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De Nile
De Nile
De Nile
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De Nile

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De Nile is a Treatise on Egypt, the development of the oldest civilization. Their kings were creating a nation that surpassed the wealth of every country on earth, looking in the individual pharaoh's court and the struggles behind the throne—sharing the thrilling truth of power.
Egyptian pantheon of gods created by a people who ruled the world now explained. Understand the intimacies of those in power and influence kings.
Thousands of years now clearly presented.
Release dateDec 9, 2020
De Nile

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    De Nile - Kanu Awatum



    We seek the truth with faltering eyes and wavering hands writing to share events of the time. Perhaps poor witnesses, as found, history written by victors. If what we read in the news today is questionable or found out wrong, history re-written by those in power, the truth can be lost or concealed. De Nile, a treatise on ancient Kemet history, amassing more wealth than any other people in the world, now called Egypt. The country of Kemet and the Israelites survive the Bronze Age Collapse, providing perspective from ancient history on religion, politics, and financial markets. Our daily lives, now or the setting Kemet, something’s never change, facing fundamental choices thousands of years ago or today. Insight to the hearts of rulers, leaders, and peasants at a time, one world order. All are bound in service or bind others with their power. The choice each makes to use the control, either blessing or oppressing others, affixes character to the soul.

    Anything acquired was by exchange or barter. Coins and currency have not yet adapted. Each a role in life, either a slave hewing or hauling stones, the elevated slave artisan that fashions gods of stone, slave master, soldier, or the king ruling.

    Kemet collected the dust from their gods’ fashioning as they genuinely worshipped and saw the images created to be gods, the dust the god’s essence. The beginning of the monetary system and the first tokens of value, before coins, were faiences made from the dust of the stones fashioned into the images of the gods worshiped. Faience makers with an overseer of faience artisans. Faiences made from collecting dust fashioning of the gods ground to a uniform grain, combined with sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and copper oxide, molded fashioned into the symbol of the god of the temple and used for recognition of service rendered the gods receiving rations for food and drink. The faience heated in kilns designed many items beads, broaches, amulets, or figurines. The intense heat from the kilns hardened the faience bringing out bright colors when the glaze finish completed. These faiences glow, and light from within made them brilliant or in Kemetic tjehenet.

    The king of Kemet raided neighboring countries and captured, choice of male and female slaves. The king had temples or nobles, redeem prisoners by paying the king ransom—each redeemed prisoner given their new master’s life-giving faience. Wearing the faience show honor to the god of the temple; bound in service receive shelter, food rations, and protection from others claiming or harming them. The military used round wooden ration tokens on each inscribed the amount of food and drink allotted for ten days, varied by rank and status for an individual. When paying for an item desired and exchanging by gold, silver, or copper in small amounts called shats (seven and a half grams per shat). Deben weight is twelve shats to a Deben (ninety grams just less than a kilogram) when paying more massive amounts. A time no separation between church and state. Tribute to the King of Kemet and the gods were taxes levied by the government. Kemetic believe Amun the preexisting one was before creation and not created and always existed.


    Amun, the hidden preexisting one, creator of the universe, all things seen or unseen. In the beginning, Amun manifests himself in the form of the Sun and the name Ra. The Sun fits Amun supreme power. Each day Amun, a giver of light, renews each new day, and life allows the image of the Sun raised above all the creation. The Sun to be worshiped and feared as Ra’s presence felt, and his face, glorious not able look upon Ra’s face without being blinded, making all eventually bow to Ra. Amun, in the form of Ra, creating time, space, light, thought, emotion, Earth, Sky, people, the moon, planets, stars, life, and architect of the future, no power more sovereign than Amun. Amun created the god Shu (the essence of dry air and space) and spawned the goddess Tefnut (the moisture in the air, necessary for life and flow of time). The power given by Amun allowed Shu to separate Earth (Geb) and Sky (Nut). Amun manifesting as Ra the Sun held ultimate control of the world and Lord of all.

    The state-appointed temple Amun depicted Amun as a Ram headed man. Ra, the Sun, the giver of life, a hawk-headed man with a golden cobra across a gold orb. The gold orb is associated with the solar barge and other state temples of Amun. Other temples for Ptah are god creating himself deeming thought acquiesce, the spoken word, and secret names. Maat, goddess of truth, right moral justice. Thoth, god, is shown as a man with an ibis’s head, holding a writing palette in his hand. Thoth, the god of wisdom, wrote creation into being, and scribe of the gods stands on the other side of Ra’s solar barge giving balance by judging the dead. Kemetics, as people throughout the world, believe in eternal life after death, and the people called upon their creator, wanting to know Him before creation.

    People attempt to explain God and the relationships of God or gods with men. In so doing, men paint themselves into the picture and pantheon of the gods created. All power on Earth is allowed or bestowed by God. God’s deciding authority or removal. Each individual is looking to align themselves with the purpose of their life to fulfill their destiny to walk as were designed on Earth, and doing their will aligned with God’s will.

    Kemetics believe in truth. The goddess, Maat’s feather, weighed against the wrongs or sins in your life. When the voice of a person’s soul no longer speaks, join the procession of men and women dressed in robes go before Toth, Maat, The Devourer of Shades, and a jury of forty-two. Toth presides over the judgment of the dead souls while Maat weighs your heart on balance scales with your heart on one side and the feather of Maat’s truth on the other. Should your heart be lighter than Maat’s feather, you live in glory with the gods. Should your heart be heavier than Maat’s feather when weighed in the scales by Maat, then the Devourer of Shades eat your soul, forever drowning in a pitch-black lake of fire. In life, Maat is more precious than the most exquisite gems, and all the things one can desire, even gold or gemstones, are not compared unto her. Maat gives light unto your path and keeps your feet from turning to the side.

    Many temples existed for thousands of other local and regional or foreign gods. All the state gods and temples had King of Kemet as their high priest, or God in the flesh, the supreme god, giver of life, and Lord of All. Ra the sun god, and though sunlight provided knowledge for all living creatures. Amun, the invisible one, and the force of creation made things grow in the sunlight produced by Ra. Tribute paid to the King of Kemet, essentially a tax on sunlight and life. Hard-working people struggle to fulfill a purpose in life pursuit of happiness by making choices, teaching others how to believe and behave within each of their lives, and from the slave to the master.

    A world dominated by rulers of royal bloodlines worshipped as gods. Paramessu, born with the world against him, a boy’s mother died before he knew her, his father, military man, professional killer, and assassin for the pharaoh killed before he is of age. Orphaned living when thousands of gods and temples, people serve to choose or honor their family’s temple.

    Is there life after death, or is it lights out? What is the truth? Does it matter, is there a God, are we gods? Paramessu makes his way through life as his father, assassin for those in power, even the king. Surviving the most chaotic times, all were slaves or in service to the government, and the government recognized as being set in place by the gods. They were to follow the ruler pharaoh as the supreme god to do his bidding.

    Paramessu takes his lowly position, using all the opposition to work for him. To become the ruler of the world’s most significant power for him and his family to rule as gods themselves and their children’s children, and their children for generations, the gods that ruled Kemet shaped the world.


    In the beginning, there was only God. The presence of God and nothing else existed.

    Amun had Sia - intellectual all-knowing power, Hu - the power of commanding through word, and Heka - supernatural power of thinking or speaking anything of desire into being. Amun’s complete command being all parts of knowledge, expression, and absolute power as one. Amun complete; had the desire to share and commune. His sovereignty decided to create an independent life that could grow in understanding knowledge.

    To create Amun’s eternal completeness sufficient to be independent of passing the infinite through the finite, became time and space. A perfect sphere formed and came into being. The orb, a perfectly round drop as if God’s essence condensed manifesting into a single sphere of liquid, a perfect black pearl without blemish, as no light. This void the goddess Neith, the primordial waters the mother womb of all creation, and a goddess war, weaving, and wisdom. As God’s essence created, finite now conscious and self-aware, recognizing nothing except God. A single ripple raced across the surface of the liquid sphere, which at first lay quiet, still as a mirror; this the beginning of chaos and conflict, the god Set.

    Amun created Neith and nothing but the goddess Neith. Her first companion conflict, loneliness, chaos, and storms, the first lesser god Set. God saw Set’s emptiness and had compassion as this the beginning of good and evil. God created a world all had free will. Each chooses individually in their hearts serve: good or evil. It must be to have a genuine relationship, the ability to decide to pursue wanting companionship and relationship willfully; with the one from before the beginning; the pure, true good God or to choose to deliberately oppose God wanting instead to put themselves in place supreme to God creator of the universe.

    God knew justice; the god, Set’s, opposing nature unjust. Amun formed the god Ra on Neith’s surface like a lotus blossom on the horizon. Ra, a lotus blossom blooming new on the horizon, became light and burned bright as the morning sun, and the first day and the beginning of light and time. Ra raised over the world to rule. The Sun is god’s eye blinding to behold, always watching over all creation and life.

    Each day the world sees the Kemetic sun god Ra conquering the god of the dead, darkness, and all oppose the god of light and life.

    Ra had two children, the god Shu, sunlight and dry air-space, goddess Tefnut, moisture in the air, and time flow. Shu and Tefnut became the atmosphere. Shu and Tefnut had twins, the god Geb, Earth, and the goddess Nut, Sky. Geb and Nut intertwined themselves in lovers’ embrace, copulating with no separation between

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