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Just Another Dog Devotional: 201 Devotions Inspired by Our Pups
Just Another Dog Devotional: 201 Devotions Inspired by Our Pups
Just Another Dog Devotional: 201 Devotions Inspired by Our Pups
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Just Another Dog Devotional: 201 Devotions Inspired by Our Pups

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About this ebook

Seldom do you find anyone or anything as faithful as Man’s Best
Friend. As Christians, we are called to be faithful. Faithful to our
Savior, faithful to our faith, faithful to our Master. We should be
faithful in all areas of our lives so that Christ receives the glory.
We can learn a lot from our dogs. They can tea

Release dateSep 25, 2018
Just Another Dog Devotional: 201 Devotions Inspired by Our Pups

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    Just Another Dog Devotional - R E Reid


    Devotion is described as love, loyalty, and/or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or a cause. It is religious worship, observance, and/or prayers. To devote oneself is to be very loyal or loving. If you are a dog lover, you probably don’t know anyone or anything more loving and devoted than a dog.

    Observing our pets can bring great spiritual insight. It might even teach you how to be more loving and loyal to others. Our pups can teach us enthusiasm in our walk with God. For your pet, there is joy in each new day spent with you. Whether we are walking, riding, or greeting them after work, your family pet is happy to see you and acts like it is the first time every time.

    A dog’s devotion comes with a downside. Usually there is lots of dog hair and muddy paw prints, but we love them through the good times and the bad, just like Jesus loves us.

    This devotional book will be about dogs and how we draw closer to God from lessons they have taught us through the years. They have inspired me to draw closer to Jesus and be more devoted to Him and others.

    It is my prayer that you will enjoy getting to know my pack and love dogs and Jesus more each day.

    And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

    I Corinthians 2:1-5 NIV

     Cast of Characters


    Mallory was the runt of the litter. She is a chocolate lab with a little Rottie thrown in for individuality. She came to us as a puppy and soon learned how to run our household with an iron hand. As more dogs came into the fold, Mallory assumed her role as pack leader with great ability and natural leadership.

    She loves to swim and play tug of war. She’s a gentle, loving giant when she wants to be — but don’t mess with her. Her hobbies are watching television where no other animals, bicycles, or anything she doesn’t approve of is allowed. It is grounds for attack.

    Mallory never liked cats but now she has one of her own. She protects it from Seneca and any threats to its safety. Kestrel loves to attack Mallory’s tail or anything else that moves, and Mallory puts up with it and loves her right back.


    Photo by Renee Melton

    Seneca is a husky mix who was taken into dog custody as a chicken killer. She was going to be put down in a few days if not rescued, so we adopted her and her husky hair. If you are in the market for husky hair, please contact us, as there is plenty to go around.

    Seneca is friendly and very loving but a born hunter and daredevil. She has been known to walk on rooftops and jump high fences in a single bound. The paw prints on the dining room table were always hers, and she loves to help the other pups by undecorating and throwing them something to chew.

    Seneca does the husky howl with great aplomb. If you stick to a routine, she can be very obedient if in the mood. If not in the mood, she speaks her mind for everyone to hear and looks quite regal and disdainful of one and all.


    Bella is a pointer-hound mix according to the Humane Society, where we found her at six-months-old. A family had returned her for not being house-trained. I thought they didn’t give her much of a chance, but it turns out they knew what they were talking about with this friendly female. Mallory and Seneca went to meet her and then there were three.

    Bella is a chewer. She chews couches, coffee tables, doors, and window sills, to name a few of her favorite things. She will chew the glasses off your face if you have the misfortune of falling asleep wearing glasses.

    She loves to be loved and doesn’t have an inferiority complex. When she wants attention, she demands it. If you are holding something when she wants to be petted, it will be knocked across the room. If you tell her to lay down, she will drop her seventy pounds like a rock onto your stomach. She has a knack for growling at the other dogs out one side of her mouth while the other looks natural so you won’t notice. Bella is Bella, and I wouldn’t change her for the world.


    My children had told me they were going to move out and take their dogs. I headed for the Adoption Events just to look.

    Danni had been abandoned at a small motel in a nearby town. It was obvious that she had recently had puppies. The best guess is that she is a Rottweiler/German Shepherd mix. She certainly has the Rottie Rumble. Danni is friendly with everyone and has a sweet personality.

    Outside of the shelter was a different story. Danni liked the two neighbor dogs, but that was the extent of her dog tolerance. She doesn’t destroy furniture or have accidents. She’s just about perfect except for the little problem of wanting to bite and chew other dogs. Sometimes, when she sees another dog, Danni cries like she’s afraid, but then she will turn and act like she has regained her courage. We all have a past, and like any mother, I will sweep her one little murderous flaw under the carpet.

    She is the church mascot and is featured in the church directory. A star is born!


    Duke is my mother’s rescued Chihuahua. He was found wandering the streets of Las Vegas and brought east from a high kill shelter. He hasn’t exhibited any signs of a gambling addiction, but we are still very protective of him.

    Duke is a lemon. He is the cutest and sweetest lemon you will ever meet. He likes all animals and people. He is not a shaky, little, ankle biter, barking Chihuahua (I can say that, as I have owned more than one Chihuahua, and I know the truth). He must like to go to the veterinarian, as he is there for his eyes, his teeth, his urinary tract, and his yet-to-be-announced problem(s). He is not at all cost efficient but well worth the money.

    Duke is an angel and looks quite the midget in the land of the giants when his friends come calling. He loves to play with them, and all goes well until Mallory slaps him with her big, brown paw and he goes flying. He fits right in as the only male in the midst of the big girls.


    Ralph is a Shih Tzu that Seneca is currently cohabitating with, and no, they are not married. He has also welcomed Duke into his home for family functions and is very friendly. They have recently adopted a new little Chihuahua, Penelope Grace. Neptune is a black German Shepherd and Cooper is the white German Shepherd. There is Daisy, Molly, Casey, Lenny, Bungee, Ivy, Petey and Benji, and so many more out there ready to be rescued or already living the life.

    Each and every dog we meet has something to share. All have different personalities and are unique, special and overflowing with love. They are our inspiration.

     Going Deeper

    When he finished teaching, he said to Simon, Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch.

    Luke 5:4 The Message

    I’ve often seen dogs on boats. Some have their life jackets on and some don’t, but they are with their families for a day on the water. Dogs go along to surf, paddleboard, and many other water sports. Mallory is our water lover. She loves to swim and just plop down in a baby pool to cool off on a hot summer day.

    The disciples spent a lot of time on the water. They had been fishing and had caught nothing all night. Jesus saw them and asked to use their fishing boat as a pulpit to teach the crowd. After His sermon, He told Simon Peter to push out into the deep water. Simon told Him about their bad night of work without any catch, but he did what Jesus told him to do. He went into the deep waters and his reward was an extra-large haul of fish.

    Is there something that Jesus is telling you to do? Are you hearing that still small voice whispering in your ear? You might not have the full picture yet and are waiting on more instructions, but if Jesus says go deeper, it’s best to obey.

    We don’t always know the outcome of an assignment from God. Sometimes, we just have to take His directions one step at a time and trust God for the results. The first step often begins with Jesus telling you to go deeper. Draw closer to Him and listen for His instructions. They will always be for your good.

    Push out a little from your comfort zone today and take a big leap of faith. Your catch could be overwhelming as you go with God into deeper waters.

     To Be Clean

    Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, I am willing, he said. Be clean! And immediately the leprosy left him.

    Luke 5:13 NIV

    Seneca got a bath last night. She’s been shedding terribly, and we were hoping to get some of the loose hair to go somewhere besides on the floor or on our clothes.

    It was a nice idea, even though it didn’t work out as planned. Seneca is clean, but it was not a cure for her shedding. Huskies have what they call seasonal blowouts. It looks like Seneca is losing all her undercoat at once, but the blow is a new topcoat arriving and pushing the undercoat onto the floor. I’ve heard of intelligent people starting a pillow-stuffing business with husky hair, but I just like to push it around with a broom.

    In Luke, chapter 5, a leper came to Jesus requesting to be made clean. He fell on his face to the ground and begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus was glad to oblige. He spoke the words, Be clean, and immediately the leprosy left the man and he was clean. He asked, he received and he was healed.

    Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease causing skin lesions and nerve damage. In Leviticus 14, God gave Moses the ritual for cleansing healed lepers. Jesus told the man to go to the priests for the ritual cleansing required and not to tell anyone what happened.

    After Seneca’s bath, she was clean but not healed of her shedding. Jesus delivers the whole package. He offers wholeness and healing of body, mind, and spirit. When we humble ourselves and call on His name, He will hear. He offers us cleansing and wholeness. Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to him today, and let Him renew you completely (Romans 12:1-2).

     Basking In The Sunlight

    The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven.

    Hebrews 1:3 NIV

    The temperature has been in the high 90’s the last few days. The weather reports are warning everyone to stay inside and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. The young, old, allergic and those with respiratory problems are on high alert.

    Yet, here I am sitting on the back porch with two panting dogs. They roll and play and enjoy the sunlight. If we go inside, they are attracted to the windows. They plop down on the floor, where they feel the warmth of the sun.

    The Sonlight of Jesus is one thing you can’t get too much of each day. When we meet with Him daily in prayer and devotions, we can bask in the light of His Word. The light of Jesus surrounds us. It warms us.

    Revelation 21:23 states, The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. In Heaven, we will be content in the light and love of Jesus. We rest in Him. Let’s practice His presence here on Earth as we bask in the light of His glory.


    It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.

    Isaiah 4:6 NIV

    We celebrate the Fourth of July in the United States with fireworks. All our dogs fear the loud noise and don’t want to be outside when the firecrackers are exploding in the night sky. Mallory and Seneca shake and hide. Bella and Danni stick to our side like glue. The shelters tell us that it is a busy time for them, as many dogs get loose, run away and get lost during our Independence Day celebrations.

    Storms are like fireworks. They rage with the howling wind. They sound loud and scary. Waves threaten to drown us as we sink lower and lower. Sometimes we shake with fear. We run away and become lost and confused. During stormy weather, often we call out the name of Jesus. We stick to Him like glue, knowing He is our shelter. Psalm 46:1 states, God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

    No matter the storm or our reaction, Jesus is there when we call out His name. He speaks to our storm and our soul saying, Peace, be still. When the disciples were frightened in the storm, Jesus rebuked the wind and spoke to the waves, telling them to settle down. Mark 4:39 says that the wind died down and it was completely calm. He still speaks today.

    Whatever weather is on the horizon, rest and relax in the knowledge that Jesus is as close as the mention of His name.


    The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

    John 1:5 NIV

    We lost electricity recently. The power was out for over four hours. Candles and flashlights were used to see and maneuver around the house.

    Danni stuck close by my side. She didn’t like the eerie quiet of the neighborhood or the darkness of the house. She stayed near me, knowing she would be safe.

    When we are cast into darkness by unwanted circumstances, we should stay close to the one we know will keep us safe. In Psalm 27:1, David tells us, The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Jesus will protect us and guide us through the darkest hour.

    John opens His Gospel with, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:4 states, In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. In verse 5, he tells us that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. To overcome means to get the better of, prevail over, master, conquer, defeat, overpower, or overwhelm. Whichever meaning you select doesn’t matter, as the light is shining and the darkness is defeated. The darkness diminishes as the light grows brighter.

    Put your trust in Him who is the light of the world, and He will light up your darkness.


    Who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.

    Psalm 103:5 NIV

    I am dog sitting four dogs this weekend. All are familiar to me except Daisy. I had met her briefly at family functions and doggie birthday parties. I thought she was quiet, slow, itchy, and mostly a loner. This weekend she is on steroids for the itchiness.

    Daisy wants me to chase her around the house in circles. When I stop, she peeks around the corner until I get up and continue our game. She loves being petted, going outside and wants lots of snacks. Her medication has renewed her youthful vigor and robbed me of mine.

    Isaiah 40:28-31 tells us, Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

    Eagles are strong, majestic birds. They go through a molting process, where they lose their feathers and look weak and sickly. New feathers come to replace the old and give the eagle the appearance of new strength and vitality. God restores our youthful vigor as we wait and hope in Him.

    Daisy is a perfect example of restored youth, but God doesn’t need medications to revitalize his Church. He does it by His miraculous power.

    Are you in the process of growing new feathers? Looking a little under the weather? Have you not heard? The Lord is God! Put your trust in Him. Don’t act your age today. Get out there and fly with the eagles!


    Jesus wept.

    John 11:35 NIV

    Today our newspaper showed a picture of a tortured and gutted husky who was hung on its owner’s fence. Like most huskies, it did its best to get out of the yard for a little adventure. It escaped and this time paid the price. I didn’t see the article personally, for which I thank God. I was told about it, and it is haunting me.

    I pray for the beloved dog’s owners and that the person who could do such an act would be caught before they could do anymore harm. An old song comes to mind called I Wonder If God Cries? I know He does, because John 11:35 records that Jesus wept.

    There is a world of hurting people. Jesus looked on Jerusalem, and with a heavy heart said He wanted to gather them under His arms like a hen covers her baby chicks (Matthew 23:37).

    Is your heart heavy today? Does it hurt for someone you know? Perhaps something you are going through is causing you anguish and pain. Take it to Jesus. He knows your every care. Psalm 68:5 states that God is, A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

    Matthew 5:1-12 lists the Beatitudes, which means blessedness. They are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted because of righteousness. Each one has a coinciding blessing as a reward.

    Are you haunted by the pain and suffering in the world? Pray for others. Comfort the widow. Be a parent to the orphan. Live out your faith today. Show the world you care because

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