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Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God
Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God
Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God
Ebook217 pages1 hour

Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God

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This is the story of 3 generations of women in my family; women walking with God. The story-line is based on facts, but purposely omits many details of the lives of the characters. It has been written this way so as not to get bogged down in details; and so the reader can read between the lines of the story...can virtually replace the photos with those from their own life's story, or that of a friend or relative. The book is only unique in the specifics, not in the generalities of how God works in the lives of His children. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. How one sees Him working in the lives of the characters in this book, is the same way He can work in the life of the Reader. An alternate title could have been: Everything in My Life Seemed to Be Going Wrong...But God! This saga is told from the 3rd person perspective of a wise, old Aunt telling a story to a group of young women preparing for marriage.
Release dateNov 29, 2017
Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God

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    Walk Down the Aisle - Paula Ann Groetzinger Reid

    Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking With God

    Walk Down the Aisle:

    Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of

    Women Walking With God

    Second Edition

    Paula Ann Groetzinger Reid

    Editors:  Tim Reid, Robert H. Reid, Megan M. Darrah

    Photo Contributions: Tim Reid and Jennifer Han


    Walk Down the Aisle: Wedding Stories of 3 Generations of Women Walking with God, Second Edition

    Copyright © 2017 Paula Ann Groetzinger Reid

    All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher; except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    ISBN 978-1-387-38023-7

    First Printing: 2017


    This book was written at the age of 55, while struggling with rapidly progressing, Early-Onset Parkinson's Disease. Instead of going on worldwide mission trips with my husband of nearly 30 years, I wave goodbye to him as he travels alone--leaving me with many hours companionless. Because I am not normally a thinker, the many hours alone never caused much thought processing. I spend a lot of time working in my gardens; the only activity that makes my Parkinson medication last longer. Remarkably, upon my return from Guatemala, God gave me the desire to record my history, thoughts, and memories before I lose them. Then, He blessed me with the mental clarity to be able to put thoughts to paper; not only for the benefit of my family, but also for me. So, I wrote and published a book, in just 6 weeks. But then, my friend found a typo on the back cover of the book; and I am so very thankful! It pushed me to write a second edition, just to correct the errors. God continued to bring back memories, and have me struggle through writing about past pain. While digging up old photos, my husband and I had many laughs over child-rearing memories--and tears over memories of losses. It has strengthened our relationship; and I am grateful. In the end, this Second Edition of Walk Down the Aisle includes so much more of God’s grace and glory! As my disease advances, I can go back and review God's faithfulness in my life, and be blessed by it.

    So, I apologize in advance for any facts that are not quite right; or memories that have been distorted by the years and my disease. Creation of this book has been an exciting journey, filled with both laughter and tears. And I would like to dedicate it:

    To my loving husband, who has been living this story with me for nigh on 30 years:

    Thank you for encouraging me to write this story, when I suddenly got the notion upon our return from Guatemala. Thank you for living with the filth of the house, and eating Mac-N-Cheese night after night while I had the Creativity Bug. Thank you for acting as an Editor; even when you had a thousand other things you needed to be doing. And thank you, most of all for loving me despite Parkinson’s Disease, and all the baggage that comes with it.

    To my mother, the Grandmother in this story:

    Thank you for being the Prayer Warrior for me; not only during our trip to Guatemala, but throughout my life. I believe that this book is a blessing from God, a direct result of your prayers. And I pray that your life story will serve as an example and encouragement for others, in their walk with God.

    To my daughter and son-in-law; the Granddaughter and Musician in this story:

    Thank you for the blessing of watching the union of two people who love the Lord, and each other, so fiercely. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to bring the Gospel of Christ to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth. (Acts 1:8) May God bless you with a long and joyful marriage; blessing you and making you a blessing to others.

    To my son, the best IT guy and Editor in the world:

    Thank you for the wonderful pictures to work with; and for keeping all my computer stuff working while I wrote the book. Thank you for setting it up so that you would get notified of crazy things I had done to the computer, and be able to fix them instantaneously—long distance. Thank you for your editing recommendations; and thank you for being a Grammar Wizard! You are a blessing to me in so many ways.

    To my third editor, one of the neighborhood children God has blessed me with:

    Thank you for all the help you have given me, and the blessing that you are to me. As I watch you grow in stature, I see you grow in the Lord. And what a joy that is! Thank you for helping me proof this book; and listening to me read it out loud. May it be a blessing to you.

    To our new housemate, our blessing from God, and sister in the Lord:

    Thank you for your servant attitude, as you pick up after my husband and me; cleaning the messes we leave behind. I can not describe the thankfulness I feel to enter a kitchen I know I left a mess, and find everything clean. Thank you for your companionship, when we sit and talk for hours. Thank you for your nursing knowledge and advice. And thank you for your friendship.


    The story-line is factual, biographical; but purposefully omits many details of the lives of the characters. It has been written this way to keep from getting bogged down in the details of our lives. The author wants the reader to read between the lines of the story; get deeper into the story—live it with the author. Cry with her, laugh with her, pray with her, and get to know her Lord and Savior. Her hope is that the reader can virtually replace the photos with those from their own life's story, or that of a friend or relative. She prays that readers will find hope for their own lives; and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    This book is only unique in the specifics; not in the generalities of how God works in the lives of His children. Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. How He works in the lives of the characters in this story, is the same way He is willing and able to work in the life of the Reader. As the writer struggled through the difficult times in her life, the courage to face each day came from God. John 14:19 reads: Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. Her theme song was, Because He Lives. Many a day, the only reason she could face another day, was because her Savior LIVES!

    An alternate title for this book could have been: Everything in My Life Seemed to Be Going Wrong--But God!

    The "But God" comes from a sermon the author once heard preached about the book of Psalms. David writes honestly about how he feels; and God calls David a man after God’s own heart. In many of the Psalms, he rants and raves about his situation. He complains to God. Then, every single time, David’s negatives are followed by "But God," and a description of His glory, or holiness, or sovereignty, or rescue of David. Check it out for yourself; read the book of Psalms, looking for the "But God." It is a revealing study of scripture.

    This saga is written in third person, as if a wise, old Aunt were telling a story to a group of young women preparing for marriage. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the story her life, the lives of the generations before and after, and how the 3 parallel each other and intertwine. But God

    Because He Lives

    By Kristin Chenoweth

    God sent His son, they called Him Jesus

    He came to love, heal and forgive

    He lived and died to buy my pardon

    An empty grave is there to prove my savior lives.


    Because He lives, I can face tomorrow

    Because He lives, all fear is gone

    Because I know He holds the future

    And life is worth the living, just because He lives.

    How sweet to hold a newborn baby

    And feel the pride and joy He gives

    But greater still the calm assurance

    This child can face uncertain day, because He lives.


    And then one day, I'll cross the river

    I'll fight life's final war with pain

    And then, as death gives way to victory

    I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He reigns.


    Songwriters: Gloria Gaither / William J. Gaither

    Because He Lives lyrics © Capitol Christian Music Group

    Now for the story behind Because He Lives

    as Gloria told it to me in one of several interviews. In the late 1960s, while expecting their third child, the Gaithers were going through a rather traumatic time in their lives. Bill was recovering from a bout with mononucleosis. It was a special period of anxiety and mental anguish for Gloria. The thought of bringing another child into this world, with all of the craziness," was taking its toll on her.

    On New Year’s Eve, she was sitting in their living room, in agony and fear. The educational system was being infiltrated with the God is dead idea, while drug abuse and racial tensions were increasing. Then suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, she was filled with a gentle, calming peace. It was as if her heavenly Father, like an attentive mother bending over her baby, saw his child and came to her rescue. The panic gave way to calmness and an assurance that only the Lord can impart. She was assured that the future would be just fine, left in God’s hands.

    Shortly after the baby was born, both Bill and Gloria remembered that the power of the blessed Holy Spirit seemed to come to their aid. Christ’s resurrection, in all of its power and affirmation in their lives, revitalized their thinking. To Gloria, it was life conquering death in their daily activities. Joy once again dominated the fearful circumstances of the day.

    Those events gave rise to one of the most famous Christian songs of our time,

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