is within our understanding. This is the beginning of knowledge, the fact about that is possible to exist without perceiving or understanding.

    Our solar system is just one of many containers in the Cosmos. Each of these stars and celestial bodies obediently fulfill the space physics. Their moves are consistent, fluid and permanent, except in the case in which a more appealing or repellent force act against these. Anything that is in this container is not by luck or coincidence. In the same way that some workers are hired by a company so they perform a particular job, just by simple observation we know that the employees did not appear by magic and neither less these workers occupy a space without giving any type of service inn return, if they are there working they must be expert in a specific job.

    We can proof it by the following: if we appear suddenly in that company, without knowing the existence of the same, or when was it founded or who created it, by mere fact of observing the employees, their physic presence, the occupied space by each one of them in their working place. At this time the only thing we know is that the workers did not arrive by their own, we also know that they occupy a space in their respective seats, also a cubic volume in their area. but something much more interesting is that if they are there and we know that this place is a company, although we do not know what they do, sell or produce, something we certainly know, those workers are there for any important job to do, we don't know what they do, but it has to be for an important reason, they did not hired themselves and that's for sure.

    Although we see the task that they fulfill and we do not understand it, for simple reasoning we know that the work they do is for something more important than the fact tha they are not the only personnel who exist and this is not the only company that exists either. The planets of our small container perform its harmonious movements, these movements seem to be meaningless, but they are not. If we do not understand entirety the physical, the energy, the vibrations, balance and volume of the Cosmos, we will neither understand the importance of the work that these do.

    It is necessary that a flow and a constant movement exists to reach the perfect balance, the planets of our solar system have a very important function inside this container, they contribute to the entire and permanent balance. An interesting example is when someone is standing on one leg and whenever its body rushes to fall down, the person tries to maintain balance by moving his other body members in opposite direction, so the forces are equal and not to fall down. In the same way in our most nearby container the elements interact in a balanced and rhythmic way, but the internal movement of this container called solar system is not the only movement of the whole container that we call the Cosmos, but the galaxy that contains inside our small solar system also posses moving elements and even do more. The galaxy moves also, since this container is major than ours and possesses similar characteristics to other containers alike, its elements expire with the cosmic laws obeyed by other celestial bodies also and in turn the galaxy acts like an element of a even major container that executes of the same tasks done by other containers and stars. Constant movements.

    Translation, rotation, tilt, speed and attraction for mentioning some of the physical behaviors shown before our visual perception, these cosmic elements always obey its cosmic laws. Everything is a container and any container must be composed of something or shaped by something, the Cosmos contains other micro Cosmos since a living being might be a container to others. When the host lodges inside its body other beings who also eat, sleep, grow and develop like the being who lodges them. It is a proof of something, it seems as a supreme law which forces the small things and the immense things to fulfill the same job. Inside a living being there also others that move just as the host being. The Cosmos is a host of dynamic containers that in turn are composed of dynamic elements also.

    We only mentioned a few examples, but we have no idea about how many different possibilities are there, because we do not know the volume or the total area occupied by the Cosmos or what its size is. The size of the largest of the containers is indescribable by us and because of its huge unknown size, we know very little about it, but we are sure about something and that is the fact that it is impossible to deny a reality so large, so composed, so massif and especially so visible. Planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes will always be found within the Cosmos, since they are not a few, but many. These phenomena manifest themselves in different forms, positions, sizes and appearance, but everything is there to be learned, understood and taught.

    From the most ancient civilizations of terrestrial human beings known till now, we know that they were observing and studying the cosmological phenomena in the skies. Our ancestors watched the Sun at day  and the moon and the stars at night and sometimes comets and asteroids too, then a knowledge arose within the terrestrial human being about these celestial bodies from the antiquity. That is to say, for the ancient man to investigate the space was not anything that would cause him fear to know. Ancient men behaved as if they were instructed by someone previously. It is impressive how the wolves howl by just watching the moon, the ancient earthling human being were also captivated by the moon equally. This is an already well-known fascination. Mammals, insects, plants and the earthling human beings knew about the existence of these stars and of the force that influences us and to the rest of the living beings that exists, although we do not understand how it works. The prehistoric artistic expressions confirm the curiosity the ancient terrestrial human being had for the sun, the moon and the stars, it does not matter the age or place, in all the civilizations we find this artistic expressions.

    The earthling human being expresses with the art what he sees, lives, listens or what causes him curiosity. In the prehistoric ages if an ancient terrestrial human being did not know that he was a cosmic being, it was because they were observing without understanding what they were observing, but a Homo sapiens, an intelligent earthling human being who does not understand that he is a cosmic being, is because he does not saw, lived, listened and either felt curiosity to know or to understand the unknown. We might describe this one as a completely ignorant being and basically its ignorance is not because he does not know, but because he does not want to know and this is the worst crime against himself, since he is forbidding the consciousness to learn about the Cosmos, The absolute and unquestionable truth is proven by the perceptible evidence of our own basic sense of sight that always have been lurking the presence of earthling humans.

    We are submitted to cosmic laws and as soon as we understand this, we will be able to understand the little more complex things, but the availability for the understanding and comprehension of the Cosmos is our duty. The Cosmos is our reality, the Cosmos is our truth. Everything that exist is within the Cosmos, we are moving in it and moving with it. We are not special enough to not submit to the cosmic rules based on our existential principles. Our spiritual evolution, intellectual growth and our enlightenment would be impossible to reach by ignoring this huge fact, we are all cosmic beings.


    The physical universe is our reality, we find it just when we open our eyes for the very first time, it is our first contact with what surrounds us. This experience is revealed to us through our sense of sight, simple observation is all you need to capture the Physics reality in which we find ourselves. Our planet is the playground where the laws of physics plays by themselves. Everything we see, perceive and manage in this world obeys to its physical container rules, planet Earth laws. Unlike the space physics, in our container is manifested a physical phenomena according to the reality of our planet.

    The objects in our world are attracted toward the center of the Earth due to an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2, that's what we call the law of gravity, this phenomena marks a significant difference in comparison with the physical outside of our planet in the space. Since we were kids we had seen the birds flying, a horse running, rain falling from the sky, a wheel rolling down a hill, the slit a rock on the ground, the clash between two football players, a puddle on the floor, the way in which the glass breaks, such as movement of the waves on the surface of a pond, the force of the wind that shakes the branches of a Tree, the formation of waves in the sea, the echo of a sound, the metal fusion, a feather floating in the air, a hot air balloon ascending, the roar of an explosion, the attraction of magnets, a water cup overflowing, a volcano erupting, lightning in the sky, a seismic movement, all this and more are just the things that have been expressed before our senses since we existed for the first time.

    The movements, displacements, transformations, breaking, emission, ruptures, electricity, friction, magnetism and more reaffirm the existence and functioning of the physical laws inside our container, The Earth. The universal physics exists on our planet inside and outside of it to fulfill the cosmic law about the containers, where the biggest container possesses common characteristics to the containers that this one houses inside. Our cosmic reality indicates us that our planet is a cosmic container that obeys the laws of the universal physics. Inside this terrestrial container there exist sub-containers inside which also the physical phenomena are evident. The aerial world, the aquatic world and the underground world are the places of planet in where other very special containers also expire with the cosmic principles, these containers are the living beings.

    When we speak about physical, the first word that comes to our minds is matter. This term is so easy to point or mention, it is a very common example, but sometimes it is so difficult to explain, because of its complexity, tweet and perspective. If everything we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, played with our hands is matter, then we are surrounded of matter everywhere. We also consider matter what we cannot see, nor touch, smell, or feel, they are also matter, since matter could manifest itself in several ways including some that our senses do not detect or simply are unknown.

    Whether visible or invisible, known or unknown the only exception to this serious rule should be if the element or being does not exists and if the element or individual belongs to the Cosmos, then they exists. If something is there, of something it must be made, somehow vibrates, moves or transports. How is the energy that they emit? how is its shape? they are questions that universal physics would respond. A rock, wind, straw, a bird, an electric charge, a strong breeze, the shadow projected on a wall and a small colt galloping, all these are in the physical realm, a dimension where there are positions, coordinates, chemistry composition, forces and motion.

    These physical objects can vary in shapes, appearance, color, size and more. On our planet there are various living beings as well as inside its containers. From poly morphs as fixed, from static to dynamic. Everything that lives on our planet is subject to the universal physics. Living things alike are physical beings, not because we perceive their appearance through our sight, but because they all are subject to the universal laws of physics. Things are not real just because we know they exist or because we can prove its existence, on the other hand, things are physical by their reality even though we can not prove it. If something inside our container is subject at least to one universal physics law, this object, living or unknown thing is physical and therefore we could study it as anything else owned and subject to the cosmic physical laws.

    In a living container, there are elements that in turn are alive, the members of our container also move, combine and attract just like any other element or individual outside our container. our body is a small universe that rotates, moves and vibrates as the mayor container does also, the Cosmos. Within the living body there is vivid, attractive and repellent energy. The most minimal unit inside our body could be a star of our micro Cosmos. Even a particle, cell or the smallest thing that can be composed into any element of this micro universe. This little container could also be the container of other micro universes at the same time.

    Every living being, each person, beast, fish, mammal, insect could be a micro universe containing other elements inside, in turn are containers of other universes. We will never stop imagining how wide is the possibility of the existence of other universes larger or smaller. Our planet contains things that are alive and emit energy, attract it or repel it, also contains inside other containers whose elements or individuals are subject to the same laws of physics like us, live like us and even reproduce like us. Objects and things like stones, water, fire, light, air and minerals, from a tree resin to a hermit crab shell, everything could be a micro universe.

    If a container possesses elements inside with similar characteristics to the container that houses them, then a dynamic container would possess dynamic elements as well. What about an inert or seemingly immobile container? How would its elements be in this case? Dynamic or static elements? Would it be as a rock? This shows something very interesting. We have discovered something very curious, this is the cosmic law about the physics of the bodies. This universal law establishes that it doesn't matter if it is a living object, a dead object or any of both. A stone, a piece of wood or a cloud, everything could be a micro Cosmos with completely dynamic elements contained inside, that is to say not at all, absolutely not everything in this Cosmos is absolutely static, since for being able to be absolutely static within the matter, it would have to be static inside including their own elements which is impossible because everything moves, vibrate and transforms within the Cosmos.

    Everything is dynamic in its minimum expression, everything flows in the most minimum container. Our bodies, the bodies of other living beings, plants, animals, chairs, cars, mountains, oceans, everything complies with a curious cosmic principle, this principle is, that every container of elements at the same time is a container of other containers also, these containers have dynamic elements forming other dynamic containers at the same time although some of these containers appear to be static.

    Nothing is static, everything is dynamic. How could we support this theory? the physics of the elements would be our best help to determine the reality of the bodies, i.e. the universal physical laws are rules that we follow to guide us in this quest. If any thing is matter and matter is made up of a micro-universe of elements, these elements act as its children, they interact among them or at least this is what we barely understand. The truth is, that there is a dynamic motion within our universal physical condition and its vibration dynamics. The vibration Dynamics shows constant movement and change of the elements of a microcosmos. The key point is the particles vibrations, the smallest things shapes the whole Cosmos or just a single element.

    The vibrations travel in waves and these are also three-dimensional movements, the vibration itself are tiny displacements and movements. We could not identify them even with the most modern and powerful microscope, because if we could see these particles in waves, we could also observe an atom, electron or neutron and this is not possible yet. Then this theory is sustained of the cosmic law that nobody can deny, not even the abyss of ignorance.

    The waves travel and move but these are energy and energy is composed of something at the same time, everything is a micro universe including energy vibrations. The shape of things, the colors and the change of shape and resistance are responsibility of the vibratory movements and the position order in which the elements are placed. Everything makes up this micro universe of vibratory waves. Sound, heat and magnetism are some of the most common physics demonstrations in which we can observe these energy emissions. The elements are organized by the movements produced by its own vibrations within a container, although this element is another container at the same time.

    When a container or an item vibrates, its components vibrate equally, when the particles move and have a new position in the micro-cosmos, we can perceive within its container a change in energy, shape, volume and even the color of the elements and mini containers. What our sense of sight captures as a solid bodies, opaque or translucent is nothing else than the visual interpretation our brain shows with respect to this sorting of microscopic particles that make up everything. As these particles are arranged and linked or grouped, this is what creates the image of the object in our minds but we don't see the vibration of the objects. We have this image as a three-dimensional model inside our mind. shapes, volumes, mass, weight and even energy emissions are directly proportional to positions and stances adopted by elements of the micro-cosmos to form what we call things or in our case everything.

    A body does not change its State, shape or position unless they are induced by other major vibration from other elements or from a greater container. Only the universal laws of physics and the cosmic particle rearrangement principle makes it to happen. When a physical body vibrates at certain frequencies it produces an internal change within the physical body, this change may manifest itself in its size, shape, color status, composition and function of the same. The energetic vibrations may come from within an element as from outside of their container or micro-cosmos as well. It is like taking a pack of cards and reorder them to form a group, also we could rearrange them in several rows, but in the same way we could build a pyramid with them. In this example, the elements of our joint universe are cards, they are cards and no matter the change in position or where they are placed, its physical composition remains, since it does not change at all, nor its function and value within the card game due to the fact that each card has a corresponding value to the symbolic number containing within certain set of playing cards, the rearrangement of the cards could form another group of cards in a different way, but by using the same elements with different order and positions in the space of the micro-cosmos will not change the cards at all.

    We already see the cards as a group but as elements also. We see them as cards and also as a pyramid made of cards. The cards may form any figure, but this change of position won't change the cards composition. The entire concept around the Group of cards varies only by the change of order and position. If the cards are loose and we take only one of them and try to break this card, it Won't give us any kind of difficulty, but if we take the rest of them and form a package of cards, it will be more complicated trying to break to whole package. Our set of elements remain the same, but its rearrangement produces changes such as changes in the tensile strength of the body, shape of the body and to the visual appearance of the physical body. The Cosmos is the great casino of cards.

    Every cosmic principles is fulfilled on everything, from the simple to the complex or from the smaller to the fragile, the vast and resistant, everything is subject to those cosmic principles. Every container may suffer inside changes caused whether from an inside or outside phenomenon, then its elements or containers make its particles vibrate in the appropriate way. Take for example four people who grab a sheet held by its four corners and shake it vigorously. We only perceive the reaction made by the wind causing them shaking. but If we put a handful of sand in the middle of the sheet, we will notice that between shake and shake vibratory waves are generated, moving each tiny particle of sand as if they have a life of their own, the shaking movements form figures due to waves, even one of those shakes could form a small pyramid as the one formed by the cards. This sounds incredible, but it is possible.

    As the pieces of a puzzle, the particles of an element are placed, are transported and connected with others to form physical bodies. The elements of our container, planet Earth has elements of different shapes, sizes, colors, textures, mass and weight. Practically everything that our eyes can see is made by something that in turn was formed by energy vibrations that have rearranged their particles. Since everything is a container that exists within the great cosmic container, then this law requires us to accept that also our human body vibrates at different frequencies, during its training and development.

    Our body is a container of energy influenced by vibrations from the inside and the outside. The human body is a micro-cosmos of dynamic life and other characteristics of the physical bodies subject to the universal laws of physics. If our body is a micro-cosmos and we belong and we are located within another container at the same time, this explains why we experience everything that happens to any other cosmic element inside this big container. This proves that the terrestrial human being is a cosmic being and the fundamental cosmic laws are applied to the elements within our body.

    We are something else than just flesh, bones, tissues, fluid and plasma. We are complex and unique cosmic beings. This is the most beautiful thing that someone may know, we are something beyond that our own eyes can, as big, as immense, as stately and intriguing as the Cosmos is as well. As any other physical body which is an element of the Cosmos, we are elements of it too. We are as cosmic as the stars, moons, asteroids and galaxies. We are living beings with the same conditions and characteristics as other members of this enormous container. Our body is a whole world full of life and movements such as movements in the space, but everything that moves by something its being moved. Everything that creeps, by some reason crawls and everything that its energy by something is formed.

    Are we only a physical body? This would be the interesting question of the moment. We have a body, this body is a container of other smaller elements contained inside, we know that within the micro- cosmos-body there is a flow of energy, we know that this energy is present. This energy is produced, but not destroyed, it is transformed and can be moved, it is absorbed and stored. The energy flows like a river. They are energy as the electrical energy, which is a wonder. Scientists have told us that electrons rub each other by friction and these could generate heat which is also another manifestation of energy. Our body possesses, stores, produces and captures energy alike and generates heat also.

    If any element that complies with the universal laws of physics vibrate, the vibration itself is energy. The human body vibrates in different types of frequency induced from the inside or from the outside of the body, when we refer to the outside we means that the vibrating waves are coming from the closest container to us, our planet or also coming from the greatest of all containers, the Cosmos, but we are for the Cosmos like any other container. The earthling human being possesses energy, this energy is not only shown when a person runs, jumps, lifts a dumbbell or pulls a rope. The human energy also manifests itself when someone sings, sneeze, laugh or simply speaks. This energy is consumed and also is renewed when we eat. Feeding our body produces a specified quantities of energy charges to perform all these tasks and others more.

    The human cosmic energy doesn't depend on the food we eat. Cosmic energy is eternal and indestructible, its power does not need vitamins, proteins or minerals. Our senses are limited to the knowledge and to the understanding of many mysteries, but never confuse the energy of a human body with the cosmic energy that has any body which is subject to the universal laws of physics. This is the energy produced by vibrations in the Cosmos, macro-cosmos and micro-cosmos as well. If the terrestrial human being possesses this cosmic energy and this cosmic energy is not supported with the same elements and components with which biological bodies are, this means that energy is not for the earthling human physical body, then for what it is? What are terrestrials humans in reality? Is the human body only a biological body? If it was only a biological body, why do we have different types of energies? The answer to this question is really uncomfortable. The human being is: consciousness, physical, a container-body or microcosmos and vibrating energies in quality of frequencies.

    Like all other containers our human body has its own elements

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