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Supernaturally Sexy
Supernaturally Sexy
Supernaturally Sexy
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Supernaturally Sexy

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A Djinn's Touch: An Erotic Tale of Magic and Desire

Working in an antique shop and frustrated in more ways than one, Regan is starting to think her life choices could have been more mistakes than investments. When a sexy djinn shows up offering to grant her every wish Regan takes hold of the opportunity with both hands, but is she willing to pay the steamy price?

Sensual Legacy: An Erotic Tale of Hidden Desires

Sophie is excited about the first weekend away with her boyfriend and is beyond ready to take their relationship to the next steamy level. So what happens when he turns out to be an incubus and reveals a long forgotten family secret?

Wild & Wicked

Jordyn is at a deciding moment in her life. After finding her boyfriend cheating on her, losing her job and her apartment, she discovered a long lost uncle left her his house in his will. Along with the house she's going to find the first steps into her new life.
And after catching the attention of a foxy shapeshifter, she'll get all the help she could beg for.

Winter Secrets

Sydnie is alone for Christmas. Her son is visiting his father on the other side of the country and she just doens't know what to do with herself. Then, while watching classic holiday movies, she finds a sexy spirit of winter playing in her backyard. With Jack Frost to keep her company, what else could Sydnie wish for?

PublisherGenie LeBeau
Release dateDec 11, 2020
Supernaturally Sexy

Genie LeBeau

Just a woman writing about sexy fun fantasies and making my way through life.

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    Book preview

    Supernaturally Sexy - Genie LeBeau

    Super Naturally Sexy

    By Genie LeBeau


    A Djinn’s Touch

    Sensual Legacy

    Wild & Wicked

    Winter Secrets

    © Genie LeBeau 2018

    Terms and Conditions:

    The purchaser of this book is subject to the condition that he/she shall in no way resell it, nor any part of it, nor make copies of it to distribute freely.

    All Persons Fictitious Disclaimer:

    This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental.

    Table of Contents

    The First Wish

    The Morning After

    The Second Wish

    The Repayment

    The Third Wish

    The Final Repayment

    The First Wish

    Regan sat at the counter, watching the city pass by the store windows. She let out a huff as the day drug on. The small antique shop rarely did a lot of business. In fact, most of the owner’s money came from online trading and selling. People just don’t like the treasure hunt anymore, the older lady had once said to Regan. Of course, the old bat still wanted to keep the shop open for die hard antique collectors. That’s why Regan had to run the counter and keep up with the web design and emails. Instead of processing orders from the online store at home, she got to do it from the musky shop.

    She let out a groan when she spotted a regular junk peddler through the window. Old Mr. Wilton had been bringing in any number of things every week for years. Judging by the box he had tucked under his arm this week was no different. The bell rang and in walked the pervy man. Evening, Regan, he said, throwing his hand up to wave.

    Evening, Mr. Wilton, Regan said, plastering on her best smile. The man may have sold junk, but every now and then Regan made a profit buying his stuff herself and reselling it online. What you got for us today?

    He plopped the cardboard box on the counter and said, Got some jewelry from an estate sale. Mostly costume jewelry from the 1920’s I think.

    Reaching for the box, Regan nodded. Alright. Let me take a look. The box slid across the counter and Regan lifted the lid. Rifling through the bobbles and paste gems, she spotted something different. Towards the middle of the jumble a seashell sparkled.

    As she lifted the odd shell up out of the box her palm started to tingle and a heat began to spread between her legs. Regan rubbed her thighs together and was thankful for the counter blocking the old man’s view. Regan cleared her throat and dropped the pendant back into the box. How much are you wanting for the lot?

    I’ll take twenty-five, Mr. Wilton said.

    Looking up at him, Regan gave a little shake of her head. I can give you twenty. The widow doesn’t have a market for this stuff. So it’s coming out of my pocket today.

    Mr. Wilton looked thoughtful for a moment, but Regan knew the old man would have taken as little as fifteen. Her offer of twenty was just to hurry him up out of the store. Finally with a nod the old perv reached out his hand and said, It’s a deal.

    Shaking his hand, Regan dug into her pocket for the money and paid him. After he had the money he was out of the store in a flash and Regan had her box of treasure. Once she saw the man vanish past the window, she reached back into the box and lifted out the seashell necklace. As she rolled the odd piece over in her hand pleasant shivers shot through her. The hairs on her arms stand on end and suddenly her mouth was dry and an ache began to settle in place.

    Letting out a shaky breath, she sat the piece on the counter and tried to compose herself. Regan looked over the silver chain and base that cradled the shell. She wasn’t surprised to find that it was real silver or that the tiny red stones set into the shell at least appeared real. Even though there was no jeweler’s mark on the piece anywhere, Regan knew the piece would easily cover the twenty dollars she’d spent to get the box.

    A ding from the computer let her know that there was an order to process. Letting out a sigh, Regan dropped the shell back into the box once again. She sat the box under her chair to wait until she could search its contents more thoroughly after the shop closed: Which was several long agonizing hours away.

    The widow showed up and locked the store up at 8 o’clock sharp, just like she did every night. She told Regan to have a good night and then rambled back up the stairs to her second floor apartment. Soon Regan had the till counted down and was locking up the store’s back door and heading home herself.

    Just two blocks away from the antique shop, Regan’s studio apartment was comfortable and under rent control. It was perfect for her. Stepping through the door, she was immediately surrounded by her belongs. A massive bookshelf filled with history books separated the living area from her bed. Spread through her apartment were the random assortment of antiques she’d picked up over the last few years. Her Bachelor’s in History had proven to be more for her personal pleasure than for pursuing a career in history.

    Regan sat the box of jewelry on her counter and started a pot of herbal tea. Striping out of her shirt, she pulled a stool up to the counter and sat down. As she waited on the water to boil Regan dumped out the contents of the box and began to sort through the pieces. She made sure to set the odd sea shell piece aside to inspect later. Everything else was pretty common. Costume jewelry from the 1920’s wasn’t worth much, but most of the pieces were unique enough to bring in a little extra money.

    She was sorting the pieces out into pricing groups when the tea kettle started whistling. Regan poured a cup and eyed the shell necklace. With a sigh she reached out and picked the piece up. A wicked smile spread across her lips as she slipped the chain around her neck. The heavy shell dropped down to her cleavage and the cold base caused a ripple of sensation to race through her. Instantly her nipples hardened and Regan shivered.

    That’s weird, she said, lifting the shell to inspect it closer. Turning it over, Regan wrote off her odd reactions as some type of fetish she hadn’t discovered yet. She sighed and took the necklace off. Grabbing up her tea mug, she strolled across the open room to see what the neighbors were up to.

    Sipping on her tea, Regan stared longingly out the window. The couple across the street had left their curtains open again and even though it made her feel slightly perverted, Regan couldn’t help but watch the couple’s cat and mouse chase.

    The busty woman had lost her top in some other room and bounced around the apartment as her man ran after her. They were both laughing and it looked all kinds of fun to Regan. It made the ach in her pussy swell and when the man finally caught the woman and threw her down on the couch Regan let out a groan, imagining some hot stud doing just that to her.  In a blink the man was pumping into the woman and Regan rolled her eyes, but let out a longing sigh as she turned away from the window.

    Walking to the counter, Regan let her fingers brush over the pendant. The cold silver base sent happy chills down her spine and she could almost feel strong hands caressing down her sides. Regan let her fingertips caress the shell as she whispered, Wish I had someone to help me sleep like that.

    Finishing her tea in several quick gulps, Regan stripped out of her remaining clothes and headed behind the bookshelf to search for the comfort of her bed. As she dropped down on the old farm bed Regan clapped her hands and her apartment lights went out. Best investment I ever made, she mumbled, nuzzling into her pillow.

    She tried to will herself to sleep, but the passionate throbbing between her legs seemed to pulse with each heartbeat. Rolling on the bed, Regan tried to ignore her desire, but she knew it was no use. It had been months since she’d last gotten laid and the odd sensations from that shell had only feed the achy itch. Slowly she cupped her breast in one hand and reached down to caress the soft skin below her belly button with the other.

    Squeezing her nipple, Regan let her fingers slip into the trimmed curls above her clit. She started gently rubbing the sensitive nub, but quickly got more frenzied as the passion began to mount. Regan pinched her clit between her fingers as she moved her hand lower. A finger was no replacement for a good cock, but it would do for now. Her middle finger slipped between her wet folds and tickled her G-spot.

    Grinding her clit into the heel of her palm, Regan’s hips buckled slightly and she let out a low moan. What she wouldn’t give for the hot breath of another person right then. Strong hands wondering over her body and lips searing paths over her skin. The very idea made her roll her nipple between her thumb and finger. She was almost violently rubbing against her hand when she added a second finger into her pussy.

    In just moments Regan was groaning into her pillow as her slick muscles tightened around her fingers and she came all over her hand. She kept her hand in place, rubbing gently as slight aftershocks washed over her. It wasn’t a mind blowing orgasm, but just enough to take the edge off her need.

    Still it was all over far too quickly for Regan.

    Rolling again onto her side, she grabbed the edge of her blanket and slithered into its soft comfort. Regan wrapped her arms around her spare pillow and hugged it close as she closed her eyes. As she let out another longing sigh she wondered if maybe the sexy history professor would pay a visit to the antique shop soon. She hadn’t seen him in over a month, but he always seemed to come in just before or after the widow had her switch out the stock in the shop. That was a project lined up for later in the week, but if it meant seeing the hunky professor Regan wouldn’t complain. The man had completely missed her flirting, but Regan was determined for him to notice her.

    Just as her eyes closed for the last time and she was a wink away

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