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The Mars Tapes
The Mars Tapes
The Mars Tapes
Ebook274 pages3 hours

The Mars Tapes

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What happened in the past foretells the future.

The United States is using the communication system to monitor the beyond boring transmissions of its astronauts’ “mapping” the previously unexplored regions of Mars. Their routine transmissions from the desert-like red surface is of little interest to anyone, except at Miss

Release dateOct 1, 2018
The Mars Tapes

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    Book preview

    The Mars Tapes - L. Russell Brown

    Chapter 1

    Steps on Mars

    3:15am 2029 Global Standard Time

    Communication between NASA and its team of astronauts is no longer the lethargic process it was for so many years, thanks to the new, highly advanced rapid speed instant communications link known as "Billgate.’’ It’s named in honor of its benefactor, who contributed half a billion dollars toward its development and perfection. Currently, there are five nations using the Billgate, the U.S., the U.K., Russia, Japan, and Israel.

    The United States is using the communication system to monitor the beyond boring transmissions of its astronauts’ mapping the previously unexplored regions of Mars. Their routine transmissions from the desert-like red surface is of little interest to anyone, except at Mission Control in Houston. There is so little activity that only occasional routine monitoring is being noted by other space agencies around the globe.

    Driving slowly across the desolate red rock-strewn area of the surface of the planet Mars a bored to tears Commander James Shockey continues his job of mapping the unnamed and never explored Red Planet. Shockey looks exactly how one would expect an astronaut to look. He’s six feet two inches tall and in as good a shape as any human being could be for his 39 years except for gray hair in his sideburns. Nothing else about him indicates any signs of aging.

    Jimmy, as his wife and childhood sweetheart Courtney Shockey calls him, was born and raised near the ocean in Sarasota, Florida. With so little to do while watching the dusty landscape of Mars, Jimmy thinks about his wonderfully exciting childhood working alongside his dad out in the Gulf of Mexico. Together, they would spend their days taking in a haul of shrimp, bringing in the nets, cleaning the boat. Jimmy’s strongest memory is of spending endless hours conversing with his hard-working father. Remember son his dad used to say pointing his hand from his neck down, from here down, you can only go so far. Then, pointing his finger from the neck up, "But from here up, the sky’s the limit!’’

    As his father’s words continue to ring in his ears and he travels the dull landscape of Mars, Jimmy contemplates the indelible imprint his father’s advice has made on his mind. He has lived his life by his father’s wisdom, from being an A student through grammar school right up to his graduation from Seacoast Pyrotechnical High School. He was not only the class President, but also the school football team’s quarterback. The team was unbeaten for two straight years.

    His high school academics and physical talents did not go unnoticed as he had many offers from a variety of Ivy league colleges. However, Jimmy had always been fascinated by the thought of life in outer space and wanted one day, some way, to visit worlds he only imagined. Therefore, it was no surprise to anyone when he accepted the Air Force Academy’s offer. In so doing, he felt like a fish in the ocean. As much as the daydreaming filled his mind with fond memories it was also good stuff to keep him awake as he zips across the unexplored lonely surface of the red planet at two-miles per hour on his battery powered tracker.

    After completing his Air Force Academy degree, Jimmy went on to flight school, where he became an accomplished jet pilot. Usually it takes future astronauts a good ten years before they are chosen to enter the space program. Shockey was picked with just seven years of flight experience. However, it was in the space flight training school where astronaut candidate Jim Shockey really excelled at breakneck speed. He had classes in everything from medical procedures to survival training. He took lessons to be a member of the now defunct International Space Station (ISS) and even had to learn how to speak to Russian Mission Control Center in their native language. He practiced with other astronaut candidates in the Space Vehicle Mockup Facility (SVMF), practiced space walks in huge swimming pool called the NBL, and practiced weightlessness in the vomit comet; a KC -135 that takes deep dives at high altitudes that provides the astronaut trainees in the center of the plane a feeling of zero gravity.

    And now after all this time, he is precisely where he always dreamed he was destined to be, the commander of a mission to Mars. Oh yes, NASA had already visited the Red Planet many times in the past, but this mission was to be their most ambitious foray into mapping the unknown mysteries of Mars.

    Upon being appointed Commander of the Mars Lander One Mission, Shockey was awarded the rank of Colonel. The promotion not only meant enormous prestige for his career, but it also came with financial reward. Now he could finally afford to get a new solar powered home for his family, along with a solar powered vehicle. It seemed that nearly everything was now solar driven, or nuclear powered, as gas powered engines had become a thing of the past.

    There was no task or undertaking that daunted Jim Shockey. He relished the thought of another impossible challenge, which sometimes frightened his wife throughout their twelve years of marriage. Courtney had begged her husband to make this his final journey into outer space and he promised her that he’d keep his feet on the ground after this one last most important mission. In the end, little did he or she realize the astounding and incredible things that were about to occur. And as we’ll discover, the United Stated could not have had a better man at the helm of this mission.

    Supervising each mile and communication from Colonel Shockey as he continues his exploration of the Mars’ desolate surface are the team members at Mission Control back on Earth. The stream of information from Shockey to Mission Control is currently being monitored by Major Lester Lump Pierson, a rotund bleary-eyed man who’s trying hard to keep his eyes open as he monitors the constant boring messages late at night coming in over the Billgate communication link.

    At Mission Control Shockey’s voice flows out of the radio loud and clear providing a detailed description of what he is encountering during his 2-mph trip across the Martian landscape.

    Lump, I need permission to exit the Tracker.

    Major Pierson yawning, What’s up, Jimmy?

    I’m not sure, but about 50 feet off to my right I’m looking at something odd, something I’ve never seen before up here.

    Lump tried to shake himself out of his sleepy state by drinking a large gulp of Diet Coke. What are you talking about, Jim?

    I don’t know, Lump, I need to get a closer look at it.

    At what?

    Shockey sensing Lump was either not awake or not paying full attention to what he is saying repeats, That’s what I mean! I don’t know what I’m looking at.

    Lump rubs some ice over his forehead from the paper cup of Diet Coke and with his eyes now squinting with interest inquires, Is it a rock or surface configuration we have never seen before?

    Shockey, rolling his eyes, No not really, it’s more like a depression. About six feet in diameter, and it looks kind of square from here. As a matter of fact, it looks perfectly square.

    Lump, by now wide awake, jumps to his feet, Hold on Jimmy let me get some backup!

    Lump, still focused on the Colonel’s description, waves to Arnold Mansfield, who as providence would have it, happened to be in the Control Room working on a new program for a future mission. Arnie, as he is affectionately called at NASA, is the space agency’s tirelessly working Chief of Mission Control.

    Lump gives Arnie a pair of headsets as he arrives at the monitoring console. Arnie, listen to this.

    Turning his attention to the video monitors Lump ask Jimmy to continue, Go head Jim, Arnie’s on the line.

    Chief, I wanna get off and take a closer look at something.

    Arnie, sounding a little bored with the situation asks, Like what?

    Jim, aware his colleagues are skeptical, presses on with more earnestness, Like I told Lump, I’m not sure what I’m looking at.

    OK, describe it?

    Chief, off to my right, I don’t know maybe fifty, sixty feet from my point of view there’s a strange square opening.

    Arnie, in disbelief, A what?

    Jim allows himself a slight smile for an instant, satisfied he’s finally got Arnie’s attention, Like I said Chief, a square looking opening on the surface.

    Lump in Mission Control takes a serious look at Arnie, I think he’s been up there too long boss! Maybe he needs to go back of the Mars Lander and get some sleep.

    I heard that Lump! I’m bright eyed and bushy tailed and I’m looking at something weird over yonder that I want to get close and personal with.

    Arnie perplexed, struggles with whether he should allow Jim to explore the hole in the ground or reject the request. After a minute or so, he decides to allow it, saying as he hits the talk back button, Okay, Jim, but can you manage to get a little closer before you exit the vehicle?

    Satisfied, Shockey replies, Yeah, I’m closing in on it now.

    As Shockey steers the Mars tracker toward the depression on the dusty red Mar’s landscape Arnie and Lump in Mission Control stare at the speaker and video feed waiting for Jim’s voice to continue the conversation.

    I’m getting off the tracker now. The depression is about 15 feet away from me and it’s looking stranger by the second.

    Arnie continues to direct operations, Go slow Jim, ease up to it and don’t get right on it. Does the surface seem as firm as usual?

    Yeah Chief nothing unusual except the . . . uh--.

    Arnie frowning, anticipates Jim’s answer, The what?

    Jim, taking a quick glance down replies, I’m looking right down at it, Chief.

    Yeah, tell us what you see.

    I uh, he stammered out, I don’t believe what I’m seeing, Sir.

    Arnie, with mounting curiosity and concern urges Jim to give him a visual, saying, What does it look like to you?

    Steps, Sir, it looks like steps going down.

    By now, a half dozen men and women at Mission Control are standing up and listening at the monitors. The entire room is growing louder and louder by the second. Shockey proceeds, Chief, can I have permission to go down the steps?

    The Chief (trying to hear Jimmy clearly), bellows into the entire room on the boom microphone Hold it down everybody, HOLD IT DOWN!

    Lump interjects Like I said Chief, I think he’s losing it, we better get him back to the Lander now!

    Shockey ignoring Lumps admonitions, I’m going down what looks like about a dozen steps sir. They’re steps, honest to God Chief! I swear they’re steps (he says excitedly), and I’m on the first one.

    Mansfield, Whoa now fella!

    Shockey, I’m halfway to the bottom of them Chief.

    And . . .?

    Shockey about ten seconds later, I’m on the bottom step.

    By now, all 30 members of Mission Control are standing as if frozen in front of their monitors in disbelief. Shockey called out Chief? His voice hollows throughout the spacious Mission Control main room.

    Arnie, having given up any hope of truly managing the next moves of the Colonel asks for more information. Slowly, he replies, Yes Jim, what’s down there? What are you looking at?

    Shockey, by now feeling more like Drake or Armstrong, almost shouts back, Believe it or not, Chief, there appears to be a door of some kind.

    Arnie decides in a flash that Jim is going too far. Not knowing what’s on the other side of the door or what’s ahead, he demands in his commanding voice, That’s it, cease all open communication and go to Zebra 29!

    Shockey, acknowledges the command, and switches immediately from the open Billgate communication channel to the encrypted one. He checks in quickly, Chief, you with me?

    Yes Jim, we’re with you, now that we are on a secure network, turn on your cameras on your helmet so that we can see what you’re seeing. Then, tell us as much as you can about what you think is on the other side of that wall or door.

    Shockey, a bit confused now, replies again, Sir there’s no doubt about it; it’s a door of some kind.

    Lump, who had not moved since Jim first contacted him, urges his colleague Don’t touch it, Jim.

    Shockey affirmed to their dismay that he had in fact already touched it and it appeared to be made of dull gray metal. Hearing that, the Chief determined it was time to abort Jim’s somewhat self-directed mission, ordering him to get out of there at once. Mission Control, holds its breath to see if the yes, sir is coming. More than one person smiles as Jim ask, Can I have permission to knock on the door to see if it makes any kind of sound, sir?

    Lump could not hold back anymore. You heard the Chief, he wants you up and out of there now! Lumps’ eyes are bulging as the Chief nearly screams into the mike, Out, I said out. Get up and out of there this instant, do you read me?

    Sheepishly and a bit sadly, Shockey realizes he must obey his orders with a Yes sir I’m on my way up the steps now.

    Chapter 2

    The Situation Room

    6:30am Global Standard Time

    Other space agencies around the world have access to the new "Billgate’’ communication system which allows them to engage in instant dialog with their astronauts in space. This generous gift from the U.S. insures the safety of all those brave men and women from other nations around the globe, who risk their lives in the interest of furthering the world’s knowledge of outer space.

    However, there is always some suspicion and intrigue when the Americans drop off the system onto a private communication link that cannot be monitored by the rest of the planet’s space agencies. Having come to the realization that the Americans have suddenly, for what seems like no reason what so ever, switched from Billgate to a secure com-link, there’s an alarming reaction at space agencies around the globe. The Russians, as an example, quickly caught the change in the Mars mission communication link from Billgate to a secure line and are desperately and fruitlessly attempting to find the secure signal between Houston and Commander Shockey.

    At the same time in Mission Control, with an abrupt and uncharacteristic demand, Mission Chief Arnie is yelling at his assistant sidekick Lump to get General Easter on the V line (which is an ultra-top-secret communication line between NASA in Houston and the Pentagon).

    General Easter is just laying his hand of cards down on the old green card table, as he and his trusted aide Colonel Frank Franks, try to finish their endless game of Gin Rummy.

    This is General Easter, sounding a little riled, What is it Arnie? Don’t tell me we have another disaster up there. Remember, I told you one more screw up and the boys on the hill are going to close you space clowns down.

    No, no nothing like that Ernie.

    Well what in the hell is it man, it’s 4:30am here.

    Oh, it’s important sir!

    Well what in God’s name is it Arnie?

    I’m not sure how to say this general.

    Get on with it man…, you’re screwing up my winning hand of cards here.

    The Chief breaks the news, General, we have come across something really off the charts on Mars a few minutes ago and we uh… we . . .

    What the hell are you talking about, little green men up there?

    No sir, but maybe a place where they used to lived.

    The general looks dazed and puzzled as he doesn’t know what to make of the chief’s last words.

    Back on Mars, Shockey climbs back on the tracker vehicle as Ernie places a secure phone call to the hot line in the Situation Room deep below the White House. Colonel Morton Wilson picks up the phone and General Easter briefs him on what’s happening at NASA in Houston and up on Mars.

    Col Wilson responds Sir are you telling me to wake the President and tell him that?

    Wilson holds the phone away from his ear to avoid the ranting of General Easter demanding the President be informed of the discovery.

    Juan Julio Rodriquez is the first U.S. President with Hispanic roots. Rodriquez, 6 feet tall, is an extremely handsome man with a shock of black hair speckled with gray. He has the grace, charm, and elegance of a typical Hollywood leading man. Juan is the antithesis of the stereotypical hotheaded Latin so popular in the films of the 1940s. Juan’s father was the Mayor of San Antonio, Texas. Growing up, he watched his dad as he deftly tangled with the ins and outs of politics, in their south-central Texas home town. JJ, as his family and friends refer to him, has been an over achiever from the very start. His zeal and thirst for knowledge was the key to his attaining the highest-grade point average in the history of St Mary’s Hall, his coed Catholic high school. With that on his resume, he was accepted to Yale University, where he replicated his performance at St Mary’s.

    Juan is the first Hispanic accepted into the ancient and secretive ‘’Skull and Bones Society’’ at Yale, the launching pad to his pinnacle of power. He’s never been comfortable with the ‘Mr. President’ thing, preferring to engage people on a more personal level. He knows he’s the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America, but in his heart, he’s still just JJ.

    JJ and Iris, the President’s wife of 17 years met in a most unconventional way. He defeated her in a race for Congress in their home district, 19 years ago. When she called to congratulate him, the conversation led to a meeting, which in turn, led to a date, which has turned into a passionate love affair that’s still going strong. The political conflict between them is also strong, as Iris remains to this day, a liberal Democrat and Juan a middle of the road conservative. The President and the First Lady have long since determined to keep their political differences confined to the boudoir where there is no secret that is not shared between the two of them.

    The phone next to the President’s bed rings four times before the First Lady shakes him out of his sound sleep, saying calmly, You better pick it up dear, it must be urgent.

    Okay, the President responds with resignation. President Rodriguez listening intently, cups his hand over the mouthpiece and whispers to the First Lady, You wouldn’t believe this one even if I told you, honey.

    The First Lady whispers back, Is it a national emergency? No telling what the hell it is. You go back to sleep. Then, rubbing his eyes with one hand and holding onto the phone with the other, he tells Colonel Wilson, I’ll be down in ten minutes….

    Noticing the President striding into the

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