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Humble Pie: A Coronavirus Prophecy
Humble Pie: A Coronavirus Prophecy
Humble Pie: A Coronavirus Prophecy
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Humble Pie: A Coronavirus Prophecy

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The world is going through a divine eclipse known as COVID-19 that started in China and has since spread around the globe. Have you wondered about the meaning of this unusual event? God has an answer. He downloaded this over 300,000 words between March and July 2020, and I’ve split into 4 books. The sheer size of the message and my ability to write it down within such a short time is itself a miracle. The download started on pi day, 3/14/2020. The message is itself based on the pi verse, John 3:14: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,” John 3:14 NKJV. This COVID-19 quarantine is to humble us so we look up at the ultimate Humble Pi (e): Jesus Christ. The prophecy of COVID-19 is our final warning to seek salvation through Jesus before He comes back again as King of kings; AND it’s another pi verse! “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7 NKJV. COVID-19 is just the initial birth pains of the Second Coming. COVID-19 came as a forewarning because the world is caught up in a Satanic system that’s now ripe for the arrival of the antiChrist. This global system rules over our lives from religion, politics, economics, culture and art. Read this book to see how COVID-19 came to eclipse and expose this system, and to learn how to escape the snare of the antiChrist system. Read to learn hidden knowledge exposed here FOR THE FIRST TIME by use of secret codes hidden in the divine meaning of Biblical numbers and names. This book will turn your understanding of the world as you know it upside-down, and you will realize that we have been living a lie. COVID-19 is for the revealing of Second Elijah. It is he who writes these words. He’s come to fulfil Malachi 4:5-6: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” This book is for the salvation of souls, and the world. It is God's first sickle swipe in His harvest of souls before "the dreadful day of the LORD." Read it and pass on to your family and friends.
Release dateMar 6, 2021
Humble Pie: A Coronavirus Prophecy

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    Humble Pie - Kenneth Mburu



    The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

    THE GOAL OF the snakes God put up for us is to offer us temporary relief from the poison of our sin. Every man-made thing that is helpful is a gift from God: with church, to medicine, to technology. We are supposed to appreciate it, not worship it. Those snakes become idols when we miss the lesson; when we worship the gift instead of the giver.

    By design, the symbol of medicine is a snake on the pole! There are some in the world who worship it, which is why there is no cure for COVID-19, so they can learn science is not sufficient to save us.

    Brethren, even if you are healed of the ailments of this world, nothing will cure you of the ultimate disease we all carry from man’s first encounter with the snake-carrying virus in Eden. We are all carriers of the snake-based virus called sin that causes death since conception. Only Jesus, who replaced that snake on the Grace of God pi verse John 3:14, can save you.

    God’s message through COVID-19 is to remind you He did the same before, in Exodus 19, before He came down to give the law. He had the Israelites clean up, just like COVID-19 is making you clean up. Most of you are doing the physical clean up and forgetting the all-important cleanup of your souls. God is more interested in cleaning up your souls from the filth you’ve accumulated from conception. Jesus said in Matthew 15:11:

    Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.

    The best thing that can come out of your mouths right now is repentance, prayers and praise and worship of God. Some of you even dare say you are without sin, as if you are not children of generations of sinners, or as if you harbor good thoughts and feelings for all men and all creation! Do not be deceived; the word says in Romans 3:23 that

    All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

    That verse’s numerical value is completion and perfection (3) of death (23). You need the 20 to reduce the 23 to 3, for the other meaning of 3 is resurrection. Redemption (20) comes through Jesus. The good news or Gospel is 26 which is death (23) plus resurrection (3).

    As you struggle to stay free of this virus, don’t miss the lesson of just how hard it is to avoid contamination by sin. The virus is teaching us that everyone, including yourself and every person you meet, is potentially carrying that virus of sin planted in us by the snake, which we know is mentioned as the most possible purveyor of that virus to man from the bat. The bat is another symbol of Satan and it is thus quite a mockery of God, and us, that the money minters of the USA put the bat on the back of their new silver quarter dollar. It’s another step in confirming who the god of the USA is. The only political tool we as a people have to defeat the elite is to go out and vote in a way that unifies all the arms of government: the executive (presidency), both house and senate, and the judiciary under the party willing to reinstall the God of Creation as the God of USA. We will then dispatch Satan and his human agents in our midst to the bottomless pit, where they belong.

    COVID-19 is a physical manifestation of what listening to Satan did to us. This country has never been so closer to losing everything the founders of this nation bled and worked for. They fled the tyranny of Satanic European doctrines but now those doctrines have followed us here, thanks to some opening the doors wide open. We are on the verge of being hog-tied and force-vaccinated like sheep because a computer innovator wants an upgrade of his play things to humans. The wealth of the nation disappears into bottomless holes dug by a Midianite alliance we have trusted because we did not know their allegiance is not to this country, but to their brethren in the East of the globe. We have become the exporter of global immorality as a nation.

    COVID-19 is here to show us just how little breath of life is left in us. God put His immortal breath in us in Genesis 2:7 but we lost it due to sin. Our body as a country is on the verge of death, as was the case with king Hezekiah. We need a poultice of figs, like these words to remind us Jesus gave us back that breath we had lost when He breathed His last and died in our place-- Mark 15:37. This country must return to Jesus to recover its breath, and to get off the ventilators and vaccinators.

    We are told to social distance 6 feet because 6 is the number of man, his weakness, evils of Satan, and manifestation of sin. 6 is the height of Goliath, and he also had 6 pieces of armor-- 1 Samuel 17:5-6. Goliath had a shield-bearer before him-- 1 Samuel 17:7. Shield means faith-- Ephesians 6:16. Goliath’s armor bearer is thus a prophecy of the false prophet, the man of faith who will go before the antiChrist. This man will be beloved by many, hence the 6, which means the weakness of man, evils of Satan and manifestation of sin and 16 which means love in Ephesians 6:16. 616 is the number of the false prophet who will be beloved by many because he will speak the ‘Gospel’ of love in which all religions and all men will be promised grace and no consequences for sin. The 616 prophecy here also suggests this man will be a man-lover, thus a homosexual.

    16 is love, which can be negative when it is Gospel (26), minus testimony, law, and responsibility (10). The concept that love is all you need to be saved without obeying the laws of God is already here, and it is the driving force behind the one world religion championed by Pope Francis and other world idols and idol-makers like Oprah, for example.

    Romans 3:27:

    "27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith."

    Sixty (pride) is 6 (which is also the number of Satan) times 10 (the law). 60 is well represented by the height in cubits of the golden image Nebuchadnezzar set up in Daniel 3.

    66 is Idol worship. Idol worship is man worshiping man or man-made things. In this case, it also includes cases where man is forced by law to worship an idol, be it a man or say a computer program or chip without which he can’t buy or sell.

    600 is warfare. 666 is therefore a culmination of all the above. It is the man of war who will come offering human solutions to world problems. A false prophet will go before him, winning many through the false gospel of love only. Physical warfare or martial law will however be employed to ensure everybody worships the antiChrist as God, and takes the vaccination and 666 chips—Revelation 13:15-17. We saw a similar cycle twice during the times of Daniel. First in Daniel 3 when Nebuchadnezzar put up a statue and forced everybody to worship it; and two, in Daniel 5 when those jealous of Daniel tricked Nebuchadnezzar into demanding worship as God.

    Now we are at a place in history where we can see how this man is possible with man of sin, the antiChrist whose number is 666 (Revelation 13:18). All the elements for his coming are ready. The artificial intelligence technology to spy on all of us and achieve God-like status is here, and we have advanced to a place where we are very close to offering human solutions to all our problems through the wisdom accumulated from the artificial spirit.

    God is the only original Spirit that creates from nothing. The artificial spirit of Satan copies. Satan uses advanced science to copy the works of God. Some of our richest innovators have built their wealth from getting advanced science from Satan and demons in return for selling us out to them. A book like The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso details how we get information from aliens (demons) and their aircrafts which sometimes malfunction and crash on earth. These beings make mistakes because they are not perfect. Only God is perfect. Our government—or secrets arms of it—hide such information. We actually have established relationships and even exchange programs with these parasitical beings from far away galaxies and the spiritual realm as seen in Secret Journey to Planet Serpo by Len Kasten, for example. It’s good to be aware of such things without getting too caught up in them. These beings will have no hold on us if we were righteous. That should be our goal.

    COVID-19 is here to remind us that only Jesus can save us from our weaknesses in this short life and give us eternity. He can do that because he replaced the snake that offered temporal healing on the cross, as seen in comparing Numbers 21:8 and John 3:14.

    We saw in 2 Kings 18:4 that Hezekiah destroyed that snake, Nehushtan, that Moses put up. Hezekiah prophetically destroyed it during the third year of Hoshea, son of Elah. Hoshea is from the same root as Jesus, and Elah means God, meaning Jesus Son of God broke that snake when He was put on the pole after three years of ministry, died, and resurrected after three days and nights.

    COVID-19 reminds us of Romans 3:23-24, which references Isaiah 53:6:

    All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him [Jesus] the iniquity of us all.

    We need to look up to Jesus. Acts 1:11 says He will come back the same way He went into heaven.

    The other pi verse that is a foundation block of this book is Revelation 22:7, where Jesus, who first came as the Humble Pie says,

    Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.

    Because Jesus humbled himself even unto death on the cross, He’s coming back as King of kings-- Philippians 2:8. He comes back bearing rewards on one hand for believers and punishment on the other hand for non-believers, hence the need to choose wisely for yourself. Just as people are tested alone and quarantined when found to have COVID-19, so will it be during the Great White Throne Judgment. No one will stand with you: not your family or church or preacher. Think about that. God has sent us a very clear message, but we seem not to get it. Some of us still think these are myths, and many still find their comfort in crowds. A friend once told me God can’t destroy so many people. God destroyed all but Noah’s family of 8 in Genesis 7; only Lot and his two daughters survived the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19; only Rahab and her family survived the fall of Jericho in Joshua 6. All these are prophecies on the final destruction of this world. A God who can create anything from nothing has no problems destroying anything and everyone that is contrary to His purposes. He lingers because He’s extending us more grace period to wake up and be saved. 2 Peter 3:9:

    The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

    2 Peter 3:9 is followed by scriptures on the Second Coming-- 2 Peter 3:10-13:

    But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

    It is exceeding sinfulness of sin that many preachers would rather preach about wealth, health and happiness instead of focusing believers on the eternal price of life or death that awaits all of us at the end of this brief life.



    ONE OF THE ways you know you have been thoroughly manipulated and are living in bondage is when you doubt common sense; when you doubt your own eyes and can’t see what is clearly laid out before you. You are then living in an upside-down world where you believe lies to be truth and you love Big Brother—those who plunder, torture, and murder you. This is the final state in totalitarian authorities fashioned after Satan’s kingdom. George Orwell’s 1984 is a vivid portrayal of such a state, and we live in such times. If you don’t believe me, look around you.

    Does COVID-19 make you aware how you have been idolizing the people who have left you in a wretched condition? Haven’t you been idolizing politicians whose sole achievement is taking care of themselves and diverting all national resources to the wrong projects, like the military, themselves and their super-rich sponsors? Have you not been who have more than they could spend in a million lifetimes? Didn’t most of their money come from exploiting workers and consumers directly or by manipulating an economic system that moved the value of money from real goods and into speculation so that a small elite can manipulate the world economy from their arm-chairs, siphoning the wealth of the world into their own pockets? These people are the modern descendants of the Midianites, Amalekites, and people of the East described in Judges 6:2-6. It is these people whom Gideon routed and looted and we will do the same in our cycle.

    But we need many to wake up to this reality first. Some of us are actually wowed that these people are giving back a bit to us during this crisis! Don’t be blinded. It’s by divine decree. You should be praying to the LORD to restore to you everything these locusts ate-- Joel 2:25.

    How much do you now love those jet-set, million-dollar mansion owner preachers while you sit at home hungry? Do you notice how they’ve suddenly gone quiet? They seem to have totally forgotten their congregations, some of whom are in dire need. Those who are used to receiving are very poor at giving.

    How does your beautiful church building help you now? Don’t you see how we have been in endless slavery, building churches one after the other when we could have been investing in more reasonable ways like helping the poor, orphans, widows and the homeless in our community, which should be a good motivation for more people to tithe? As is now, those important reasons for tithing are pushed to the background. The focus is on buildings and cars and stuff, and those feel empty to discerning believers. Plus, it’s quite tough to get people to obey God’s laws like tithing when you yourself are disobeying one of only ten principal commandments. The church has worked itself into predicaments it could have avoided if it had just followed the Way of Jesus.

    The church was called The Way up until they were first called Christians in Antioch-- Acts 11:26. The verse numbers for Acts 11:26 are 11 which means judgement and disorder and 26, which means Gospel of Jesus Christ. Switching from The Way to Christianity brought judgement and disorder to the Gospel. I think we should consider going back to at least some components of The Way, when the focus was less on buildings and leaders and more on God and His needy people.

    The true church is about the Spirit! It’s about if those gathered are truly gathered in His name-- Matthew 18:20:

    20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

    Too many churches are gatherings where people are trying to make their names and money. Many members only show up to show off their self-righteousness and material things. 18 means bondage and 20 redemption, so Matthew 18:20 says redemption will be attached to bondage if we are completely cut off from a thriving church body, which is what Satan, like any predator, wants. This is a warning to well-meaning believers who have been completely turned off by church, so they totally left church and do home-church. It’s a trap. Satan wants to isolate us so he can attack us while we don’t have a backup of believers to help us with vigilance and with encouragement when needed. Believers are called to be the body of Christ -- 1 Corinthians 12. A body isn’t just a few organs, and we need all organs to function according to God’s purposes so that His will is done and His Kingdom comes. Hebrews 10:24-25:

    And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

    We should exercise due diligence and find a body of believers to fellowship with, even if in homes. The bondage we are to avoid is being joined to the wrong body, which is what Satan has excelled in doing in our times. Many believers are attending Satan-programmed congregations without knowing because they lack discernment. Jesus told us we will know them by the spirit-- Matthew 7:15-20. What fruit is your church producing? Do you see anybody getting saved? Do you see believers being lifted up spiritually or is it all about being lifted up and emptied of cash like some thugs do? Are you only lifted in the flesh with fleshly sermons focused on the Gospel of wealth and health and happiness? Instead of being filled by the Holy Spirit, are you left feeling good about having donated more money for projects in the community? Beware especially if such community-help projects are in distant places where you cannot verify your resources are being used righteously. There are lots of local families, or your own family and community members, you can help. You do not want your hard-earned kingdom funds misused by unrighteous people and organizations. You want to ensure you invest your tithes, gifts and donations in fruitful kingdom work. That’s how God blesses the work of your hands.

    Most of us need to understand it is about the spirit when we seek a church body. That is how we will find redemption from the bondage of being attached to spiritually weak, sick and thus dying bodies that will cause us to die, like almost happened to king Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20.

    The truth is, this virus should make it clear to you that the world needs better leaders in all fields. We need people with a conscience and a Godly consciousness about the needs of God’s people, like Nehemiah 5. Thinking about our leaders, I’m reminded of Isaiah 56: 9-12:

    "All you beasts of the field, come to devour,

    All you beasts in the forest.

    His watchmen are blind, they are all ignorant;

    They are dumb dogs, they cannot bark;

    Sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

    Yes, they are greedy dogs which never have enough.

    And they are shepherds who cannot understand;

    They all look their own way, everyone for his own gain, for his own territory.

    Come, one says, "I will bring wine,

    And we will fill ourselves with intoxicating drink;

    Tomorrow will be as today, and much more abundant.’"

    Our leaders have failed us. We invest more in war than all our needs. We have the top hundred richest men in the world gaining more wealth than all the rest of us daily. We have millions of poor, homeless, jobless people in slums fighting for and voting for multi-millionaires and billionaires who own thousands of acres of land, most of it acquired through dubious means. And the rest of us are no better. While we are mortified by COVID-19 because it’s killing some of our own, we conveniently ignore the fact that 300 children die every hour due to lack of food in some areas, while at the same time we have people dying of complications resulting from over-eating like obesity, Anorexia and Bulimia. We have people with no clothes or with tattered clothes, while at the same time we have people buying tattered clothes for hundreds of dollars. The antiChrist system has produced a hugely unfair world, which is why it needs to be disbanded, from top down.

    If we use this COVID-19 break as we should, our tomorrow does not have to be like today. We have been given a chance to be alone, away from those who manipulate us into believing lies. We should use this time to ponder and wonder about how we got here; to see how far we have wandered from the truth. And to map a course of different action.

    Our problem however is that we like to conform. I doubt there is anybody reading this who doubts Saturday, not Sunday, is the Sabbath. So why do we take Sunday to be Sabbath? Many will quote the words of Paul in scripture like Colossians 2, and I’ll address those later, for it is vital to address them and move the church from the milk-drinking phase to the meat-eating phase.

    We observe Sunday as Sabbath because we love to conform to the dictates of authority, even when that authority is illegitimate. Since Eden, Satan learnt we humans tend to follow along with whatever is done. Adam sheepishly took the fruit from Eve and ate just because Eve did. Satan learnt how to use the opposite sex to manipulate us. Add that women are symbolic of church in the Bible and you see how easy it is for a church to mislead just about everyone to follow along and drink the wine that leads to death.

    There are people, I’ve learnt, who fear their church and their preacher more than they fear God! Will a church or preacher give them eternal life! The threat of ex-communication remains one tool the church uses to keep believers in bondage. Some churches even threaten not to do your final rites! As if whoever does your final rites or where you are buried determine whether you go to God’s presence. You can be buried in the church’s hallowed burial yard, or even be sainted in this world, and yet end up in hell. I’m here to tell you that you won’t die if you don’t go to a church that excommunicated you because of the Truth of the Gospel. Don’t

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