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Awakening Within the Dream
Awakening Within the Dream
Awakening Within the Dream
Ebook137 pages6 hours

Awakening Within the Dream

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We are as ghosts, dwelling in this earthly realm in a lowly state of consciousness. We endure this nightmare of illusory slumber, yet we do no fully realize that we are dreaming. Just as ghosts are often unaware of their demise and stay in a dimension where they do not belong, we too seem content to stay within the realm of nightmares and horror, unable to find our way out. We have been born into a world that isn't real. We've been fed lies through religion's betrayal. We were never meant to be here, but there is a way to find our path back home. Within these pages is the urgency of Spiritual Remembrance. It is told through the lens of a darkened perception, so that many will embrace its comfort; for pain and suffering are so familiar to us. Through the darkness is the Light of our true Spiritual identity, long forgotten - yet awaiting our resurrection back to Unity.
Release dateMay 17, 2015
Awakening Within the Dream

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    Awakening Within the Dream - Lori Vuckovich

    Awakening Within the Dream

    Awakening Within The Dream

    May we Awaken from our Sleeping Death.

    1. Thoughts

    In this dark world, we are all looking for someone to relate to. Well, maybe you can hang out with me in the pages of this book.

    I have been to the darkest depths of hell and yet the Sacred flame within me stayed lit. It helped to guide me out of the black abyss of chaos and disorder. It led me towards home and helped me to hear the voice of the Universal Spirit (aka The Holy Spirit, which is our memory of God).

    Throughout most of this book, I felt guided by the Universal / Holy Spirit as to what to say and when to say it. You can read this book chapter by chapter, or you could skip around and read the contents out of order, for there really is no sequential order. I’d like to share my experiences and insights with you, hoping we can find similar thoughts and further unite in the simplicity of Love.

    More than anything else, I simply hope that this book makes you want to take a look around and see things in a different perception in order to realize where we really are, in this land of material division – absent of Truth. As we become aware, we begin to Awaken within the dream. As we begin to Awaken, we are then guided home.

    Lastly, though my writings may seem dark, my full intention comes from true, unconditional Love. I may have written this book in a dark perspective, but this was done intentionally, through my former perception of this world. I want people to wake up and how can I get them to do so unless I grab everyone’s attention.

    2. The Mystical Seeker - My Journey, So Far

    I have already written this book once. It was during a difficult time and I thought I wasn't worthy enough to write it. I constantly questioned my ascension to Spiritual goals and I wondered if I was fully purified in Spirit. Ego had tried to keep me restrained, while feeling timid and inferior. So what came of the first book... well, I tore it up in pieces. Yet something strange happened, as it usually does in my life. All the information in that first book, that I had spent years writing down and taking notes, came flooding right back to me; often faster than I could (re)write it down. All doubts were then gone. If God trusted me enough to want to help others, then I would do so; with all of my heart.

    It is here that I should probably explain about my difficulty with saying the word God. I struggled even to type it out in these pages. This is due to the atrocities that have been committed throughout history in the name of God and because most people’s version of God seems to be different than the God I know. So in these pages, I have used many synonyms for the word God, such as Divine Source, Source, Divinity, Unity, and Oneness. Though to go along with the theme used in A Course in Miracles, I opted to give in and also use the word God here in this book. I just couldn’t publish this book without an explanation of my thoughts and relationship with the word God. I do hope with its use that people will relate to what I’m trying to fully explain (in these writings) more easily.

    I now realize that we all need a starting point. I've grown immensely since my previous attempt at writing and I no longer question my worthiness to compose my thoughts onto paper. I now know it was a test to measure my perseverance. I never stopped in my quest towards Truth (towards God), I merely got sidetracked a bit, as everybody does. It's very easy to get lost in this world of illusions, but what is most important is that we keep trying to find our way out and free ourselves of such disillusionment. The search for God must always continue, until we remember our Sacred identity.

    I am reminded of Jon Peniel as I write this. In his book, The Lost Teachings of Atlantis, The Children of The Law of One, he described how he was going to kill himself, yet was saved by a man who would later become his True Spiritual teacher. Jon Peniel learned that he was very advanced in enlightenment in past lifetimes, yet in this particular incarnation, he felt defeated by the world around him. If he could forget all he was destined to do and how important his work would be to the world, then that is proof of how heavy this material world weighs down upon us. It brings on Spiritual amnesia. Yet instead of fighting for truth and remembrance, sometimes we only have to surrender.

    Furthermore, it doesn't matter where we are on our journey. Each path we're on and each step we take towards higher Spiritual ideals is important. We should feel no guilt if we are not as advanced as we think we should be. We're all in this together. One person cannot advance without the rest of the whole of humanity. We all learn from each other and in that way, each person is a student as well as a teacher. These are roles we should take seriously.

    Now, allow me begin to explain a little bit about myself and how this book came about in the first place. Let me invite you into my little world. May we be guided by each other’s Light in the process.

    When I was two years old, my Mom was driving with me in the car. She said that I asked her if I could go visit my friends up in Heaven. I believe she felt an intuitive sense that I was absolutely serious, which stirred up fear; knowing that the only way that could happen was if I were to die. She also said that I tried bargaining with her by saying, I won’t stay long and I promise to come back. She told me no - that I shouldn't go - and to just stay here. I must have accepted. Though on the way home, down a drastically steep hill, the brakes in the car went out. Yet, we didn't crash and were not harmed at all, at least not physically. Anyone would be shaken up over that incident. But looking back, I know someone or something must have been protecting us. It's also interesting to note that I never talked about Heaven before this.

    I was never forced into religion or Spirituality by my parents. Yet at three years old, I became captivated by this traveling Sunday school. Every week, they would gather the kids in my neighborhood and we'd all sit together, listening to stories of Jesus. I felt intensely drawn to the message they wanted to get across. Interestingly enough, I felt like they were talking about one of my best friends. The conversations and teachings seemed so natural. I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. The lessons we learned even gave me a sense of empowerment and I knew it was my right to be there. I felt an immediate belonging.

    Now, of course all the kids weren't into the teachings as much as I was. Maybe some of them had trouble sitting still and others, obviously, were prone to getting into mischief. Though for me, I was content just to listen to endless hours of Spiritual teachings. The gatherings probably only lasted a half an hour, but it never seemed like enough time to me. It felt like such a cosmic experience.

    I'm sure the group wanted to instill morals into us, if nothing else, and they taught about how much Jesus loved us. Yet I felt that there were many other things that were missing from these Spiritual discussions. Looking back, I see that this was probably the starting point for my quest towards Truth; to find the Sacred teachings that weren't being openly discussed.

    Even at a young age, I was strongly established in my Spiritual beliefs and I knew they held purpose, but I felt that the teachings of mainstream Christianity greatly differed from the Spiritual teachings that Jesus meant to convey. In many ways, I felt that churches didn’t truly offer what they needed to give and thus were misleading people down a path of diversion. What was more upsetting to me was that everyone else just went along with it, without question; obeying what was set before them - even if it wasn't true. I wanted to change things, to truly help others find those missing Spiritual components that were essential to our Immortal salvation.

    Around the age of four, I could no longer willingly say the prayer, Now I lay me down to sleep. It gave me anxiety (yes, even as a child). The prayer did not give me any sense of comfort, but rather filled me with dread. It reminded me of death and mortality, nothing of God or Truth. Even back then, I sensed an implication of duality, instead of Oneness. Intuitively, I felt that the prayer was wrong, or at least inappropriate. For me, it was going against the true plan of God. It only validated separation, instead of ascending above the lies that society has brainwashed us to believe. For me, the prayer implied that not everyone goes to Heaven. If you have to pray to God to take your soul when you die, then what does that say of Him? Doesn’t He care about all of us?

    Traditional religious practice and customs were already suffocating the breath of out me. I felt the need to question everything, even as a child. I had to stand up for what I believed in. Such events that happened throughout my life led me to where

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