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One Too Many
One Too Many
One Too Many
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One Too Many

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Theirs was the perfect relationship. They were adventurous and thrived on their spontaneous and healthy bedroom antics. Life was absolute bliss. Until he appointed a new staff member. For three months Pam endured the pains of a bad influence. They were literally pains. Dennis was slowly changing in to a monster. He became aggressive and violent and took everything out on Pam. His stop in at the local pub became more and more frequent. She came to dread those words ‘a quick one down at the pub’. He could handle any amount of alcohol but shooters affected him. Eventually Pam had had enough. She didn’t want to become an abused wife. She kept forgiving and forgiving. The time came when she knew her life was in danger. Dennis came home in a state and she knew she would have to defend herself. She grabbed her keys and made her great escape. Only to land up in the most gruesome accident of all time. Dennis was heartbroken. Is that what one more led to? What was in store for him?
Release dateMay 25, 2014
One Too Many

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    Book preview

    One Too Many - A. N. Drew

    One Too Many



    A. N. DREW

    Published by

    A. N. DREW


    Copyright © 2014 A. N. DREW

    ISBN 978-1-312-22194-9

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people.  If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.  If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy.  Your support and respect for the property of this author is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or locations is purely coincidental.  The characters are a production of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

    *e*r *o *t *i *c*a*


    * e*r *o *t *i *c*a*


    I shouldn’t be too late.  The new chap started today.  So it is a quick stop in at the pub and I will be home.

    No need to rush.  I know you don’t really like doing this.

    One way of him getting to know the team.  I guess.  Away from work.  It does make a difference.  Besides, I need to finish that cabinet.  I am going to give it the final coat this evening and once that is dry we can move it in to the lounge.  I will ask James to come over and help me move it when it is done.

    I can help.

    I know you can.  But I don’t want you getting hurt.

    Oh Dennis.  Dennis chuckled.

    See you later sweetheart.

    See you later.  Dennis put the phone down and smiled.  He had fallen in love with Pam when they were at school.  There had never been another woman in his life.  She meant the world to him.  After so many years he still felt the same.  He seemed to fall in love with her more each day if it were possible.

    Pam smiled as she got up from the couch.  She walked over to her workroom and sat down in front of her sewing machine.  She loved sitting sewing and had turned it in to a fruitful little business.  She made quilts which were sold at the flea market.  She supplied the quilts to a friend who had a market stall.  It was a little extra pocket money.  Not that they needed the money.  Dennis had a flourishing business which they had set up together years ago.  Pam had helped with everything and was a dormant partner with equal shares.  Dennis didn’t want her to work.  He wanted her to be at home with the children.

    Pam sat in front of the sewing machine and smiled.  Thinking about what Dennis had achieved with their company over the years.  She hadn’t set out to work.  And they were still waiting on their little family that they so looked forward to.  Pam shook her head as she thought about those children.  They had never arrived.  They had a very lively relationship in the bedroom but she had never fallen pregnant.  Neither Dennis nor herself worried about it really.  They were still young enough if it did happen.  Pam sighed as she sewed.  A little family would be nice though.

    Pam sat for hours.  The house was clean.  She had a set routine.  Different things on different days.  She tidied every day but certain things had their days.  Pam was like that.  She preferred a set routine.  She liked to plan things.  Dennis was much the same.  They weren’t rigid but preferred order.

    It was almost time to leave the office.  Dennis dialed Pam.

    I am on my way now.  The chaps are all meeting at the pub.  I am going to stop in for a quick drink and I will see you a little later.

    And I have made your favorite.  Curry.  Dennis chuckled as he spoke.

    With the chopped up onion and tomato stuff.  Pam grinned and nodded as she spoke.

    Yes that too.  Sambals.

    Well.  I will be as quick as I can.  Pam.  I love you.

    Oh Dennis.  I love you.  Enjoy your drink.

    Not really looking forward to this.

    Well it is something you have to do.  Dennis sighed.

    I know.

    We will eat when you get home.

    Leaving right now.  Love you.

    Love you.  Dennis smiled as he put the phone down and stood up.  He picked up his briefcase and walked out of the office.  It was already quiet as he walked down the passage.  He hopped in the van and drove over to the pub.  It was almost as if he was reluctant to be with the men.  He far preferred to be at home with Pam.

    Dennis walked in to the pub and looked around.  His entire team was standing around laughing and drinking.  Walter walked over and grinned.

    What will you have?

    Single brandy.  Coke Zero.  Walter soon walked back with his drink.  Dennis took his drink and had a sip.  He didn’t enjoy drinking.  But it was refreshing for a change.

    They all moved to a table and sat down.  The discussions started.  Bruce, the new chap, was very loud and boisterous.  He was already a part of the team.  The life and soul of the party.  He kept on moving closer and closer to Dennis until he sat right next to him.  Touching his shoulder every now and then.  Touching his arm.  Just a little too chummy for Dennis’ liking.  The drinks seemed to flow.  The more they flowed the more Bruce touched Dennis.  Dennis was starting to get rather annoyed.  Every time Dennis looked down there was another drink.  Which led to shooters.  Dennis had already had far too much to drink.  It was very late.  He got up and focused on the door.  He made his way to the van.  He couldn’t even remember greeting anyone.  He couldn’t remember anything.  He climbed in to the van and drove straight home.

    Pam sat in the lounge waiting and waiting.  She had finished her sewing for the day.  She knitted and knitted.  The speed of the needles moving faster and faster as the time ticked by.  She hadn’t even heard from Dennis.  She would let it ride.  He was probably in need of a good night out with the men.  She kept thinking positive thoughts.  But as the evening went by she grew a little annoyed.  The negative little thoughts kept on popping up.

    She looked up as Dennis opened the door.  Pam was relieved to see him arrive.  She stared at him as he walked in and slammed the door.  He could hardly stand he was so sloshed.  Pam stared.  It was the first time she had seen him in such a state.  He took his briefcase and threw it at her.  Pam was caught unaware and it hit her shoulder and flew in the air and landed on the floor.  She winced and held her shoulder.  Dennis burst in to laughter as he looked at her.  He roared with laughter as he walked down the passage.  Pam stood in shock in the middle of the lounge.  Her shoulder ached.  It was suddenly quiet.  Pam walked down the passage and looked at Dennis who had passed out.  He was sprawled out on the bed.  She turned around in disgust and walked to the passage cupboard and took a spare duvet.  She put it straight back.  She walked in to the bedroom and took her pajamas from the cupboard.  She changed and walked through to the spare room and hopped straight in to bed.

    Pam lay staring at the ceiling for hours.  Her shoulder was throbbing.  She soon got up and took pain killers.  The throb was turning in to a dull and permanent ache.  She hopped back in to bed and went straight to sleep.

    Dennis woke up and looked around.  He heard the alarm going off.  Pam walked through and put his cup of coffee down on the bedside cabinet.

    Morning.  I hope you had a good evening.  Dennis looked at Pam.

    I’m sorry.  It turned out to be quite a night.  The entire team was there.  Every time I looked there was another drink.  I was the first to leave.  Pam nodded and smiled.  Dennis slowly sat up and took his coffee.

    I’m sorry.  Pam sat down on the bed.

    I don’t mind you going out.  You know that.  But if you are going to be late give me a call.  I worried.  I didn’t know what to do.  Dennis nodded and smiled and put his hand on her thigh.

    I’m sorry my angel.  Pam nodded.

    Shower?  Pam nodded and smiled.  They finished their coffee and both walked through to the bathroom.  Dennis stepped out of his clothes and hopped in to the shower.  Pam followed shortly.  He smiled as she took the sponge and washed his back.  He washed his hair and turned around.

    Pam!  He looked at her shoulder.  There was such a big bruise.

    What happened?

    When you threw your briefcase it hit me.  Dennis pulled her in to his arms.

    I threw my briefcase?  When?  Pam nodded.

    At you?  Pam nodded and the tears trickled down her cheeks.  Dennis held her in his arms.

    I’m sorry.  I am sorry.

    You don’t remember.

    No.  Pam nodded.  They finished their shower and Dennis carried her through to the bedroom.  He lay her down and made love to her.  They both smiled when they got up.  Mornings were their thing.  But so were the evenings and any other time of the day.

    Dennis dressed in his suit and walked through to the kitchen.  He looked at his breakfast and grinned.

    Now that is exactly what I need.  Pam chuckled and nodded and sat down.

    How are you feeling?

    Very rough.  A bit of a headache.  Pam got up and fetched the headache tablets and handed them to Dennis.

    And how is the new chap going to fit in?

    I think he will be fine.  Bruce Walker.  He knows everyone in the field.  It seems.  Maybe that is a bonus.

    Well I am glad you have finally found someone.  Dennis nodded.

    Single guy.  My age or just a bit younger.  Pam nodded.

    But he has a steady girlfriend.  Pam nodded.  She wondered what they actually discussed throughout the evening.

    I heard him saying that to Gregg.  We discussed work the whole evening.  Rather strange.  It was as if Bruce was trying to pump the guys for information.

    In what way?

    Oh I don’t know.  Names of people.  Who they were dealing with.  That kind of thing.

    Are you having second thoughts about him?

    No.  He comes with all the degrees and the right qualifications.  I guess I am not really used to that kind of thing though.  I like to keep the discussions in the office.

    Well maybe he will settle down.

    I am sure he will.

    Dennis smiled and nodded as he finished his breakfast.

    That was divine.  He took Pam’s hand in to his and looked in to her eyes.

    I am sorry about last night.  I am sorry I hurt you.  I love you Pam.  I would never hurt you intentionally.  He leaned over and kissed her and pulled her closer.

    What are you doing today?

    A load of washing.  Get that on the line.  A spot of ironing.  Just a few little things.  And then I am going to finish the quilt that I am busy with.

    You churn out some real lovelies.

    I have all the time in the world.

    I missed my curry.

    Oh it will keep.

    Tonight?  Pam chuckled and nodded.

    They both got up.  Dennis looked at his briefcase that lay to the side of the lounge.  He walked over and picked it up.  He literally groaned.  He had packed books in to his briefcase and it weighed a ton.  He took it over to the kitchen and opened it.  He took out his empty lunch box and Pam handed him the new one.

    I brought my books home.  I wanted to go through them.  Time for us to start planting.  Pam chuckled and nodded.

    I can’t wait.  Dennis grinned and nodded and took the books out of his briefcase and put them on the table.  He closed his briefcase and picked the books up and walked over to the bookshelf and put them back where they belonged.  They had been reading up on vegetables.  Dennis and Pam didn’t just do things.  They did the research first.

    He smiled as he walked back to the kitchen.  He pulled Pam in to his arms and stood holding her.

    I love you.

    Love you.  Pam looked up and smiled.

    Have a really good day.  Seeing a new client today.

    And I am rather excited.  That is going to be a big project.

    And you will get it.

    I had better.  He grinned as he leaned down and kissed Pam.

    See you later.

    See you later.  Dennis smiled as he walked out of the house. 

    It was a busy day for Pam.  The washing was done.  Her quilt was finished.  She had to buy a few new fabrics to start her next quilt.  She sat down with her cup of coffee.  She smiled as the phone rang.

    Hey gorgeous!

    Oh you sound as if you swung the job.

    I did.  Signed and sealed.  Now to set up the project plan.  Or rather go through it.  And then thrash it out and get things going.

    That is the exciting bit.  Dennis chuckled.

    How was your morning?

    I finished the quilt.  The washing is done.  Ironed and packed away.  Luckily enough I did it early.  The rain clouds are building up.

    I saw that.  Almost time to light that fire.

    Any excuse and you want to light that fire.  Dennis chuckled.

    I am going to nip out and go and buy a few more fabrics.

    I can meet you for a cup of coffee.

    That will be nice.  Meet you in half an hour?

    See you there.  Love you.

    Love you.

    Pam smiled as she put the phone down and walked through to the bedroom.  She brushed her hair and freshened her make-up.  Pam always looked her best.  She liked to think that Dennis could be proud of her.  Pam soon left the house and made her way over to the mall in her little run about.

    Dennis smiled as Pam walked up to him.  Whenever they met he always stood at the door and waited.  His eyes would brighten and shine and his smile would widen.  He was always so happy to see her.  He pulled her in to his arms and kissed her.  Passersby always smiled as they saw them kissing and cuddling.  Dennis and Pam were both very affectionate with each other.

    Right.  A nice cup of coffee.  Pam chuckled.

    So the meeting went well.

    It did.  I have them brainstorming at the moment.  I don’t want to get involved in that side of things.  Pam nodded.

    How are they all feeling today?

    Not well.  The office is rather quiet.  I woke up with a humdinger of a headache.  But after breakfast I felt a whole lot better.  Dennis held her hand as they sat down.

    I won’t do that again.  I can’t even remember getting home.  I can’t remember hurting you.

    Oh Dennis.  Dennis nodded.

    I feel awful.

    Let it go. 

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