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Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology
Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology
Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology
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Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology

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This incredible book maps our spiritual development as we journey from ignorance to enlightenment. We are all at different stages - are currently stationed either at the “Body” or personality level in consciousness, or at the “Soul” or “Spirit” stages. This book carefully catalogues these psychological develop

PublisherLeoni Hodgson
Release dateDec 12, 2018
Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body: A Handbook for Esoteric Astrology

Leoni Hodgson

Leoni Hodgson works professionally as a practitioner and teacher in several specialist areas in the esoteric arts - Astrology (DMNZAS - Diploma Member of the NZ Astrological Society 1982, and the PMAFA - Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers 1983), Esoteric Psychology (MA in Esoteric Psychology and Ph.D. in Esoteric Philosophy), Raja Yoga and Esoteric Healing (INEH Certificate).

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    Astrology of Spirit, Soul and Body - Leoni Hodgson

    Chapter I. Evolution of Consciousness

    This is a spiritual astrology book, which maps the evolution of the soul, of human consciousness, through the three levels of Spirit, Soul and Body. This section lays the foundation of this study - the meaning of consciousness is explored and important terms are defined.

    In the western scientific world, the foundation of the evolutionary theory was presented by Charles Darwin in his book On the Origin of the Species. But prior to Darwin, thousands of years before Christ was born, eastern teachers were writing about the evolution of consciousness. Of importance were the Vedas (Sanskrit: veda, knowledge), a large body of religious texts that originated in India before Christ. The Upanishads, produced between 800-500 BCE, were written by scholars who shifted the focus of religious life away from external rites and sacrifices, to an inner spiritual quest that involves the evolution of consciousness, of the human soul.

    1. The Soul and Consciousness

    Human beings are souls, spiritual beings on a journey to the spiritual source of all life that some call God. The soul is the middle or mediating factor in the Spirit-Soul-Body trilogy. Not fully spirit, not fully the body; soul is that which arises when spirit merges with matter. When God or Spirit breathed life into the physical body, soul or consciousness arose and we came into existence.

    Of importance to our topic is the fact that the soul is the consciousness aspect that evolves.

    Soul is on a journey to reunite with its Parent. This is our consciousness aspect that is evolving and is on a journey. This journey spans hundreds and thousands of incarnations. Physical bodies die. The soul does not. We do not. We as souls, use body after body to keep evolving. The school through which this is occurring for us, is planet earth. Here is a definition for soul.

    Soul and consciousness defined. Soul is the manifestation of spirit, in time and space. Soul, consciousness and awareness are synonymous terms. To be conscious is to be aware of our surroundings. To be self-conscious is to be aware of ourselves as human beings. To be soul conscious is to be aware of ourselves as both human and divine, as beings functioning in time and space with the purpose of becoming more spiritually aware.

    Everything has a soul, be it an atom, animal, man, planet, galaxy etc, but not all souls are equal in consciousness. What distinguishes soul-conscious people, or those who are becoming so, is a growing inclusiveness and an aspiration to something higher and finer.

    At the earlier stages of the Evolutionary Path are souls who are ignorant of their spiritual identity, who are selfish and self-absorbed. At the other end are the very wise Masters and Guides of the race. In between are the rest of us who are trying to become more conscious, more aware and more soul inspired.

    2. God

    All lives in the universe have been inspired into existence by the presiding Life we call God and are returning to God. People think of God in many different ways. Here is an esoteric (spiritual energies veiled by form) definition for God that is fundamental to the whole philosophy of this book.

    God defined. That sumtotal of manifestation which can be called Nature, or God and which is the aggregate of all the states of consciousness. This is that Perfection ... which is latent within that world itself, that lies hidden at the heart of the atom, within the heart of man himself, within the planet and within the solar system. It is that something which drives all on toward the goal and is the force which is gradually bringing order out of chaos; ultimate perfection out of temporary imperfection; good out of seeming evil. ¹

    There is nothing in existence that exists apart from God. This means that God functions at all levels. Here is an excellent quote.

    Matter is spirit at its lowest point of manifestation and spirit is matter at its highest. ²

    As we refine the matter of substance of our vehicles through meditation and right-living, more of the light, love and power of God is able to shine through our consciousness. In this manner, consciousness evolves.

    3. The 7 Planes of Human Evolution

    The Path of Evolution spans all kingdoms in nature. It extends below the human kingdom (elemental kingdoms, the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms); and above the human into many super-human kingdoms.

    In the Human Kingdom, consciousness evolves through the three broad levels we call Spirit - Soul - Body to unify with God. Altogether, there are seven sub-steps or planes in this process.

    Referring to the accompanying diagram, we start our journey (in consciousness) at the bottom Physical Plane and via reincarnation and life experience on earth, we progress slowly upwards. We pass through the Astral to the lower Mental Plane. When the higher Mental Plane is reached, we fast-track. We step onto the Path of Spiritual Development. Our rate of progress then depends upon the individual effort we make. The Path, is a process - of conscious spiritual development through disciplines such as meditation, right-living and service.

    The 7 Planes of Consciousness diagram, of our solar system.

    The diagram depicts the seven levels of consciousness of our system.

    • The Body or material levels are the Physical, Astral and Lower Mental.

    • The Soul level spans the higher Mental Plane

    • The Spirit levels, consist of the top of the Mental Plane and the Buddhic and Atmic Planes. Above these are the God planes of the Monadic and Logoic Planes (Logos, Greek for word of God).

    • These seven subplanes of our system, form the bottom rung of a cosmic ladder that has six higher steps.

    4. The Path

    Readers will find references to various Paths in this book, but primarily to the Path, the Evolutionary Path, or the Path of Spiritual Development. This section clarifies these terms and what is meant when they are used.

    a. The Path of Evolution

    The Path of Evolution generally refers to the ascending transmigration of all souls through all kingdoms, back towards the source of Life - God. These kingdoms are the elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal, human and super- human. Waves of souls (via their monads), are ascending the evolutionary path.

    b. The Path as it relates to humanity

    The Path, is an abbreviated term for the Path of Spiritual Development. It refers to the journey we make as souls, as we dis-identify from the matter aspect, and re-identify with God. Putting it another way, we are dis-identifying with the animal instincts of the physical body and are identifying with the aspirational and inclusive qualities of the soul. The Path is the journey from ignorance (in consciousness), to enlightenment.

    This transmigration of the soul from a lower state to a higher, occurs via reincarnation. The goal each life is to expand and lighten consciousness.

    c. The Path of Spiritual Development

    The Path or Path of Spiritual Development has three parts.

    • The Probationary Path. On this path, aspirants are in training to become disciples. They are learning to know themselves and the forces that control them. Man know thyself, is the guiding injunction.

    • The Path of Discipleship. We become disciples technically, when our emotional energies are being controlled by the soul via the illumined mind. Now we must learn to use our energies cooperatively with others.

    • The Path of Initiation. We are initiates when the soul controls the entire lower nature. At this level, we use our forces in conscious cooperation with the Plan of Goodwill. Initiates are world servers.

    d. The Antahkarana

    We progress spiritually through regular meditation, study, the expression of right-human-relations and service. As we do this, we build the bridge of light, the antahkarana. It connects our human concrete mind to the higher spiritual levels in the solar system. The antahkarana is the Path symbolically. Step by step and stage by stage, we construct the Path just as the spider spins its thread. It is that way back which we evolve out of ourselves; it is that Way which we also find and tread. ³

    5. The Personality - Mind, Emotions, Physical Body

    While people may technically know that they are a soul, it is not a conscious reality for many who are still identified with the wants and needs of the physical body and its ambitions in the material world. At this level, consciousness is still at the Body level.

    In the Spirit-Soul-Body trilogy, body is a general term for the lower, material nature, which consists of the personality when it develops, the mental and emotional fields and physical body.

    When we began our soul journey at the dawn of time in primeval man, consciousness was totally engrossed by the physical world on the Physical Plane. Man was driven by his physical, animal appetites. Emotional and mental expression did not exist. Man at that time was little more than an animal, operating at the Physical Plane level.

    Note: It is important to realise, that all the energies of the higher levels are available all the time and were in prehistoric times. But until we build the inner links in consciousness (develop the mind and link it to soul and spirit), that enable us to tap into higher realms, we remain ignorant of them. The work we are required to do on our soul journey, is to build these links.

    a. The Physical Etheric Body

    The fiery etheric energy field surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, which is constructed upon it. Our etheric webs are tiny parts in a universal mother-web, tiny strands of energy upon which the physical body is constructed. Energies from all levels of nature flow through the web to reach us.

    The field of space is etheric in nature and its vital body is composed of the totality of etheric bodies of all constellations, solar systems and planets which are found therein. Throughout this cosmic golden web there is a constant circulation of energies and forces and this constitutes the scientific basis of the astrological theories.

    The web is made of millions of energy strands and where many cross, chakras or vortices of force arise. There are seven major chakras, ⁵ which are related to the evolution of consciousness and which connect us to the planes of consciousness. These connections are given in the following chakras diagram.

    The chakra through which we focus our force determines our spiritual status. As primeval man, we began our journey on the ladder of consciousness at the bottom Physical Plane level, with consciousness focused in the Base Chakra. Millions of years later (on the continent of Atlantis), consciousness had risen to the Astral Plane and to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

    This is where most people are stationed today. They are controlled by their emotions and desires. Even in such people, consciousness is still rising - to the lower Mental Plane and to the Throat Chakra. We work majorly through three chakras at a time, but are controlled by one dominant centre. As intelligent apprehension grows, the Ajna Chakra comes alive. As we develop spiritually, the Heart and Crown Chakras develop. In this manner, consciousness evolves up the planes and chakras.

    b. The astral body

    Millions of years ago consciousness rose to the Astral Plane and the emotional body came alive. We began to feel subtly and express emotion. The consciousness of average man is stationed here. Controlled by their emotions, desires and attachments, such people swing between the opposites of pleasure and pain. Balancing this body and bringing it under the control of the mind- personality and then under soul-control, is the toughest battle we face on the Spiritual Path. This problem was pointed out by Buddha in his Four Noble Truths when he said:

    Existence in the phenomenal universe causes suffering and sorrow; the cause of suffering is attachment to your desires; to overcome suffering, detach from your desires.

    c. The mental body

    Over time consciousness rises to the lower levels of the Mental Plane and we develop lower concrete mind. This is the thinking, analytical machine that we use to build thoughts and ideas. We spend many lives developing the mind, using our mental gifts to amass material wealth and influence. This is quite normal and natural at this level. All non-spiritual, dominant, intelligent, entrepreneurial and materially successful people in the world are stationed in the mind.

    d. The personality

    At first there is not really a personality, only a loose arrangement of emotions interspersed with glimpses of intelligence. As the mind develops and the ego ⁶ becomes ambitious, it uses the mind to control the emotions and physical activities. From the integration of these 3 forces the personality field emerges.

    Personality defined. The personality is the lower ego, the selfish I of the unenlightened mental-emotional-physical man. This is the separative and separated I," ordinary unenlightened man believes he is.

    People who are selfish personalities are a lot happier than the rest of us who are striving to become spiritual. This is because they do not have a split in their psyche. They are one-pointed in the pursuit of their material ambitions.

    But once we become aware of the higher levels, we begin to lead a dual existence - feeling on the one hand a divine connection and on the other, pulled down by our still strong physical and emotional wants and needs. This inner conflict is the cause of our suffering.

    Inner union is the solution. The eastern Masters and advanced souls in the west such as Albert Einstein were aware of this. Einstein wrote the following:

    A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

    Freeing ourselves from this delusion is what we are doing in consciousness. We are evolving into our spiritual heritage by continually expanding consciousness.

    6. Soul development

    As we rise towards the higher Mental Plane the radiations of the Solar Angel that resides at that level illumines our soul or Egoic Lotus. Its petals unfold as we ascend in consciousness up the ladder. This Solar Angel is not the human soul, but is a sort of Guardian Angel that guides our human evolution.

    Illumination causes changes. Things that used to be desired such as wealth and fame begin to lose their attraction as new and higher interests are sought. When this happens, we know we are on the Path of Spiritual Development.

    Beginners to the Path are called aspirants. They are intelligent personalities who aspire to something higher and finer. They have responded to the inner call from the soul and are endeavouring to live a clean and healthy physical life. This demonstrates for instance as physical exercise, diet, fasting, vegetarianism, etc. In time this leads to the 1st Initiation, which signals relative mastery over the physical appetites and birth of the Christ spirit in the cave of the heart.

    At the 1st Initiation, the disciple has to contend with the crystallising and destroying forces of Vulcan and Pluto.

    Aspirants who have taken the 1st initiation, are now called disciples. Then attention turns to the purification of the emotional nature. This is the most difficult stage upon the Path, because the emotional-desire life is the hardest to control. This is the work disciples must tackle. It most cases it takes many lives to complete. It is symbolised by Scorpio and Hercules’ battle with the Hydra of nine fire-breathing heads. Each head represents a vice. One by one they must be overcome. As this refinement occurs, the Heart centre comes alive.

    At the 2nd Initiation, the candidate comes under the influence of three planets—Neptune, Venus and Jupiter. The three centres— Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat—are actively involved.

    When this level is reached, we are just one step away from consciousness reaching the SPIRIT level at the top of the Mental Plane.

    When the physical and emotional bodies are purified and the soul controls them, it turns its attention to taking full control of the mind and of the personality. People who achieve this 3rd Initiation of enlightenment, are called initiates.

    The 3rd Initiation demonstrates as full soul control and mastery over the entire lower nature which is fully illumined by the light of the Solar Angel. The soul now controls all Physical Plane activities via the Crown Chakra. Mars and Uranus govern this initiation.

    When the 3rd Initiation is taken, we step onto the Spirit part of the Path of Spiritual Development and now have to advance through the Buddhic and Atmic Planes. During this process, consciousness becomes fully spiritualised by God’s nature and becomes global in its reach and identification. The most senior spiritual members of the race reside at these lofty levels.

    7. The Spiritual Triad

    Spirit is a term commonly used to describe the aspect of God which has given life to man. It is the great energising something, the breath of God, which inspires us and all creatures on earth. Here is a definition.

    Spirit defined. The word spirit is applied to that undefinable, elusive, essential impulse or Life which is the cause of all manifestation. It is the breath of Life and is that rhythmic inflow of vital energy. It is the correspondence in the great Existence or Macrocosm of that which in the little existence or microcosm is the vital inspiring factor which we call the life of man; this is indicated by the breath in his body, which is abstracted or withdrawn when the life course is run. ¹⁰

    Spirit manifests as a trinity in man - it is called the Spiritual Triad. In the Planes of Consciousness diagram, it is depicted by the triangle with the word SPIRIT over it. Note that it spans three levels of consciousness.

    • The Atmic Plane: spiritual-will consciousness.

    • The Buddhic Plane: spiritual-love consciousness.

    • Top of the Mental Plane: spiritual-mind consciousness.

    Above spirit are the God levels, below are the soul and human worlds. Here is a technical definition for the Spiritual Triad.

    Spiritual Triad defined. Our spiritual nature consists of spiritual will (atma), spiritual love (buddhi) and spiritual mind (manas). These are our potential higher aspects, the gifts from God we grow into step by step as we mature spiritually.

    Spiritual people are found in every human department. They are scientists who make amazing discoveries that help alleviate suffering from disease. They are leaders in the financial world who use their wealth philanthropically to ease human suffering. They are politicians who help guide the race through most challenging periods - World War II leaders Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were examples. They are religious leaders that are shepherds of men in truth and not just by title. In art, from the Middle Ages, artists Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were at this level.

    One way this level of consciousness is distinguished from those who are becoming soul infused, is that they work at a global level. Their service impact is world-wide. This should be remembered.

    Spiritually advanced people are global in consciousness. They see the family of man as their family. They see no distinctions. All men and women are seen as souls, as children of God.

    8. The God Planes

    Readers will note in the Planes of Consciousness diagram, that the 2nd level is called the Monadic Plane. On this plane is our Monad or God Spark. In us, the Monad is the ultimate source of consciousness. In our system, only the most advanced souls, such as Christ, ¹¹ have reached this level.

    The Monad, or pure Spirit, the Father in Heaven. ¹²

    Monad. The One. The threefold spirit on its own plane. In occultism it often means the unified triad - Atma, Buddhi, Manas; Spiritual Will, Intuition and Higher mind - or the immortal part of man which reincarnates in the lower kingdoms and gradually progresses through them to man and thence to the final goal. ¹³

    God works through the Monadic Spark to have access (through us), to life on the Physical Plane. The Spark works through Spirit, which works through the Soul, which works through us - the personality, mind, emotions and physical body.


    Monadic Spark




    Mind, Emotions, Physical Body

    On the Evolutionary Path (in consciousness), we reverse this process, we ascend through the various levels to God.

    In the final stages of the Path, the Monad, the spark within the one Flame, it becomes the revealer of the purpose of God and of the door which opens to Higher Evolution.

    The highest level in our solar system is the Logoic or Divine Plane. This is where the Divine Purpose or Will of God is anchored. Souls such as Gautama Buddha and Christ who reach this level, are fully and consciously cognizant of the Spiritual Plan for humanity. They are born on earth to anchor certain principles of the Plan in human understanding and culture. Buddha promulgated the principle of wisdom and Christ did the same for love.

    This Logoic level, as high as it may seem to us, is but the stepping stone to higher reaches of spiritual life in the universe. To reach this plane and then to go further is our eventual spiritual destiny. This is the journey of the soul.

    9. Raja Yoga Meditation and Mind Training

    Raja Yoga is the Royal Science of Mind, developed by Patanjali, a great Indian sage. Raja Yoga trains the mind - through occult meditation and character building; to unify with the light and wisdom of the soul and then with spirit.

    Our goal on the Path is to bring about a union between the soul and personality. This union is achieved through an illumined mind. Raja Yoga when practiced correctly, brings this about. What it does, is train the mind to look up to the soul, to the illuminating light streaming from the soul, to that which is higher and finer; instead of always being down-turned and looking at worldly troubles or conniving to find wealth or comfort. Here is how the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul, puts it.

    Only through Raja Yoga can a man stand steady in the light, and only through illumination and the achievement of clear vision can the fogs and miasmas of glamour ¹⁴ be finally dissipated. Only as the disciple learns to hold his mind "steady in the light can the glamour be discovered, discerned, recognised for what it essentially is and thus be made to disappear, as the mists of earth dissolve in the rays of the rising sun. Therefore, I would counsel you to pay more adequate attention to your meditation, cultivating ever the ability to reflect and to assume the attitude of reflection—held steady throughout the day. ¹⁵

    Thought alone builds the mind muscle. It is strengthened by concentrating and thinking sequentially, developing discrimination, correcting the mind’s restlessness and by concentrating in the present moment. Raja Yoga occult meditation with two other techniques, helps us develop this type of mind.

    Think an opposite thought. Every time we think a harmful thought this technique can be applied. Simply replace the wrong thought with an opposite, higher, kinder thought. For instance, if we are mentally judging someone, switch channels and think something positive about that person instead.

    • In the practice of right detachment, we lift our focus up into the soul, then imaginatively look down at the lower thoughts, emotions, or activities causing the trouble. It may help to personify them. For instance, see the emotions as waves and thoughts as little wind gusts. Just observe, with the expectation they will settle down in time. Do not judge or get emotional. If so, it means you have descended back into the emotions. Every so often, saying something like I am observing, helps to stay aware of what you are trying to do. Imaginatively sending white light through the mind and emotions to calm them, is a variation of the technique.

    A Simple Raja Yoga Meditation Example

    Raja Yoga meditation begins with mental analysis and ends with an intuitive insight if the meditation has been successful. There are 5 steps.

    1. Alignment. Relax, quieten the nature, align with the soul and God.

    2. Meditate. Concentrate, meditate on an inspiring seed thought for several minutes to gain a synthetic understanding of its purpose. For example, A rose is a symbol of the beauty of God.

    3. Contemplation. There comes a point when analysis finishes and the mind starts to synthesise the knowledge gained. For example, let us suppose the study of a rose took in consideration its species, genus, a specific rose, colour etc. At some point, mind slips beyond the details and ponders more synthetically and upwardly. For instance, The sun rising in the morning is like a blooming rose; "Roses are delicate and fragrant, like my soul is; God’s kingdom must be beautiful, just like this rose." Consciousness has slipped past mind and is making connections with wholes, with greater truths, with soul, spirit or God.

    4. Illumination. This is the result of the three preceding steps. Bring any insights down into the brain consciousness. Think about these, absorb them intellectually into your brain, thus illuminating it.

    5. Inspiration. if the previous steps have been successful, then inspiration follows, demonstrating as a life of service. One way to do this immediately is to close the meditation by saying a prayer for the world - such as the Great Invocation.


    From the point of Light within the Mind of God,

    Let Light stream forth into the minds of men,

    Let Light descend on Earth.

    From the point of Love within the Heart of God,

    Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men,

    May Christ return to Earth.

    From the centre where the Will of God is known,

    Let purpose guide the little wills of men -

    The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

    From the centre which we call the race of men,

    Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,

    And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

    Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

    OM ... OM ... OM

    Chapter II: Esoteric Astrology

    A. The Seven Rays

    B. Fundamentals of Esoteric Astrology

    C. The Twelve Signs

    D. Reading Houses

    E. Planets in Signs and Houses

    A. The Seven Rays

    Emphasis must be laid upon the Rays of Energy and Quality as they pour through the zodiacal constellations and the planets. The new astrology is.. necessarily based upon an understanding of the rays. Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Astrology, page 85.

    The Seven Rays ¹⁶ are the seven basic energies of the universe from which all things are made. Originating from the heart of our galaxy, they reach us via the signs and planets. They are seven different forces, vibrations, colours and characteristics that condition human nature on all levels.

    The rays are not used in traditional astrology, but all astrologers who wish to understand the link between psychology and astrology should include them in their astrological work. They are the fundamental energies of the universe. This simple diagram, depicts ray flow as it reaches us.

    Rays 1, 7: They are the power rays that give strength and will to our character. Ray 1 works on a much vaster scale than Ray 7.

    Rays 2, 4, 6: They are the feeling, caring rays that help us develop consciousness, love and wisdom.

    Rays 3, 5: They are the mind rays. They carry the intelligence of God, enhance our minds and our ability to think.

    I. The Seven Rays and Astrology

    The Seven Rays are used in Esoteric Astrology. They flow through three constellations each and through one or two planets. Here is a chart that shows the route the rays travel to reach us.

    The rays reach us via the chakras (wheels of force in the etheric body). This means that the signs and planets that carry each ray are also influential in the chakra and the organs the chakra rules. This is a vital point in Medical Astrology, because the rays - and therefore the planets and signs they flow through; cause certain types of diseases. The planets are the main carriers of the rays.

    The planets are the agents of the rays. Each planet is a pure distillation of its ray’s force.

    These combinations of the rays, signs, planets and houses offer twelve different spiritual developmental experiences. Here is another chart.

    II. The Soul Ray

    There is another important reason the Seven Rays have been included in this book. Our soul nature, which determines the type of soul-qualities we display and the type of service-vocations we will be attracted to, is determined by the Soul Ray. The soul is on one of the Seven Rays. We all have a Soul Ray, but it cannot be found in the astrology chart. Only self-examination to identify any soul qualities that maybe present, reveals the Soul Ray. When we have contacted the soul consciously, we will be expressing its (ray) qualities and they will colour our astrology, via the ascendant sign.

    In this book, which deals with the astrology of the soul, only the Soul Ray is highlighted. This is because Seven Ray Psychological Profiling (Esoteric Psychology) is a stand-alone science and is too vast to include in this book.

    We have rays energising the physical, emotional and mental bodies and the personality. In strong, dominant people, the Personality Ray (which works through the Sun Sign), is usually the easiest to see.

    When contact with the soul has been consciously made and the Soul Ray is flowing through, astrology chart interpretation is not as clear as before. This is because the Soul Ray qualities dominate all the astrological forces. This also explains why, in the charts of advanced people, indicated trends may not tally with known events. For instance, someone like George Washington who had a gentle Pisces Sun. He became a politician because he had a Ray 1 Soul.

    a. Finding the Soul Ray

    We have the same Soul Ray for aeons. It does not show in the nature until conscious contact has been made with the soul and we are aspiring to something higher and finer. Then these aspiring soul qualities can be seen. One of the best ways to find the Soul Ray, is to identify a vocation a person is most drawn to, that will be most fulfilling. Just as different signs predispose us to different types of work, so do the rays. When we do work that is fulfilling, it brings heart- contentment. This means we are aligning ourselves with the soul, which will then pour its illuminating light and love through us and our work. Vocations associated with each ray are given in the following ray sections. Another way to find the Soul Ray is to meditate upon questions such as:

    • How would I most like to help the world?

    • What vocation would most fulfil the need in my heart to help raise humanity out of its troubles?

    • What are my highest aspirations?

    • What are my most joyous or sacred moments?

    • What ray qualities match how I feel inside my heart in high moments?

    Study the ray sections then pick one or two rays that seem to match. The Soul Ray is proven over time by observing ourselves in highly inspirational moments when we feel spirit move us. When correctly identified and when the Soul Ray virtues are cultivated, spiritual growth accelerates.

    b. The Soul Ray and the ascendant sign

    The Soul Ray works through the ascendant sign, ¹⁷ which colours it. The ascendant sign and the esoteric ruler of the ascendant sign (its house and sign location), represent the purpose of the soul. This purpose is a combination of self-development work, a soul vocation and service opportunities.

    Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill both had R1 souls and Virgo ascendants. This is how the two (the Soul Ray and ascendant sign) work together.

    • Both these men were disciples and were influenced by their R1 soul. It gave them leadership power and drew them to politics, a R1 vocation.

    • The R1 soul worked through their Virgo ascendants, blending their leadership power with intelligent discrimination (from Virgo) and wisdom and idealism due to Rays 2 and 6 flowing through Virgo.

    Their different personality styles were due to their Sun signs. Roosevelt was intellectually aloof with an Aquarius Sun and Churchill was fiery and passionate with a Sagittarius Sun. If they had not been in touch with their souls, then power would have been expressed primarily to boost their egos and ambitions. Then Roosevelt would have used his power coldly and clinically (Aquarius), and Churchill would have taken too many risks (Sagittarius).

    Ray 1 of Will and Power

    The ray of occultists and born leaders

    This is God’s divine will and purpose at work in the universe. Ray 1 energy is that of boundless power, hard, destructive, but also the powerful germinating force that seeds new life. It is the energy of life and death.

    In our psychology, Ray 1 (R1) confers dynamic power and energy, great inner fortitude and a rocklike ability to endure in the face of all obstacles. This power is used for good if governed by the soul, or misused if governed by the personality. R1 types are dominant in life. For instance, the mother who rules the family with an iron will or the top-dog prisoner in jail.

    Positive characteristics: courage, detachment, fearlessness, independence, large- mindedness, singleness of purpose, strength of will, the power to synthesise. Weaknesses: unrelenting ambition, arrogance, cruelty, destructiveness. Virtues to acquire: inclusiveness, and also humility, patience, sympathy, tolerance and tenderness.

    In Astrology

    R1 flows through Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Vulcan and Pluto. Leadership style is inspirational in the fire signs of Aries and Leo and more practical and pragmatic in executive Capricorn. In Pluto, the destructive side of the first ray dominates. In Vulcan, R1 gives the power to persevere.

    Ray 1 Souls of Power and Will

    R1 souls incarnate to lead humanity to its higher good. They uphold the laws of God and of man and preserve spiritual principles and values. They use their will to destroy old ideas and structures so that new growth takes place. Never accepting defeat, they persist until they conquer and are victorious. If they have to destroy, they never violate the Law of Love. Always behind their work is the impetus of love for the masses. They always see the big picture, the overview, the key essential points and the end goal. Fiercely independent, they enjoy a simple and uncomplicated lifestyle and a solitary existence.

    Their most joyous activity is to discard all nonessentials and be in perfect freedom. Their greatest sense of sacredness is identification with the One Self and exhilaration at being in the presence of the might and power of Deity.

    Ray 1 type Vocations

    R1 people are drawn to uphold and enforce the law, so vocations involving government, leadership, management, the law, the military, politics and occultism. R1 governs any career that requires great will power, the ability to stand firm in the face of all obstruction and the ability to destroy if required. People with R1 somewhere in their make-up are Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Judge Judy.

    Ray 2 of Love and Wisdom

    The ray of teachers and healers

    Ray 2 (R2) is the energy of God’s love and wisdom at work in the universe. Boundless, inclusive and enfolding, it is the building ray - the force of gravity that holds the stars, worlds and atoms in place. Its movement is spiral-cyclic, driving atoms into ever ascending cycles, heating and refining them with solar fire. The result is evolution of consciousness, the primary function of R2. It is called the ray of wisdom because in human psychology, it gives a desire for knowledge and truth that in time brings about a comprehensive understanding of life. There are two distinctly different psychological types - love-types and wisdom-types.

    Positive characteristics: ‘Love-types’: compassion, empathy, patience, sensitivity. Weaknesses: over-attachment to people and life comforts; fearfulness, hypersensitivity, they try to bind people with sentimental ties. ‘Wisdom-types’: mental clarity, love of pure wisdom, truthfulness, simplicity. Weaknesses: emotional coldness, over-absorption in study. Virtues to acquire: centralisation.

    In Astrology

    Ray 2 flows through Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Jupiter, the Sun. The wisdom aspect of R2 dominates in mind-oriented Gemini and Virgo, which are ruled by Mercury. Pisces, the most selflessly loving of all signs is the main sign carrier of this ray. The Sun represents egotistical self-love, while Jupiter represents brotherly love.

    Ray 2 Souls of Love and Wisdom

    R2 souls incarnate to tend to the suffering of man, to raise his education and expand his understanding and consciousness. Love types love with their hearts. Their most joyous activity is being in love, loving others. Wisdom types love through their minds. Their most joyous activity is to acquire wisdom and use it to increase understanding and wisdom in the world.

    R2 souls progress by studying the teachings closely and deeply until they are no longer hypothetical, but become a spiritual rule of living. Regular meditation on divine topics such as I see the greatest light, trains the consciousness to stay aligned with God. This dissolves self-absorption and separateness.

    Ray 2 type Vocations

    Vocations that require tact, foresight, personal magnetism, warmth and concern for others; primarily education, spiritual development and healing. Also, ambassador, psychotherapist, sage and humanist. People with R2 somewhere are Paramahansa Yogananda, Mother Teresa and the 14th Dalai Lama. People specifically on the wisdom line, were Maria Montessori and Alice Bailey.

    Ray 3 of Intelligent Activity

    The ray of philosophers, abstract thinkers

    Ray 3 (R3) is the Mind of God at work in the universe, a boundless mental energy, which is highly active and adaptable. This ray gives all creatures on earth a primeval or animal intelligence, an instinctual knowledge that enables them to survive and reproduce. In human psychology, R3 can give intellectual brilliance that is wide ranging, a natural ability to rationalise and philosophise.

    Positive characteristics: a powerful intellect, a wide ranging, philosophical mind; ability to understand and explain complexly woven patterns, skill in communication, business facility. Weaknesses: amoral materialism, deceit, an opportunistic predator, scattered reasoning, excessive thought without practical action. Virtues to acquire. Stillness, also accuracy.

    In Astrology

    Ray 3 flows through Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, the Earth and Saturn. Cancer is very intelligent in getting its security needs met. Libra approaches relationships intelligently, if somewhat manipulatively. Capricorn is very intelligent and crafty when pursuing its ambitions. Through Earth experience we develop intelligence. Saturn teaches us to make more intelligent life choices.

    Ray 3 Souls of Intelligent Activity

    R3 souls incarnate to expand man’s intelligence, to solve major life problems and to create economic systems that benefit the masses. Powerful and wide- ranging intellects and superior communication skills distinguish these souls. They easily grasp complex patterns, principles and facts. They create plans and strategies to benefit the greater good and transmit these to the world for action. Their most joyous activity is to theorise, plan and then act on that plan. Their most sacred moments are to think along with God.

    Meditation is important for R3 souls because it quietens their restless mind fluctuations and attunes the mind to the serenity of the soul, something they need. This will also lift their eyes away from their many busy outer activities to the soul. As this inner soul-alignment strengthens, the silent place where knowledge transforms into wisdom will become a place of refuge. Then outer life weavings will begin to reflect the inner beauty of the soul pattern.

    Ray 3 type Vocations

    They require intelligence, mental dexterity, resourcefulness, adaptability, a clear intellect and the ability to speak with the voice of reason. For example, a tactician, strategist, financial planner, business person, entrepreneur, philosopher, philanthropist, astrologer, economist and historian. People with Ray 3 somewhere are Albert Einstein, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Bertrand Russell, Isaac Asimov and Steve Jobs.

    Ray 4 of Harmony through Conflict

    This feeling ray, is related to the 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom.

    Entertainers, harmonisers, beautifiers, counsellors, diplomats

    This bridging ray oscillates, it swings between poles. In our psychology, the swinging tendency of this ray gives a combative spirit and a tendency to agonise. It is commonly called the ray of struggle. Its function is to create harmonious relationships between opposite forces, to bring right-relations between the two. Consequently, this ray brings opponents together and urges them to find a resolution.

    R4 above all else is the ray of beauty, giving the power to produce great works of art. Its psychological gift is the intuition, Buddhi, a faculty of the Buddhic Plane. When misused by the ego, this force gives a very troubled, emotional and warlike nature.

    Positive characteristics: courage, intuitive, right judgment based on assessing both sides of an argument, facility to create harmony from conflict, ability to create and express exquisite beauty, to entertain and delight. Weaknesses: emotional instability, inner conflict, confused combat, constant agonising and excess moodiness. Virtues to acquire: steadfastness.

    In Astrology

    Ray 4 flows through Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius, the Moon and Mercury. Taurus and Scorpio only carry R4 and consequently are the major signs of war and struggle. Unrest and restlessness in Sagittarius drives people to search for answers in life. The Moon represents ancient lunar patterns of conflict, while Mercury gives a mind that finds answers by comparing contrasting points.

    Ray 4 Souls of Harmony, Beauty and Colour

    R4 souls incarnate to create beauty, peace and harmony. Their most joyous activity is to mix, blend and harmonise to create beauty, to become beauty itself and to live in beauty. There are few R4 souls on earth because it is only now beginning a new cycle. Readers who identify strongly with this ray may do so because they have their mental bodies or personalities on R4.

    They progress through developing self-control and inner equilibrium. This enables them to harmonise what is around them and any dissonances in the environment.

    Ray 4 type Vocations

    Those that create some form of beauty, colour or harmony. For instance, resolving and settling conflicts, mediation and counselling, expressing beauty through art and architecture or harmonising financial systems. Examples of advanced people with R4 somewhere are Beethoven, Debussy, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Judy Dench and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

    Ray 5 of Science and Concrete Mind

    A mind-developing ray related to Ray 3 of Intelligent-Activity.

    The ray of scientists, analysts and technical experts

    In human psychology, Ray 5 (R5) gives an ability to discriminate and analyse. It fosters the scientific approach. The R5 mind is like a microscope that throws light intensely upon that which it is interested in. Just as the scientific and esoteric method of Raja Yoga reveals the soul, so will exoteric science eventually prove the existence of the soul. R5 types are generally extremely truthful but can be boring to some because of their insistence on providing all facts and miniscule details. Misused by the ego, it gives a critical and judgmental spirit, a demand for absolute truth and accuracy, a repudiation of the emotional or spiritual.

    Positive characteristics: a mind that is scientific, accurate, keen and focused; common-sense, detached objectivity, facility with mathematics, discrimination, mechanical ability and technical expertise. Weaknesses: a judgmental, critical spirit that tries to control with the facts. A narrow mind that over-analyses, over-focuses on details, is rigid and separative. Virtues to acquire: wide-mindedness.

    In Astrology

    Ray 5 flows through Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Venus. Mentally, Leo has the rational mind of a leader, Sagittarius has the searching mind of a spiritual seeker, while Aquarius has the scientific mind. Esoteric Venus represents intelligent love, a mind illumined with soul wisdom.

    Ray 5 Souls of Science and Mind

    Ray 5 souls use their laser-like mental powers to raise humanity through science and technology. Their heart’s desire is to understand the mystery of life, to uncover hidden secrets and truths. Contemplating the orderly and intelligent design of nature is a sacred experience for them. Einstein referred to this.

    I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. (Albert Einstein)

    R5 souls progress spiritually by searching for the truth within, by studying the teachings scientifically and mastering the energies of life in an organised way until the mystery of life is solved. This leads them to the soul.

    Ray 5 type Vocations

    Those that require a keen intellect, accuracy with details, scientific and research skills. For example, a scientist, engineer, analyst, technician, operating surgeon, researcher, alchemist, inventor. Examples of advanced people with R5 somewhere are Albert Einstein, Alexander Fleming, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan and Tim Berners-Lee.

    Ray 6 of Devotion and Idealism

    This feeling ray, is related to the 2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom.

    The ray of devotees, idealists and followers

    Ray 6 (R6) is the force or emotion and desire. It blazes up through the personality as an intense and heated surge of desire. It is hot. R6 people pursue their idols, causes or those they adore with fiery passion. One-pointed, there is no deviation or distraction. They race straight-forwards as if in a tunnel and will try to blast their way through any obstacles. Very intense - everything is either perfect or intolerable. At the lower level, R6 personalities have a narrow outlook, think in terms of black and white. Lacking discrimination, decisions are made and allegiances are formed by how appealing a person is and whether due reverence has been given to God and to their cause. They place people they adore upon pedestals, but are retributive if they fall - R6 love can quickly turn to hate.

    Positive characteristics:

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